Ubuntu's Decline

Ubuntu's Decline

Chris Titus Tech

2 года назад

286,763 Просмотров

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ThatOneWindowsFan - 01.11.2023 19:22

Not gonna stop me from using 22.04

Hun - 30.10.2023 07:10

cuando era más joven la primera distro que use fue ubuntu, años despues volvi a intentar usarla y lo primero que me di cuenta es que ahora es muchisimo más pesada.

Hida Fluffminer
Hida Fluffminer - 22.10.2023 18:24

alright, Imma switch to debian.

arranmc182 - 18.10.2023 22:28

Snaps put me right off especially since they are forcing snap installs over deb install as default, also lack of support for Flatpack out the box dont help also by default the latest version of Ubuntu cant even install deb files from the GUI and I had to download GDebi or use the terminal as the newer software canter can install from deb files you have as a stand alone file, I will Stick with Rhino Linux & Ubuntu MATE as the stock Ubuntu has fast become garbage.

Isaac Alexis Rivera
Isaac Alexis Rivera - 13.10.2023 19:05

after almost 8 years dealing with ubuntu, finally i move on to debian+xcfe4.

Bradford Risbert
Bradford Risbert - 13.10.2023 06:30

At least firefox is loading on 1 click here. For me, it crashes on 1st and 2nd attempts. Then decides to open upon the 3rd in the slow mentioned manner. Was using Lunar Lobster.

Jjan Baldwin
Jjan Baldwin - 11.10.2023 04:09

That lag opening Firefox, I experience that in any distro I use and even in windows. It's only Firefox that does it.

Daniel Santana
Daniel Santana - 10.10.2023 03:04

Bye ububtu. Hi Mint.

Thomas Hovgaard
Thomas Hovgaard - 03.10.2023 17:07

Im sitting here absolutely new to linux.and just migrated to Pop Os on one laptop and Mint Mate on another laptop.Had Mint once before. Used to love Ubuntu and thus it was my go-to Linux as a windows user. That was a mistake. I thought it was lightweight compred to WIn but its slooooooow.
Im still trying out various distros but it seems like its Mint Mate and Pop OS.
I find Pop way more snappy than Ubuntu in everything. As said im noob but understood that Pop is somewhat a shell on Ubuntu anyway. Why the major differnece in responsiveness?

Wtf happened when he switched from Ubuntu to Fedora? Is that an inbuilt feature?

Prativerse - 30.09.2023 20:03

Linux mint has entered the Chat

mirandalad - 24.09.2023 09:09

It's great if you uninstall snap. Snap is the only problem with it. I use ubuntu LTS. i think it's better then fedora which uses a shit ton of ram(no matter what you do).
i would rather my distro come with snap that i can uninstall than have it use a bunch of ram that i can't do anything about.
i don't know how people can hate ubuntu but they like garbage fedora.

Blade RunnerUP
Blade RunnerUP - 20.09.2023 18:17

As a Desktop, Ubuntu's Unity and Gnome/Shell, back then, were utter deal breakers for me, and I've never been back and I thank you for confirming my convictions today.
So I switched to Arch Linux, or LFS, and learned how to build my own WM, and/or DE, like Openbox, KDE, MATE, XFCE, ...
Presently, I've settled on Linux Mint MATE, or Cinnamon, for my daily use, simply for it's great stability and convenience.
However, I also like to dabble the odd time with Kubuntu, openSUSE, or Manjaro - which are also all good Distro's.

Peter Panther
Peter Panther - 18.09.2023 21:57

I remember when they made the controversial decision to use Unity.
Everyone hated it at the time but it's still the greatest DE imo.

Saleh Ahmed
Saleh Ahmed - 10.09.2023 15:38

I installed 18.04 on my old PC and it was lagging like crazy. Ubuntu is no more an old hardware friendly Linux distro. With the release of every new version it is just getting worse.

Astro-J - 05.09.2023 19:56

It is slow however you are mistaken about pointless. Ubuntu is the number one operating system that introduces new users to Linux. I'm not even gonna watch because if the title has wrong information clearly the video will as well. Or perhaps you don't want new Linux users idk.

Frederick Yap
Frederick Yap - 20.08.2023 11:02

using ubuntu inside virtual machine and complaining its slow... oh well!!!

woohoo2491 - 07.08.2023 04:21

Ubuntu was dead to me after 20.04 forced snaps (and initially broke lots of other things too). Xubuntu 18.04, where everything happily coexisted, was my go to favorite. Glad Mint capitalized on this, and basically continued on what was great about 18.04.

Tahanan KPK
Tahanan KPK - 01.08.2023 02:52

what can you expect from london? since london has a strong geopolitical agenda probably Ubuntu is one of their medium through Canonical. I'm starting to worry about the solidarity of the ubuntu fanbase which has been built for decades as if they are starting to lose fundamental trust in the product they use.

Tahanan KPK
Tahanan KPK - 01.08.2023 02:41

i use snap in fedora and yeah there pretty slow compare to rpm
