In Q2:37 Tabari d.923AD rejects Ibn Kathir's canonical reading

In Q2:37 Tabari d.923AD rejects Ibn Kathir's canonical reading

Inquisitive Mind

2 месяца назад

168 Просмотров

(Q. 2:37) reads “fa-talaqqa Adamu min rabbihi kalimatin” (Then Adam received from his Lord words [of revelation]), which is the reading of all the canonical Readers except Ibn Kathır, who read: “fa-talaqqa Adama min rabbihi kalimatun” thus making Adam the direct object of the verb. Tabarı says that even though this reading is grammatically permissible, the verse would not make any sense. The only valid reading he authorises is Adamu in the nominative case, for this reading is validated by the consensus of the readers and the Muslim scholars. This consensus cannot be challenged by one reader who could have erred or been forgetful; [al-Tabarı, Jami 1/580]
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