Will fermented foods improve my gut health? | Sandor Katz and Professor Tim Spector

Will fermented foods improve my gut health? | Sandor Katz and Professor Tim Spector


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@barbaracvejik-reeve3550 - 05.11.2022 16:20

In the Balkans (all ex Yugoslavian countries, Greece, Albania) it's part of our everyday diet. We never lost that tradition. Autumn is normally the time when all fermented foods would be prepared and not just jars but whole barrels of fermented cabbage or a mix of vegetables. Then the season of cooking with these starts or we just add them to other dishes as salads. And yogurt has always been used as the go to 'medicine' for diarrhoea or any stomach problems.Kombucha has been kept and split and passed between friends and families for a long time too.I find it entertaining that the Western world is 'discovering' these just now while we 'the savages' in the Balkans have been doing it all along 😂

@snuffle2269 - 07.11.2022 10:09

My Lidl store here in the Baltics offered Kombucha at a very competitive price so I went to the store and it wasn't in the refrigerated case like other brands. IT WAS UNREFRIGERATED on the shelf. I bought a couple different flavors and dashed home and put it under the translator to see if it was pasteurized. NOPE and no additives. Just said to refrigerate after opening. Long shelf life which also bothers me. Experts PLEASE COMMENT. Is this the real stuff???

@denisemay8136 - 07.11.2022 20:40

Do pesticides destroy the lactic acid bacteria in our soil? And should we be using organic vegetables for fermentation?

@Disirablepossessions - 07.11.2022 21:45

Isn't the salt bad for you?

@arezooaryaee - 29.11.2022 16:19

Can't wait to start! Thank you for a wonderful podcast 🙏🌷🙏

@kristofferkassel6998 - 30.11.2022 12:45

I understand now that this is a comercial video promoting to sell a book and not an attempt to present health promoting info based on science... Sorry for all the people that are mislead. You should base health advice on science and also point out the risks.

@babaluto - 04.12.2022 01:18

Any thoughts on humic or fulvic acids for gut health? Kickass stuff!

@graciesmom1477 - 10.12.2022 07:17

I've made sauerkraut from scratch at home myself. It taste really good. It takes a while to ferment but well worth it.

@ak-id1yh - 04.01.2023 09:46

Does unpasteurized vinegar also have these benefits? I take 2-3 tablespoons for a salad dressing or 1 tablespoon in a glass of water.

@MrJREllman - 08.01.2023 20:19

A list of fermented foods would be helpful.

@jezalb2710 - 15.01.2023 11:41

It is well documented that unusually high percentage of Koreans suffer from stomach cancers. Is it connected to the amount of highly salted fermented dishes they eat.
Hence I prefer to stick to sauerkraut, sauer gherkins. Less salt used to make those foodstuff

@Loveiam-UR2 - 16.01.2023 17:13

I have had the progeny of a kombucha mother I got more than 30 years ago. I make all my own wine from plants as varied as roses and hibiscus to elder berrys and elder flowers. If you love humus as I do blend in some kimchi or fermented pepper sauce. The results after a couple of weeks are wonderful. The main thing is fermentation is fun and I can't say enough about putting your own energy into the things you consume. It makes a difference.

@KnackFarmer-theanswerismeat - 26.01.2023 07:15

For an interview published only a few months ago, I'm a tad surprised at the 'surprised tone' of the interviewer - as if fermentation has arrived into the 2022 zeitgeist for the first time. Additionally, the same surprised tone reinforces the presumedly isolated nature of the audience, which says more about the interviewer than the audience. Most folks over the age of 18 outside of the UK and the USA will know about fermentation, and indeed, a lot of folks inside these two countries likely knows all about fermentation.

@nesanesa9547 - 25.02.2023 10:44

77 yo Welsh up a big mountain in Turkiye alone
and covid hit, so lock down no warning...
What to do?
My mind took me back to Mams Pantry (no fridge) How dıd she feed an a tive family of 6 in a mining village on a strict budget.

@springkaye8280 - 10.03.2023 02:00

not the best when you can't see what they are talking about !

@lizcole6813 - 12.03.2023 14:35

I have Sandor's book. I have been making my own yoghurt using his method for years. Tried milk Kefir, but ended up with more than I could drink each day. I'm inspired to try fermenting vegetables and use less salt.

@Laccafh - 19.03.2023 15:24

In southern part of India …. We ferment literally every grain with a type of lentil (urad) and make steam cakes with the batter. BEST DELICIOUS HEALTHIEST VEGAN and gluten free (most cases) breakfast in the world - IDLI

@Laccafh - 19.03.2023 15:29

Sourdough bread
Idli / dosa
Khanom chin

Suantangzi - dangerous (corn and coconut fermented in a non acidic ph can be fatal- Bongkrek acid, Burkholderia gladioli parthovar cocovenans (B. cocovenenans)) corn and coconut

@margahe9157 - 21.04.2023 14:00

Why no pictures????

@nesanesa9547 - 08.05.2023 08:08

Omg, 78 yo whoes grandad always said THE ANSWER LIES IN THE SOIL... WOW

@dorothybutterfield8428 - 23.05.2023 22:08

I love fermented foods I’m going to start making them again

@KnackFarmer-theanswerismeat - 04.06.2023 06:53

With so many vegetables being grown hydroponically, it'd be interesting to understand the impact on the lactic bacteria which comes from plants grown in soil.

@normanbell-br7nf - 16.07.2023 01:27


@brunonichol7557 - 16.07.2023 13:42

One point about Koreans and Japanese. They have some of the highest rates of Stomach Cancer. This may not be related to the high consumption, but it could be due to the high salt intake.

@LadyOfRain1 - 22.07.2023 20:16

When Tim says 'in health food stores' in terms of comparing the amnts of microbes you can get vs from fermented food, I believe he is talking about the supplements you find there. If you are in a Health Food Store you are also likely to find the fermented food options they are talking about as well. Finding live culture (not 'pickled' in vinegar or pasteurized) fermented foods in a cooler or fridge in a health food store is pretty common around where I live.

@MonsieurDecent - 22.08.2023 05:50

I have a real hereditary rheumatological sensitivity to all kinds of legumes, unless they are sprouted or fermented; however, having some unsprouted but beautiful organic bean flour recently, I decided to live a bit “dangerously” by adding it in my homemade bread
dough — quite substantially, in fact, about ~1/4 of the flour in the recipe — and let it “ferment” SUFFICIENTLY (i.e.: ~3 days of “cold ferment” in the refrigerator) with just regular bread yeast; the resulting bread caused me NO painful sensitive reaction WHATSOEVER and therefore was 100% OK for me to eat — because during the “(bread dough) fermentation” process the aforementioned “regular bread yeast” broke down SUFFICIENTLY the chemical compound that would have caused my rheumatological sensitivity to untreated legumes.

@franceslothian1319 - 22.08.2023 10:51

I'm scared now that the terrible high temperatures we've had this summer - soil temperature of 60°c - that will kill microorganisms!

@spacewalktraveller1 - 03.09.2023 08:10

Too much salt when you are making sauerkraut destroys it. Don't listen to Sandor, go online and look into how to make it properly.

@clarewalters5189 - 25.09.2023 15:42

I’ve just started making my own krauts and kefir, eating a small amount daily. I was chatting to a scientist friend who said “ cut back on fermented foods “ because the lactic acid they produce can harm our stomach acid. He said what happens when you work out? We produce lactic acid which in turn can produced inflammation. He says this is what’s happening when we eat fermented foods?
I have no idea if he’s on to something or not.I thought I was doing a good thing to lower inflammation by eating the ferments but now im not sure? I’d love to hear folks thoughts on this 🙂

@user-li2bt2de5h - 26.09.2023 02:21

Once my sourkrout is ready should I strain off the salty water or dilute it or just eat it as it is???

@user-li2bt2de5h - 26.09.2023 02:23

P.s. I’ve used Himalayan pink salt to ferment my cabbage and separate cauliflower. 😊

@nesanesa9547 - 01.10.2023 09:39

Good morning gentlemen enjoying this talk very much...big question.: what/how to measure sodium in servings?
..0ooooo, reusing brine great point thank you.0ooooo, whole head of cabbage..omg yes need your book Santos...Will never buy from store, never. Find good soil, farmers markets buy fresh and DIY..Xn

@bigcheesedog2645 - 06.10.2023 00:11

Yogurt is really easy too and does not need much equipment to make. If you have an oven with a working light and a pot you are good to go, instant pots are even nicer but not needed.

@tabithamusic - 23.11.2023 17:20

Isn't there a health problem with the high salt content?

@Arugula100 - 29.11.2023 23:23

Why is there no video on this podcast?

@g.e.b.8159 - 23.12.2023 18:26

Kimchi is too salty for people suffering from high blood pressure. Kefir is definitely the way to go.

@lenanayashkova - 08.01.2024 22:28

I wish it was as easy as that. I tried to make sauerkraut from my own cabbage and it went mouldy.. very much tried to follow all the recommendations, but alas

@nasha4696 - 18.01.2024 14:31

I made a cauliflower mix with garlic dill salt rain water during your video you gave me the confidence to start straight away I made for the first time thankyou so much

@Chasee445 - 07.02.2024 05:59

Please provide a variety of live fermented food options. We always hear the same few: kefir, yogurt, kimchi, kombucha

@angelikaDB - 15.02.2024 12:54

Dr Greger mentioned that the saltyness of Kimchi is actually a health risk (cancer). So maybe better to opt for less salty fermented foods.

@lindachandler2293 - 20.02.2024 02:38

My grandparents live through the 1918 flu epidemic. Grandma was a germophobe the rest of her life. If she hadn't already been extremly comfortable making pickles, vinegar and clabbered type milk products AND had she had electricity, she would never have passed anything ferment related things to me in the 1950s.

@the_judge_8262 - 25.04.2024 21:29

We moved our tomatoes outside on May 21 last year. They were smaller than yours. They produced LOADS of tomatoes in the end 👍🏼

@silviofontana5144 - 13.05.2024 05:33

So, how come many people with gut issues cannot eat fermented foods without issues. This does not matter if you titrate these fermented foods slowly over 12- 24 months, they simply react.

@wonderwoman5528 - 20.06.2024 14:49

‘I was going to tell you how to ferment cucumbers but check out my book $$$
