SchoolGirlPin LXI

SchoolGirlPin LXI

SchoolGirlPin Youtube

2 года назад

12,210 Просмотров

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@kevin-ud1xw - 28.06.2023 19:27

She’s pretty solid from the mount

@knockout123 - 13.06.2023 16:18

Outstanding channel! Any plans for more videos?

@arcticcandy1268 - 03.06.2023 07:39

I love how easily she pins this girl down, and sits on her. She knows if she ever went against a guy who knows how to grapple. Or even me she’d be handled. 😂

@shadboy - 20.07.2022 21:28

Love your channel!!

@josephesposito3499 - 23.01.2022 21:14

THANK GOD FOR TRANS GENDERS ON 'GIRLS' SPORTS TEAMS LOL. Makes it obvious girls can only compete against other girls & little boys. LOL. Thank God for trans genders on girls teams LOL. Can't handle it girls? LOL

@freetrialman4111 - 04.01.2022 17:59

What is her name? And does she have more videos?

@jayachandran.a - 17.09.2021 05:31

She is so focused and ruthless in inflicting pain and dominating her victims. And she does it all with a nonchalant face and a happy grin in the end.

@ehteshamnawaz - 17.09.2021 01:23

One of the finest grappler indeed. Developed the skills and techniques of submission holds with accuracy and perfection. With relentless practice and dedication, she definitely developed a strong thigh 🦵🏻muscles. Also she surely mastered the mechanisms of securing various scissor holds & quickly immobilizing and taping her challengers. She is a 👍 💎 soul with a gifted figure & long way to go. Countless gratitudes and positive vibes for her always.
