WTC7 Simulation Evaluation - World Trade Center 7 Collapse Research Study

WTC7 Simulation Evaluation - World Trade Center 7 Collapse Research Study

Kostack Studio

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Roughrideyy 45
Roughrideyy 45 - 23.10.2022 15:37

Jesus Christ what’s up with the mania of “truthers” in the comment section. It seems like the majority of y’all can’t even argue actually factual information and choose to blindly follow random people on the internet who clearly are pseudo-intellectuals with 0 logical reasoning whatsoever instead of actually taking the time to look at officially published reports, witness statements, or just general knowledge on how structural collapses work.

And I hate to say this again but an opinion is not a factual statement, therefore, stop making baseless claims about “cOnTroLlEd dEmOlItIon” when it’s VERY obvious that you have no logical reasoning or any evidence-citing skills whatsoever.
Oh and the evidence that you try to prove your already baseless claim literally contradicts everything you just said.

Jfc y’all you need to actually go back to school or something or go seek a therapist cause you REALLY need to seek help.

GabX - 01.10.2023 18:05

I never knew sky scrapers can be made from steel structure until the 9/11. I always thought they were from reinforced concrete

Knuth - 01.10.2023 13:57

Das sieht in den Liveaufnahmen aber doch anders aus, da kommt das Gebäude gerade nach unte und kippt nicht zur Seite weg. Aber vielleicht lässt sich das ja anpassen.

PATRIOT MENACE - 01.10.2023 08:17

Get one professional explosives guy or girl to say those buildings didn't blow up..where is this person?

PATRIOT MENACE - 01.10.2023 08:13

Buildings can't fall in there own footprint unless you cut all the main columns at the same time and as it falls..All these buildings where blown up period..stop living in a lie people.

Alternate Analysis
Alternate Analysis - 30.09.2023 19:41

Pretty model, but it doesn't explain why there was virtually no resistance as the structure was falling, near free-fall speed.

Fonejacker - 30.09.2023 12:43

How does a building which whole structure is made up of steel beams collapse because of a fire? It just wouldn’t happen. It’s structure would’ve been too strong.

ZT7461 - 30.09.2023 04:43

Which floor were the CIA terrorists located?

Wayne Durning
Wayne Durning - 30.09.2023 03:24

What is the purpose of this video?
And if debris from the tower impacted the right side exterior of the building why did the building start collapsing from the left side interior?

Javier Salcedo
Javier Salcedo - 30.09.2023 02:27

Hey look! a 3D simulation!

60 Second Fisherman
60 Second Fisherman - 29.09.2023 23:20

This simulation while we'll done does not match the video of the building collapse.. The front 2 corners dropped together. This simulation shows the left corner dropped first. Not trying to be argumentive here.. that is with always bother me about building 7. The front two corners both dropped at the same time. Can't see the back Corners the video but the two front Corners drop exactly the same time. That is not possible unless we are talking about a intentional demolition. The simulation is very well done but I don't believe it matches the facts of the video.

Christer Pedersen
Christer Pedersen - 29.09.2023 20:35

No building fall like this whitout help in the middle of a city full of important people and intelligensia! Period.

Teddy Skywatcher
Teddy Skywatcher - 29.09.2023 16:49

F demolition experts xD Apartly you need them to bring buildings strait down, or you just set off random explotions...

M.F Coaching
M.F Coaching - 29.09.2023 14:42

It wasnt collapsed like this.
Look the Real videos it collapsed straight ahead like a demolition.

CBN 72
CBN 72 - 29.09.2023 14:12

Complete nonsense.

George Krpan
George Krpan - 28.09.2023 17:13

Kostack Studio, financed by the CIA.

Tim W
Tim W - 28.09.2023 08:55

Nice try, all of these models you made show the outside frame falling to the side at an angle. Every video shows it dropped straight down into its own footprint

Pingolino - 28.09.2023 08:12

So we are saying that if any part of any floor collapses inside a high rise, we are all fucked. Oh goody.

cookoo namoonyoo
cookoo namoonyoo - 28.09.2023 07:30

some flaming papers flew inside a wndow and did all the destruction

guesswhotoo6 - 27.09.2023 23:27

And the building just falls down, why?

AskJeeves Cosby
AskJeeves Cosby - 27.09.2023 19:16

Wtc 7 just saw all his brothers collapse and couldnt hold on anymore.

I have enemies
I have enemies - 27.09.2023 13:15

Im forgivin about 9/11 And Wtc7 Destroyed is it based in True story

Al Dati
Al Dati - 27.09.2023 05:45

Professor Hulsey University of Fairbanks Alaska. Look him up. Official story is a fairy tale.

Saifon Lawrence
Saifon Lawrence - 27.09.2023 03:34

The building had the same chance of collapsing from fires on 911 as if i had walked up to it the day before and kicked it !

Stephen Duke
Stephen Duke - 26.09.2023 20:43

What a fraud. WTC 7 was imploded.

The Conservative1
The Conservative1 - 26.09.2023 01:26

The building came straight down and no deflection, The NIST report had made a lot of Mistakes in there model DATA.

Kasper - 24.09.2023 23:13

In the early 1900s in the US, a lot of kids had to leave school early to help earn money for their families, which led to a stunted education.
Not sure what exactly the fuck everyone here's excuse is. lol

A LOT of ditch-digging smoothbrains down there in the comments, folks! 🤦‍♂

Randall Harter
Randall Harter - 24.09.2023 17:26

“Officially published reports” don’t make me laugh. That’s the same as taking health advice from the Marlboro Man and Big Pharm.

Cornelis van den Berg
Cornelis van den Berg - 24.09.2023 14:39

simulation or not how when the outside of the building burned . can the center of the building collapse first and not the outside where the most damge was of the debries

HAKİKAT 1 - 24.09.2023 12:48

What did the firefighters do until 5 in the evening? shit u .s .a .. The planes did not crash. The planes were holograms. shooting from satellite..

poopbabyoda69 - 23.09.2023 17:00

Can any of the truthers in the comment section explain to me how a building with pre planted explosives burn for 7 hours without setting any of them off

The Victim
The Victim - 23.09.2023 06:11

This nonsense has no resemblace to what can be seen in the actual video of the controlled demolition of WTC Building 7.

James Bryson
James Bryson - 23.09.2023 00:30

Civil engineers, structural engineers, experts with technical expertise in 47+ story metal structures...really boring, competent professionals DO NOT AGREE WITH THE whitewash, NIST report.

All the competent experts ask for is a neutral, un-compromised third party to examine their specific FINDINGS.

Bobby Brown
Bobby Brown - 22.09.2023 23:44

How is it that on September 11th, 2001 scientists were (seemingly) unable to understand basic science? We've known for quite some time the mechanics of what causes things to collapse, and those buildings and aircraft (though full of individual components and lots of chemicals) scientist were pressured into ignoring the rather obvious physics of what happened. Unfortunately the most logical explanation is the most obvious and the difficult for people to accept, all three buildings were brought down using controlled demolition, a process that has been used to bring down tall buildings for quite some time now. No other explanation accounts for the physics and chemistry involved. No other explanation accounts for the incredible statistical IMPROBABLITY of 3 buildings collapsing in essentially the same manner, near the same location. Keep in mind that WTC 7 was not hit by any aircraft and yet it somehow collapsed in the same manner as the other 2 buildings, without aircraft or jet fuel being necessary. Before or since that day, not a single other steel framed building had experienced such a collapse (essentially straight down into their own footprint, for ANY reason other than controlled demolition. Other buildings have experienced much worse fires, some of them even completely engulfed in flames. Other buildings have been hit by aircraft, most famously that other tall building in New York, the Empire State Building, hit by a large military aircraft on July 28th, 1945. Keep in mind the Empire State building is still standing TODAY., and it is a much older building than any building at the WTC complex, meaning that its fireproofing and suppression systems (IF it had ANY at the time of the crash, it was built in 1930 and I don't know if such things were required at that time) weren't as modern. It was closed for less than a week before it was reopened. One would assume that it was only reopened AFTER it was deemed structural sound by engineers (meaning that based on scientific analysis the building wasn't in danger of eminent collapse.) So the question no one asks is why aren't all of the skyscrapers in the United States inspected to make sure that they can survive being hit by large aircraft? If the danger is real, and it is real, then all such buildings should be closed until they are inspected, it's a matter of public safety!

The answer to all of these issues (and there are many, many more problems with the official government narrative) is that the scientist were told to ignore common sense, assume that gravity and thermodynamics and chemistry are baffling and sometimes their behavior can be weird in cases where it really shouldn't be. By that I mean the laws of quantum physics ( the physical rules that govern the behavior of subatomic particles) as weird as they may seem from the perspective of classical Newtonian physics have been tested through experimentation and have produced consistent results time and time again, therefore they are true representation of reality(though with no loss of irony, one of the principles of quantum physics is that objects don't have a definite reality until they are observed). Said another way, in classical physics (or chemistry) there's no reason why an object (chemical )or system should randomly NOT obey the laws of classical physics. If jet fuel yesterday could not burn hot enough to melt or even soften steel then, there's no earthly reason for it behave that way tomorrow, and on, and on, so forth and so on. An object will fall toward the ground, straight to the ground, when all of its supporting structure fails (IN A CONTROLLED AND ORGANISED FASHION) if the structure does not fail in a controlled fashion the object will accelerate toward the weakest side first. Not at all what happened THREE DIFFERENT TIMES in New York on September 11, 2001.

Number 6
Number 6 - 22.09.2023 17:06

Ok truthers, i cant take anymore, i must confess....i led the demo team. You were right, and your intelligent and well informed theories have worn me down, i can no longer live the lie. To avoid detection i assembled the greatest stealth team consisting of bigfoot, nessie, mothman and a group of chupacabra. The charges were space age tech, alien poop. After eons of travel through the endless void, the little green poop was full of radiation which eats through steel like a migrant through a border. Special flat earth calculations were used to determine the proper ratios. We spent months planning, and we would have gotten away with it if it werent for you meddling kids.

Thedaus - 22.09.2023 13:28

Goverments really should crack down on "truthers"!

DJI SOEST - 22.09.2023 12:23

Well is pretty nice simulation of how buildings is been destroy sadly, but I've seen a real footage that building been destroy by a free fall, with out falling randomly left or right, Building 7 destroy straight line,

শ্রী রাম পাল🕉️
শ্রী রাম পাল🕉️ - 21.09.2023 17:49

😅😅😂😂I see this 9/11 video World Trade Centre one and two world, wtc1 WTC 2 this building is collapse a target plane, but World Trade Centre 7 wtc7 he is the heart attack and automatically collapse this is very big comedy how funny man 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉

lee edwards
lee edwards - 21.09.2023 10:54

great simulation very realistic ....

LuisAntonio - 21.09.2023 02:32

Ha ha ha....
Who made this video???
This video don't make any sense at all...
Maybe to those who believe in Santa....ha ha.

heltengundersen - 21.09.2023 00:00

is the model published anywhere so it can be peer reviewed?

24hSto Ned
24hSto Ned - 20.09.2023 22:23

180m tall and they "forgot" to mention it in the official report of 2004 with 860 pages. Okay.
Maybe they wanted to get rid of it because it was pretty much damaged (none of the supporting 81 main pillars) and would cost more to repair than to quickly bring it down and build another building. As the computer models show here, it was a controlled collapse because it does not look the slightest similar to the real footage. According to the official report from 2007, pillar 79 "broke lose".

big dog
big dog - 20.09.2023 11:54

Collapse 😂😂😂😂, more like a demolition 😂😂

Tattlebot - 20.09.2023 11:38

These commenters are a social parasite mutant of H. sapiens.

 𝑻 𝑨 𝑪 𝑻 𝑰 𝑪 𝑨 𝑳  𝑻 𝑹 𝑼 𝑪 𝑲 𝑬 𝑹®️
 𝑻 𝑨 𝑪 𝑻 𝑰 𝑪 𝑨 𝑳 𝑻 𝑹 𝑼 𝑪 𝑲 𝑬 𝑹®️ - 20.09.2023 07:00

what about the 72 columns that was found with 45° angle cuts like the columns in the twin towers

Rostislav Iskandarov
Rostislav Iskandarov - 19.09.2023 21:21

Даже не знаю, кто в это поверит...

PH4RM - 19.09.2023 03:31

nasa globalist

Baby Yoda
Baby Yoda - 19.09.2023 00:58

Has anyone built a computational model under the assumption that explosives were used?

I realize models aren't perfect, but in this case we know what the result was, so any model that doesn't come close is a bad model. Visually to me this seems like the NIST data where the initiation is pretty good and everything after that is ignored.

PawnzRtasty - 18.09.2023 23:15

Should have started the collapse where it was already damaged.

Scar man
Scar man - 18.09.2023 17:46

Incredible how they try to convince us that it collapsed naturally.... 😂
