This was the CRAZIEST siege defense - Bannerlord Siege Tactics

This was the CRAZIEST siege defense - Bannerlord Siege Tactics

Strat Gaming Guides

1 год назад

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john doe
john doe - 15.09.2023 02:25

overlaping fields of defense.
you fight on the walls until they make contact and then sacrifice the scrubs so the archers can fire on the attackers as they funnel into the second line of defense. exact the reaper's tole and then withdraw to your final field of defense wherein your archers are commited to stand their ground and fire down upon pre-determined kill zones.

you should be able to slaughter at least 10-1 if you have a core of good infantry and archers. (cmon, man... any self respecting lord has at least 50 fian champs)

ninny65 - 14.09.2023 10:47

The way I calculate the difficulty of a siege defense is how many how many men will my men have to kill each to win, 2 kills for every 1 man is standard, 3 kills for every 1 man is getting hard, if you have very well trained troops it obviously really helps

chris chris the rainworld man
chris chris the rainworld man - 12.09.2023 18:40

Now that you can ambush enemy siege engines, making the enemy AI attack immediately, you can literally take out their siege engines, camp by your fire catapult, and get 60 kills by throwing fire pots at the enemies on ladders

The Dwarven Gaming
The Dwarven Gaming - 11.09.2023 18:26

the true battle was with bannerlord's bugs

J B - 10.09.2023 11:01

you should have manually launch that cat shot into them

KingBarbGaming - 10.09.2023 10:31

I seiged a castle with only 80 men... they had 400.... they underestamated my power.... but the AI forgot one thing.......


Efe the Captain
Efe the Captain - 10.09.2023 10:26

Good commanding, but you would have easily lose this, it's just bugs... To me this is a bit immersion breaking.

Untitled Legendz
Untitled Legendz - 07.09.2023 22:17

IT'S relatable to myself cuz of school gang war and Iam the head of 54 members by the way which is that game

SKY Figurefun
SKY Figurefun - 06.09.2023 01:57

I gwt frustrade in the game so i use fling trainer instead and now i feel like god in this gane

Teun ter Velde
Teun ter Velde - 04.09.2023 19:44

Issue is attacking archers without ammo will just stay in skirmishing positions, rather than charging or atleast taking the walls, which is unfortunate

kuno - 04.09.2023 15:13

they attack me like 900 siege defense and i got 340

Markaki178 - 04.09.2023 11:55

I saw crazier

Malte Hoffmann
Malte Hoffmann - 02.09.2023 23:30

I had a siege that looked really bad, outnumbering me 5 to 1, they attacked, then i realised they are all t1 and t2. Long story short, i took my t5 infantry, opened the front gate, led them through the gate and slaughtered the enemies infront of the walls. Ist was epic

balzonyr4head - 31.08.2023 18:15

This happens all the time for me, I take the time to set up and awesome formation and defense and the AI just sits on the other side of the battlefield and doesn't move.

Kaador - 30.08.2023 23:16

yeah yeah its satisfying to see that you too get better every time. I like games. Some of them are very....educational in some ways... somehow....

raymark porsuelo
raymark porsuelo - 30.08.2023 03:12

i dont know how to split groups

Daveyj - 29.08.2023 03:24

Throwing the onager ammo/rocks on the top of enemy blobs from the edge of the wall dose SOOOOO MUCH DAMAGE

ixas - 26.08.2023 14:01

How do you split the troops while in battle?

Ryuko T-72
Ryuko T-72 - 23.08.2023 01:27

There should be seige time limits like in total war. Just so if the AI gets stuck the player doesnt get trapped. Both sides can reset from a base point in the next battle so its fair

King Poxy!!!
King Poxy!!! - 18.08.2023 14:44

It really doesnt make sense the mod you use that makes it so that everyone dies is quite terrible

James Lil
James Lil - 16.08.2023 11:47

this game needs a new way of commanding and managing troops....
this is embarrasingly trash

Boah - 12.08.2023 13:59

Why is your name khalid ibn al walid he is a bad man

Kivsa - 12.08.2023 00:28

I can't believe they haven't fixed that bug yet!!!
The soldiers are waiting outside omg!

Zdeněk Partl
Zdeněk Partl - 11.08.2023 02:30

I've always wondered why you can't put some troops in front of the gates as meatshield

AutisticHermit - 06.08.2023 09:08

I play on console and sieges tend to be hard to as the controls for commanding are a bit tricky however I had 1 battle in the same city an attack and defend, I tried to overun the walls but my troops were too scattered so I charged the main gate and fought the entire battle through the streets. On the defense we destroyed the towers and I managed to position some archers at the gate, some got stuck lol, but I had the whole infantry cycle charge the enemy at the gate it was 2 of the bloodiest battles I have ever played around 4,000 dead across oth sieges.

I wish I could use your tactics more as I enjoy watching them, sadly console battle don't really let you be too clever
Great video Strat

Kiro - 04.08.2023 09:39

Using ambush before battle starts gives you an instant win

dave shilling
dave shilling - 01.08.2023 00:32

What 1hand weapon do you use? Or craft?

MattiOTX - 22.07.2023 10:25

Craziest battle I ever had was 3800 troops attacking me in the far east britainnian town. Held just over 300 troops. Had a lot of wildlings and brit elite archers with line breakers and legionaries split with my wildlings before they got the javs. Had to replay the battle 3 times and on the last shot I killed over 1000 being very careful not to die. I think that was the hardest part. Random arrow takes a chunk, random jav. Stressful as hell but holy shit that was a fun battle.

Sicko6 - 21.07.2023 03:24

You can retreat all your units to the keep u just have to die and then you’ll get a way better k/d ratio I do it all the time when outnumbered

Andrew - 17.07.2023 01:55

Honestly just firing into the mass of troops is always better than taking out the siege engines, you can kill 30 guys with one catapult shot which if you do that 5 times youve greatly outweighed the value of taking out the ram

MailC3p - 11.07.2023 18:18

Honestly for siege defense I’ve found that Ambush is OP. I let an attacking army make a battering ram and a siege tower. I did an Ambush and after destroying both their tower and their battering ram it ended in a victory for us and forced them into a siege. Now we had defensive siege weapons and working walls while they had nothing, they all just funneled into 1 ladder and my troops decimated them. Next time I’m considering allowing them to keep a battering ram, so that my siege weapons have easy, slow targets.

Versitalist - 10.07.2023 07:28

Question, how do you move units from groups?

rl4 rl47
rl4 rl47 - 09.07.2023 16:44


Andy - 07.07.2023 14:07

This is why I usually take control of one of the siege equipment on defense so I can get what I want down first and after a few times you get a good idea about the range and aim so long as the soldiers don't get stuck reloading it, I then proceed to manually throw the fire pots if it's a fire catapult into the ladder section as there is huge clusters there, sadly they just run away and get everyone back in seconds as that was before siege got deadly.
Never seen them bug out like that before, normally they get onto the wall and seem to wait for something for me but just keep piling on more and more on that wall.

João Silva
João Silva - 02.07.2023 13:48

When you give the command, how so you scatter them in a size you want?

Kommissar Antilus
Kommissar Antilus - 29.06.2023 19:49

how do you get so many infantry numbers if you are outnumbered?, is there a setting that allow you to not having reserves?

Co-Bruh - 29.06.2023 08:31

How do you transfer troops like that? I’ve never seen this feature before.

Joshua Dalton
Joshua Dalton - 28.06.2023 14:03

Great video, I love to watch this game and get your opinion on the strategies you can put to use. 👏

dirba vonhinten
dirba vonhinten - 27.06.2023 01:41

Bro i got 358 vs 1687 and Won this game is fire with tactics

Mikita Zhylinski
Mikita Zhylinski - 25.06.2023 04:10

Okay, tbh. They need to deal with this somehow. Like, there should be a capture point near the castle gates, so that the player could not hold a single closed point behind the walls. Like, historically even if there was resistance inside the city/castle walls but the main fortification was taken it was the end unless it was recaptured.

Shadow knight gaming
Shadow knight gaming - 21.06.2023 10:39

Personally I would have started chucking rocks and fire pots at the blob of enemies that got stuck. Half the time I win siges just from chucking shit at people wating to climb ladders

NightBot Ban
NightBot Ban - 11.06.2023 20:04

As an eternal M&B newbie, how do you restock on troops after a destructive battle like this? I always dread these large engagements since I know I'll lose good troops I've invested time and resources in.

cameron phillips
cameron phillips - 30.05.2023 01:24

why don't you shoot the artillery?

man52451 - 25.05.2023 14:17

ah a newer vid is f6 worth using ? and them rock you throw off the wall are good i kill 2 to 4 every one and also damage others

ExtremUnknownAl - 25.05.2023 10:55

good old mount and blade siege being bugged. it's a trademark of these games.

Abe - 25.05.2023 08:24

Try my tactic and it always works during siege defense on castle or town no matter how much troop the besieger have. Works on campaign and sandbox. Which troop can be vary.
1. Have around 50-70 high tier infantry in your party as a main defense
2. Another 30-50 infantry for reinforcement
3. Archers divided into 5 group, each 20-30

First scenario. If you already in castle/town which besieged, DONT wait until they launch full scale. Wait until besieger built ram. After they just freshly built that, AMBUSH it. (Took some precise timing) Destroy their ram and go back.
2nd scenario (my best tactic).
Wait until they finished siege tower. Then do the same. AMBUSH it. Atm, they will have a ram and siege tower(s). What you gonna need to do is destroy their ram and left ONLY 1 BADLY DAMAGED siege tower. Then retreat to your castle/town
After you succesfully ambush it. ATTACK.

Battle formatiom.
1. Make a group of 50 high tier infantry (2nd scenario) or 2 groups of 40 each.
2. Place them ON THE WALL where LADDER(s) will be manned (need some times to look where the ladder spawn each castle/town). 2nd scenario will only have 1 ladder.
3. Assign shied wall to them and strecth them to cover all the climbing area
4. IMPORTANT. Assign them STOP command. They wont move. (F1 - f6)
5. Put archers on each tower, and onager
6. Let the carnage begin

Scenario 1 will start with 2 point of ladder, which they will try to scale it down. scenario 2, with only 1 ladder point, your catapult will destroy their badly damage siege tower. There will be 2 choke point or 1 choke point, according which scenario youll be using. each point will have 2 ladder and each ladder climb 1 soldier. Basically, they will climb to their death, 1 by 1 each ladder.
I lost only 10-30 with mixed infantry. Mine was vanilla 1.1.3 version.

Crash-test Productions
Crash-test Productions - 23.05.2023 16:51

I once had to defend a castle with 300 troops under my order, while the enemy had something like 800 elite troops ready to murder the poor militians guarding the walls with me. I don't know how but by abusing the catapult I managed to reduce both of our numbers by half until the king I was serving somehow managed to sign a peace treaty.

tom rowell
tom rowell - 22.05.2023 02:36

Damn I thought those siege tower bugs were finally fixed, I haven’t noticed them in recent playthroughs - loved those strats though, btw if you want a better view from up on the battlements I noticed you can pick up a rock and throw it at one of the merlons to break it and get a better line of sight

Ali K.
Ali K. - 21.05.2023 22:42

I once ambushed the siege camp and after some time I got knocked out and both my army and the enemy army didn't push, after 20 minutes or so in sped up time, my 14 archers from the walls got 250+ kills. Siege AI's are sometimes bugged and can be broken for the player.
