We Quit Alcohol For 30 Days, Here's What Happened...

We Quit Alcohol For 30 Days, Here's What Happened...

Buff Dudes

2 года назад

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tnoputto - 23.10.2023 14:45

Torille! Suomi mainittu!!

Mariusz Chrobak
Mariusz Chrobak - 05.10.2023 23:35

For me it was easier to go cold turkey than try to moderate. 1.5 months cold. Fuck alcohol.

Noah WX
Noah WX - 19.09.2023 20:34

OK, these are some good reminders, part of increasing your mental clarity and boosting your drive, comes with quitting. Yes, there are many ways to quit, Steffon Barkload's Quit Drinking Forever is what worked for me, best shortcut I go’ogled that took days to make me dislike the juice 100%

RealParadox85 - 18.09.2023 07:53

So...they got better sleep and stuff...no difference in weight loss or physique? Huh?

Saurav Banerjee
Saurav Banerjee - 17.09.2023 13:31

wait, you guys do challenges for this? I simply don't have the money for Alchohol

Jorge Loya
Jorge Loya - 15.09.2023 17:59

Been there done that got the Tshirt this sucks big time alcohol is the worst poison known to men. I love my soberity.

Serial Seat Sniffer
Serial Seat Sniffer - 15.09.2023 04:30

Just curious, but what are you “training “ for?

Serial Seat Sniffer
Serial Seat Sniffer - 15.09.2023 04:29


VISITOR - 11.09.2023 13:16

Over 6 months of no alcohol for me

VLADYSLIFE - 08.09.2023 01:06

Forgot to mention your sex drive increases dramatically 😂

Cold game Veteran 🥶
Cold game Veteran 🥶 - 07.09.2023 23:26

I quit drinking in January and by August I lost 11lbs making me a bit leaner and easy to build muscle. Not to mention just feeling better overall about myself as well as my mood.

Tomppa - 31.08.2023 01:48

Here Finland we call try January tipaton tammikuu

Tomppa - 31.08.2023 01:38

I was hearing Finland. Greetings from Finland 🇫🇮

Katera - 17.08.2023 17:02

You have to work twice as hard to do anything when drinking, physically or mentally.

Yahoshua - 16.08.2023 13:41

I switched over to seltzers, as far as the unnecessary calories those are great, white claw isn't too bad, and with the fact that I'm doing more cardio and almost no processed food I can have 1-2 alcohol drinks and not need anymore, but I will say that if I drink at night, I get crazy energy even after just one seltzer or beer and I'm back in the gym for a 3rd workout of the day sometimes, so not drinking for me allows my body and mind to shut down and put more recovery time into my days and not run myself to the bone

SpajN3434 - 06.08.2023 10:33

Problem for me after having 18 years of weekend benders is it is a lot easier to be completely sober than "moderating". Moderating alcohol is the same as a smoker trying to moderate.

HOLLOWPOINT HOLIDAY - 06.08.2023 01:37

I’m 3 years no alcohol

sirpickletoe - 31.07.2023 19:01

For the past few years I've been a weekend 4 beers drinker, 2 beers friday, 2 beers saturday. I'm trying to get into fitness by doing weights and getting into boxing, I'm 5'9 and weight 210lbs. I'm wondering if this amount is OK or if I quit completely it will change anything. Any insight would be helpful :)

TheSupersoldier1234 - 25.07.2023 20:51

Beer we consume today is way more sugar rich than it was with our fore fathers, people use to live off from beer and not get fat, alcholic drinks are more stong than before, now it's 5% when it used to be just 2%.

backroadwrenching - 23.07.2023 20:15

Im not a big fan of alcohol anyway , i mean yeah i enjoy one every now and then . But just like any other substance abuse .

Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis - 23.07.2023 12:29

I came here to learn how to stop drinking for 30 days, and all I got is straight dude misogynistic big-boob women bullshit.

Sainted Heathen
Sainted Heathen - 16.07.2023 22:36

I'm an ex addict & have not drank for long time. Not once have I regretted it

W-James - 12.07.2023 17:45

Im now just a social drinker. I enjoy drinking with others but this year I asked myself weather I truly enjoy drinking on my own and is it worth the money, the calories and the hangovers. No it wasn’t.

gerardo alvarez
gerardo alvarez - 11.07.2023 21:40

What app is that? The one you scanned the barcodes

Zachary Martin
Zachary Martin - 11.07.2023 20:18

Totally need to make a protein beer!

dashmow - 07.07.2023 04:28

I hit a bench pr after having 4 Coronas the night before

Q - 04.07.2023 07:25

Thanks for making this video guys. I’ve struggled with alcohol abuse my whole life. I feel like I’m getting to the point where I’d rather feel those benefits than that buzz feeling. I know I can do it, it’s just consistency that usually gets me. Anyways, watching this video gave me even more information and perspective of what my life could be like without abusing alcohol (everything in moderation).

Caleb - 30.06.2023 20:06

Hangover shits are the worst 🤣🤣🤣

Kyle Oifer
Kyle Oifer - 30.06.2023 02:37

Everyone should! God bless! Jesus is king and saves ✝

C S - 26.06.2023 06:56

Glad I came across this video. I'm a 34 year old woman and at my highest weight I was almost 300 lbs. I started hitting the gym hard in Nov '21 5x a week and while I've seen amazing progress, I am still an alcoholic. Week 1 of college was a whole new world for me as I hadn't ever partied in HS, so when I got to college I went a little nuts and haven't stopped drinking since. It's been over 15 years now that I've consumed copius amounts of alcohol, in the past few years it's been a little over two bottles of white wine EVERY night. I feel like an idiot thinking about it. I'm inhibiting my weight loss goals but more importantly I'm slowly commiting suicide. I have a resolution to quit or drastically decrease my intake this week. I'm sick of my liver hurting. I'm sick of feeling bloated constantly. And I'm sick of not seeing the weight loss I truly could be seeing given that I am lifting heavy and doing cardio every day. I hope I can feel like a new person when this heavy veil is lifted. I have so much potential, thanks for reminding me of that.

Erik Momotyuk
Erik Momotyuk - 25.06.2023 00:33

Where do you get that beer flavored protein shake?

John Michael
John Michael - 24.06.2023 17:14

Somebody get these dudes a beer..

spacerace - 20.06.2023 17:01

All the slow mo shots of the beer just make me want to drink more

d m
d m - 19.06.2023 06:23

Great video. very helpful. Thanks guys.

KatzeDerNacht22 - 18.06.2023 21:47

I am currently working on moderation, I don't believe in no drinking at all, for myself, but reducing the quantity has made me feel awesome!

Minestra's Corner
Minestra's Corner - 10.06.2023 02:02

How much do these guys really drink though? Im a dude who only drinks on the weekend too. But I have a feeling these guys aren't averaging the 20-30 drinks I am.

EDIT: Harrison (lumberjack guy) gives a breakdown of how much he drinks a week. Probably about 15 drinks. Very surprised by that.

Jetnick - 09.06.2023 16:49

I'm only a few days in an alcohol-free month. Nightly beer drinker for years....and also a regular in the gym. The three improvements i noticed almost immediately:

1. Hiccups. Over the past year i'd developed really intense hiccups that would last for hours, or even days. Those constant spasms were exhausting and frankly began to hurt after awhile. Conversations were impossible. It was worse initially with dark beers, but then even light beers could trigger it. Almost immediately the hiccups went away.

2. Sleep. I'd been combining my nightly beer drinking with a mild sleep aid for a long time. When i quit the alcohol i also quit the sleep aids cold turkey. Although only several days in i notice that, first, I CAN go to sleep without the sleep-aid and beer. I think i developed a bit of a dependency. I've already noticed that not only do i not get up to pee (because of the beer before bedtime), I wake up in the morning feeling much more refreshed and without the usual brain-fog. This has been remarkable.

3. Bloating. Working out and being unable to have an effect on the bloated gut was frustrating. In my younger years this was not a factor. I'm now 63. After only a few days i observe that the usual bloating has diminished. I suspect that my liver has become fatty as well. I'm excited at the prospect that my liver is healing itself, going to shed the fat, and the bloating will give way to abs again.

frescoclean - 03.06.2023 21:42

I was wondering who Dennis hopper reminded me of. Now it clicked

Lion Strength 1111 🦁 🤴
Lion Strength 1111 🦁 🤴 - 02.06.2023 07:27

Great video guys, quit alcohol since 3/23/23 and I have felt real real great. Energy level and mental focus has been great

PSM💀 - 31.05.2023 02:10

Anyone that's a casual drinker that gets hangovers should also use that willpower to know your limits, also drink water in between drinks you're a lot less likely to get a hangover

Sentient Mlem
Sentient Mlem - 30.05.2023 17:15

I did dry January to start off my 2023. I am a beer drinker. I love most alcohols (except gin. Fuck gin) but beer is my #1. After not forcing the beer bloat on my system for an entire month my quality of sleep vastly improved. This, in turn, improved the quality of my workouts which improved my mood. It's a great domino effect!

Greg Russell
Greg Russell - 19.05.2023 01:01

In the PNW as well. Not only is the beer dense and great, but the food up here is phenomenal which makes it even more dangerous ha!

Lucha Lujano
Lucha Lujano - 18.05.2023 01:35

Had to quit altogether. Alcoholism is rampant in my family and I feel the addiction deep in my jellies.

M R Brown III
M R Brown III - 17.05.2023 15:03

I know a lady that won't stop drinking daily and she thinks she don't have a problem I wish she could try this before it's too late

L - 16.05.2023 14:02

I pity people that cant have fun without drinking alcohol.

John Ryder
John Ryder - 09.05.2023 21:54

Quitting alcohol causes a positive ripple effect. Not drinking will change your life. Ditch the grog it's pure poison.
