The Greatest Predator You Will Face

The Greatest Predator You Will Face

Jordan B Peterson Clips

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C. Galindo
C. Galindo - 22.11.2023 16:58

Yes. We all face something either internally or externally that causes us deep strife, conflict, or even division amongst ourselves in where we see our paths aligning in order to move forward.
Be that as it may, it is all something that life bears and people must face. For confronting without effort is just choosing to fail without giving yourself to an actual cause. It is the same as not trying at all but worse depending on if you do not counter what pushed you down.
An interesting subject and one to be delved in with the utmost finesse and understanding of the root cause of such personal to even ultruistic ideals

Dr Saima Salahuddin
Dr Saima Salahuddin - 14.11.2023 00:31

The inner predator may get weaker but doesn't disappear. Brother jordan! don't underestimate your own. Ask God sincerely everyday to guide you to truth and a balanced way.

Howard Robinson
Howard Robinson - 09.11.2023 17:33

That was a murky presentation. Perhaps if it wasn't cut off where it was he might have gone on to elaborate on the point he was making.

WellRounded - 09.11.2023 16:37

This man should get paid $1million dollars

serge siweck
serge siweck - 07.11.2023 02:58

what if the snake is frech wather, running of like oxytocin. a truth 100.000 years older then the devil

Gyalten Jigdrel
Gyalten Jigdrel - 06.11.2023 06:00

This fellow is so amazing

Carlos Aguirre Reyna
Carlos Aguirre Reyna - 05.11.2023 20:35

The ancient Mesoamerican cultures actually worshipped snakes as a divine manifestation. So no, not all human cultures had this conflicting relationship with the figure of the snake.

Chan Tha
Chan Tha - 05.11.2023 17:16

ドラゴンとは。 怒鳴り散らかす、琉球民賊の事なのです。 彼等達に対しては、全て重火器使用して、滅ぼす事です。

JXG - 05.11.2023 00:57

Who else didn't understand a word he said?

ridiculous P
ridiculous P - 04.11.2023 22:08

Probably the smartest man on earth

Erik Westenbrink
Erik Westenbrink - 04.11.2023 01:14

Tldr; dont be a satan onto yourself and preferably not onto others

Kevin Tse
Kevin Tse - 03.11.2023 20:31

Alright, JP back on track!

T D B - 03.11.2023 13:16

Wish JBP could do a whole series on gnosticism and alchemy

_____ - 03.11.2023 02:00

I can't tell what slaps more:
- the principal of what he's saying
- that 3-piece my man's has on

Alexander Michael
Alexander Michael - 02.11.2023 19:17

The predator in my life, has been from the begining, until now, but, will one day be destroyed, he, for that is what my predator, a fallen Angel which is Satan, and, those who are controled by him.

GeorgeJ - 02.11.2023 15:52

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”

Alex Boros
Alex Boros - 02.11.2023 10:39

That's the Roman version of the Dragon, it's the opposite in Asian society.

William Watson
William Watson - 02.11.2023 01:15


Christian Sandoval
Christian Sandoval - 02.11.2023 00:20

Did anyone understand?🤔

El Ché
El Ché - 01.11.2023 21:27

Jordan Peterson, you sound better. It sounded like your mind was getting sucked down by the serpent. Though, this sounds like you have recovered and risen back up. Keep up the good work, and keep you mind above the serpent-like thought processing (cold, uncaring for others, thinks in ways/paths "not dimensions", lacks laws of life or makes them up, ...).

Zac Loves School
Zac Loves School - 01.11.2023 17:14

Funny thing about this analogy for me is that I have loved dragons since I was young, and always imagined my spirit animal as one of the serpentine dragons from Chinese mythology (just because I liked those better than the others). Additionally I was aware of my internal conflicts and what he would call a "shadow" for many years as well. In my general isolation as a teen after moving away from my friends in florida, as well as during my parents divorce that I wanted nothing to do with, I learned alot of important things about myself and most important of all, learned how to commune with my subconscious self/befriend and work alongside my shadow instead of chaining it up or shunning it. Because of this, it grew with me and I never lost sight of it unless I was blinded by some external force or some strong emotional situation like a breakup. In recent years I've not preffered the dragon as an internal reflective image, but have been further self actualizing and finding value in all sorts of other animals as well as a better understanding of myself as an animal. Now that dragon in my psyche is allowed to exist in my mental domain, but understands that it does not have power there in the same way that my executive mind does. I used to be a rather bloodthirsty and destructive person deep down, even wishing that humanity would get wiped out because of all of the pain we caused eachother. So while it did come out of empathy, it was still destructive and pessimistic. I have recognized what that chaotic force is capable of doing to my mental landscape, and consequently the world around me as so often is the case with people's minds manifesting in destructive ways in the real world. Though I guess for me, the dragon also represented a form of widsom and tolerance, so even while those thoughts ran rampant, there was a guiding intuitive force to it that kept me from being consumed by it. Sometimes I really appreciate my brain, or maybe just myself for setting up these failsafes and planting these seeds that were eventually able to grow.

Nonya B
Nonya B - 01.11.2023 14:04

Greater than the predator of the manipulative mob that steals half of what I produce and thus requires me to work decades longer?

This predator pretends to be virtuous beings. At least a dragon presents itself honestly and doesn't pretend to be a good Samaritan

James Hill
James Hill - 01.11.2023 04:32

Thank you.

SS Tech
SS Tech - 31.10.2023 09:34

Can never trust a man that calls for the destruction of oppressed people.

Franco_Acha - 31.10.2023 06:13

The greatest predator I have faced is social anxiety. A monster beyond each and every one of my abilities. A monster that has rendered my entire life as an inescapable hell. A problem that has made every single last experience there in life pure and utter suffering.
Academic, laboral and romantic success are all far behind this impossible obstacle. Everything worth in life is impossible to ever reach.
Today again I wonder, if suffering is all life has to offer, if suffering is all that will ever be there to experience at all. Why should I bother to keep living?
And the sole reason remains how terrible a suicide is for those we leave behind.
What a cruel joke life is. Tasteless, purposeless. Utterly unenjoyable. Life is nothing but one big, long chore.
With nothing ever that will make the struggle worth.
God, how much I wish I was never born. Life is pure crap.

DM17 - 31.10.2023 05:22

Good stuff

Jake Brown
Jake Brown - 30.10.2023 21:40

The Serpent, suggested by Graham Hancock, is the Cosmic bombardment aka comets, meteors, and world-ruining forces beyond Earth. JBP should talk with Hancock and sort out these interpretations.

A-S - 30.10.2023 16:37

Ive been following you all this years, too many videos helps me, i wish someday can mail you because know for person it must be impossible.. Im 32 years old, and im wasting completely my life, i feek like and old man complaining about everything, im completely alone for not mention my father who is manipulative but cant go away because i dont know, its my father. Now trying to regulate ISRS, but i cant, but this videos really help me to in one way, i cant say how, are completely true, even if u are in disagree with something that bothers ure own person, ure right, and that make the difference for build a good person in a future, brick by brick i hope, Thank you Dr. Keep doing this.this years, too many videos helps me, i wish someday can mail you because know for person it must be impossible.. Im 32 years old, and im wasting completely my life, im completely alone for not mention my father who is manipulative, now tryin to regulate ISRS, but i cant, but this videos really help me to in one way, i cant say how, are completely true, even if u are in disagree with something that bothers ure own person, ure right, and that make the difference for build a good person in a future, brick by brick i hope, Thank you Dr. Keep doing this.

Patrick Karnwie
Patrick Karnwie - 29.10.2023 22:26

The eyes like burning flames
(🔥) (🔥)

Satan in hell in my brain you will see him thru my eyes

Social Matrix
Social Matrix - 29.10.2023 18:44


Adrian - 29.10.2023 06:20

This gets very close to the heart of the "us vs. them" tribal mentality that still keeps humanity in the dark. We often try to find scapegoats, whether on a personal or social level, even though in many situations there is literally no villain. If a storm messes up my house, is it the storm's fault? My fault for buying the house? The universe's fault for creating storms? It's murky at best, but we still tend to create huge elaborate stories to put the blame on someone or something. Why?... What is really the source of this judgment? I think we can all do better without it - or at least try to minimize it. Perhaps that is the real meaning of the "last" judgment.

cxa24 - 29.10.2023 05:47

Stay in Canada

Blitz Necro
Blitz Necro - 29.10.2023 04:54

Thank you Mr. Peterson. Your advice helped me so much. Within 5 years I've gone from a homeless man living in the woods by myself for 3 years. Now I'm 33 years old making six figures a year and working a dream job. I thank you so much for your knowledge and inspiration.

Adam Fawkes
Adam Fawkes - 28.10.2023 13:14

I wonder if Jordan has a relationship with Jesus

Jonas Gord
Jonas Gord - 27.10.2023 22:53

All positive comments paid by DW associates 🤭

Clark Watson
Clark Watson - 27.10.2023 19:18

He is such a fraud as political commentary

Elder Liddle
Elder Liddle - 27.10.2023 18:44

This reminds me of the Revenge of the Sith Novel. The author describes Anakin’s worries as “The Dragon” and he conjured Vader as a means to slay that dragon. In the end of course, Vader was the dragon. Anakin becomes the dragon by becoming Vader.

Smoking Crab
Smoking Crab - 27.10.2023 17:59

I've been torturing myself my entire life. I love in a constant state of anxiety (fear of judgement from others) and it causes me to people please, abuse substances, and constantly put myself down. I'm my own worst enemy. Now I'm beginning to treat myself with grace and I'm doing the inner work to actually be anxiety free.

Philip Brooks
Philip Brooks - 27.10.2023 16:00

Interesting how females more emotionally wired and the serpant convinced her that God was lying about the eating from the tree. Like how emotions can override our logical side. And Adam trusted the woman when given the fruit by her. It's like a story for man to stick to logic even if their wife desires something. What if the serpant was a metaphor for emotional temptations

Anthony Housley
Anthony Housley - 27.10.2023 13:28

No the one he sent in real life 😈🤣

Levers and Pulleys
Levers and Pulleys - 27.10.2023 13:22

Dr. Peterson, if only your unspirited moment didn't tempt you to say "Give them hell" to Netanyahu, this encouragement to keep the devil within would enter so many hearts almost effortlessly, like many times before that.
