Epigenetic Clocks Help to Find Anti-Aging Treatments | Steve Horvath | TEDxBerkeley

Epigenetic Clocks Help to Find Anti-Aging Treatments | Steve Horvath | TEDxBerkeley

TEDx Talks

4 года назад

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Eva B
Eva B - 19.07.2023 19:56

It's very humane. But its matter of time when Globalists will stop your research. It's completely against their fascist Agenda 2030 DEPOPULATION AGENDA

L C - 02.03.2023 19:57

If I was an investor, this anti aging feild is where id invest...This will be the biggest advancement that man kind has ever seen..To get rid of aging and disease...I feel it will be here within 15 - 20 years and will be accessible to everyone who wants it. Think of the costs of health care to society, this will enable us to put resources towards climate and food/housing. AI will accelerate this every year exponentially ...cancer will be completely eliminated in 5 to 10 years. All you have to do is survive long enough to receive these advancments...The only enemy is the FDA, government and big pharma..they will not like this at all

Ian Kallmeyer
Ian Kallmeyer - 27.10.2022 21:35

I like that Steve and his friends, in high school, decided they wanted to work on stopping ageing. My friends and I just wanted to graduate without getting kicked out!!

MARLEN CRUZ - 14.10.2022 22:01

This man doesn’t look 51.

Bobby Ridge
Bobby Ridge - 14.09.2022 11:30

He sounds like the psychopath from silence of the lambs lol

Sz S
Sz S - 19.07.2022 17:36

gratulalok, Istvan

Scott K
Scott K - 11.03.2022 18:24

I still don't understand the point of epigenetic clocks. It'd be one thing if the were designed to predict at what age we are likely to die, but I really don't see the point of learning one's current "biological age." For instance, I'm 36. Let's say an epigenetic clock informs me that I'm biologically 39. So what? Am I going to live to 85 or 110? What does being "39" when I'm 36 actually tell me? Nothing useful as far as I can tell. At most it might imply that I'm 3 years behind the trajectory of the average person. So does that mean I'll die 3 years later than average? Of course not. So what does it mean? Anything?

SeattleCathy - 20.02.2022 02:17

Jeanne calmest was shown to be a fake. Google it.

Lemar21 - 10.02.2022 22:44

This was 2020 it’s now 2022 what’s the hold up with the anti aging technology please don’t make us wait 50 yrs for this technology all the money backing this should be already halfway done

Diyetisyen Ahmet Akbulut
Diyetisyen Ahmet Akbulut - 24.12.2021 17:15


Eday Hashim
Eday Hashim - 07.11.2021 08:54

Billionaires will start removing all studies & breakthroughs in anti-aging lol

Deborah Behr
Deborah Behr - 19.09.2021 16:50

I love this guy. Lets have him speak more.

J Andersen
J Andersen - 19.08.2021 00:57

Great talk

Joe Solla
Joe Solla - 15.07.2021 01:52

"Longer living through chemistry" - think I'll trademark that phrase.

Rosita Megchelenbrink
Rosita Megchelenbrink - 08.06.2021 13:18

When your negative mindset is completely healed, because you have solved all your fear (your ego) with self-love, your vibration has become so high that you automatically control your RNA with all your positive thoughts to let your DNA become what you think 🧬

A regeneration process then automatically takes place, which stops aging.
You will no longer look physically older, but you will actually rejuvenate, because with your negative mindset you no longer destroy your cells (literally).

D K - 13.04.2021 16:58

This is a great discovery and Steve seems like an awesome guy. But I wonder if DNA methylation is accurate in anti-aging treatments? People have reversed their epigenetic age by taking molecules such as NMN, meaning that their DNA methylation levels have gone down, but does it actually mean that physically the same they were as before? In other words, if I am able to reverse my epigenetic age by 10 years, I should look and feel exactly as I was 10 years back. But from what I have seen, it doesn't exactly work like that. So I guess it's possible to trick your body into having lower DNA methylation levels without actually reversing the physical state of your body in entirety.

ade spade
ade spade - 03.04.2021 19:31

The elites will never allow us plebs anti aging technology

Barry - 30.03.2021 01:55

Ask me bollix

Martin - 09.03.2021 20:21

"hang in there"

rakesh vora
rakesh vora - 18.02.2021 02:34

Sir i am from india. What is the way to meet you. ?
