How to START a YouTube Channel in 2024 with 0 Subscribers (Why New YouTubers STRUGGLE)

How to START a YouTube Channel in 2024 with 0 Subscribers (Why New YouTubers STRUGGLE)

Roberto Blake

7 месяцев назад

52,149 Просмотров

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@INSAN_PRO - 16.12.2023 06:00

Thank you ❤❤❤

@godisgood5038 - 15.12.2023 19:10

Thanks for mentioning lighting for us BEAUTIFULLY melanated black folks. God bless you ABUNDANTLY!!!!

@wandasworldhaircarejourney5788 - 15.12.2023 15:46

Great content

@wegang - 15.12.2023 11:18

If you're reading this – don't give up. Consistency in action will lead you to success.

I've been recording for just a month, and I've already had moments of doubt. Every time I face a bigger problem, those moments come, but I keep moving forward, learning, dedicating hours to handle the camera better, and creating better videos. Every problem gives you lessons and makes you stronger; you just have to push through.

Don't give up; I'm praying for you and myself – you will achieve your goal! :)

@gailsfoodandstuff - 15.12.2023 08:55

there is a lady, i wont say the channel,, but her videos keep showing up on my home page, so i watched a couple… she was at 700 subs just a few weeks ago… she walks around her trailer/home and cleans dishes, or makes a simple breakfast, or whatever and that channel blew up to over 5k subs in just a few weeks. she even did one on how someone delivered her groceries and she put each item in front of her camera/phone and people loved it. the filming and sound is all over the place, but no one seems to mind.

I bought new mics, updated my ipad, bought some things to make it smoother when i carry it, tons of things and im still under 1k, lol. i just have to smh, lol. 😅

@HolisticStudioG - 15.12.2023 06:40

TAM Robert u On! I Am Listening 🎧

@tiffanyohoward - 15.12.2023 05:38

I was doing well with uploading videos until a few months ago and my issue was gaining subscribers and watch time. Need to get back to my content pillars and work on my thumbnail and editing. Most importantly put my audience first.

@jeremyscloset - 15.12.2023 05:25

Perfect info ROBERTO.

content pillars/ individual video ideas for those pillars.

That's right where I need to work on right now.

I just didn't have a word for my thought

@jojetski1 - 15.12.2023 04:19

YAY Roberto is back! Been missing you these last few weeks but so happy you are back. Thanks for the new video.

@myemodiaries901 - 15.12.2023 03:54

Unrelated: Roberto seems like a genuinely good person. He has literally changed and saved lives. He is part of the reason I was able to become a full-time content creator on Tiktok after I took his advice and tips over the last 7 years or so. I really hope he finds that special someone if he hasn't already because he deserves nothing but happiness. As a long-time fan, thank you brotha!

@LilCraftyNook - 15.12.2023 03:36

What’s so frustrating about the storytelling thing in my niche is I see people drone on about this and that and not getting to the point. Apparently (from seeing their views) people like that. On the other hand, friends who have watched mine say they are very professional. I’m constantly trying to level up but I have to figure out what is good storytelling and what is just fluff.

Thank you so much for this!!🏆🏆🙌🏻

@aohamer - 15.12.2023 03:33

So many gems dropped in this video 🙏🏾 Thanks Roberto!

@iam_omb - 15.12.2023 03:18

Great Video 😊❤❤❤thanks

@dankelly - 15.12.2023 01:44

Roberto! When is your audiobook coming out? I've got an Audible credit with your name on it.

@basketball4dummies - 15.12.2023 01:09

Thank you for sharing, I am trying to revive my channel, I watch your videos and follow your advices my growth is super slow but I will keep at it wish me luck

@SenkytsuWings - 15.12.2023 00:40

So I had 300 followers on my former channel, but on my last channel, I could care less about pleasing people. Actually, I'm more passionate about streaming, but let's be honest, Twitch is too saturated. This new channel lets me experiment with new audiences. My internet is too shit, but I really want to stream. People told me in the past, ''I don't want negativity; I want you to entertain.'' Wish me luck. I'm restarting from scratch.

@jollyjames30 - 15.12.2023 00:12

Put audience first. Give them what they want. The #1 rule in business. Everything else falls into place.
Great video!

@LifeWillChange - 15.12.2023 00:06

I got some good insight from this video. Because, I've been thinking about starting a 2nd channel down the road from now in like 2025-2026. Thanks for the video!

@LoisLeonora - 14.12.2023 23:39

Love this format. Roberto always has solid, realistic advice.

@frankom2862 - 14.12.2023 23:04

same video since 2020 haha

@user-xc9vw7zi5v - 14.12.2023 22:58

Na Boga, ja już konam, z bratem nie ma rozmowy 20 lat. Od 20 lat jeździ gdzieś samochodem też do swoich kolegów i na imprezy też - mnie raz nie wziął i nie da się do niego z niczym odezwać. Wszystko co ja jest na nie dla niego, to co powiem, to co ugotuję, to jak wyglądam, to co kupię, cokolwiek zrobię - wszystko dla niego jest na nie. Ciotką na 1 dzień się nie zajął przez 7 lat tylko non stop ja, a dom jemu przypadnie, zamroził mi wszystkie środki, kazał się leczyć psychiatrycznie i tylko pyta czy biorę leki i jak ja coś powiem że on coś robi nie tak - to on że jak ja się źle czuję i coś mi się dzieje to żebym poszła do psychiatry po leki; życie on traktuje lekko - to ja o wszystko w domu muszę zabiegać; majątek mojego ojca mi zabrał i mi połowy nie odpisał zgodnie z jego wolą naszej matki tylko wszystko do tej pory zataja bo mu jego ojciec tak każe żeby mi nic nie dać; koledzy dla niego to są Oni (pisane z dużej litery) - a siostra (ja) jest pisane z małej dla niego zawsze od 20 lat. Tak on mnie traktuje, że tamci to są - Oni. Masturbuje się w kąpieli od 10 lat modląc się przy tym. Jak coś powiem żeby wodę wylewał i w hotelu tak nie robił - to potraktował to jako śmiertelną obelgę i jest na mnie zły przez takie oczywiste uwagi całe życie. Nie da się mu nic powiedzieć - coś kiedyś mówiłam, jak powiedziałam zaciskał na mnie już pięść, już kilka razy był blisko żeby mnie uderzyć tak w twarz taka go napawa złość jak tylko delikatnie powiem że coś nie tak, jego ulubiony film - „Milczenie owiec”. Teraz przyniósł wirusa od tych kąpieli w zimie bo jest non stop przeziębiony - ciotka kona 89 lat po udarze. Na Boga, jak on urządził ciotkę!!!!! Ciotka charczy całą noc - antybiotyku nie podam bo nie je nic i nie pije od 4 dni i zdarłby skórę żołądka do krwawych wymiotów co już miała tak 6 lat temu i była w szpitalu na to, pleców nie oklepię bo odleżyny ; jak on może tak się do niczego nie poczuwać tylko ze wszystkim nastaje na mnie że to ja winna a on nie. Boże, jak on ją urządził. Całą zimę przeziębiony bo kąpie się dwa razy dziennie i masturbuje w kąpieli i na mróz. Boże, jak on urządził ciotkę i on nie winny i dalej to samo i już na nowo pod chorowany. Boże!!!!! On jest tak narwany, tak napakowany, tak z nim nie ma rozmowy, tak daleko jest w błędach, tak z nim nie ma kontaktu, taki jest stały sprzeciw i zderzenie już pierwszych słów z nim, chodzi na karate od ponad 10 lat, taki dziecinny w słowach i tłumaczeniach mając 40 lat, nad wszystkim muszę czuwać ja bo od razu wypadek i nieszczęście bo nie zachowuje ostrożności i jest do upośledzenia naiwny, nie przejmuje się tymi wypadkami - z ciotką, z naszą matką, z moją znaczną (trzecią) grupą niepełnosprawności w tym domu

@CaptainRuggels - 14.12.2023 22:24

I always have issues with lighting. So I have a dark office with zero lights. I have a lamp. I’ve got small production lights I bought for background but doesn’t serve the purpose I want. You think a ring light would be better?

@top-dogk9training - 14.12.2023 22:22

There is an expiration date for any niche (even those vapid adolscent entertianment channels--how many TV series made 5 years let alone 10 or 20 years?)

@AaronDoster - 14.12.2023 22:16

I started my channel over a year ago and I have read your book and it helped me tremendously😁

@pocketplushshop - 14.12.2023 22:03

1 minute in literally become bigger brain by the second

@pocketplushshop - 14.12.2023 22:01

First hour crew

@AaronDoster - 14.12.2023 21:56

I hope everyone has a blessed day and good luck on your channels

@fazubattlecaster - 14.12.2023 21:49

Thank you, Roberto.

@RapidRepair - 14.12.2023 21:47

Great real world actionable information & advice 🛠️🛠️

@SuccessisTheGoal - 14.12.2023 21:05

Ikigai is an upcoming multi-video series releasing in January and February that I've been working on! However, through mid-January, my content is only Talking Head with basic edits so I can take 5 weeks off of producing a ridiculous amount of daily content. Were shooting hundreds of shorts and content for two existing channels and a new channel that will start soon. There is something refreshing, yet nerve-wracking, about moving to the other side of the globe, without the high-tech gear, to refresh and discover new wonders to revitalize my motivation and concepts of what the World needs to see and hear. Thank Roberto for all that you do and inspire us to do!!!!

@FolkWalkCZ - 14.12.2023 21:02

Started my channel over a year ago and I'm pretty satisfied with my growth. Your advice helped me a lot with that. My main problem is being consistent and putting out videos every week. So my goal in 2024 is to figure out better systems around my content creation and make 50 videos in a year. I also want to try selling t-shirts and my own product in form of folklore/fairy tale book. So we'll see how it goes.

@johnclay7644 - 14.12.2023 20:55

Great informative video, great advice and tips, Thanks Roberto.

@javonh6761 - 14.12.2023 20:46

Glad to see you back!

@GenesisOne-nb4hw - 14.12.2023 20:44

I've started & stopped twice 😩😩....

@criticaldreamstechsupport - 14.12.2023 20:38

🎉 Good content

@Horizon.Harmonies - 14.12.2023 20:38

Very very helpful, thank you for the information 😄

@mikish5664 - 14.12.2023 20:35

Would love to see the video on lighting Roberto, thanks!

@YACKYSNACKY - 14.12.2023 20:34

