Sec Of State Antony Blinken Faces Wrath Of Congressional Republicans Over Afghanistan | FULL HEARING

Sec Of State Antony Blinken Faces Wrath Of Congressional Republicans Over Afghanistan | FULL HEARING

Forbes Breaking News

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@rottentacocheese - 17.09.2021 05:02

the presiets, withdrawrawl, idivisuuls, bangrum. english, do you speak it?

@Ircar47 - 17.09.2021 05:06

woh-woh ...The price of ticket from Kabul to USA ~1000,the cheapest one way around 700-800 ,assistance for ticket PURCHASING is not equal to evacuation,Blinken would insist on not enough money ,to leave few billions of USD in cash , in abandoned Strongest Military Air base -we can afford - to evacuate Americans who mostly working abroad ,mostly by Governments they have to pay ,,,
...if he see and was informed about Taliban strong holds -why he and pentagon let Taliban to advance on other provinces - after they took Kandahar -it wasn't enough warnings ??? Then what their intelligence good for ? Previous administration said we have to withdraw -smartly ,our NATO allies was aware and disassemble their biggest military base in a year-long period -took everything to the nail on barrack wall - by installing Biden in charge - Pentagon and power hungry democrats did everything to assure -they can do as they pleased.Lets Money Rained ! As Biden can't be even remotely coherent ,who is in charge ?? Btw for Milley - lie about POTUS Trump - the President -indeed have executive power ,but CAN NOT declare war without Congress approval - so what about this BS about his worries with nuclear ⚛ strikes , its not a cheap Hollywood movies, General - the real procedure and "red button" include a group of people to even proceed access to it ,its not One-man Band as Milley Dreams . So far according to Blinken - it was previous administrations, he wasn't aware of anything anywhere ,as a part of VP Biden cabinet -he should be aware of Obama /Biden bombing ,my guess this is where Blinken pick up a skill - just drop a bomb 💣 - we decide who the guy was later....So the last administration blame -check , the NATO agreed -so not they too, check, the Americans didn't buy their own tickets - their fall they stock --check , dual citizenship - not my problem - check, Taliban taken over - I watch on TV as everybody else - I've been on vacation , check ...If they did not arrest me yet - they wouldn't now -check, Milley - was so easy Hilary ,Pelosi - the girls always like me - they cover up -check ,the others -Biden, Kirby,few Dems owe me -check...

Thanks for your question Mr Chairman - its give me An opportunity to talk about Afghanistan (book deal ,next yr- check ).Ca- Caw ,ca - caw ,Ca caw...IDEAL BLUE FALCON - the best example we ever have !

@brenhall529 - 17.09.2021 05:17

Had Military stayed to evacuate our people and others this would have never happened!!
Obama released 5 of Elkada(sp) top dude's that swore they'd never return to the battle field! Guess who is now TALIBAN Leader's... Yup those 5 hideous loser's who killed thousands of our American Citizens on 9/11¡
👍 WTG OBiden and Killary Clinton!
Obama had 8 years to get out of Afghanistan.... WHY didn't He??
TRUMP was direct and didn't mince words with Anyone!!
Other Leader's respected and feared his words! Why? Because the world saw it! MOAB bombing of ISIS and Sol Amani were The Example of that! Everyone screamed how come he didn't let everybody know well if you give away your strategic stuff they're already gone by the time we get there Trump was smart he just told them do what you got to do Boom!
Innocent people get killed and that is somewhat tragic but, they're not leaving even though they know it's trouble on horizon!
Casualties of War!! It's inevitable and it's Life! Trump advised what would happen if the plan wasn't followed! None of you Democrats nor Biden was gonna conceed to that well laid out plan especially when Trump was the creator! Degenerate MILLEY, BIDEN AND HARRIS AND PELOSI are so ARROGANT and IGNORANT they'd let THEIR OWN FAMILIES DIE if The Decision NOT to DIE was made by Trump!
HATRED is an EVIL the Democratic party is REALLY GOOD AT!
POLICIES are BAD BAD for the Country... And this Tide better turn or we're ALL SCREWED in this Country! Re Unite... STOP THIS FARCE and DIVISION of the United States!

@estrellapanagos6845 - 17.09.2021 05:28

You all have to demand the release of the Americans and our military ammunition’s that senator is a partisans statement you’re just talking about the decision of the previous statement it was the plan to do it but it was the implementation in May but there should be the continuity of goals and plan just because Pres Trump is gone and not the president any more Prest Biden believed that his administration was ok as they did the evacuation Of the Americans and everything owned by the us military’s infantries what a wrong steps no real plan on the evacuation

@guymontag9577 - 17.09.2021 06:07

Deliberately missing the point.

@nancyemch1669 - 17.09.2021 07:15

What a horrible person

@nancyemch1669 - 17.09.2021 07:16

They did this on purpose

@dannylinc6247 - 17.09.2021 08:52

Making the Taliban great again and lying to us about it. Look how incompetent Democrats are.
Running this guy's mouth changes nothing.
We need our Americans all home and we need that artillery and weapons and tanks recovered or blown up.
If they leave it, it will kill our allies and our people and their helpers.
What will it take to get these traitors out of our govt.?

@michaelbaerg5582 - 17.09.2021 10:58

It sounds like he said trump fulfilled 75% of the agreement and Biden admin failed on the last quarter, too bad trump didn’t hand over the plan to Biden. That being said, I feel that blinken is genuine in his converation to all people of our country and his role as Secretary of State. It seems like he has upstanding morals.

Though I often point my finger at the current dope in charge I do not like the blame game that is thrown back and forth and I wish that there could be more open and public conversations like this. People need to listen wholly to every conversation about our past mistakes and our future endavors. Remove accusatory statements from the conversation, instead offer statements on how to better handle difficult situations and strive to make those processes the forefront of conversation.

Blinken definitely knows how to stroke the ego and speak in a positive manner… are they lies, misleading statements, diversion…perhaps. But, he did promote, accept and respond to all types of questioning. Red eyed, crazed attacks will get our country nowhere.

Don’t succumb to the way of mainstream media rise above the mainstream media lies and become a New America. One that offers “American” as a race that exists.

Overcome misinformation and seek peace.

@eddiecarpenter4588 - 17.09.2021 12:42

Do you think the Chairman kissed Blinkens but enough? Embarrassing, come on man!

@eddiecarpenter4588 - 17.09.2021 12:58

Blinkens defense is pretty good. This is what, why, how, when, and where I did what I did. It like he's saying so what what are you talking about? We got everybody out of Afghanistan what are you talking about? It's pretty smart, it puts everything on Congress and Senate and whoever else is involved to prove he actually did something wrong. Wow, the battle between ideologies now. Each claim moral high ground but who's right and who's wrong?

@johnnyseemore456 - 17.09.2021 14:39

The Republicans have no wrath for the dems they lay in the bed with them. The Newsom recall was a joke, The Republicans forgot or did not care about the fact that the Democrats are in charge of the voting MACHINES AND VOTING PLACES AND WHO WORKS IN THEM

@lahaza6515 - 17.09.2021 14:52

I love how they keep answering with "we did the right thing by not extending the military's time there"
when that's NOT what anyone is asking.
They'll never explain why they didn't do it strategically, and strategy is what we expected; stupidly.

@Michael-ei4ls - 17.09.2021 17:36


@SheBitesUncensored - 17.09.2021 18:54

Blinkin’ idiot! His hanging on the schedule I’m certain.

@brooksfleming7643 - 17.09.2021 23:26

Frustrating. He literally said nothing.

@bpappas5588 - 18.09.2021 00:26

funny how its always trump! he is not the president every thing that happens on the siting party's watch is on them.

@ToBeContinued-cc4pd - 18.09.2021 01:16

What of the miltary equiptment left?
Bliken, Fuh-get-aboutet.
Conclusion, they have access to rags and oil to maintain the weapons. They have motorpools, mechanics, and fuel to maintain the aircraft and ground vehicles. Armor, and fatigues take minimal effort to maintain. They are and do get their ammo, all ammo from somewere.
Can you give us a exact or ballpark figure?
I have no idea exactly how many people are there, that want to come home and/or leave.
Blinken, About 100 are left.
Conclusion, he decided on that number so it sounds less of a cluster-fuck.

Who has their fist up the fools ass?
Blinken, The idiot in charge speaks for himself.
Who has their fist up the fools ass?
Blinken, The idiot in charge speaks for himself.
Who has their fist up the fools ass?
Blinken, The idiot in charge speaks for himself.
Have their been any possible forehead thinkin?
Blinken, We had no such contingency. The former admin, left us with jack and shit.
Conclusion, At this point, one can bet their bottom dollar there are contingency plans for fictional ones such as zombiepoclypse and alien invasion. Bull-fucking-shit.
Senator Mackey is as about useful as a tick in a fruit juice factory. Be sure to hit that feminatzi vote. Asshole.
Thats alot of Uhs Blinken. And gee, why do you instead say all of America, instead of listing every sate? You know blanketing. Are we doing it to prolong to come up with lies?
It does not take a detective to see the BS here he spews out.
Fantasy, This is a big win for us, and our allies think so too.
Reality, We fucked up big time, blame all others but ourselves, our allies now question our competence, dependabilty, and integrity. Our possible enemies are now emboldened.
We have now ourselves negotiated with terrosits behind closed doors and no longer support leave no man behind.

@pamh7407 - 18.09.2021 01:20

The entire administration lies. LIES, LIES, LIES. I know there are all kinds of Republican congress members standing up, and 'holding those accountable'....but we've heard them tout their intensions before (Hillary, bleach bit, Hunter Biden, Bill Clinton - Jeffery Epstein, ETC). The dems aren't worried they know the right is all blow and no go!

@guymontag9577 - 18.09.2021 01:32

Blinken needs to be removed from Earth. Restore the Death Penalty for Treason.

@charleneszabo5314 - 18.09.2021 02:27

A bunch of bull from our secretary of state he and bad news live down our

@ddn488 - 18.09.2021 04:27

President Biden Making the Taliban Great Again!

@user-bms4y2jeio5wli - 18.09.2021 06:31

I feel sorry for this SEC of State. He was chosen by an unable president. Not his fault

@JustinKeyworks1 - 18.09.2021 07:18

Get All Americans Home Now!

@salamisfamagusta2918 - 18.09.2021 11:48

Hypocrisy goes berserk all these congress members taking advantage of the chaos in Afghanistan to enhance their personal statues are the ones that not only this government but repeatedly authorising similar and even worst ones serving the big corporations and the so called security services committing crimes against humanity for years,genocite after genocite and all other evils the humanity of this planet never experienced before have the temerity to tell us how bad this present government is but they don’t tell us that in USA the rulers is never the government .Only fools and brainwashed people can not see that and also can not see that the country is fast sliding fast to the depth of abyss.
These hypocrites never have the morality to tell us that they have to stop invading countries and destroying,killing,torturing and so on.They don’t have the courage to tell us that they have to look after their home and their people that are dying in the streets for lack of medical care,lack of jobs,lack of housing ,increase in crime,thousands of shootings and a plethora of other social problems .Believe it or not been shocked or not the same time the rulers of the country are making masses of profits ,their bank accounts getting fatter and fatter.If the US public do not realise they deserve better then am sorry for them.

@yelloworangered - 19.09.2021 01:19

I feel it is important to listen to these hearings in their entirety, but it sure gets old having to listen to the Democrats make their propaganda speeches.

@brianclark2542 - 19.09.2021 02:12

So they say bad words to him, wow, does anyone else over 50 think this is wrestling?

@pascalgallot4496 - 19.09.2021 14:02

Le meilleur président du 21e siècle le 👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💖💯💖45e💖💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 👍👍👍75 millions qu'ils ont voté pour le 45eme président des États-Unis d'Amérique 👍💖💯💖💯💖💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@pascalgallot4496 - 19.09.2021 14:03

👎👎👎👎👎👎BIDEN le plus mauvais président États-Unis d'Amérique 👎👎👎👎👎👎

@mariarobinson3982 - 19.09.2021 17:19

Biden is a traitor betray Americans after what happen in Afghanistan which a plan he awarded the Taliban 64 million why nobody investagate him by giving the list name to be hostage

@BPI906 - 19.09.2021 22:38

Blinken taking shit for 20 years of bullshit policies. Stone faced as usual. I like him, republicans can't own their shit and try to put blame on him for everything. Most successful airlift in history by the way. Let china play in the terrorist playground see how they deal with it.

@charleswilkins7454 - 20.09.2021 02:56


@June-tb4vi - 20.09.2021 08:06

There are many American hostages being held...he is a filthy liar

@timothykramer2551 - 21.09.2021 03:33

Joe is a lier...

@johnbishop5098 - 21.09.2021 07:08

If no one at the state department or the joint chefs could see that the Taliban had been marching into strategic locations for several months, what good are they. We have video of
Boots on the ground destroying military equipment so that it doesn’t end up in the hands of the Taliban. This is nothing but lies.
We need all the transcripts.

@dirrtyduckk3179 - 28.09.2021 07:08

If you ask me you can see the evil and lack of any caring emotion in this man's eyes. These Dems at this point are messing with the American people. We as a people don't allow that.

@OO-nb2kt - 28.09.2021 16:48

Republicans got us into this war…

@michellewalbey8060 - 07.10.2021 12:09

See what happens when cheaters and liers take over you get this mess NOW IF THE REAL PRESIDENT WAS IN THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AT ALL

@alaskrt - 29.10.2021 14:31

What about the 85 billion dollar’s of weapons this Biden administration gave to the taliban is discracful and yes we let our allies down this administration should be ashamed and then how can he close the door on people that are still stuck
Over there I can’t hold my head up I’m ashamed myself !! Biden should be tried for treason and blinker is a liar !!

@alaskrt - 29.10.2021 14:46

A bunch of third world wiped our ass I think not we should have boned the shit out of them before leaving Afghanistan with the weapons we had there and took all of our weapons and every one including our allies the hell out of there !biden instead at four o’clock in the morning sneaks out of the county leaving our allies and others Biden is apiece of crap !! And he closes the door on the people who are still stuck over there is discracful !!!! And I don’t believe blinks and anything that comes out of his lying face !!

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 06:41

General Milley should have been in Afganistan watching closely and evaluating the withdrawal personally, and not from his cushiony seat at the White House. None of our Generals were there in Afganistan to police the exits.
Our Generals deserted their responsability to all American assets , people and allies. I blame them personally,
as well as leaving their duty into the hands of a mentally deficient President Biden/ Harris, etc. tms poet Ohio

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 07:03

It's easy to blame Trump for everything and all when he is not there in Congress to defend himself. The way we finally left a Afganistan falls on Biden and his Absent Generals.. The Afganistan prisoners could not be left to
Starve after we left. Of course Taliban would have to take over those prisoners. What they did to such prisoners
Was left to the Taliban, as we would not be there to feed and house them in our absance. We sure did not want to bring them here to America. tms poet Ohio

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 07:20

How can we trust the Taliban to feed Afganistan before themselves.? They cannot be trusted as the Taliban are blood thirsty Criminal terrorists. We have left the Afganistan people in the hands of the Taliban,our worst enemy.
We cannot feed the Taliban now that we have left. The Afganistan Army and Government have deserted their own people.. We can no longer be responsable, after leaving them with assets of our best equipment, that they have sold to Iran and China. They better use that money wisely, asleaving them militarily, must also mean most
Permanently into their own hands now. tms poet Ohio

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 08:23

You can't blame Trump for the shoddy withdrawal from Afganistan, as his supporters know that he was cheated
Out of his re-election, to take full part in Biden's complete mismanagement there. Trump did not mismanage any
Project under his control.., while he was in office.. If Biden was left with "no plans" to withdrawal, he should not have proceeded until he had worked out a plan. He placed no Generals there to oversee a plan of action. So it was Joe Biden/ Harris complete incompetance in Actions there. Stop using Trump for Biden's blunders. Many
Presidents contributed to mistakes in Afganistan, but none are mentioned except Trump for blames.. We cannot win wars while our Generals sit on their arses in Washington DC. Patton was out there winning Wars, not sitting
Sequestered on their easy chairs in Washington DC. We are paying these lazy Generals not to be active Swamp
Creatures , but to be active military eyes and ears in times of One of our longest, bloodiest Wars. tms poet Ohio

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 08:40

Why wasen't our military involved in evacuations instead of leaving it all in the Corupted hands of the Taliban ?
Why didn't our Military move out our military equipment, planes, Helicoptors rifles, amunitions and night goggles,
Before leaving there themselves ? An Ass backwards attempt at a withdrawal by Joe Biden/ Harris, etc., has taken place in Afganistan. Biden has made History of being the most incompetant President ever ! tms poet Ohio

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 08:49

We didn't make a deal with the Taliban, but the Afganistan Government that cut and ran.. That we later made
A commitment to our enemy is ludicrous and insane. This Administration cannot explain away their complete
Incompetance in this debacle.. it is inconceivable that Biden can claim this a success in any way. I am glad our servicemen have finally returned to America and their loyal families. tms poet Ohio USA

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 09:07

Trump had no idea that he would not win the 2020 Election, and worked to achieve his next Presidency. He would have been efficient as usual, had it been left in his hands. But Trump dealt with the Legal Afganistan Government, not an illegal Taliban... when projecting a possible exit of our soldiers,, Allies, and equipment. Trump
Would not have left so many loose ends to Taliban control. tms poet Ohio USA

@tracestevens1773 - 04.11.2021 12:06

When are these Congress people going to come clean about Saudi Arabia's complicity with George Bush's
Family and Taliban's plans to blow up our Twin Towers? This triangle caused two Wars ; both in Iraq and Afganistan--- gaining us nothing but lost lives and callateral Damages. (tms poet Ohio. ) Trump really was the
President ending the actual War in Afganistan... Biden is responsable for ending it badly.

@jerrybriseno7697 - 10.11.2021 18:08

It's as if biden purposely sank a perfectly good ship then wants to be congratulated for sending the life boats and even screws that up. These idiots are only fooling themselves.

@Silvertestrun - 30.04.2022 08:24

