What is Islam All About? - Mufti Menk

What is Islam All About? - Mufti Menk

Mufti Menk

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Rudy Abdullah
Rudy Abdullah - 08.10.2023 15:52

Brother brother rock edition understand Israel diserang Israel everything okay this one life pemilihan Presiden Israel Dyson intro okey disunting connecting promotion industri Khairul okey send Islam everything okay this warning connecting interferon bawa keluar

316 Creative
316 Creative - 01.10.2023 19:17

My brothers and sisters, my heart cries for you. Please honestly and humbly review the history of the manuscripts upon which the Bible is based. The changes you believe occurred could not have occurred in the way you believe. The very nature of it's diverse distribution and the incredible quantity of copies (this is a point in favor of scripture, not against it) means there was no one human institution that had sufficient control over the manuscripts to alter them as significantly as you believe. It's simply not plausible. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, the only way to the Father. He alone offers you true forgiveness. He is Jacob's ladder to the Father. He is the ram in the thicket (a symbol) that saved Isaac. He is the salvation that Abraham saw in that moment and was glad as Jesus stated centuries later. He is the lamb of sacrifice that takes away the sins of the world.

A. K.
A. K. - 30.09.2023 20:06

this is fucking stupid hilarious bullshit.

Phyllis Harper
Phyllis Harper - 27.09.2023 18:31

Enjoy your videos and learning alot.

André Bisson
André Bisson - 25.09.2023 18:33


(1) There has been no more polytheism in Arabia since the end of the 4th century (384), and the entire Near East is Christian, with the exception of a large Jewish minority in Najran and a Zoroastrian aristocracy in Sassanid Persia; the Himyarite kingdom, southern highlands of Yemen, which maintained nominal control in Arabia until 525, adopted in 380 a Judaizing monotheism so as not to be subject to the Byzantine Empire from which emanate the Christian religious guidelines; but, following its evolution into "total Judaism" and the massacre of the Aksumite Christian populations living in the kingdom and the massacre of Christians in Najran, in 525, with the support of the Byzantines, the armies of the Kingdom of Axum invaded the Himyarite Empire and convert its inhabitants to Christianity. The Byzantines were Orthodox Christians, and the Emperor was Christ's messenger and protector of the faith. The Syrians, Persians and Arabs of the Lakhmid Kingdom, subject to the Persian Empire, and those of Arabia are Nestorian Christians, who believe that Jesus is a prophet, not the son of God. The Egyptians and Arabs of the Ghassanid kingdom, subject to the Byzantine Empire, are Monophysite Christians, born in reaction to Nestorianism.
(2) The armies of Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor, annihilate the Persian Sassanid armies in Armenia in 622, in Nineveh in 627 and in 628 in Constantinople; the leader of the Persian armies, Persian king Khosro II, fled to Cteciphon where he was assassinated by the Zoroastrian clergy. It was from this period that Arab communities began to administer themselves. The Arab armies, in the service of the Byzantine and Persian empires, remained intact, gradually occupy the territories evacuated by Byzantium and those of the Persian Empire.
(3) Muawiya, the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty, as a Christian, makes Damascus his capital, and respects a Monophysite Arab tradition according to which he becomes the protector of the holy places, namely the sanctuary of Damascus, the tomb of John the Baptist and his cathedral.
(4) As Muawiya's popularity waned, following his defeats at Constantinople and the resumption of tribute to the Byzantine Empire, a movement was born to bring together Christians from across the Arab Empire. This movement, led by Emir ‘Abd al-Malik, wants to give the whole region a Christian theology that could be accepted by both Arabs and Persians, and thus counterbalance the orthodox Christianity of the Byzantine Empire. He proposes a redefinition of the mission of Jesus, to be defined as the "Servant of God" or "Abd Allâh" in Arabic, and understood as Mohammed or "the chosen one". The idea of Jesus as Servant of God had already been proposed by Arius at the beginning of the fourth century.
(5) 'Abd al-Malik overthrows Muawiya in the year 60 of the Arab era (679/680) and considers that the military effort must be accompanied by an internal consolidation by the establishment of an Arab Church like the Persian Imperial Church and following the example of the Persian Nestorian Church and the role it played in the last years of the Sassanid dynasty. To devote himself entirely to his task, he renews the peace treaty with Constantinople, agrees to pay him a considerably increased tribute and to share the income from Cyprus, Armenia and the Iberian Caucasus (Georgia). Its aim is to unify the Empire under the banner of the motto "Mohammed", that is to say the praised / chosen one speaking of Jesus Christ. Not wanting to be outdone, he informs the Byzantine emperor, Constantine IV, through the patriarch of Antioch, Macarius, that he intends to participate in the definition of the nature of Christ. Like Heraclius who produced an Ecthesis - a letter formulating the creed of the Church - in 638 advocating monothelism, he entered the scene by producing his own Ecthesis, and in 72 AD (691/692) he did so, inscribe it in the shrine he had built in Jerusalem, called the "Dome of the Rock" or Qubbat al-Sakhra in Arabic. The inscription is dedicated to the People of the Book, that is to say to all Jewish and Christian denominations.
(6) Under the Abbasid dynasty, the capital of the Arab Empire moved to Baghdad. Fearing for his safety and that of his family, Abu Jafar al-Mansur, the second Abbasid Caliph, built the Round City, also known as the City of Peace, south of Baghdad - between 767 and 772. The city of Baghdad quickly became the hub of large-scale commerce and is the first city to reach one million inhabitants. At the beginning of the 9th century, Houses of Wisdom appeared in the enclosure, housing libraries, translation centers and meeting places. The oldest of these houses, which is particularly active, is the personal library of Caliph Hâroun ar-Rachîd, opened to scholars in 831/832 during the reign of his son, al-Ma'mun. Like Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century BC and Alexandria under the reign of the Ptolemies from the 4th to the 1st century BC, Baghdad attracts all the intellectuals of the civilized world and followers of the great religions of the time.
(7) As the religious leader of Arab believers (Imam) and spokesperson for God (Khalîfat Allâh), al-Ma'mun must create a tradition affirming his authority, both civil and religious, independent of other beliefs, that we will not be able to discern coming from the Christian tradition. His father, Hâroun al-Râchîd, was already working on the Arab foundation, assuming the function of lord of the "haram", sacred places forbidden to infidels. His father's wife, Zubayda, had the road from Baghdad to Medina improved to promote pilgrimage to this new sacred place. Medina replaces the previously visited sacred places of Damascus and Jerusalem.
(8) Like Alexander the Great but in the opposite direction, al-Ma'mun leaves for the west, surrounded by his scholars and philosophers. His journey took him from Mesopotamia to Harran, a city where, according to the Bible, on leaving the city of Ur towards Canaan, the patriarch Abraham and his family settled. According to the Koran, three communities, belonging to the people of the Book, lived there: "the Jews, the Sabeans, the Nazarenes". The Sabeans used to go to caves to meditate. This practice is taken up by Islamic tradition, according to which the Prophet Muhammad receives his revelations in a cave. During his visit to Damascus, he visits the ruins of the Marwanid complex, place of prayer, and reads the inscription "And our prophet is Mohammed". He sees in it the confirmation of his own vision, that Muhammad is the prophet of the Arabs. In 86 of the Arab era (705/706), in the time of Abd al-Malik, she meant that "Our prophet is the praised / chosen one" when speaking of Jesus Christ. He stops in Egypt where he can see with his own eyes the greatness that was this country of which the Bible speaks, and in particular the Nile where the child Moses was deposited and retrieved by Pharaoh's daughter. Like Abraham, at the end of his journey, al-Ma’mun visits the Dome of the Rock. He had work done on the Dome, and he replaced the name of Abd al-Malîk by his own, but without changing the date of construction, carried out nearly a century and a half earlier. He sees in the inscription on the Dome of the Rock, "Mohammed son of Abd Allâh", another confirmation of his vision. His journey on the road to Abraham confirms his belief that Muhammad is the name of the prophet of the Arabs. Back in Baghdad, he takes up the tradition of the Syrian Arabs: their language and their theological history are integrated into the synthesis of ideas on "the Arab" and the "Prophet of the Arabs".
(9) It was in 217/218 of the Arab era (832/833) that the Arabization of the Judeo-Christian religion of the Arab Empire began. Al-Ma’mun opened the doors of his Baghdad Academy to all the great minds of the time: astronomers, mathematicians, physicists, thinkers, scholars, philosophers, translators, of all nationalities and all religious allegiances (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists). As in Alexandria thirteen centuries earlier, where everything that had been written before was translated into Greek, the Academy of al-Ma'mun in turn translates into Arabic all the works of the past and of the time, in particular the Greek works.
(10) The word Koran, in its Muslim version, means "recitation"; it meant, in its Christian version, before 832/833, the "lectionary". For Muslims, the word Mohammed means the prophet of the Arabs, the last prophet sent by God (Allah); it meant for Christian Arabs "the praised / chosen one" when speaking of Jesus Christ. The word Islam today means "submission to God (Allah)"; in the Christian era it meant "in accordance with" the Holy Scriptures.

hazot Saleh
hazot Saleh - 17.09.2023 20:49

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ true religion ❤❤

Pubg Player
Pubg Player - 10.09.2023 17:52


Pubg Player
Pubg Player - 10.09.2023 16:33

ماشاءاللّٰه 💐💐💐

Pubg Player
Pubg Player - 10.09.2023 16:33

السلام علیکم

Ronnie McTaggart
Ronnie McTaggart - 04.09.2023 02:44

For some reason I keep.watching these videos from this man he makes so much more sense than the Christian preachers

Rha Yan
Rha Yan - 14.08.2023 22:11

Astagafirallah hu'ull Azeem,,,,,,,, 🤲🥰👍🙏

Jennifer Omoregie
Jennifer Omoregie - 07.08.2023 07:33

I submit to Allah ❤

Ibrahim - 27.07.2023 17:53

I am new to Islam and i highly agree and respect its beliefs. I want to become a muslim and i need help to have proper guidance if anyone is willing to help me 🙏 i was a monk in Hinduism and later became also a monk in Christianity, but i left the monastery as i did not agree with its beliefs. Since i started studying islam i feel that this is the right and true path, and the peace I've experienced in myself is something that I've not experienced before.
May Allah bless you all 🙏

IBN-ADAM - 22.07.2023 17:51

I am learning about Islam can someone help me and I want to become true best Muslim❤

jeremy schmitz
jeremy schmitz - 19.07.2023 01:49

I am new to learning about Islam Very interesting i would like to learn more about this

nadia witbooi
nadia witbooi - 16.07.2023 14:35

Sukhran, my brother. May Allah bless your wife, for she has done a good deed when she married you. I am converting back to Islam because it's the quickest way to Allah and it all because of a video I watched about Nabi Abraham pbuh.

John Moore
John Moore - 13.07.2023 04:48

I can see all the prophets from Adam to Christ I can see all of them united under an Israeli flag , but I cannot see all of the prophets from Adam to Christ united under an Islamic caliphate flag , and I can see the capital being in Jerusalem but I can't see it being in Damascus as far as leadership and guidance inspiration the King I'd in Jerusalem and not in Damascus whose king and revelation I'd in Damascus whereas the prophets were Israelites God's children are in Jerusalem His promises and covenants scriptures are in Jerusalem God's temple is in Jerusalem and his ark of the covenant is in Jerusalem Jerusalem is God's real estate his Land that he is the Landlord of the promise land

Bushira Ali
Bushira Ali - 13.07.2023 01:31

Thank you for acknowledge us and may SWT straight up to the right path ❤❤❤

cousin Billy
cousin Billy - 12.07.2023 19:18

Apparently the main purpose seems to be to discredit Jesus…..the physical manifestation of God. Deal with it, it won’t go away

Tom Cahill
Tom Cahill - 05.07.2023 22:38

Sura 9:5 But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war);...

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:52

I feel sorry for all of you ...realy I am...tell them that the night journey of Muhammad never happened...and the story of the setting place of the son is never true...

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:49

And please please I'm asking you nicely Do NOT mention Muhammad in the same sense as Jesus Christ and all the other prophets...because Muhammad was never a prophet...it is an insult to Christ and the true prophets

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:46

And tell all the black Muslims that they are not going to heaven...please speak the truth to all Muslims so they can know where they stand...because that is what yr prophets says...

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:44

And please tell all the woman in Islam that Muhammad says they are stupid and that they are not going to yr Jannah...please tell them all the ugly things yr prophet says about woman

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:42

And then your Quran says that Mary the mother of Jesus is the sister of Moses and Aaron!!!How can it be????There is hundreds of years gaps between them...please tell your listeners this...explain to them

Petronell Mouton
Petronell Mouton - 05.07.2023 01:37

Dear Mr Mufti Menk please please explain to me how Allah got reproduction so wrong?How is it then that Allah says semen comes from the backbone of the men and from the ribs of the woman...woman don't even have semen...and please tell me how is it possible that Allah got history so wrong??Allah don't know who the father of Moses,Aaron and Miriam is...Allah don't know the name of Abraham's father...And if Allah is All Knowing how on earth did he get The Holy Trinity of the Christians so very wrong?

Apinder Singh
Apinder Singh - 01.07.2023 14:37

Forget i dont want anything the first questions how can some disrespect the Islamic holy Qur'an why they did respect who told them to do it i hate that now i will complains to real kingdom of saudi Arabia's they have power to sort out things like this,

Balin Chainly
Balin Chainly - 25.06.2023 10:50

I love the way you teach

Balin Chainly
Balin Chainly - 25.06.2023 10:48

If there was a masjid i would be very content. it would be preferable to bring the mountain to Mohmad on this one. I want to Dakar right here.

Dynasty of Penguins
Dynasty of Penguins - 13.06.2023 01:37

You do not "Know" if Jesus is the Son of God or not. You don't "Know" if God is real or not.Pride is what leads to the Lie of No Son of God from the living God. You believe a lie Islam.

Jalil Faleh
Jalil Faleh - 08.06.2023 06:26

الحمد لله رب العالمين على كل حال يا مفتينه عاش لسانك والله يفظك هذه كانت افضل ترجمه وفي امان الله والصلاة على سيدنا محمد وال محمد

Brentilda - 04.06.2023 14:03

idk anything about this religion, just here to be educated accurately

Muhammed Jaiteh
Muhammed Jaiteh - 01.06.2023 23:17

Thank God Allah

Noa York Mayimbe
Noa York Mayimbe - 29.05.2023 14:04

I too am a new convert.. All Praizez Due to The Mozt Hy 🤲🏾🙌🏽✌🏾🙏🏾

ابو حمودي
ابو حمودي - 27.05.2023 12:29

There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Mariama Barry
Mariama Barry - 15.05.2023 01:43

I really love this

Danielle Burton
Danielle Burton - 14.05.2023 00:27

Well said.praise Allah

John Michael
John Michael - 07.05.2023 21:57

This is religion. No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.

DOKKALI T-REX - 05.05.2023 02:44

allah akbar

Sabrina - 25.04.2023 16:02

Assalamualaikum.. I hv question, is this a proper video to share to non muslim friend? She just want to learn a bit about other religion.. So do you think this is a good one? Im scared if its too heavy for her to understand.because this is her first time..

Asha Joseph
Asha Joseph - 21.04.2023 17:36

I was born into a Christian family at this point of my life I am thinking about becoming a Muslim so sheik you are so helpful in making me understand more about it

Ghania Sohail
Ghania Sohail - 17.04.2023 19:41

This was beautiful. JazakAllah Mufti Menk ❤

Kent Rafael Mondas
Kent Rafael Mondas - 07.04.2023 08:47

Pray for me brothers and sisters to memories and be able to execute the salah as early as possible. Anw, I am practicing Islam and I am very excited for my shahada.

Aisha Nakawooya
Aisha Nakawooya - 06.04.2023 20:08

Wa alykum Salam walahmatullah wabaraqatuh Allahumma amiina yarab

staypaid 🐾😈
staypaid 🐾😈 - 06.04.2023 09:55

Where I get the official Quran pls help ,link pls

Md. Jamal Uddin Student
Md. Jamal Uddin Student - 05.04.2023 14:54


Lulua Jimmy
Lulua Jimmy - 30.03.2023 03:12

I'm Christian but loved this man preaching ward of God ur blessed

Merha Hamis
Merha Hamis - 26.03.2023 17:04

💕😭😭💕 ameen allahu
