The Emergence of a HUGE Dynasty, the DINOSAURS

The Emergence of a HUGE Dynasty, the DINOSAURS

Anthöny Pain

4 месяца назад

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@kaiserreichtangle3120 - 13.12.2024 15:55

eh, i still think silesaurids are ornithiscians

@FredericMartin-ws1ui - 04.11.2024 20:55

Je suis trop content les dinosaures sont mon groupe phare de ma passion pour la paléontologie. C’est grâce à un livre sur les dinosaures 🦖🦕 que je connais ce domaine et que je veux en faire mon métier. J’attendais avec impatience cette partie est là je vois early dinosaurs je saute de joie.🤩

@joshuaball5916 - 02.11.2024 16:25

Aren't Sauropods and Theropods like, related?

@christianspada1116 - 02.11.2024 13:15

Dinosaur and creatures on the jurassic world. Jurassic world fallen kingdom. Battle of the big rock. Jurassic world camp cretaceous. jurassic world dominion. Jurassic world chaos theory. Jurassic world rebirth. Jurassic world camp cretaceous hidden adventure. Born squad t v show and movie khumba 2 jurassic world live action t v show 2027 and jurassic world 5 and are movie and tv series and I love a the jurassic world movie and tv series live action and cartoon

@gluehuff43 - 02.11.2024 07:31

Yes!! What a treat to come home to a new video! Asa Leonard, do you make it this far back in the fossil record?? Or do you only watch bird and mammal videos?

@justapickedminfan - 02.11.2024 07:29

Shoutout to my boy herrerasaurus, the objective best dinosaur

@dottiegillespie8067 - 02.11.2024 04:57

Thank you. Videos from you are always a pleasure.

@sevenidols607 - 02.11.2024 04:41

So are silesaurids the ancestors of ornithiscians?

@joseluiscalixto5651 - 02.11.2024 01:43

Nice summary and analysis on the rise and evolution of the first dinosaurs. This new series looks pretty cool, I'm already looking forward to the next chapter.

All the best 👋

@elyeswalid - 02.11.2024 00:13

how many parts are you going to make?

@DinotoonStudio - 01.11.2024 23:52

This is the first dinosaur begins

@canonbehenna612 - 01.11.2024 23:10

Long live the dinosaur king

@mitchellneuhoff9946 - 01.11.2024 22:21

I knew this was coming. I just didn’t think it would be so soon.

@Titus-as-the-Roman - 01.11.2024 20:30

I am a nature guy with a Grizzly Adams (google him) type of persona (I even look similar), I've spent my life outdoors in all kinds of habitats, at times not wanting to be there, I've been to a place where there wasn't another human for better than 20 miles, point here is that I've witnessed all kinds of life almost everywhere geographically America & I'm convinced that nothing less than a Super-Nova or Massive Body Comet Strike is going to eliminate all life, just Too Diverse, that's why I've issues with the Dino's & all their Buddies being completely taken out except for the Birds, Approx. 180 million years Triassic to Late Cretaceous you'd think they'd have some serious diversity, I want to know what took them ALL OUT, you'd think there would have been small Dino's & Etc. (besides Birds). that should have survived, but they didn't

@LotBFOC2 - 01.11.2024 20:19

well... series with analysing Dinosaurs evolution will be huge. There are many dinosaurs species which you can show with many arts of them and fragments of scenes with them. Really huge

@extinction_xyz - 01.11.2024 20:18

It has begun!

Also, will Chilesaurus appear in a future Episode? It is a mysterious Dinosaur from the Jurassic of Chile (big surprise there) and is of uncertain classification, but if the Ornithoscelida Theory is correct, it could potentially belong to that Clade.

@emmanuelbaltazartorrescisn9639 - 01.11.2024 20:15

Hey there, Anthöny.
I must say, I really loved the whole idea of the Evolution of Dinosaurs series getting a remake! I would really hope that new dinosaurs could also be included in this new adaptation.
Who's hyped for the next video in the Lost Ecosystems of the Phanerozoic series?
Main suggestions:
1. Cerro del Pueblo Formation (Mexico, late Cretaceous)
2. Lourinha Formation (Portugal, late Jurassic)
3. Santa María Formation (Brazil, late Triassic)
4. Yixian Formation (China, early Cretaceous)
Greetings from Phoenix, Arizona. 🇲🇽🤠🏜🦕🦖🦤🦣

@posticusmaximus1739 - 01.11.2024 20:07


@briaonlandry2386 - 01.11.2024 19:56

Ahhhh I’m the first one here!!!!

- Ms Bri!
