I Can't Believe It's Not Battlefield...

I Can't Believe It's Not Battlefield...


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@DarthTelos - 16.07.2024 23:31

Who tf would copy the WORST battlefield game but have their campaign in the gulf war. MP should have been same time period as campaign. WHAT A MISS!!!

@MrDwightKSchrute - 16.07.2024 23:51

This just means the next battlefield game better be crazy

@mcdonoughjl - 17.07.2024 00:12

I will be playing this, DICE needs to wake up - this is exactly what I wanted from 2042

@oomegator - 17.07.2024 00:43

Of all the Battlefield's they could choose to copy, they chose the worst...

@SoulReaper317 - 17.07.2024 00:48

You forgot a few things:

1. It has a Story Campaign
2. It has a "Tarkov" Style Game mode
3. It has a Scoreboard that you don't have to wait 2 years to get fixed
4. UE5 is an incredible Engine if not the best engine ever created. They can take this game to insane levels if they want to
5. It doesn't look like a meta fest. All guns actually feel viable

I could go on but i think i made my point.

@nicobenji0248 - 17.07.2024 01:02

As long as they didn't steal code well all power to them for trying to replace DICE cause they don't want to deliver a good game anymore I guess

@ShenBingran - 17.07.2024 01:03

The most important question: does this game has a operation metro/locker map?

@jebrengl - 17.07.2024 01:17

3: 43 "you have in closed alpha a scoreboard meanwhile ea didnt want to do it cos hurted feelins"

@yarincool1237 - 17.07.2024 01:21

I kinda like 2042 but im getting bored of it, this honestly looks better or at least has the potential to be better, i see this as an absolute win.

@jakesynx - 17.07.2024 01:21

quite frankly, this game is just a perfect combination of the things I loved about battlefield, without leaning so hard into any particular ones inspiration. the game has gameplay like 2042, weapon stats like battlefield 4. maps that remind me of some battlefield 3 maps. free to play, intense weapon customization. and the entire groundwork of 2042, existing in an alpha, if im honest, this is how 2042 should have looked and played on release. if it did, we wouldnt be here talking about this game, and its potential. because if we compare this alpha, to 2042's..... its night and day.

@Pand0rasAct0r_ - 17.07.2024 01:31

"Chinese battlefield" never got so uninterested so quickly in a "bf" game lol

@TheWOLF1201 - 17.07.2024 01:35

I mean how many hyped up the finals bc it was made from bf devs. People want old school BFBC2-BF4 gameplay. If EA Doesnt wanna do it, dont blame someone for doing so. I'll check it out

@kawancaetano2931 - 17.07.2024 01:40

Ngl , the main thing I wanted from this would be generic looking soldiers and not "operators"

@Soothyn - 17.07.2024 01:54

They even copied the teal color? Why the teal?

@flow_jbozz - 17.07.2024 01:58

Honestly I think it looks more like cod mw 19 or mw2 but I see the battlefield influence too

@MrZBrains - 17.07.2024 02:10

Battlefield 2042: eww no

Chinese Battlefield 2042 copy: this is what Battlefield 2042 should of been

@es0teric76 - 17.07.2024 02:11

I've been exhausted by the "operator" bullshit for years already, and this looks more like a BF2042 copy/paste than a real BF experience. Instantly disinterested.

@UltimateFeudEnterprise - 17.07.2024 02:14

Fair game to the devs, this game looks brilliant

@Guangtian2077 - 17.07.2024 02:36

If they can copy battlefield properly then all the power to them, not even DICE can copy battlefield correctly 😅

@cagedlemp5184 - 17.07.2024 03:09

Why copy a trash game? BF went in the wrong direction dev wise since after bf4. They could have made the best realistic war games of all time but decided to make crap.

@TheLight965 - 17.07.2024 03:17

MAG on PS3 did a lot of this first back in the day

@salehelsayed6094 - 17.07.2024 03:27

I was surprised that no one talked about the terrible similarity between them They are literally copying the game

@Sir_UN_Owen - 17.07.2024 03:37

The attachments and customisation with all the details is a huuuge plus

@BigErn2113 - 17.07.2024 04:01

Never thought once this was battlefield, if that’s the case every game is battlefield because it has guns in it lol

@forasago - 17.07.2024 04:08

Copying the actual icons and color schemes is wild. lmao
But to be honest the only crime here is copying a RECENT Battlefield. The franchise has gone to shit. Fans want a return to form, not a copy of the current mess.

@tturi2 - 17.07.2024 04:09

i would prefer if they made the hud more distinct tbh

@opossumbandit4960 - 17.07.2024 04:51

If it would have had english instead of chinese character writing I would have thought it was battlefield....

@WREKLOC - 17.07.2024 04:54

I do feel like the gunplay is alot more arcade style. Alot more like COD with almost no recoil. Ive moved on to Insurgency for the gunplay. I wish it had destruction though.

@victorvanburen48 - 17.07.2024 04:54

As soon as I saw the name "Delta Force" I immediately thought about Novalogic's Delta Force series.

But It's a Battlefield copy game... hmmm.

@yowza234 - 17.07.2024 05:01

we really are in the darkest timeline when Chinaware battlefield is better than modern og battlefield

@EddBSmith - 17.07.2024 05:09

I'm excited for it. The gunplay looks great, their extraction shooter mode with an actual base seems great and hopefully has a level of depth and complexity to it. Sure, it blatantly steals from Tarkov and Battlefield, but who cares? If Battlefield or Tarkov were doing a great job, people wouldn't even bother with games like this. I'm all for stealing good ideas and combining them together. Battlefield has sucked for ages now, tragically. All this game needs to be is Battlefield but with good maps and gunplay and that's all it takes to be a success. The bar is not very high.

@fxthePunisher - 17.07.2024 05:38

Another 2042

@FunziesGuy - 17.07.2024 06:10

Gunplay looks more weighty and sprint speed is a bit slower. Looks dope, I'll give it a try if it comes to the US.

@ryanchen935 - 17.07.2024 06:14

I can’t believe that it’s kinda better than battlefield. I really don’t care if it’s a copy or not. Next battlefield has to be good.

@AuroraGameworks - 17.07.2024 06:43

Battlefield needs the competition badly, I'm not fully sure directly copying everything exactly is the right way to go about it though. There's the legal problems it might bring and it comes off to me as creatively lacking. If EA had made a better product however it wouldn't be so easy for a competitor to swoop in like this.

@snakegus - 17.07.2024 06:50

Wait what we have SCOREBOARD in Alpha gamee!!!!!! Take mi money

@antilysisgaming5646 - 17.07.2024 06:58

They are gonna monetize the hell out of the game even though it's free to play, they know gamers are dumb and they've got the itch.

@jimmitrygamer1388 - 17.07.2024 07:11

Both Cod and Bf were kinda poo for the last years, this looks like a game that can both bf and cod fans finally enjoy.

@theodoreowens3012 - 17.07.2024 07:40

how can they get away with literally copying battlefield 2042 everyone hated Battlefield 2042 why are we cheering for delta force it is literally the same game but free I won’t be getting this game. It is a scam cash grab literally look at it side-by-side. It’s the same game.

@LuisGarcia-ev8rh - 17.07.2024 08:03

Why couldn’t they copy battlefield 4 😢 don’t they have another mode ? The black hawk down ?

@boss7936 - 17.07.2024 08:06

When for ps5 ?

@jessegomez4486 - 17.07.2024 08:16

Looks way better than battlefield 2042 and if it’s free I’ll play it

@ttonyttv - 17.07.2024 08:28

It's not only similar to Battlefield, it has A LOT from CoD and CoD Ground War or whatever was the name of the big map matches

@alexdietrich7975 - 17.07.2024 08:33

I hope it runs better on PC than 2042.

@305backup - 17.07.2024 08:36

"You're just a cheap copy!"

"No, I'm the upgrade"

@DIYtryer - 17.07.2024 08:39

finally my friends and I can cross play a new game besides COD/warzone, and its free to play cause they're cheap! yay! All it needs is black hawk transport helicopter like BF2/3 days

@rapatouille - 17.07.2024 09:23

did EA sell their Battlefield codes to them? lol

@queseyoflaco - 17.07.2024 09:47

Jesus Christ, people in comments are crying so hard, lol

@viliussmproductions - 17.07.2024 09:49

WWIII, Battlebit, etc. I'm convinced people are fine with Battlefield as it is.
Watch the next one come out and fans of the series will start praising 2042 as "the good old days"

Either way, this is literally a classic inferior Chinese rip-off I don't see something like this catching on in the West unless its source was a scrappy mid budget game.

@thejomviking - 17.07.2024 10:17

They basically got battlefield template lol
