Kangen Water's effects on Chronic Diseases

Kangen Water's effects on Chronic Diseases


1 десятилетие назад

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Call on +230-57718387 or +16048971260 for further info.

Human body comprises of 75% - 85% just water with 70 - 100 trillions of cells.
Water is the most important substance in the world!
Kangen Water has six elements :- Highly Anti-Oxidant, Highly Alkaline, Micro-Cluster Molecules, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Hydrogen and Hydrogen Density.
Kangen Water helps to neutralize an acidic body and maintain the alkalinity of cells.
If a person maintains the pH of his/her body, he/she will always enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
As chronic diseases always thrive in an acidic body not in an alkaline one.


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