How to Start Growing Your Own Food | What to Focus on First

How to Start Growing Your Own Food | What to Focus on First

Huw Richards

4 года назад

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@Choopachoopapa - 14.03.2023 07:21

How do I grow a cow

@monkpool - 04.02.2023 19:27

You, sir got a new subscriber

@tyroneclark-uv5du - 01.02.2023 22:40

I am a native new yorker and i think all humans should be able to grow there own food it should be taught in school as early junior high school, our high school it should be mandatory to be honest, god for bid a natural disaster where to occur and all the super markets be wiped out what happens than to those of us who dont know how to grow food.

@jackie6174 - 14.01.2023 17:37

Thanks! Appreciate you.

@mandywinter8871 - 26.10.2022 14:24

My dad has a big garden every year, and fresh peas are the thing that inspired me to have a garden too, so my kids can have that experience of eating fresh peas together in the sunshine.

@ollie1286 - 02.09.2022 23:54

I started just in case a zombie apocalypse happens.

@user-ve9cs7ee6x - 02.07.2022 01:45

Great video but did anyone else see something wrong about the way he pulled the potatoes from the ground? Were they already uprooted and plopped back down on the soil for the shot?

@WilliamX5000 - 18.05.2022 01:29

This is a nice video.

@solomonclass9993 - 21.02.2022 16:33

Wow 🥺

@p.t.4221 - 15.01.2022 13:34


@Tim_TerninatorSeed - 10.01.2022 15:30

Which compost is the best to buy?

@ardentearth3184 - 04.12.2021 21:50

You’re so right about peas, can’t beat that fresh flavour. Love them in salads in the summer. 💕

@WholeHealthConnections - 29.06.2021 18:37

great video. Informative and great editing for capturing attention!

@tom-cj2ev - 27.05.2021 21:11

I watch this to make sure when the inevitable apocalypse happens I can make my own food

@helentew1453 - 29.12.2020 04:25

First of all I'm so interested in gardening but haven't started yet. What is the best time to start gardening

@wholeNwon - 17.06.2020 17:14

Really great psychology and so important.

@ukpaul9221 - 24.05.2020 03:30

Another inspiring vid, Huw. Thanks. Paul

@wonderwoman5528 - 12.05.2020 15:43

Can you eat the leaves around the garden peas? Will they taste just like pea shoots?

@Probity100 - 11.05.2020 22:13

Two of my favourite gardener channels !! Whoop whoop.

@Frank-gt5tl - 11.05.2020 11:09

Thank you Huw for another inspiring video. I ' m a beginning gardener, presently constructing my raised beds. I have a question. Do a see it right that your raised beds are based on a slope? They seem not to be levelled. Is that correct, is that a problem?

@shepsgames6039 - 10.05.2020 04:51

im just getting in to gardening and huw is giving me so many amazing tips on everything , i would recommend him over and over again.

@gee3883 - 08.05.2020 04:30

Brilliant advice as allways Huw.

@jimwilleford6140 - 06.05.2020 05:38

Nice, as per usual.

@Android.fungame - 06.05.2020 01:34

I think gardening is always in my DNA, I got it from my Dad. Now that I live in a far city from Him, gardening makes me always feel connected with my Dad

@Wimpiethe3 - 05.05.2020 22:40

The coming economic crisis is what brings me here. I hope its not going to get as bad but then we will have free food so. Yeah.

Great video!

@magni1308 - 05.05.2020 12:58

Wow. I started with epic gardening shady vid. Watched for a second time now i found a shady bed to use. Looked for more shady plants and found you. Thanks for the list. Epic you need to list them like Huw. Cool thanks guys. You both rock

@spoolsandbobbins - 05.05.2020 04:11


@effiecross2008 - 02.05.2020 13:55

Here in N FL it is already way too hot to plant green peas outside, we've already had quite a few days in the 90s. But I bet I could do the pea shoots inside where it's cooler, so I just ordered a large organic bag off of Amazon. They sound delicious, wish me luck!

@HortiHugo - 01.05.2020 02:50

This was great, plenty of advice. Pea shoots are very tasty 😋👍🏼🌿

@lukejones1244 - 29.04.2020 15:41

I'm pretty sure you can also do this with broad beans. The whole plant is edible.

@sirwilliamofpennylot - 27.04.2020 03:17

Another great vid, thankyou.. Do you harden off onions before transplanting into garden? regards Bill

@MarcoPolo-yt3ew - 26.04.2020 17:45

My name is Kenny from northern Kentucky look up the history of biochar good for gardening pass it on

@lindapenney5207 - 26.04.2020 14:14

Awesome update Huw lovely update and tips

@tickledpink6684 - 26.04.2020 02:35

I have noticed in past videos, but thought I'd let you know the moss that grows on your raised bed boards is delightful. It speaks of continuity in your endeavors and feels peaceful.

@ivogranata3854 - 25.04.2020 14:45

This guy is a master gardener, where is he located NZ or UK ? What growing zone ?

@breakawayfromme - 24.04.2020 20:36

Not strictly about veg but I am new to this and I have a question about composting
I no sawdust/woodshavings are a good carbon source but what about used woodshavings from pet bedding? obviously its been used so most of its not dry do you think this would be suitable to add? thanks for any responses

@izzywizzy2361 - 24.04.2020 12:04

lovely video Huw, I totally agree that a small success with growing and then eating your own food can get you hooked! I am now enthralled! Trying to grow veg all year round for the first time!

@MrBennyboi1990 - 24.04.2020 10:32

Where is ur accent from ?

@donnagrainger4290 - 23.04.2020 20:18

Hello. I am learning from and enjoying your videos. I have a question. At the end of this video, i saw to the bottom left of your gardens a garden spot that was planted diagonally (it seems). What is the benefit of planting diagonally versus planting in rows lined up with the edge of the garden? Thanks for your thoughts.

@lizbeardmore2435 - 23.04.2020 18:33

Thank you Huw for your encouragement! So many things to think about as a novice gardener. Some of my seeds are sprouting and others are not yet showing themselves. Looking forward to starting your course.

@sibylc2908 - 23.04.2020 13:31

Thank you, Huw. I enjoy all your videos, but this one particularly resonated with me. Those small successes really help to push you through the failures (and there will be failures!). I’ve seen Kevin’s video, too, and thought it was great, but I love your idea about the pea shoots. I will definitely give that a try!

@nicolemontazeri190 - 23.04.2020 08:16

You are my absolute favorite gardening show!!

@Wings91 - 23.04.2020 05:06

Just love the friendliness and warmth between the gardening channels seen here💟🌿 !

@Wings91 - 23.04.2020 05:04

Huw! After being very much encouraged watching your "pea sprouting by the windowsill" video, we did an immediate attempt, still using one container full in the kitchen- the soaking the peas worked AMAZINGLY! And they shot so quickly- it was a great victory to start our journey off with! Two days ago planted out the other container of pea seedlings and they live😄! Have put spring onions with them- will that work ok?

@alexandreverhoef7420 - 23.04.2020 01:23

I have a pet rabbit. Can i use its bedding and litter as mulch or compost. Thank you

@kath-phlox - 23.04.2020 01:10

My peas in the garden are doing well, but I also have another crop indoors. I'm on my 3rd harvest of pea shoots, salad and egg mayonnaise are favourite. I chop them into 2 inch pieces. My salad micro greens are not really big enough yet to harvest yest, but there are at least 2 more croppings of pea shoots..... Don't BUY lettuce, grow pea shoots :D

@kikigamble4315 - 23.04.2020 00:49

Hi. Okay, do YOU cook with your veg. harvest or does someone else ? Maybe some basic simple recipes. Garden to table. Love your videos. Peace to you and yours

@myoffgridforestgardenadven3938 - 22.04.2020 23:51

Keep it growing brother:) Thanks for your wise words and work.
