Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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alpacaofthemountain - 16.11.2023 08:34

Just depressing, but good on ohio!

Blixer - 16.11.2023 06:50

To paraphrase Abigail Thorn on the the subject of Children having access to Abortion: “If a child goes to the doctor and says ‘I need an abortion because daddy made me pregnant’ and the doctor says ‘I have to tell your parents’ there is a non-zero chance that child will be murdered.”

It is so god damn maddening how dangerous pregnancy is for people and so much of the arguments against abortion rights revolve around pretending it isn’t.

Gargee Basak
Gargee Basak - 16.11.2023 06:40

The "floating abortion clinic " is exactly how casinos in Goa bypass Indian gambling laws. All casinos are placed inside cruises on the waters and since the law says "you can't gamble on Indian lands", it's a loophole they have figured out

td soldier
td soldier - 16.11.2023 06:24

It's disgusting that Republicans think regulating women's bodies is more important than regulating militias and guns.

John Engineering
John Engineering - 16.11.2023 06:17

This explaination of such repercussions is helpful.

John Engineering
John Engineering - 16.11.2023 06:13


John Engineering
John Engineering - 16.11.2023 06:13

This is worth watching.

John Engineering
John Engineering - 16.11.2023 06:04


SuperStormDay - 16.11.2023 05:49

Thank you for this show.... I'm so thankful i had mine before this was an issue.

HotDogTimeMachine - 16.11.2023 05:23

Anti rights advocates are horrible. They want women to suffer, hey never care about children!

24erasmo - 16.11.2023 04:49

Why is it such a joy to abort a child? It seems like going to do that is just the “cool thing to do”… how about you get serious on this and remember that this is a life

Ted Wheeler
Ted Wheeler - 16.11.2023 04:45

I watched this, listen to every word, was neutral on the topic, but now I think I side with the Pro Life movement. Woke is an anti-civilization movement, Christianity is pro civilization movement, naming the abortion clinic after Satan further reinforces my believe that woke is evil and anti-humanity. If you don't want to get pregnant, use birth control or condoms dummy.

Jim Hendrix
Jim Hendrix - 16.11.2023 03:42

The Democrats held the Presidency, House, and the Senate when the Supreme Court decided "Aborting your baby is not a Constitutional Right", why didn't they amend the Constitution to allow you to murder your baby? I suppose it is because Democrats are cowards.

Zak Muhammad
Zak Muhammad - 16.11.2023 03:09

I was never a huge fan of abortion. I find it funny that my opinion rarely matters until election season rolls around. Frankly, I'm in favor of paid maternity leave, comprehensive sex ed, and foster care reform but those things are never on the ballot when it's time to vote.

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 16.11.2023 03:04

I’m actually glad this is with the states, the federal government should have no say in what people do with their bodies and I really find it disturbing and sad that people seem to just be ok with handing that over to the federal government.

Mary Todd
Mary Todd - 16.11.2023 01:14

So proud of my state for protecting abortion rights last week❤️

CptKirk Pyro
CptKirk Pyro - 15.11.2023 23:23


Joslin Ball
Joslin Ball - 15.11.2023 22:03

Vitamin C gave me diarrhea so bad and I was still pregnant

flygirlbobo - 15.11.2023 21:21

No more SEX women. We can’t have a condom/contraceptive mishap. Those old men making these laws might not suffer from this but their sons will.

維恆 - 15.11.2023 21:07

The same Republican constituents when asked about crt, "I AM NOT CO-PARENTING WITH THE GOVERNMENT" but when asked about abortion they apparently changed their minds 🙄

Tracy Garner
Tracy Garner - 15.11.2023 17:21

We can blame Abbott in Tx. for all the fuss regarding abortions. FACT CHECK IT!!!!!!!

Bartholomew Thundercat III
Bartholomew Thundercat III - 15.11.2023 16:17

The fact that so many of these examples are from my state is so abhorrent. I can’t believe some people can be fine with hurting so many people and ruining so many lives just to control others.

louisa Le roux
louisa Le roux - 15.11.2023 15:40


Ben_98 - 15.11.2023 15:05


Александр Анархире
Александр Анархире - 15.11.2023 14:10

No condom, no sex! How about that? Ladies should stop listening to men's whining about the "sensitivity" issues. The circumstances following the intercourse are potentially way more dire for women, so, they should decide how it goes.

Rambling BB
Rambling BB - 15.11.2023 11:38

So it’s either:
1. Pray you’re born a lesbian
2. A lotta infanticides - killed new borns either by murder or abandonment in trash or kids when forced parent gets frustrated
3. A lot of dead women
4. Increased tubectomies
5. Choosing to abandon kids - increased foster children
6. Choose not to have sex with men - self pleasure all the way - more lonely men.
7. Smuggling abortion drugs and misuse of them as well.
8. Illegal and unsafe abortion clinics and black money
What were the government thinking lol? Saving babies lives? That can never happen with an abortion ban. Parents who don’t want children will always always show that they don’t want them some way or the other.

chae - 15.11.2023 09:45

I didn't know this before but apparently, girls are getting their period earlier 8-9 years old. And that can drop to as early as 7 years old. I'm not a medical professional but if for whatever reason they do fall pregnant, can you imagine what it would do to their bodies if they even survived the birth? I have had really nice guys genuinely tell me they are for abortion but they did not believe that pregnancy would be dangerous to a child because "their bodies would not menstruate if they could not handle a pregnancy".

Timelord2001 - 15.11.2023 09:04

Harborview Med. Ctr. Nurse "He-U-et" (I call her "Blew It," because she's clueless) seriously needs to watch this. She goes on about "snowflakes," but doesn't give a damn about the climate and environment they'll have to spend their whole lives in. She won't compost or recycle at all, and considers anyone encouraging that to be attempting to "control" her. So in her mindless world typical of catholics, there's no recycling or composting and no abortions, but there is plenty of idiocy and bad so-called "leadership." It's sickening, and the fact that good people like me have to put up with and work with morons like her reinforces my Atheism a thousandfold. ... She and anyone else like her most definitely needs to watch this.

Firmus - 15.11.2023 08:41

Abortion shouldn't be allowed. Therefore abortion should be allowed to stop people who would have an abortion from reproducing. Everyone should agree on this.

EARTHGROWNGECKO - 15.11.2023 08:23

States that ban abortion pretend to care about little kids. But if they truly did, they'd change gun laws to stop school shootings. But they don't care about little kids. They just wanna restrict laws on women.

EARTHGROWNGECKO - 15.11.2023 08:11

America is such a mess 😂

david smith
david smith - 15.11.2023 06:21

Damn i love TST one of the best burns of all time lol

John Estrada
John Estrada - 15.11.2023 03:56

Kelsey Grammer is everywhere nowadays.!!!

Tim Daugherty
Tim Daugherty - 15.11.2023 02:12

Geezus is Texas a dumpster fire of sociopathic assholes. When Ohio makes you look bad you know you suck.

Ryan - 15.11.2023 01:35

Medical necessity is more the exception than the rule, However, I think Christians should be agreeable to this, when the child won't survive or put the mother at risk. The vast majority of abortion cases are because the adult mother is having second thoughts, is not financially ready, or second thoughts on the father. These are not acceptable reasons to kill your child. There are studies that show this fact (based on Survey data from these mothers) yet most pro-choice advocates use the exceptions to justify the practice.

TheHylerFam - 15.11.2023 01:28

I would've been murdered if I couldn't get the abortion I needed.

My sister and all her siblings would've been far more malnourished if her mother didn't have the abortion she got which she had to get in secret because their father was so f-ing abusive. He eventually killed her mom a year later because she didn't deny their children nutrition so he could have a larger dinner.

My brother wouldn't exist if his mother couldn't terminate the dangerous pregnancy before the one that produced him.

My other brother feels guilty for his mother dying giving birth to him after he found out that there had been plenty of warning that that was inevitable and his father literally chained her up so she couldn't save her own life. His older brother had already told him how loving and beautiful their mother was before he found out how his father murdered her.

Yes, we're all adoptive or foster siblings, so yes our stories are more on the extreme side. But not as extreme as you might think.

The number 1 cause of death for a pregnant person is murder

Abortion bans increase maternal death rates and also infanticide rates. And it usually happens with people that would never be suspected of doing such awful things.

And I'm angry that you guys skipped the Pennsylvania Supreme Court race! It was no less important than any of the others and for the same reason.

shelby brewer
shelby brewer - 14.11.2023 23:07

so insanely proud to say that i voted YES!!!! on issue one. i am 20 and this is not my first time voting. i have always felt so strongly about politics, but when roe v. wade was overturned, i felt a fire in my veins burn so strong. i am beyond proud of ohio, and proud of my fellow yes voters. this step forward shouldn’t have been needed in the first place, but i’m DAMN glad we fought back.

George Malley
George Malley - 14.11.2023 20:57

Why is it always about a woman's Right to murder a child for her convenience but never about the child's Right to live without being murdered?
These women are alive today because their mothers chose to let them live. Why do they want to murder their children?

eliciabonnie - 14.11.2023 20:01

No man should be allowed to decide whether a woman should be allowed to have an abortion or not. I'm tired of patronizing men who think women are too dumb to decide for themselves. Get lost and I'm being polite, but you know what I really mean

SandyRiverBlue - 14.11.2023 18:05

What is sad is that a lot of the states that have maintained abortion right and kept their doors open for out of state patients are also some of the states that are considered specialist deserts. New Mexico for example, is a state that is so big and has so few specialist doctors, that it is not uncommon for some patients to drive over 200 miles to see their doctor.

SandyRiverBlue - 14.11.2023 17:59

I think there might be room, in States that still maintain abortion rights, for unilateral temporary licensure of out of state women's healthcare providers. The out of state patients can't help but put stress on an already stressed system. A boon of these temporary licenses would be that some states, which are currently in specialist physician deserts may get a inrush of much needed care for other conditions, such as uterine fibroids, which do not currently have full care coverage in all 50 states.

ElessarofGondor - 14.11.2023 16:51

Fun fact. one of the co founders of NARAL switched sides and admitted to lying to the public to get abortion legalized. Google Dr. Bernard Nathanson.

Lex Prontera
Lex Prontera - 14.11.2023 16:41

That is indeed a nuclear-level yo mama joke. What is there to say except HAIL SATAN, hahahaha 😄
