Carnivorous Plant Haul: Walmart & Lowes - Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Sarracenia - Death Cube Rescue?

Carnivorous Plant Haul: Walmart & Lowes - Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Sarracenia - Death Cube Rescue?

Carnivorous Plants Hub

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Hello everyone, thank you for stopping by and checking out the fist video of many for Carnivorous Plants Hub. Today I'm showing you my unexpected Carnivorous Plant Haul. I've been planning on getting some carnivorous plants but not quite like this.

Please support my small business! Buy Soil For Your Carnivorous Plants
Or it comes in a kit with a planter

Free Plant Tracker & Venus Flytrap Care Sheet

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SANSI 36W Daylight LED Plant Bulb E26 -
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Maxsea Fertilizer (Cali Carnivores) -
Maxsea Fertilizer (Amazon) -

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Today I picked up a few Venus Fly Traps, A Nepenthes Ventrata and Sarracenia Purpurea. I wasn't really prepared for all these guys but between Walmart and Lowes I was able to find them all trapped in death cubes or death cylinders. It's my personal goal now to rescue these wonderful little plants.

This will be the start of my personal journey to start growing carnivorous plants again. I have a history with these beautiful bug eaters but had to give them up. I'm starting again and can't wait to share my journey with you. Follow me as I move them from their death cubes to their new home. I'm not sure what to expect in this new location but I'm going to give it my all!

I'm in a new area and growing them here is a new adventure. I'm excited to share it with you!

One Month Update For Venus Flytrap

Learn how to mix soil for a venus flytrap or any other carnivorous plants!


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@morkvomork6815 - 27.10.2020 13:46

Hi from Germany,
I would say your "Purpurea" is a S. x swaniana, what means a hybrid from purpurea and minor. The peristom of the purpurea never vaults the pitcher and yours doing it partial. Looks similar to mine.
Have fun with them, like i do.😉

@savagegarden1016 - 03.11.2020 22:56

How did you blow up so quick nice vid by the way

@NIGHTWATCHERUK01 - 04.11.2020 02:01

greetings from the UK all of my plants are rescue plants from a supermarket except N.Alata ....all are doing well three years on .....Pings are flowering in November !!! the N.Alata and the pings spent the summer in a small fish tank in the garden with black gravel .....first frost of the year is due down to -4 deg...

@Alberto60717010 - 08.11.2020 18:48

I rescued a few from Walmart too I didn’t acclimate them I just stuck them outside with all my other flytraps they are doing great now they loose the color.

@SuperPokefan15 - 27.12.2020 23:11

Wow you're so lucky my Lowe's has Venus flytraps and that's it so it's hard for me to get plants without buying online. Loving your videos they great. My dream is to have a carnivorous plant nursery too!!

@soootintin8295 - 09.01.2021 17:18

This is pretty dank man

@Jaxionisnum2 - 10.02.2021 10:37

I didn’t know they sold pitcher plants at Lowe’s Def gonna stop by and try to save a plant or two

@jasonluke6364 - 13.02.2021 19:21

I doubt that's a purpurea, but a different pitcher plant

@mikewong5888 - 23.02.2021 06:15

Haha I just bought two at Wallyworld-mart as well. Then YT recommended this video. Just a coincidence right?

@mishagray2835 - 26.02.2021 21:09

What happens if they eat their own? Do they die? Mine chomped down on it's own seed pod stalk!

@Zbychu93 - 17.03.2021 03:54

Coronavirus plants haul.

@ScoobyDooUrMom - 19.03.2021 11:26

this is cool

@Core10knee - 20.03.2021 11:22

It's the same with Beta fish. They look so sad, I try to rescue plants that look sad.

@aronperger9391 - 22.03.2021 18:27

I see these plants all the time at our local store. Always wanted to get a bunch, but was afraid they would die on me.
Hopefully after this vid i can give it an educated try LOL

@dumbflop2070 - 24.03.2021 00:39

Good luck on the collection bestie

@fostoriadistrictrailfan3907 - 25.03.2021 20:26

Hey, I was just checking out videos of plants (I like plants ok?) and this is a amazing video! Keep it up!

@geronimo67 - 26.03.2021 08:01

Those plants actually look quite good. I'm certain they will all survive.

@arvetis - 26.03.2021 17:48

Those are really good plants for Walmart.

@arvetis - 26.03.2021 17:55

I know the label says purpurea, but are you sure it's not actually a minor, or maybe a hybrid? The trap shape almost seems closer to a minor than a purp.

@kathleenward7222 - 21.04.2021 17:32

I just bought a venus fly trap from lowes to show my kids. Im a plant mama and I figured it would be a good starter plant for the kids with supervision of course. The plant has been out for 3 days 68° in the house soil is moist fed with distilled water and in bright direct sunlight. It's light green It's not closing is it still in dormancy? Help

@That125cracka - 26.04.2021 05:25

I wish my local Lowe’s sold their carnivores this healthy.

@michaelnguyen2489 - 01.05.2021 02:19

JW, did the container label the Nepenthes as Ventrata or did you have to research the species?

@plantguy9 - 02.05.2021 08:11

I love carnivorous plants. I use to have many pitcher plants and doing well but they all died years ago. The fault was mine cause I forgot to water them and didn't change the soil and something may have affected the roots. Don't forget there is a flytrap cultivar called the Red Dragon :)

@albertoburrito1874 - 04.05.2021 08:42

man you are so lucky to get those at lowes!

@slimcatandme - 12.05.2021 18:35

I rescued one from the grocery store and now my venus fly trap is thriving out of the death cube outside eating bugs

@crkproductions5000 - 03.06.2021 09:17


@maryannclay178 - 07.06.2021 20:06

I bought Venus fly traps today from Lowe's and I think they're dead

@zay_rat8942 - 09.06.2021 01:23

Rocket farms flytrap care guide is actually alright for most things it seems, they’re wrong on the enjoy and light thing though

@grandtheftgameryt - 21.06.2021 18:02

This guy knows what he is talking about lol seriously. I have seen so many people say ohh you can’t grow a trap inside, ohh you must have direct light... ohh no heat lamps or growth lights they will die in a week

@grandtheftgameryt - 22.06.2021 17:43

This death cub really does cause death... to the trap

@jeffdallas7129 - 29.07.2021 02:50

If you're in the Pacific Northwest, West of the Cascade mountains, you are in one of the best places in the country to grow cp. Some varieties of Sarracenia grow exceptionally well here, in some cases better than growers in their native states do with them. Sarracenia oreophila, for example, is a total weed here when folks in many other areas struggle with them. Winter care during freezes is minimal.

@Jame629 - 30.07.2021 16:29

Definitely buy from a reputable seller mail order off Amazon my aloe vera plants came in smashed pots . Even large garden centres the plants this year were in such poor health mildew bugs drought damage where they dont water. Definitely for plants like these we need more people who love the plants they sell

@jmepaints7014 - 08.08.2021 07:57

that is sooo lucky!! it was meant to be!!

@monke1919 - 12.12.2021 21:07

Is it normal for dormant flytraps to have a lot of black traps?

@therync8207 - 30.12.2021 00:39

Gonna be watching a ton of this channel! This is my 3rd time getting a Venus Flytrap and I finally learned about the death tubes. I also saw how many more kinds of plants were available have just started collecting ❤❤ It helps knowing there are resources like this channel. It is funny that I've only noticed Venus flytraps around during Halloween, going back to the side show point. I'd never thought a pitcher plant could be collectable, or even heard of beauties like sundew or butterwort.

@teresasedore6779 - 24.01.2022 22:28

i love it wow

@monke1919 - 09.02.2022 02:23

Rescue? They all look healthy in my book.

@pale2502 - 19.04.2022 15:23

What a stupid video. Anybody who has bought one of these plants knows these are in better shape than what a nursery would ship you.

@Your_VR_dude - 07.05.2022 08:52

Oh carnivorous plants are the sideshow they might not be popular but their skills is what makes them popular

@martinkullberg6718 - 21.05.2022 20:41

In my country, I often encounter them in the garden center,luckelly they keep them in pots instead of deathtraps.

@Justjoshin1244 - 02.06.2022 16:41

Where can I find these pitcher plants I can never find them at lows or Home Depot

@alfredoguevara9001 - 24.09.2022 07:00

Bro, love your vids, like I said, always helpful. Quick question! Did the nepenthes come in a “Gubler’s” death dome?! Please let me know, long story short, ordered from lowes and was expecting a VFT and I was blessed with a cuul nepenthes plant out the blue. However I am still new to every other carnivorous plant besides VFT’s, so I was caught off guard and I just wish and hope to have it prosper in it’s new home!

@Jesus-eg3yb - 18.11.2022 16:31

Old friend….just giving all of your videos a second go around. 👍

@paigeseliger836 - 26.12.2022 05:21

I'm so excited to find this! I've recently gotten passionate about indoor plants, and I've always been addicted to buying cheap Walmart Venus fly traps, but none have survived so far due to past neglect 😬 Hopefully my recent addition of sarracenia actually makes it lol, I've been keeping a jungle alive in my bedroom for a while so its odds are significantly better than past purchases. Anyway, thanks for the info!

@Jezebel066 - 28.08.2023 20:15

Those are gorgeous!!! Never seen any that weren’t completely dead & dried up/rotten

@devilmecare - 31.01.2024 23:26

Wallyworld said the get them in October. Not the best time to sell them. Went to a garden center because I had seen some. They threw them out because they didn't look good. I showed her a picture of one i have that was dormant. She told me that is what they looked like. I wish I could have gotten to them before she threw them out.

@dvonjr - 03.03.2024 22:10

Where in the PNW are you located? I'm in Tacoma, WA. Did you get your Carnivorous Plant Shop started? Do you have any plants/seeds for sell? BTW I never got the email link to download the Free Plant Tracker & Venus Flytrap Care Sheet

@Jesus-eg3yb - 29.04.2024 12:08

Hello there old friend, just binging your videos again. One old video, one new video. Man, your collection has grown crazy good.
