What It’s Like To Struggle With Anorexia

What It’s Like To Struggle With Anorexia


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@minjinluvsu - 27.11.2023 12:03

im anorexic , i suffer it from 2019 to 2023 . whenever i eat , ill look at the calories , if its just over 100 calories i wont even try touching that food again . i always reminded myself that if i eat ill become someone i woudnt like , so infact , "pretty girls dont eat" is true for me. i havent recovered yet because i just cant ....

@artistrankings6794 - 15.11.2023 04:36

does anybody know how i can contact these people. I know this is going to fall on deaf ears but I'm writing a song about anorexia and I want to use some of these people's lines as a sample in the bridge section.

@richabisht7309 - 13.10.2023 07:46

the digestion support of planet ayurveda helps to improve digestion and metabolism of the body

@littlebodybigheart2837 - 05.07.2023 21:43

Checking the calories of food every time before/after eating and calculating by how many calories my total calorie consumption would increase seemed like it was normal at first but eventually became compulsive.

@puppersissage8640 - 31.05.2023 15:20

im anorexic and it makes me happy when people notice my weight loss, it makes me feel like the hard work and pain and suffering and starving is worth it

@puppersissage8640 - 31.05.2023 15:20

im anorexic and it makes me happy when people notice my weight loss, it makes me feel like the hard work and pain and suffering and starving is worth it

@keumalacmhl8574 - 28.05.2023 04:10

I did think that anorexia was not a real disorder until the doctor diagnosd my cousin

@army_foreverg3713 - 17.03.2023 05:19

I had Anorexia when I was 12 to 14. I was 5'6 "at 85 pounds, and i am a dancer. I wanted to be tiny, and I thought being tiny would solve everything. I would be happy I could do all the things I love and look great doing it. Well, I was wrong. I liked the way I looked, but I was always angry, hungry, cold, and never had the energy to do anything. The pool was way too cold to swim in into the middle of a summer day. After passing out and having no color on me, I finally realized I had to eat. I don't have anorexia anymore. I still struggle with eating sometimes. But I'll get there one day 😁

@liamarmer1253 - 12.02.2023 23:44

“I’m anorexic. I hate myself with a passion. The only Time I eat is when I’m going drinking because being drunk is the only thing that takes away the pain” honestly hits so hard.😢 I’ve always been insecure but lately I’ve stopped eating it’s the only thing that makes me feel alive I don’t know how much longer I can carry on though 😢

@patriciamartin6756 - 04.12.2022 02:12

My LTR is an Anorexic. He had been thru foster care, served in Bosnia and lost his wife. He has PTSD, panic attacks. He is 50 pounds underweight. I can see every muscle and bone in every part of his body. He has a buzz cut and tattoos, so he looks like a survivor of a concentration camp. We met 3 years ago. When I first met him, it was supposed to be for a random date. After thr date, I called him up to see him.agsin and found out he was losing his job, his apartment and was very sick. He asked me to move in so.we could split expenses. I moved in 7 days after we met and was appalled to find out he was only eating 3 times a week. If you can call it that. The refrigerator was empty. First thing I did was load the refrigerator with food. He was very anxious and never thought about food. His idea of nutrition was prescription Zanax washed down with Vodka. At this point, he weighed about 120 pounds. That isn't much for a man that is 6 feet tall. He still puts up a resistance to food. I was determined to win this battle. His organs were failing, he had an overactive thyroid and trouble swallowing. He was in thr hospital and found to be deficient in every vitamin and mineral in his body. I never Nad him or try to get him to eat. I usually cook huge meals. I never offer him any but I load my plate and sit next to him, and start eating. After a while, he will get hungry and ask for food. My family is Italian so the food I cook is fattening. If we're out, I always carry snacks for him. He has put on 30 pounds. I knew I was battling his anorexia but I was determined to win! The last two months, I started him going to a buffett restaurant. At first he didn't want it but last couple of times, he ate two plates of food and ate more that evening. I hate anorexia. I had it in high school when I starved myself and threw up to lose weight. The media glamorize being thin. This is bull. Nothing is more important than health

@revachawla8812 - 28.08.2022 21:17

can u be anorexic if u manage to eat. I can eat front of parents although i don't like it. my body can take it but my throat feels like it's gonna puke the moment i eat smtg, but i don't. The thought of food makes me disgusted, even the food i once loved

@madelynwoida2218 - 03.03.2022 17:06

2022 “ i cry everytime my mom compliments me on weightloss” while I feel like I’m in first time aware.

@charliewenny2024 - 13.12.2021 16:56

I went out of anorexia a while ago but I can feel myself urging towards it again. I just feel so uncomfortable in my body and I feel like not eating is the only way to deal with it

@bellella_6926 - 31.05.2021 22:38

It's so lonely

@soniczforever5470 - 24.01.2021 21:30

I feel tight clothing does it. Its wrong. I will not buy brands that cut sizes that would be at home on someone around 10. The numbered sizing has to go. I saw it hit a new low the other day. Im 7 stone 4. This wasn't right. I slimmed some of my features for my own reasons but some of the cuts would mean id be a stone lighter. I hope this was a wrong size an underweight arm is 9.25 inches this was skintight. . Also description on clothing embarrasss everyone why not just 35-36 inches rather than values they imply things. This isn't in the mens section as much. Its needs to go altogether. If I had a little girl I would not allow her shop in these stores. The narrower you are the harder it is to move. Its not worth it.

@kickster4u - 31.08.2020 12:48

See I’m different I struggle with a bad case of fat ass.

@airianmaepableo7209 - 15.08.2020 20:12

But I want to be skinny I hate calories :(

@mikantsumiki2564 - 20.07.2020 10:54

I finally recovered :))

@jasminej9286 - 28.06.2020 14:34

This whole video is AN AD. Pull your head out, Buzz feed.

@tablelegz - 28.05.2020 13:37

I’ve been anorexic since I’ve been a child I remember being called a twig, chopstick, and a stick so much that I started marking jokes about myself to make it seem like it wouldn’t hurt me. People would grab my arm and say look I can wrap my whole hand around your arm. So many people do that and it’s embarrassing, I let myself starve I hear my stomach begging for food yet I chose not to feed myself. It’s a struggle I’ve never been a normal weight in my life. If anyone can give me some weight gaining tips that would be helpful.

@theforeverfriends7094 - 17.05.2020 08:04

Why do people comparing themselves with others. “Be yourself everyone else is taken”

@ghost_myth - 12.05.2020 12:47

😢😢😢 Jaden animations get through all This 😯😯🙁

@marissa_w7 - 10.05.2020 02:12

i cant stop.

@amaliarusciano6212 - 06.05.2020 00:41

I have anorexia nervous 😕and I relate to this so much

@robijuli236 - 27.04.2020 02:50

“Send me to recovery” 😅

@jessicatevnan3137 - 23.04.2020 06:36

If you drink to mask the pain of anorexia and only eat when you're drunk, guess what. You're imbibing thousands of calories. Please stop posing ✋

@johnsmith9730 - 13.04.2020 19:39

I have the cure for Anorexia. Marijuana

@happyboy6405 - 08.04.2020 10:00

I'm anorexic but overweight my fiance calls me chubby it hurts so much

@TortugitaDelMar - 18.03.2020 20:56

Privileged asf 😂

@Padillatortilla - 18.02.2020 16:58

No one:

@hydebordercollie5620 - 17.02.2020 22:59

My family doesn’t know I’m anorexic. If they find out I think they’re going to send me back to the hospital

@saff1257 - 18.01.2020 05:56

i said i was on a liquid diet to anyone who asked.
actually i just drank 0cal tea, water and lemonade and ate nothing.

@aubreyadkins214 - 06.01.2020 12:51

One of the worst parts is when you get dizzy and sick 😷🥺 also with chest pain and you can’t sleep and bad breath

@madzaz1822 - 06.01.2020 06:51

The story of my life!!!

@Emi-mz2wy - 05.12.2019 14:28

Bro i wanna gain weight but i dont know how.its so difficult for me!I would rather be like a pig bc of every comments that i get every day like:OMG UR SO SKINNY!I WANNA BE LIKE YOU!UMM YOU SHOULD GAIN WEIGHT!DO YOU EAT?

for everyone that says this to me:i know yall are jealous bc u wanna be skinny but i don't wanna be skinny anymore!any tips?!

@adhirajpandey3750 - 08.11.2019 06:49

I'm a anorexic. It's soo difficult to live with it. I want to recover. 😣😣😣😣😣

@Creativedork32 - 29.08.2019 18:31

I’m glad they showed normal weight people, because there’s no look to an ED

@inesglavan7081 - 29.08.2019 00:17

Im Ines and I have anorexia

@elzbietavine7786 - 24.08.2019 14:53

Get noob

@elzbietavine7786 - 24.08.2019 14:52

Hi guys

@icymoon4169 - 15.08.2019 16:11

So do anorexic people reach their goal weight or?

@hammyhammy1180 - 13.08.2019 02:04

Hi, I’m Jack and here’s how became anorexic. Ok so I was born with cystic fibrosis. I couldn’t eat solids until I was about 8 years old. So that affected my weight, and I couldn’t gain any weight. So now 13 I’m only about 50 pounds.

@jagrajsingh6494 - 02.08.2019 14:24

I was underweight from my
childhood. But now I am 25 and I was very tensed about my weight. I took
various allopathic products, but the improvement was until in their continuing.
One day my friend told me about Planet Ayurved, I searched for it and ordered
medicine for anorexia nervosa, which contains Sanjivani vati, Digestion
support, etc. Now I look very healthy and beautiful and my weight is also

@moonjae-in8464 - 31.07.2019 14:02

She fat

@jessthemsy7916 - 28.07.2019 21:23

Im glad that you had men narrate in this video too.

@iwanttosleep8494 - 26.07.2019 13:13

My mom told me to only eat 1 meal a day because I need to lose weight and she doesn’t know I have anorexia

@reaganlewis3127 - 24.07.2019 19:38

I’ve only recently started to be concerned and obsessed with my weight. I’m 15, 5’5 and have already lost 10 pounds since I started. I’m down to 105 and my biggest worry is making my parents worry. I want them to think that I’m okay but the hardest part is them trying to get me to eat. I don’t know what to do at this point...

@mutlufarewww - 22.07.2019 02:00

Anorexia is not body disorder okaayy it's mind disorder you could be normal weight even though you're anorexic

@nour2809 - 22.07.2019 01:39

Guess what I was happy at first ppl we're telling me u lost weight and congratulating me but now ppl are like your like a stick your getting to skinny you need to eat my mom is recognizing my anorexia I heard her talking so today I ate infront of her and I ate a lot so I basically binged infront of her so she would see me eating and forget about the things in her head and now I'm feeling super guilty and disgusted with myself for eating after a binge for me it gets hard to get back on track
