When Christian Finished Talking to Muslim, Something Amazing Happened!

When Christian Finished Talking to Muslim, Something Amazing Happened!

Living Waters

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@chadedwards3676 - 15.07.2024 13:45

That fatihah was horrible. You literally missed an entire word "mustaqeem." And that lying boy says you recited it good lmao.

@annkow28 - 27.06.2024 22:17


@shahidkurd3805 - 23.06.2024 04:17


@jassharma962 - 19.06.2024 07:51

I hope you get banned from preaching. You are spreading false lies.

@iknew8082 - 12.06.2024 11:58

i lost my online friends over this video.she was like “
ur blasphemy for sharing thus vid. islam right”

@KhaiErnTheng-jk7gg - 07.06.2024 05:18

You know, since yesterday I have been watching the videos on your channel. Truly thank you that I found you because I was wondering how I could share the gospel and where to start. TQ~

@africanconservative2897 - 26.05.2024 00:20

Holy cow👏that lady that used to be a moslem testified and tried to help that guy and tell him that Christianity is better because you have a relationship with God✔️ and not works of the flesh to try to be right with Hi; that is so beautiful and powerful💯Wow

@hosannayeshua - 17.05.2024 01:12

Praise Jesus!

@penguinrea0088 - 03.05.2024 03:18

Jesus is The Way to Heaven

@hookenz - 30.04.2024 01:26

And God just revealed himself to that young man. Awesome!

@kongtsi25 - 29.04.2024 04:12

I'm proud that people are moving to close to the real god this video make me smile and happy I almost cried

@Ruya-Vision1 - 27.04.2024 02:33

How could saying that "God is not like a judge in a court of law" turning into idolatry? where is idolatry in that? it is your false concept of God as a human figure who gives you that strange idea. In nowadays, billions of people have mobiles and according to their activities they recipe their bills, which is stile human knowledge, not comparable to the knowledge or wisdom of God Almighty. You must open your eyes and see how vast the universe is and start to validate the idea of How can even this small speck of dust, compared to the universe, called the Milky Way Galaxy (not the neglected Earth), accommodate the greatness of God Almighty? Only then may you begin to understand the meaning of "Allahu Akbar" God is Greater.

@comfortboadi5248 - 23.04.2024 15:09

Jesus is Lord ❤

@7ziggyfareed7 - 23.04.2024 09:41

Such a weak video, doesn’t prove anything except that you know Christianity better than a young muslim knows his religion. Bit of a pointless endeavour. Lets see you challenge a learned muslim who is at the same level as you. Or keep picking on the weak... makes you weak.

@PuspaTajem - 20.04.2024 20:23

and more importantly.. nowadays, with the abundance of study material in various online media in particular, it is VERY EASY for anyone who WANTS TO USE their BRAIN and COMMON SENSE well, to do extensive and in-depth RESEARCH on various sciences. including about the TRUTH of Islam.

i don't even need to explain anymore. all material is AVAILABLE online. you can EASILY FIND and COLLECT them yourself. simple, it's just a matter of Want or Not? really want to research or not? Honestly seeking the truth or not? Just it..

my Advice, take your time for a moment. study SERIOUSLY, with an HONEST and OPEN HEART and MIND.

peoples around the world have REALIZED the truth of Islam, and EMBRACED it in DROVES. don't be left behind.. ☝🏻😎

@Van_Liberty - 18.04.2024 21:06

The young man had an atomic bomb go off in his brain when the women gave her quick testimony. You could see the joy of redemption so clearly on her face

@josephlukwago6437 - 17.04.2024 03:09

Muslims have a way of expressing inner fear, shame, and anxiousness, coupled with facial beards makes them look weired.

@rahulbhartiya9728 - 15.04.2024 05:28

but whats the points there is no guarantee that you will go to heaven. Christian or Islam followers both have caused enough dead on this planet

@tamestew - 05.04.2024 05:32

I'm so glad that God allowed this lady to personally witness to the young Muslim man. Her addition to the conversation made this young man finally consider what he was hearing could actually have validity to himself. I pray for him and hope that he will see the truth which is the Gospel of Jesus. This is a person's only hope.

@imanejb959 - 01.04.2024 14:16

He came to a Muslim to tell him do not obey God so he will have mercy on you😀!! The work of the devil literally

@roblees6554 - 20.03.2024 04:04

If I had to rest in my own righteousness, I am screwed. Thank goodness Jesus died for my sins and by accepting his payment for my sins, I am saved. But Jesus did not stop there, he gives us the Holy Spirit to help us, comfort us and help us experience Gods presence. Ray, your awesome in this video. Bless you brother.

@staceyforehand9513 - 20.03.2024 02:50

We see Abraham was willing to sacrifice a son for sin, God said I will provide the sacrifice and provided a ram, then provided yeshua for our sin

@danielclaudio7553 - 27.02.2024 23:56

Wow the ending was so powerful. You can’t tell me God didn’t send her and it’s not a coincidence. Than saying I have eternity at the end was God was of placing the cherry on top 🙌🏽

@AllenThomas-us6xm - 10.02.2024 20:49

By two or three witnesses

@justforgitsandshiggles5405 - 06.02.2024 12:21

"ex muslims" cant stand following the ten commandments, easy to claim theicide saves you

@yahyaelsawa534 - 04.02.2024 00:30

Stay Muslim as you are

@tonyongbayawak1027 - 02.02.2024 00:51

alllah is a dead god of muhamad

@aminKSAER - 26.01.2024 04:50

Problem with witnessing to a muslim - they're oblivious to the moral law/laws of moses/mosaic law/10 commandments...oblivious to sacrifices and offerings...you have to work from OT/Old Testament and forward...

@dalenedb5142 - 24.01.2024 15:12

Watch amazing 'GIVE LIGHT' from ex muslim converted to excepting Jesus (not Roman catholic) ... expounds so much Biblical truth and error ✝️🎯

@Cliffster420 - 21.01.2024 20:03

Very true. The problem with relying on one's own good deeds is that we are All flawed sinners. We can repent but without God we're destined to keep repeating our sinful ways and never actually change. God's power can change us and make us new and clean and truly repentant. God the Almighty Father is above All. Only through Christ and honoring His sacrifice are we reborn. God Bless 🙏 I pray this young man finds his way to the Light. In Jesus name I pray 🙏 Amen

@user-rp3dz7dn8c - 16.01.2024 18:36

Pray the Lord leads you to take that woman who was once Muslim , but now is Born again Christian with you on the street.
There is a great many young Muslim youth in California and in the USA. And this will be a great harvest to reach out to

@CwayitaBuluta_23 - 14.01.2024 09:47

Its the way he said ''i dont believe this'' after receiving the full truth that broke my heart..but i believe he will come around.

@unreal-forms - 07.01.2024 16:46

i dunno what to say here, you literally forced your self on the boy and kept interrupting him when he tried to tell you his opinion, what i noticed is that he showed you so much respect and so he kept himself out of the conversation somehow
you didnt prove anything to him or to anyone els, and what is so amazing about bringing that women at the end?

@Marge719 - 01.01.2024 22:48

They believe Jesus is a prophet but they don’t believe what he actually says.
Muslims are hypocrates

@marcospinto1146 - 31.12.2023 02:37


@alvareznamaseb4678 - 21.12.2023 23:18

There is one God which is a definite infinity. Nothing else makes sense.

@alvareznamaseb4678 - 21.12.2023 23:15

It's almost like we impose believes into one another.

@abadazz6170 - 23.11.2023 05:42

Also the example he used with Hitler if he really repent from heart and believes in Jesus he can be safe there’s a lot of people that did bad things and can repent only Jehovah can read the heart and sees everything

@ChristFollower555 - 22.11.2023 04:41

Such a sweet young man! The Lord is a loving Father! He sent that lady, ex-muslim to confirm what Ray was sharing with him. Divine appointment! I pray that since this encounter, he has found the Truth!!! Only Jesus! He is the way, the truth and the life!!!

@shivshukla3765 - 07.11.2023 21:26

Md. At 55 did sex with 9 yr. Old girl.. he was a fake man. Dnt risk ur life muslims.

@bobbyhempel1513 - 03.11.2023 16:30

Islam absolutely condones murder. They just classify non-muslims as not human to justify it.

@Romello_Pietersz - 29.10.2023 16:18

In Islam there’s no 10 commandments. And In Islam Muslims can have Sėx with their daughter, sister, mother and aunty: 👇🏻
“And Imam Abu Hanifa said:
"There is no punishment for the one who married his mother who gave birth to him, his daughter, his sister, his grandmother, his paternal aunt, his maternal aunt, his brother's daughter and his sister's daughter, knowing that they were forbidden to him, and having intercourse with all of them!!" Al-Muhalla, by Ibn Hazm, Vol. 11, Page 253 (Investigation by: Ahmad Shaker)

@royaldiadem324 - 26.10.2023 22:17

The lady was sent by God at the perfect time just for this young man who will be saved!
Let’s keep him in prayer! ❤️
Thank you Jesus for saving many muslims and blessing them and sending them to the lost sheep!
Hallelujah 💝

@__.J.C.__ - 23.10.2023 21:19

I grew up secular and ended up getting into new age at age 15.
I got saved at 22 by the the Grace of God. I still can’t even explain it, but I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the love of Jesus Christ so powerfully then. From someone who doubted God’s existence, my worldview completely changed.
Nobody told me to do it- my close family doesn’t believe. It was truly supernatural revelation.
I fell in love with a guy who is Muslim right before I got saved, and at first I didn’t think it mattered as long as we both believed in God. In fact, he asked me if I was a Christian now and I just said I don’t know, I just love Jesus.
He said he loved Jesus too, but he went on about how the Trinity isn’t right.
I really didn’t know anything at the time so I brushed it off.
Fast forward, I’ve had time to listen to the whole Qur’an and study Muslim theology. I was honestly trying to embrace it. It’s a beautiful book, and I enjoy many aspects of Islam, but the thing that jarred me was what it said about Jesus.
I spent an entire week in confusion. Honestly, that week was awful and I even lost $800.
I went to listen to a debate on why Jesus was just a prophet, still wanting to solidify Islam, but hearing the Christian pastor preach literally drew me in again.
I know that the Trinity might not make logical sense compared to the straightforwardness of Islam. That’s what made me try to embrace it.
But the thing is, I was saved by something I cannot explain. That very same thing spoke to my heart, and not my logical mind once again.

That’s the Holy Spirit.

“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
Romans 8:16

I’m only 23 right now, so all of this is what I’ve been through in one year since believing in the existence of God. I didn’t know the scriptures at all, I never went to a sermon in my life, yet I experienced what Romans 8:16 wrote about the Holy Spirit.

I may not yet be capable of convincing someone else of what I know in my spirit, but I know it wasn’t a matter of hearing something that “makes sense”. Muslims and Christians alike agree that we can’t lean on our own understanding when it comes to God. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

To see the Muslim man who I love become a Christian would be one of the most precious gifts. He as well as many other Muslims have the passionate belief in God. For him, Islam is the logical belief that he was raised in. For me, Christianity is a supernatural experience that happened to me before I had the words to describe it. I didn’t choose a religion, just like I didn’t choose God, He chose me.

I truly pray that everyone in the world could experience what it’s like to encounter the physical presence of God. It’s something that transforms you permanently, no matter what.

@madrlileñas - 23.10.2023 13:07

Excuse me, don’t you realise the stupid questions of your opinion about death & sins.
Especially to youth & asking everybody same. Heaven & hell. Think about your sins. Keep your thoughts to your self.

@christlyadobamen8791 - 20.10.2023 04:05

it was God that sent that woman
Glory be to GOD
His mercy endures forever

@mamaluvsherbabes - 18.10.2023 08:22

"I have eternity".....wow! ❤
