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@EXTRAORDINARYWALKS - 03.12.2023 11:14

It's a pity to observe that there are still Irish people who are not familiar with Irish geography. I'll help you with that: The British Isles are an archipelago located not far from the European continent, separated from it by the English Channel and the North Sea. They consist of two major islands, Great Britain and Ireland, which, in turn, are surrounded by several smaller archipelagos (Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, etc.) and smaller islands (Man, Wight, etc.).

Politically, this group of islands is divided into two sovereign states. On one hand, there is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, composed of the entirety of the British Isles except for 5/6 of the island of Ireland. These 5/6 parts form the second sovereign state called Ireland.

@DublinMarc - 11.01.2024 07:30

Ireland is not a tax haven

@krugerfuchs - 11.12.2023 09:18

We don't want more of them we're full

@andysherris7949 - 28.11.2023 01:22

Don't go to Dublin and you will be ok. Further west you go the better

@dmitrymuraviev8453 - 23.11.2023 12:10

Ireland is worse country I have ever lived. But Irish Court doesn’t allowed my children to return to Moscow with me. Irish prefer to pay us free house and social benefits although we have three houses in Moscow and luxury cars and bank accounts. We cheat Irish and Irish support us.

@Dub1978 - 19.11.2023 19:51

Ireland is great for foreigners looking to get free money and accommodation while young irish families cant afford to rent or get a mortgage, we have families living in tents in our national park and city centers, foreigners are automatically housed!!

@nmn9166 - 06.11.2023 14:10

Is this sponsored by the government??? 😂
Terrible healthcare
Terrible lack of policing
Property rental market is madness
100 k per C is s lie , it’s just money being laundered though it.
Immigration out of control and has destroyed the tourism sector.
Need s new government . They are corrupt still .

@YoutubeUser.. - 30.10.2023 15:29

Unless you earn 100k a year you will hate Ireland

@condorone1501 - 26.10.2023 22:30

Ireland 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 is not a British Isle \Island. This is an outdated Imperialistic and Possesive term that is not recognised by the Irish Government nor by the Majority of Irish people living in Ireland.

@philip0987 - 25.10.2023 01:21

Do not come to this country if you value your life.. IRELAND IS A SESPIT OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND has become a Dangerous violent place to live. This has been instigated by CRIMINAL POLITICIANS due to their traitorous actions brining about the destruction of our people and our country's infrastructure. THE CRIMINAL IRISH GOVERNMENT HAS implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing of Irish nationals by importing illegal unvetted military aged Males from M-east, NTH AFRICA and rogue Balkan states. The purpose is to bring terror attacks and murder of the innocent Irish families.
They are supported by the criminal security forces who have been instructed to criminalise only Irish citizens including their own family members. Rape, murder and social chaos are at record levels. Women are not safe in public day or night due to continuous attacks by illegal unvetted military aged Males.

This is fact.
The irish government are hell bent on turning Ireland into a Islamic fundamentalists extremists society, similar to a Taliban fascist regime that exists in Afghanistan.
Along with this cost of house is out of control. The only way an irish person would have a hope of being housed is If they pretend to be an illegal unvetted military aged Male and the Irish government will bend over for you.
IRELAND is dead

@kevinbrown5737 - 22.10.2023 23:16

I wouldn't mind if all our illegals emigrated to lreland

@dmitrymuraviev8453 - 21.10.2023 11:41

The only good about Ireland is free house and social benefits.

@kateina5 - 19.10.2023 09:14

UK 35.03% + Poland 16,78% + Lithuania 5,08% = 56,89% emigrants and less then 43% Irish. Does this mean that the Irish are a minority in the country? 🙂

@thebigpicture-elpanorama - 17.10.2023 11:28

Ireland is not part of The British Isles

@anirudhsharma2877 - 21.09.2023 17:16

Ireland has such unprecedented high teen crime rates!

Even irish live in fear. Who wants to go to Ireland? Nobody!

@blathnaidsherry4035 - 01.09.2023 09:24

Aa an irish woman I don't trust our government they are corrupt and don't have the irish peoples interest at heart min wage doesn't match living costs

@Greenwillow - 28.08.2023 13:50

Keep making these video's the less migrants that come the better and hopefully we can go back to how it was when people could get places to rent and afford. Before the explosion of migrants that makes it harder for Irish to get a place.

@EXTRAORDINARYWALKS - 21.08.2023 09:02

The latest census from the U.S.A government indicates that approximately 10% of Americans, 31 million people, claim to have Irish ancestry. These are data to reflect upon.

@RazorMouth - 21.08.2023 01:59

GNI is about 412 billion USD
GDP is about 530 billion USD

That means GNI is 77% of GDP.
There are many other inaccuracies in this video too such as around the multinationals but I just couldn't be bothered.
Mostly BS video.

@RazorMouth - 21.08.2023 01:46

Little tip, don't mention "British Isles" when referring to Ireland. It's just Ireland, a European country and EU member state.

@Prodrive1 - 21.08.2023 01:28

Ireland has changed so much in 20 years it simply is not the same nation anymore. Mass immigration has destroyed our social cohesion and culture. Crimes have rocketed, many committed by non nationals. We have very poor policing. Awful health care (4 year wait lists for hospital consultant appointments), to summarise. IRELAND HAS DIED. So so so sad to see.

@bustabloodvessel5327 - 21.08.2023 00:11

Ireland is not a good place to live unless you are in a half decent job. A full time job on minimum wage in Ireland will earn you €1,990 per month after tax. Just looking right now as of today, the absolute cheapest 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Dublin is €1,240 per month. If you were single on minimum wage, in Dublin you would be left with less money after rent ( €750 ) than someone not working and on social welfare ( €880 ). The person on social welfare would also have the added benefits of rent subsidies, free healthcare and other discounts often including free travel, discounted tickets for museums, gyms etc. I often wonder how in god's name people survive in Dublin working minimum wage.

@gerarddeegan1164 - 20.08.2023 23:58

You have just offended every irish person with your british isles term😮

@gerarddeegan1164 - 20.08.2023 23:57

British isles ??????? Rep of ireland is not british and nothing to do with the british isles or the uk for that matter so dont use the term british isles😮

@gerarddeegan1164 - 20.08.2023 23:55

Where not in the british isles thats a british term im irish😒🙄

@goldielocks2621 - 20.08.2023 14:08

If you lived in Ireland all your life as I have then you would be coming to an Ireland that no longer resembles Ireland as it once was. We were a caring nation with community spirit now we can't afford a roof for over our heads ( a home ) the cost of living is frightening and getting worse. Racism is on the increase mostly because of government policies and homelessness is an issue with thousands of young couples finding themselves moving back home as they can't afford rent our buy a house.

@Occident. - 20.08.2023 13:13


@bobdickweed - 19.08.2023 22:25

Dont move here , We are Full , come for a holiday ,

@jonathangems - 19.08.2023 21:53

Don't do it! Ireland is run by criminals.

@karlbyrne6021 - 19.08.2023 18:37

No housing left. The schools are full, the hospitals are full, the prisons are full even the feckin graveyards are full. Gridlocked city's. Don't come.

@gimmegaming5345 - 18.08.2023 14:26

Ireland is a terrible place to move too unless your earning over 100k a year, you want to live as cheap as possible and move home when saved what you can or you want to learn in the tech sector. Even then most other European countries provide a better quality of life. It is very expensive, and the benefits of living in Ireland were the people and the culture is quickly dying. I grew up in one of the roughest places in Dublin but managed to excel in the tech sector but moved my job to Central Europe where the quality of life is much better, better schools, healthcare, safety, infrastructure among many other things. The only thing better in Ireland is family and the city is much more bicycle friendly than where I am now. Your video shows that your whole wage on a minimum salary won't cover an apartment in Dublin or anywhere else as they are purposely making it too expensive.
