6 Tips You Need To Know For Hunters - Identity V

6 Tips You Need To Know For Hunters - Identity V


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@Yunasst - 15.01.2024 15:38

Hello I have a question. I use to play Ithaqua (Night Watch) but for this hunter there are no emotes available. So is there another trick that I could practice?

@MrCat-qv1eu - 18.07.2023 08:37

Check for wiggle wiggle ciphers

@LanaDelStar - 22.11.2022 20:05

It’s better to drop the survivor when like a um Cordinator but don use it with enchantress quick stun because most of the time you just hit survivor

@gen4367 - 04.09.2022 20:00

I know this was a year ago but the trick with photographer facing the survivor after teleport also works with hell ember, if he teleports in either of his dolls, his screen will lock onto nearby survivors

@erchashishaniye - 12.08.2022 15:14

Me who has no emotes : BRING IT ON!!!

@alexandretemtem7997 - 02.06.2022 22:11

Me who has almost zero emotes 😐

@Hi-tz6fq - 02.06.2022 03:09

The pain of learning such good tricks during maintenance 🥲

@AO1666- - 02.05.2022 00:01

When the survivor gets saved out of the chair they always spawn on the same side every time so I’ll hit the rescuer and then proceed to wait on the left of the chair and swing for an instant hit basically

@kennyayuso6031 - 01.05.2022 05:05

Watching this as a survivor main


@elizabethrose3786 - 15.04.2022 12:05

The priestess works best for basement rescues because she can portal down and back fast and the blink thing probably won’t work

@ryuviola4548 - 09.02.2022 13:01

Omg, as a Joseph main, I never knew that card skill actually work that way, thank you for this!!

@yunn8889 - 02.02.2022 03:52

Tip 7 - delete the game to have a healthier life

@jazzk727 - 03.01.2022 08:18

How to make hunter red eyes

@aerin6353 - 13.11.2021 14:15

As a Joseph main I tend to use his provoke emote to trick survivors into thinking I hit the chair, then terror shock them when they go for the rescue :D

@harrylarry6324 - 16.09.2021 01:57

This dudes awesome, lol 👍

@mykhaylogorbushko4512 - 30.08.2021 11:01

yes hell ember facing to the closest survivior when he use puppet teleport

@pussinboots9983 - 04.08.2021 14:02

Me as a surv main watching this to counter hunter's guide

@reina_harhar7815 - 19.07.2021 13:01

Quenching effect: exists
Shrunken explorer: Hehehehhehe

Feaster: Hi~
Explorer: Awww sh*t

@dedvdacted - 12.07.2021 01:39

"3 ciphers have just been popped and there are only two remaining"
stop exposing my rank experiences

@SuperSTUPIDHORSE - 27.06.2021 13:54

Some GK tips in camping:
1. Use maxed 'control freak' (reduced chair time) and 1-2 'berserk' (reduced att. recovery time).
2. Camp a bit far away from chair, and always pay attention to the chair progress. When rescuers got close to the chair at 0-10% progress, just hook and hit them, forcing them to run back and rescue the survivors. Because of the placement of chairs in IDV, you have more chance of catching up to them safely rather than hitting the rescuers next to the chair and risking the rescued survivors running towards windows or pallets.
3. If instead of 0-10% progress, rescuers come at 30-45% progress, hook them but DON'T hit them. 'Control freak' will force them to rescue immediately, risking them of terror shock, or rescuing survivor after 50%, making it easier for you to 'confirm chair' immediately.

@yatelimbxt1370 - 24.06.2021 09:00

First minute into the video: It's pretty difficult to be hunter in idv.
Me: Literally smash the like button in less than a million seconds

@lucianqa825 - 23.06.2021 02:13

I think Joseph jump card actualy can counter Forward, by chasing him while holding it, its situational whether u want to cancel it to hit the FW or activated it, most of the time this work for me 😂😂😂

@rhykie1773 - 18.06.2021 05:22

When you dont have any emotes

@bdw6076 - 17.06.2021 17:28

1. Maybe it's not a big trick 'cause it works only in Church and only in the corner with the walls that can be dismantled.

You can prevent rescue by double hit, once you hit the wall, and then hit with normal attack.
It's usefull too when the cipher is primed and they are coming to rescue with half health. You hit the with wall, with 0 attack recovery, they pop the cipher and you hit again.

2. You can actually spot survivors from farther distance by watching the crows. (I'm not talking about the crow which gives notifications)
If a crow is flying above an area, or flies down, probably there is gonna be a survivor.

@andrewjacob8087 - 16.06.2021 19:36

Actually there is one more hunter can locate you location on the map that is leo. Whenever you teleport using the puppet the camera angle will face towards the nearest survivor after that teleport is complet. There is also another trick with him if you are not sure whether a survivor is pallet camping , just aim the puppet slightly away from the pallet if your camera angle automatically changes and your aim goes towards the pallet 100% guarentee someone is behind that , if it doesn't then no one is there. Useful for finding explorer.

@ISendMinorsToMine - 16.06.2021 19:15

Yeah and it's that I'd let the man in the thumbnail beat the shit out of me

@kryptoncraftymax8275 - 16.06.2021 09:32

6 tips u need to know
Blink blink blink blink blink blink

@Rema-uy8nf - 14.06.2021 23:32

How can i switch my ability?

@rgss2465 - 12.06.2021 14:42

I'm too afraid to do the pick-up trick- I just know that in the post-match chatroom they're gonna tell me that I'm toxic 😞

@CipherBay - 11.06.2021 20:25

I was wondering how the blink dodge actually worked. Thanks for the tip

@witch6993 - 11.06.2021 00:04

oh no, my secrets have been exposed to the lower tiers D:

@momona4170 - 10.06.2021 21:21

Play Bonbon if you hate to lose.

@yahwi769 - 10.06.2021 11:29

The downside of quenching effect is getting cipher rushed. Even Joseph gets cipher rushed 🤧

@johngonzales2283 - 10.06.2021 05:26

So thats how you blink dodge! I was wondering how to do that since i saw the move in a tournament. Thanks! Haha

@whatisgoingon8243 - 09.06.2021 17:16

A few things I picked up :
- When you just hold the blink button, the blink audio will still play(and only plays once, it doesn't play again when you actually use it). Survivors rely on audio cue more than actually looking back(Unless it's a seer), so when they hear the blink audio they'll think you've used the blink and will try and either dodge or drop a pallet. You can then use the blink after you've tricked them.
- Geisha's flight(when she got super high in the air) can also cancel attack cooldown, whether you have a butterfly under you or not.
- When chasing, you can force out the survivor's ability by either getting super close but not swinging or swinging but flicking away. This way, you can get them to waste their ability(Especially for perfumer, FO and gravekeeper)
- You can bait pallet campers by swinging at the pallet or pretend you're going to walk into it but flick out at the last moment.
- When you're pretty close to the survivor but there's a pallet between you and them, do beware of them double-backing to stun you. Most of the time, they will loop you around a pallet 2-3 times before dropping it early or double-backing to stun you. It entirely depends on their playstyle about which one they'll do, though.
- You can use your abilities to trap certain areas. By then, it's either getting hit from your ability or your attack

Another thing, you can use blink to drop from the 2nd floor of Sacred heart's right on top of the cipher in the half-moon shaped room.

@nightdog4183 - 09.06.2021 15:09

Thanks ! I guess i should buy Mary a new emote. ;)

@luana.a155 - 09.06.2021 13:51


@cowsforsale89100 - 09.06.2021 08:40

that one dislike is the salty survivor main

@DanyiFri - 09.06.2021 08:14

Here are a few more tricks that I've picked up on my own/seen others use.

- You can blink while moving down stairs to get you into a falling animation. Technically Blink teleports you in a straight line, and not in a diagonal line, so you'll blink into the air, and then fall. This can help you hit with no attack recovery and it has almost no counter play, meaning survivors can't really predict it.

- You can try faking a blink by attacking/moving into walls in places where GOOD survivors might try to predict you (right after a pallet, window, etc.) If they're playing for that Tiktok montage they would try to vault back, saving you a Blink. You can also accompany this with holding the blink button, but not using it (this gives off the sound). If there's a chance of saving my Blink with a stupidly long CD, I'll take it unless my game is falling. I prefer a more conservative playstyle.

- You can fall off any ledge, and then blink back onto it REALLY QUICKLY, while attacking, to give you a hit with no recovery. It's kinda difficult, but I think Netease patched it already???? (needs confirmation).

- For basement situations: You can attack and THEN blink into a fall on top of the basement to give no recovery hit. Survivors usually expect hunters to just fall off while directly on the edge because it's common. If you hit them in a far enough distance where you won't be able to naturally fall into the basement, use blink to do it for you. This would catch survivors off guard.

- (Kinda) for survivors, but I'd thought it'll be nice to share since I haven't seen it posted anywhere: When starting the match, Blink always have a starting CD of 60s. For survivors, the surrender time is around 250s (needs confirmation). I figured out that hunters always have their blink available at around 187s of the survivor surrender time. This can help them (and probably you) know when blink is available. * NEEDS TESTING***

- WARNING: Try not to blink on the stairs outside of factory in Leo's, you'll blink right through it ;-;

@YellowOcelot - 09.06.2021 06:04

for hunters with no emotes try using peepers or break a pallet (this works in my experience)

you can also switch your trait at the primed cipher and emote it attack it to make it look like you abnormaled it (threaten emotes are the best for this, it also works with sculptor's chisel skill)

@s_a_d_g_e9895 - 08.06.2021 23:11

pls say how long does a camera world last cuz I main perfumer and I don't know how to time the perfume

@dqrlinq8985 - 08.06.2021 23:03

as a hunter main, i love you

@kiwilover8417 - 08.06.2021 21:13

That's it I'm subscribing

@aspect7066 - 08.06.2021 06:42

Sadly i don't have many emotes for hunters im that very unlucky in essences

@foxselwyn4611 - 07.06.2021 11:02

Great video! I’ve been feeling stuck as a hunter, but this gives me a lot of ideas to work with ❤️

@Pizzl - 07.06.2021 02:34

I main Joseph and yes I use quenching effect to find survivors and picture them.
Also use desperate fight and rage if you're against a priestess or enchantress.
