Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Differences Between WoW Classic & The Original Release" by MadSeasonShow

Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Differences Between WoW Classic & The Original Release" by MadSeasonShow

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lucas burkett
lucas burkett - 25.07.2023 00:09

There should not be a classic game but a few servers start the game from scratch every year and go through the expansion progression as originally done and consolidate at the current expansion.

TwifTree - 14.02.2023 19:34

I join an elitist pvp guild one time. Lasted about a day. That was about 18-20yrs ago now.
It was immediately apparent these individuals had nothing but the game. You can tell.
It’s very easy to be over enthusiastic about something when you literally have no other worries or problems except a game for example.

Was entertaining while it lasted lol.

Subspicion - 02.08.2022 21:40

What made WoW back in the day great was being able to wave your big dick around and have everyone see it and be jealous. Now you can still wave your big dick around but nobody cares because they've seen bigger dicks or there's just nobody to show it off too in the first place.

Salteadog - 13.07.2022 04:54

It’s funny cause Asmongold could have never foreseen Amber Heard’s future gifts.

thedarkness125 - 02.06.2022 22:41

Blizzard: adds tools to make finding groups amd social interation easier.
Only public feedback: streamers amd their toxic parroting communities complaining that tools they dont use make the game less social while isolating themselves in an echo chamber.

Mason Groves
Mason Groves - 27.05.2022 03:18

Lol at every 5 months. You mean every 9 months now

shootahgun - 19.05.2022 06:53

lol the only add-on i ever used was the quest helper and wow ended up adding that later

AR15andGOD - 17.05.2022 22:14

dont even pretend like you and the boys didnt circlejerk gtfo

Chugalug - 05.01.2022 22:13

Asmon is a MOP baby

Rurn - 21.09.2021 20:58

Ally are pussies /shrug

Pia D
Pia D - 10.08.2021 19:33

He is not saying they had no idea because in those days, no one had an idea. It was a new game.!

Nicolas Villamil
Nicolas Villamil - 25.06.2021 13:08

Madseason has the voice of someone who's spent their entire gaming life trying not to wake up his parents at 3 AM

Hronn Big Horns
Hronn Big Horns - 15.04.2021 01:08

Yeah he loves videos that have him in them and ignorent when he get called out

I think
I think - 26.02.2021 10:02

“Don’t quit” is a comment he red aloud, I want more content!

canonicallytrans - 05.01.2021 21:52

You're dad sounds like a delightful boomer

Eric - 28.12.2020 13:21

asmongold reacts to grass growing had me dying XD

Synx 7
Synx 7 - 13.08.2020 21:00

I wonder how sad those ppl are playimg wow and staying afk ingame while watching another guy play. Like wtf. "Oohhh i get to have my character name shown on his screen woooow ". .. who gives a fuck ?

riner9 - 11.08.2020 17:59

#3 MT on my vanilla server but I quit during wotlk

Éomund Wessbergh
Éomund Wessbergh - 06.08.2020 13:01

Last one is spot on.
My first time, standing in Barrens, and just listening to the music was pure magic.
Now, the feeling is far from what I remebered.
Still good, but far from magic.

Lucius - 27.07.2020 08:30

Ive never used boss mods

Zcyteck - 17.07.2020 18:43

Nice to see someone, who actually 'enjoyed' reading those applicationforms, rules and other content. I used to be the writer/"designer" of those forms - and other text, as I wanted my guild (no matter how much I loved/hated it) to stand out as the best, at any time... My contribution was texts, forms and other stuff. -- thanks for the 'appriciation'. (Man, I can see its been a while since I've used the written english :-S ).

Tobias Pause
Tobias Pause - 25.06.2020 02:38

It would be great if they just open the closed doors of the actual classic world. Means, Hyal, Karazahn, The Karazahn crypt, the unfinished areas on the world map which were intoduced in cata, but an alternative version of it. The Dungeon portal of Azshara linking into an actual dungeon. Old Ironforge and so on. . You might even get some unexplored town or ruins on the long empty seasides nobody get access aside of swimming. While keeping the Powerlevel at bay. Means nothing simply stronger than Thunderfury, but the newest hardest thing could be on an equil level. (the important thing is not to just outmatch it)

Wait private servers change stuff to make it harder? Well that finally explains why lvl30 Raremobs have 5K hp and twohit me. I always thought how in the world did i beat theese guys in classic? Yes they were elite but not simply impossible, on my private server on the other hand... never try to beat an named elite Boss as long he is not grey. Only possible exception... fear.

Johnny Vain
Johnny Vain - 05.04.2020 09:27

still my fav clip is his reaction to Ronnie colemon's 800lb squat.

Bo Tv
Bo Tv - 30.07.2019 14:06

i see loads of people from darkspear today though it seems like every person i see is from darkspear, now i hardly ever see them in any of my groups but when im in boralus its like 80% of the people who run by are from darkspear how is it dead? if darkspear is dead then my server is super dead. i mean i know my server was way bigger back in the day, i would have left a long time ago if i didnt have literally everything there. i guess i could go back to playing one of my old servers but they are still like BC era

Brandon Lozano
Brandon Lozano - 23.06.2019 10:20


Bound4Earth - 02.06.2019 09:22

But Asmongold, you forget that people were just dumb back then and with the new knowledge and addons, players will no longer need that gear... Oh wait. I do love how ignorant this stance is and only people that never played Vanilla can make such bold claims. Even if the knowledge is more widespread, the logistics alone will always kill less organized guilds. Player skill means absolutely nothing if you cannot organize those players, and even more importantly, keep them mostly happy.

beerknight1 - 01.06.2019 19:39

baloney we should have boss mods in classic like CT Raid Assist and Omen and Damage Meter

VoiidMiasma - 30.05.2019 06:24

What they could do for TBC is create a TBC server or group, that you can transfer a COPY of your classic character to as well as create a new character on. Then the user could go in between the 2 depending on which one he wants to play on.
There are ways that this process could be automated and they could charge users to do so, which I would happily pay.

It would be amazing if they invest some of the millions of dollars they make on enough dynamic server space to create a few servers for each expansion and then minimize the count based on what servers people play on the most.

Kile Dash
Kile Dash - 26.05.2019 18:31


Sam Brown
Sam Brown - 26.05.2019 13:01

Madseason really killed it with this one
Sick video

BIueharvest - 26.05.2019 12:57

madseasons music choice is insane

muzien87 - 26.05.2019 01:24

consequence for your actions. THAT is what im looking forward to the most. if you bail out on groups or BGs and curse everyone out and sh*t talk. guess what? you get black listed and GL getting into dungeons or raids loser

Nikolay Glasserman
Nikolay Glasserman - 23.05.2019 15:34

Asmon: "I've never been to a stip club. I find them disgusting". Funny to say, considering the strippers hygiene levels are higher than his :D

Eucep - 22.05.2019 22:06

Bwahaha, Asmon's dad just had Disney After Dark installed, a screensaver. One of them was the brooms from fantasia.

YaBoiLeafy - 22.05.2019 19:26

The whole helping-dad-with-the-computer thing is the most common ground I've ever struck with Asmond. It's a monthly thing for me in order to stop him wanting to buy new pcs.

NoturAvg Dude
NoturAvg Dude - 22.05.2019 19:23

Back then on ventrilo, I always had to ask that one friend to turn off their fan because it was fucking their mic up.

DwasTV - 22.05.2019 18:27

Classic private servers were not harder than actual vanilla. Even in the private servers they had no idea how certain things worked like spell resistance and armor values. They would try to emulate it but ultimately after the content creator Q&A and even the beta itself armor values are higher, things have random spell resistence, and all mobs cast spells like intended. Its slowed down leveling easily by 20%. Now only this Ion himself has said all servers he's looked into had values wrong or had them non existent. Example being caster bosses usually had High spell resistances while others would have drastically high armor. Meaning certain bosses flat out melee had disadvantages while caster has disadvantages in others. Not by mechanics but flat out design.

Ion even said "back then, we had a boss that we decided to just add 90 shadow resistance on, for the lols". The design in vanilla was drastically different to private servers trying to replicate it and they were almost always easier than they were in actual vanilla.

Alex Snow
Alex Snow - 22.05.2019 18:23

They can increase the health and DMG of mobs and bosses like a 5 or 10% to make up for people being better now. I don't think that would be a bad idea
