The Worst and Best Ways to Tell Someone It’s Over

The Worst and Best Ways to Tell Someone It’s Over

The School of Life

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Patricia Martin
Patricia Martin - 18.09.2023 20:25

I don't mince words. I just told my LTR that he bores me, he's too clinging. I like to go out , travel, etc. He wants to sit in front of the TV watching the crime channel. Sorry, I am not going to pull punches. I want him to leave my home ASAP

RayRays Phone
RayRays Phone - 17.09.2023 11:18

I find that hiring a small plane to fly a banner is a good way to do this.

Lisa Johnson
Lisa Johnson - 13.09.2023 08:32

Shoot I’m torturing him bc I don’t want to hurt him the way I once was hurt. 🥺💔

xamerax - 08.09.2023 15:20

Im thankful for this, I’ve been feeling down and wondering if i could have broken up with my fiancé better. But seems like I did everything fairly right. We talked a bit when i picked up some stuff and he said he felt incredibly sad, but not wounded/hurt. I hope he will recover from it well

Diego Concha Rosales
Diego Concha Rosales - 04.09.2023 18:33

I dont want to hurt her feelings. I dont really know if break up with her is the right decision. She was so nice with me all the time. And she always say that if i left her, she is gonna cry for days. But i try to be courage and do the right thing. Maybe i have fear to ve alone. Or fear to lose the love for someone that i dont love. Maybe i am not a real man. Mature man uu

Inevitable Sonority
Inevitable Sonority - 04.09.2023 00:52

This video, narrating my story, brought tears to my eyes as I watched it.

I loved her deeply and made many compromises even though I recognized she could be extremely toxic to me in our relationship.

All I needed was her honesty and openness earlier, so I could adjust my behavior accordingly.

Mike Ross
Mike Ross - 31.08.2023 04:04

you forgot the ultimate worst one: "The one who break up with you only in their mind."
This makes the person question if it is real or not. Never do that, kids

Oliver Rasmussen
Oliver Rasmussen - 25.08.2023 16:39

det en prank monne:)

Luigi Vacca
Luigi Vacca - 17.08.2023 21:00

For me, rationality has nothing to do with it. If a person feels truly loved by their partner, they are in a position to achieve the greatest thing there is in this world: a mutual love that is resistant to the uncertainties and tragedies of life. Lot more important than a billion bucks, power or fame.

Rodsmade - 17.08.2023 12:27

This video remains a very powerful and moving piece of art. The colours, the animation, the minimalistic outlines, the music choice and how it's been edited to fit the narrative, and of course, the words. I came across this video many years ago at the onset of a very painful being-broken-up-with (by someone I really loved at the time), and it gave me such solace, and closure. It answered many questions I had terrorising my thoughts, and it gave me clarity I don't think I would have achieved otherwise. Watching it again after so long made me tear up a little bit, and filled my heart with warm joy. It's crazy how life goes on in spite of nearly anything.

There Are No Shortcuts
There Are No Shortcuts - 14.08.2023 22:17

"it's over"
"what is?"
"your LIFE LOL"

Mace the Blader
Mace the Blader - 12.08.2023 07:14

It’s joever Biden bros

Gonzalo Collao
Gonzalo Collao - 12.08.2023 06:08

I’m currently struggling to get out of a relationship that isn’t bad or toxic. I just don’t want to be in a relationship anymore, and I can’t help but to feel like a horrible person for it.

Nature Witch
Nature Witch - 11.08.2023 16:41

Even this music 🎶 is heartbreaking 💔 I hate breaking peoples hearts but it has to be done sometimes

Lunga Masilela
Lunga Masilela - 11.08.2023 13:08

you know recently my ex girlfriend broke up with me without telling me why she said said its over I asked her why twise but she just ignored me , must say that just makes things worse hey!

TheBanjoShow - 11.08.2023 06:10

It's really great when you're the guy and you did everything you possibly could have done, seriously, like ensuring you did the most you possibly could have to foster a good relationship, and you still get abandoned. Some people just don't value shit. They don't care what you do for them, they just run off, act like they're the victims, blame you for the end of the relationship when they're literally the ones ending it, don't communicate with you, don't say anything to you, and then proceed to delete you off everything and block you, to never say another word again and pretend you two were never together for years to begin with. When all you ever did was want only the best for them, helped them, gave them advice, listened to them, offered them a future together, communicated, and loved them. It's even better when they mirror all of those things in words to you, they say they want it, they say they want it so bad they can't imagine their life without you in it, they say you are the one that they will have children with and grow old together, they tell you how much they love you, and then hours later- "I don't love you anymore." Yeah, I don't know why I still try, but I can say for certain one thing- I will never again in my life trust the words of a woman again. And all it took was one broad to ruin that for me. But I would be an idiot to ever trust anyone like that again with my feelings, and that was after I was already a person with little trust in people. Some people just grab the dagger that is in your heart and love to give it a couple extra turns just for the fun of it.

Horetz - 09.08.2023 11:19

i broke up with my ex of two years because i saw her mother by accident (was watching tv with them and her screen was blasting white light all over the room, she was sitting right next to her husband) texting some other dude with hearts and whatnot (my ex knew of her mother cheating on her father for more than 8 years), also the only thing my ex was interested about was getting a mortgage and buying a new house (i live in my own house...duh) we got into an argument about the house and 3 days later she texted me how do i want to solve this problem with the house so i ignored her for 3 days, she texted me everyday with whats the problem, on the third day i tried to bring some sense to her about taking a nonsensical mortgage for a house we dont need but she didnt budge so i broke up with her, a month later she was dating some douche.bag she told me for more than a year to not worry about, then after 6months her father died due to turbocancer and the douche.bag broke up with her too not long after the death of her father, karma. the cheating part of her mother moved something in me and the relationship was a NO NO for me because the saying goes (like mother like daughter)

Paul Trewin
Paul Trewin - 08.08.2023 00:34

Slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan etc.😊

Macel Bayardi
Macel Bayardi - 03.08.2023 17:02

Need content in spanish please
At some points I loose the main ideas

Meserbee C.
Meserbee C. - 03.08.2023 11:14

Breaking up is hard and most males cannot know when it is in full swing. When the process begins you realize it is over and it will never go back to how it was. I think most people fool themselves when they are young and don't take relationships serious. It gets serious when it is strong and mutual. I guarantee strength is absent in most cases and you still wonder -- what the hell?

somesarcasticboy - 03.08.2023 04:50

oh boy i wish i had the luxury of being let go instead of being lead on thinking I still have a chance.

Gabriel Vargas
Gabriel Vargas - 02.08.2023 03:07

Imma just send them this video

J - 01.08.2023 17:30

I don’t think they will ever believe it’s over and it was self induced by being selfish and inconsiderate of a partner who loved and accepted unconditionally. (Although undoubtedly very hurt upset and beyond betrayed).. consequences suck !!!

Wendy Shoo Wai Ching
Wendy Shoo Wai Ching - 30.07.2023 18:32

Breaks Up Hurts. Unless you can find a good long term partner. Don't enter. It's really hurts and best to start as friends you know if he is for you. Don't rush

T.F - 30.07.2023 01:23

As much as I loved my ex. It just wasn’t going to workout. I tried so many times with her but it’s like she’s immune to accountability. I could never get my point across because she only view her point and push away my point of view. Instead of talking and being always interrupted I took her home one night and send her a message just saying it’s okay and it’s over, respectfully. Morning came and she said how stupid and immature it was of me to end it like that. It just shows me more that she only view how she felt rather then for what it was. Always felt like a competition trying to be with her.

zibuyile ramasoko
zibuyile ramasoko - 27.07.2023 19:31

I saved my ex from the trauma he was trying to cause me. It was long distance relationship, instead of telling me straight up, Instead he was ghosting me slowing and when we got to talk he handled our conversation very general like I wasn't his honeypie, we slowly drifted apart. I decided not be ghosted I asked him straight up what was wrong, he admitted he wasn't there anymore. Kudos to me, I saved my myself.

Scribblemeeps - 23.07.2023 07:06

I had a terrible break up where my ex (whom I dated for 5 years) just ghosted me without letting me know they wanted a break up and that ruined me a lot, since I had dealt with ghosting from people before which was a reliving of existing trauma.

Ferry - 23.07.2023 05:43


Nikolas Polychron
Nikolas Polychron - 20.07.2023 15:12

Friends, if someone you loved left you, this of this: You only lost someone who does not love you anymore. But they are leaving someone who loves them very much. So ask your self: Who really lost, you or them? Good luck!

Cynthia Bauer
Cynthia Bauer - 17.07.2023 00:51

it's horrible to be alone, especially after a break up, but it's even worse to be in a negative toxic relationship where you don't get equal investment from the other side, because it's draining and lowers your self-esteem. The good part of being alone is at least you have a chance at finding someone worth being together, who loves you for who you are. Maybe you'll never find love but maybe you will.

BasketballFan - 16.07.2023 00:56

automated voice crap

YouTube Channel
YouTube Channel - 13.07.2023 11:54

I was abandoned by my boyfriend almost a year ago. After my birthday, I dropped him off at the ferry to go back to his place and we said we love eachother. The relationship was great. He just became depressed and suddenly wanted nothing to do with me anymore and I never saw him again. I'm still miserable and I'm so exhausted and tired because I feel this way all day every day for almost a year.

damante brown
damante brown - 07.07.2023 06:26

What is that name of the ballet playing in the background

Amant du Café
Amant du Café - 04.07.2023 02:04

I wish i was an emotionally mature person when i had the most movie-like heartbreaking breakup but i wouldn't be emotionally mature now if it wasn't for that piece of hell i had to crawl out from so i guess it was necessary.

Gaurav GP
Gaurav GP - 02.07.2023 08:28

Love language is good to know. But fight language is a must to learn.

Catherine Breton
Catherine Breton - 25.06.2023 19:41

The worst way to break up is to just disappear and say nothing !

f - 25.06.2023 09:03

Very eyeopening. My ex pretty much did all of these things mentioned in the video making our breakup as bad as possible. Not intentionally but she simply did not have the balls to go through with the break. This is why I completely ignored her email 5 years later when she attempted to apologize and have never heard of or spoken to her since.
The worst part is, the bad breakup really ruined my memory of our relationship and it took me a lot longer to pick myself up from the floor.
A lot is said on how to attract a partner but more should be said about how to break up with somebody you once loved.

Joanna Dennis
Joanna Dennis - 24.06.2023 01:16

There is no best way.. To the receiver of this bad news their world as they knew it is now broken… no amount of bells whistles or bunting is gonna soften that blow… best to do it quickly then skidabble outta wherever you’re at fast !

Aname - 23.06.2023 17:59

True. I’m the god of the woods. Plus, you’re less than a dachshund.

dave britton
dave britton - 19.06.2023 12:45

Im dropping this boy like a hat

shhhhhh - 14.06.2023 14:04

i should have watched this and found this channel before ultimately deciding to break up with him. could have done it a million ways better after gaining knowledge and insights from your videos. i know i can no longer turn back time, but i'm happy that i am learning, and know what i did wrong, and what i can improve in for the future. this video is from 4 years ago, but it still resonates.

Bradley Lacombe
Bradley Lacombe - 14.06.2023 04:00

Oh wow, that would have been so much better lol my ex and I just went through a nightmarish 2 months of distancing and getting back together and it culminated in us probably never speaking again and some unsavory things being said...
When I first noticed things were off and it was going to be too much for us to try and change for each other I should have just ended it nicely and said a few things about our personality incompatibilities and left it at that.

Luciano V.D. Biezen
Luciano V.D. Biezen - 12.06.2023 19:03

I have tried breaking up 4 times with my girlfriend and everytime i failed to do so. The way she cried and asked me what she has done wrong really hurt. I tried explaining that what she has done in the past is just horrible but the excuse she got is "the time i have been with u, nothing wrong happened, i didnt do any of this". Which is true. But the thing is, we argue almost every day about nonsense and it just doesnt stop. Because of her past, whenever somethkng happens i think to myself, what if this, maybe that. These doubts and overthinking us a real nuisance. Hopefully our relationship grows out to be something good and something i can enjoy every day.

Tart28 - 07.06.2023 02:13

was in a ended...and I jumped into another one too quickly to fill the void....turns out she's amazing...but I still don't feel like it's right for me. she does not deserve the hurt I might put her through. but I feel like I'm at a a good boyfriend....or be happy

Austin G.
Austin G. - 05.06.2023 18:53

Here is what my ex did:

1. Pushed me away for months and never communicated as to why this was happening, and gaslit me, denying that she was even doing this, and then blamed my perception of this on trauma from previous relationships. She had already decided she didn't want to be there anymore, just didn't want to be alone over the holidays.

2. She cheated on me a week prior to the split, I called her out on it, and then she took me to a rock-climbing gym (I'm afraid of heights), allowed me to pay for the date, and then broke up with me immediately after, knowing she was going to do this that day.

3. Had the audacity to ask if we could stay friends afterwards, and asked me to take her home.

4. Started a smear campaign against me, saying I was the "creepy weirdo ex that wouldn't leave her alone", despite her always reaching out to me and acting like we were friends.

By far the worst breakup I've ever experienced.
