Neurosurgeon explains: When is low back pain SERIOUS... and you need to take action.

Neurosurgeon explains: When is low back pain SERIOUS... and you need to take action.

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@pavanram5062 - 26.11.2023 20:40

I had pain during my dead lifts and it was not so much pain but after I left the gym for some reason, I started to sit too much and play more video games with wrong position but after I started to stretch daily the pain went soo but soon after some days I got burning sensation in my both legs and I don’t really know what to do in this condition.

@kamalT001 - 25.11.2023 09:54

Doc I am suffering from past one year but my doc says I hv severe is worsening day by day. I cannot lie down and sleep nor can I walk properly. Only on calcium and vitamin D supplements. I want my treatment done but none of the doctors diagnosed what it is.

@Acts-1322 - 16.11.2023 15:19

Sadly this gentleman was ignorant in not including vitamin/mineral deficiencies as an EXTREMELY common causes of low back (both bone/joint and muscle) pain... D3, K2 and magnesium all play crucial roles throughout the body, helping each other be utilized too. Even Mayo & Cleveland clinics both tie together low back pain & vitamin D deficiency.
Pro tip: don't settle for 30 or less VitD , those are insufficient levels. Also, get your insulin + C-peptide tested. Insulin resistance and fatty liver can prevent your body from making & using sufficient "Hormone D". Fasting insulin should be 7 or less, lower the better, absolutely single digits only. In the teens is a PROBLEM

@josephani9992 - 10.11.2023 16:00

hi my name is Joseph having lower back pain but dont no what to do
but am only having night sweat

@harrietabbott9318 - 07.11.2023 18:48

My back pain IS SERIOUS!! I suffer from stenosis, and the suffering is immeasurable. Don’t tell ME my pain is NOT serious, while refusing any pain medicine. It destroys my quality of life, robs my sleep, and has caused serious depression. How much more serious can it get???

@yourgymdad8593 - 05.11.2023 15:25

Hi Doc! 5-6 weeks ago I had a solid deadlift session, after which I stumbled upon some guy on Instagram snapping his lumbar spine with around 700 lbs on the bar. Instantly, anxiety hit me and I thought to myself it'd be a good idea to pay more attention to my deadlifting technique to minimize the chances of lower back injuries like the one I saw. The very next day I was at the gym and started practicing my technique... With a very light weight - around 135 lbs. The next thing I knew, I woke up the next day and felt lower back pain starting to form. It got worse and worse over about a week and it's still hanging on 5-6 weeks later - No sharp pains whatsoever, the lower back/glutes just feel terribly tight and in dull pain. Been to the best physios in town but no results/diagnosis whatsoever - I just know that knees to chest kinda relaxes the pain for some time, but it hurts the first rep. How can I test myself to figure out the cause of this pain? P.S: I can squat pain-free for the most part.

@user-mz1gk9ew3r - 04.11.2023 15:59

you mentioned here the 4 red flags of serious symptoms. Would that mean one would need all of the symptoms, or at least one of the symptoms?

@allinyapik3792 - 02.11.2023 07:06

Excellent guide

@Preeti-lw9jc - 01.11.2023 06:20

I had back pain 1.5 months back due to injury which was radiating in my back went to doctor symptoms improved so i didn't had an MRI. now 10 days back i was traveling through an auto and had a jerk. Everything was fine at that time, but now I have back pain again in bottom of my back and I'm feeling sensation in my left buttocks and near anus , what can it be . Please tell..

Update: i had an MRI last week according to the reports i have a mild left paracentral disc bulge which is causing mild narrowing of left lateral recess.
So i want to know if it's serious

@roger9453 - 30.10.2023 22:33

Have had fusion L5 S1 in 2017, and got about 4 yrs of pain free life. Nothing out of the ordinary changed in my daily rituals since then, but over the last year, my low back is killing me! recent contrast MRI's reveal disc bulge, stenosis and other stuff that I can't recall. Just had a call with my neurosurgeon to review the MRI and X-Ray. Unfortunately, he told me he did not believe any further surgery due to the instability of my back and disc degeneration would provide me any relief. I don't know where to turn now. The pain is so bad my son had to help me out of the truck last night. I have had so many epidurals that I've lost count. I was also offered the pain management clinic at Kaiser, but I refuse to take the opioids. Do you think I could be misdiagnosed and have SI joint problems? At this rate, I am going to be wheelchair bound in a few years.

@thedude6405 - 30.10.2023 18:33

It freaking hurts so bad! My mom wants to save some money on house interior construction, so "do it yourself", aka do everything by dad and I. One day after lift and carry heavy stuff, my lower back hurts like hell, I have to lie down for almost a month. Sometime my mom is extremely stupid, save $100, suffer additional $10000 loss. Well, this condition will never recover right? I don't think I would get any real treatment, my dad wants me getting MRI, but my mom thinks I just need to rest. After 3 months, my back is still so hard, it burns when I wiggle or move my spine.

@rational-public-discourse - 29.10.2023 21:02

I believe I strained my lower back from over stretching my back or lifting up too much weight, When I woke up today, it wasn't too bad, but at some point it became excruciating. I have to lift and push heavy items as part of my job,, and I think overstrained my back the other day. I am a part-time worker, but I need to work. Lately, I am scheduled with only one day of rest at ta time. Should I tell my employer and ask for time off and then tell my doctor that I need to get an xray? What can I take for the pain. What should I do?

@evans8412 - 26.10.2023 20:16

I have since second lumbar fusion surgery a feeling of a triangle shape in my way lower back that moves around and hurst so bad that I can’t stand it every test and X-ray is fine but I’m not

@ChromeN9ne - 18.10.2023 05:07

How can I go to the ER if I'm even unable to lie on the side and piss in the bottle...? :/

@petermartin9102 - 17.10.2023 12:16

Many years ago I had a severe injury from a car accident and was in hospital for six months lying down with a weight hanging over the end of the bed when I was discharged from hospital I apparently was fine and had no problems until recently when I had several falls which I needed help to get up but at the time I felt no pain or discomfort but now I am suffering from very severe lower back pain and I am unable to sleep at night when the pain it at its worst rubbing with heat cream eases it a bit but it still remains vert painful

@megangibson6890 - 14.10.2023 02:37

Hi, 4 months ago I woke up with back pain and it radiated down into my hips and knees. I figured it was the hard mattress i was sleeping on. My mid back felt like it needed cracked as it felt stiff. The aches seemed to come and go. Now I get tingling in my legs or sometimes a burning sensation on the tops of my thighs that radiated down my legs and the knees get stiff. Sometimes my right foot gets affected and i can feel a nerve wiggle inside my big toe when i walk? Sometimes the burning and pins and needles alternate between the legs or it sometimes its both legs at the same time. I get the odd constipation and sometimes it can get quite bad... one evening i couldnt pee and i had to go to ER... eventually i started urinating again. They checked my urine and bloodwork all was fine except my wbc were slightly elevated. I explained to the doctor what was happening to me and he just put it all down to constipation. I have been to see a rhumatologist and he put it down to sciatica and recommended that i do some stretches - which i have been doing. Once i feel my legs tingling, i do the stretches and the tingles disappear but will come back again a few days later. I am so scared and the doctors dont seem to be taking me seriously, i need answers and dont know what to do 😢

@abheey - 12.10.2023 19:22

4 month ago is lifted weight which cause me little but high density and sudden back pain when i bend my back for any work but yesterday evening i go for a tracking which i usually not doing from the last few years and today morning i do heavy exercise at home like jumping jacks, push up, legs, situp, and other abs exercise after that i go to market and when i came home back i just get a sudden heavy pain in my lower back and left leg, and the situation is i can't just sit or move my body properly but can sleep or stand with medium pain, i don't know what just happened but after rubbing my back with pain relief cream and taking rest of 3-4 hours i getting 10% to 15% relief. Sir can you please tell me what happened and what should i do next.

Age - 27
Weight - 87kg
Height - 6.1 Feet

Thanks for video ❤

@kath6229 - 12.10.2023 17:05

I was sitting the third row of my brother's van for the first time. I ended up compensating for seat shape by curving my back for maybe two hours. I won't do that again.... maybe little ones will fit there well. Or a pet. But not a mid 50s adult.... stupid adult trick.

I am guessing this might be an injury as it took place a few weeks back. Should I make an appointment at my local osteopathy school, head to hospital or simply stretch and start back exercises, and if so, for how long should I take that approach? I can't say it hurts 'all the time' but I have been taking acetaminophen occasionally, and antihistamines often this season... I mention in case it has an anti-flammatory effect overall.

Thank you!

@renielbarath492 - 12.10.2023 11:31

Hi Doc..i normally suffer from back pain cause of house chores but manage by massage..for the past 3 days iv been havin terrible lower back pain continously.. i do have bladder problems

@bidhanhajong9246 - 12.10.2023 07:28

I hv dish herniation in l1 and L2.. sometimes my body shakes ..pls guide sir

@pollito5452 - 07.10.2023 06:43

Thank you

@nirupambiswas2817 - 06.10.2023 17:31

Sir i fell from a tree 2 yrs ago now for the last 7 -8 months im having lower back pain im doing many kind of exercise and taking medication but im having that same pain and its very uncomfortable for a 23 yr boy plzz help me

@donVicanio - 03.10.2023 01:16

Hey doc, it happened 4 months ago after pushing hard at the gym for some time , I came home and relaxed for 2 hours then I crouched down for 10 minutes to fix something. When I raised up I felt a striking pain down my lower back which kept me stuck for a couple of minutes. The next 2-3 mornings I had to ask my wife’s help in order to get up from bed. Since then my lower back has a constant tension(3-4 out of 10 pain) which gets worse when sitting/standing but completely gone when hot bathing or therapy massaging. MRI shows L5 disk protrusion of 4mm which goes into S1 dural sac. How do I heal this?! Is the actual pain caused by the protrusion ? Had no back issues before and I’m in constant discomfort since (can exercise all PT moves without any pain). 38 yo casual lifter / desk job male.

@bahaaalrawi42 - 01.10.2023 02:05

34 male, been having lower back pain 24/7 for 9 straight years. MRI shows straightening of lumbar lordosis due to muscle spasm. Tried everything in the book. Every painkiller. Nothing brings the pain down. I haven't found a relief in 9 years of back and forth treatments. I don't know what's wrong with my back anymore. I'm desperate.

@mutlaqtayyab7304 - 23.09.2023 13:33

I had a question. I have a problem of lower back pain when move body left or right, It gets much higher. Moreover, I have tingling in my both back legs down to feet sometimes when sit prolong? what should i do ? which doctor to consult for it?

@user-kk9zf4fx9t - 14.09.2023 17:44

I have arthritiis (Ra) at 74 Male, my back has recently starting aching on the lower left hand side which hurts more at night for an hour or so this is also felt in my groin, could this be Hip arthritis or something else like Prostate problems? i have the usual slow flow and night time regualr visits to the bathroom but hoping this is more due to my age, thee no history of my parents having cancer. Any advice please? THanks in advance

@xantaramone9309 - 11.09.2023 00:19

Never do any surgery in your low back never these neurosurgeon are here to make money that is all never never let anyone touché your spine

@johnbusuttil2188 - 07.09.2023 10:57


@vphathom - 04.09.2023 16:44

I have had 7 spinal surgery's = 2 C spine surgery"s and 5 back surgery's S1 L5 L4 are fused my L3-L4 is unstable AP. canal is 8.2mm my L2-L3 needs an lamanectomy i have foraminal stenosis and Spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis on L4-L3-L2 my back and both legs is unbearable it wakes me up from a dead sleep. i cant set more then 10 min . i cant stand in one place. my orthopedic spinal surgon is reluctant to do any more surgery what can be done i am in pain management and thank God for that .

@mercynjimo845 - 01.09.2023 20:37

Can sitting for long hours cause serious back pain

@rhandrey2051 - 31.08.2023 11:47

Through some years I had some episodes of back pain. I went to my family doctor last year but he said it was not big deal and didn't want to give me any treatment. What should I say to the doctor in a way I can have a good examination?

@barrymccockiner9779 - 30.08.2023 06:54

For everyone in constant pain I wish you nothing but the best. It feels like hell

@saswatimohanty7930 - 18.08.2023 05:59

Hello sir...I had an accident in around 2017-18 in which my coccyx bone had cracked a bit roughly and it took around 6 to 8 months to heal completely and for calcium build...but after almost one year of the incident I started getting severe pain in the area between my shoulder and neck one the left side and in the year 2021 in both the sides...and now from some months am getting pain in my lower back as well and I just always have this feeling to crack my back and feel relaxed

@nyegye1606 - 18.08.2023 01:59

I have a paracentral disc herniation with annular fissure on the right side at l5 S1. I have been dealing with chronic low back pain and sciatica for over a decade, bulge progressed to herniation. Doctors haven't recommended disectomy as I have had sciatica come and go (resolving at times) and retained all my strength. I religiously so PT with little to no help. Rest and lifestyle changes seems to be the only thing to help manage my pain. I have taken oral and steroid injections and taken endless anti inflammatories. Any advice on how to resolve this issue / pain?

@ramonaburns4077 - 17.08.2023 05:15

I have mid to lower back pain across the back….feels like when u have a severe chest cold and ur body hurts…..that’s what it feels like without having a cold….maybe infection? kidney?

@yashvardhan6955 - 15.08.2023 21:35

I m experiencing pain on the right side of my lower back after i did deadlift. It becomes better with basic stretching exercise and heat pad. It is not affecting my movement i can move easily and can easily bend forward without any pain but the pain comes whenever i lift and pull something heavy. What could be the problem and should i see a doctor?

@mikesgmail896 - 12.08.2023 17:31

And if we don’t have insurance and can’t go thousands of dollars in debt just to get answers?…. What should we do

@jegonzfarm7867 - 11.08.2023 08:15

Thanks Dr i have serious low back pain that doesn't want me to sit or walk for long.
And i have notice imbalance in my wight in the last one month it goes up and down am also getting little night sweat.
When am sleeping in a good position i don't feel much pain this is happening after coming back from hospital for physiotherapy treatment before i went to hospital the pain was not serious on my back but my butt, hip and weak leg now they are gone but this back pain has replaced them.

@toastyiscozy - 09.08.2023 06:28

I want help, I am a young teen and I play basketball football and soccer. I have lower right back pain and I don’t know why, I was just at practice a year ago and it started hurting( note it’s been the same pain normally happening when I run or use/rotate my lower back/hips.) this has been on and off. It is the worst when I play football though weather it be full pads or just clothes. A little bit ago I sort of had a “Grace period” and had no pain for 3 months. Football just started 5 days ago and it hurts. My doctor says it a stretching problem but I frequently stretch my thighs and arms etc. any tips would be appreciated.

(I don’t want to take any pain meds I want to recover from this naturally)

@penny1186 - 31.07.2023 14:03

What happens when the doctor screws up your medication by accident and your pain is at a 9 to 10 for 3 days. I had fractured my spine in two places and it wasn’t healed in more than 20 years when it was fused. I also had a mass at pressing on my spinal cord which was previously removed. The ER and my doctors won’t check my spine because I have metal and a spinal cord stim.

@anmolnegi1450 - 30.07.2023 20:40

Recently, I did the deadlift exercise, but very low weight. Since then, I am having lower back pain, that sometimes go to left hip too(sensation feeling). Am having pain that lower back pain while walking also.

@user-mp7pn2qu6e - 30.07.2023 07:24

Hey, so uhm...I'm pretty young and this summer, I've been experiencing these really weird and sudden jolts of pain on my lower back. The first time this happened was about a month or a month and a half ago when I turned my back around to grab my water bottle (sorry if that sentence doesn't make sense). Suddenly, I felt an intense pain directly on a certain part of my lower spine. Basically, I couldn't really stand or move in general without feeling pain literally everywhere on my back, and I couldn't put too much pressure on one of my legs or my back would just feel like shattering into a million pieces. I did a little research and assumed that it had just been a lower back strain, and with a few days, my back felt almost completely normal again. However, this weird pain happened again just now, when I had adjusted my back a tiny bit on the couch (I'm telling you this happens so randomly it's actually hilarious). I read one of the comments of someone who seemed to be struggling with the same situation as me, especially since they stated that they thought it was from "office syndrome," which is something I've found myself struggling with too (I would study or be in front of a screen for too long, have bad posture, etc). However, I still find it really weird that this has happened two times already this summer, not to mention that I'd been working out so I wasn't extremely inactive. I still think there's a possibility that this is just a lower back strain, but I was hoping I could get confirmation or an opinion from a professional (or professionals)

@ruthmackey4597 - 18.07.2023 16:55

I was thrown foward when my foot was caught around the leg of the stool while standing. when i first get up I am in severe pain. cannot walk without crying hard to put my right foot down. after walking it goes away and I can do anything except to bend forward or reach out in front of me without having those horrible pains in my lower right hip and down both legs. i have been watching excerises on the internet and trying many of them not pain happens for the sciatifa nerves. when i sit for awhile and stand it is severe pain again. what is it

@ca4816 - 18.07.2023 02:09

Hello Dr. My MRI confirms L5S1 nerve compression and ortho surgeon recommended endoscopic microsiscectomy. Im doing PT for 6weeks now and the pain has gotten better from 10 now to a 6 sometimes 7. The pain is constant and pain meds/prednisone barely touched it. Should I give PT more time or really look into the surgery. My surgeon is known not to recommend surgery if not necessary.

@birdlynn417 - 17.07.2023 23:07

Life is very severe with a life like this.

@user-yo7ns3tb1k - 17.07.2023 06:47

Im having this SEVERE spasm like pain in my lower right back while im lying in bed at night. Its such a sharp pain that my whole body will jump/twitch. I also feel the pain often thru out the day, but only get the sharp stabbing spasm in bed.

@cyndieK1 - 16.07.2023 05:09

Is it possible to have trapped gas in your back? I do not pass gas during the day and I'm almost positive it's getting trapped in my back with very sharp stabbing pains.

@RituSharma-ek8lq - 15.07.2023 16:42

I got injured by felling on the ground..

I hv problem in bowel movement ...
Plz help..


@Railwaygurukul999 - 13.07.2023 08:50

When i move to stand up from bed i feel sharp back pain in the left middle of my back it is serious or not ???🤔

@johnmitchell8925 - 10.07.2023 22:28

Any video that's say's watch till the end i immediately move on
