PoE 3.22 - Legion Expedition Dunes Farm - How i Farmed my Mageblood

PoE 3.22 - Legion Expedition Dunes Farm - How i Farmed my Mageblood


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zLucas. - 16.09.2023 14:43

pob ?

LehLehich - 16.09.2023 08:35

Thanks for sharing. Got my mageblood in around 6 days (the last card was 77 div omg).

David S
David S - 11.09.2023 14:05

Can you run this strategy without having favourite map system unlocked? I hate that system it's so stupid. I want to farm currency to invest in my character but to do that seems you need that system which beats the purpose...

Klipax - 10.09.2023 17:04

100 maps -7 div wow what a strat

Tarique Allen
Tarique Allen - 10.09.2023 06:54

Im confused as to why it says expedition legion but we are blocking expedition in the atlas tree....

Edward - 09.09.2023 08:42

Why are you picking the atlas node to prevent expedition? Cause you always have a scarab anyway?

Geico the Gecko
Geico the Gecko - 09.09.2023 06:25

well thanks for the video. I made mad money selling small stuff but i also got rly lucky on drops, (since im running rampage belt and 1 ventors + 20 quant boots)
Got myself a eyes of the great wolf w perfect 20% quant and cold dmg, things worth about 80-100 divines.
had a lot of trouble making stable currency w magic find so im glad i tried this instead.

Cynful Zebra
Cynful Zebra - 08.09.2023 19:45

Legion and Expedition were actually the only two leagues I didn't even leaguestart in since I started playing the game more seriously around Synthesis, so this seemed right up my alley! I haven't gotten all atlas passives or voidstones yet but just a watered down version is proving to be very fun and lucrative. The best part is that it also works to farm Mesa maps at the same time since it's connected, which is another very fun layout! Great stuff

Cliff Blainner
Cliff Blainner - 08.09.2023 17:39

By chance have you guys updated your filter to a more strict one? I've farmed this whole league so far using the info provided in this video and it worked great for me. Never made this much currency in a league before, so thanks a bunch for the guide!

Jordan Willis
Jordan Willis - 07.09.2023 00:09

Feels like I’m spending more on sextants and scarabs than I’m getting in return. What’s the catch. Still no divines naturally or from incubators.

Soppa - 05.09.2023 19:58

The filter doesnt show me any rings? Just jewels?

Mr. Huhu
Mr. Huhu - 05.09.2023 13:39

why is he taking increased explosive radius node for expedition, when he has disabled xpedition encounters in his atlas? could someone explain, im new

Nick Yap
Nick Yap - 05.09.2023 06:52

Had a lot of fun and is my first time dedicated farming legion and Kangaroo is great.
Just wonder how can I remove things like essence, geo, cart, harbinger incubators from the filter.

GuitarSolos - 05.09.2023 04:54

Warning using the dumpstash method though, u will get blocked by tons of players bcuz they think ure a pricefixer trying to undervalue an item.

Bagboy Brown
Bagboy Brown - 04.09.2023 23:43

Do you also take Legion in the map device for 6C or just go in dry?

Pramod〈R.K.O.〉 - 04.09.2023 21:55

What is triggering enduring cry in gameplay?

Snowbola - 04.09.2023 16:26

Really nice video! One question, what i do when the sulphite is full and dont have enough azurite ? I go delve ?

Liquidbeeone - 03.09.2023 15:59

how do you roll the maps is it just alc and go?

Yunus D
Yunus D - 03.09.2023 14:56

can you share therregex you made for incubators?

Giovani Moura
Giovani Moura - 02.09.2023 23:20

How deal with immunities at the expediction?

Fedor Petrukhin
Fedor Petrukhin - 02.09.2023 13:50

Great video. Little advice, instead of just choosing price as 60/30 e.g. try 59/30, you will lose 1 chaos per 30 given currency but you will be above everyone who prices it at 2 chaos an dwill sell way faster

Vaccy - 01.09.2023 19:49

Is it neesesary to playing with MF Build for farming ?

Fallen Eye Games
Fallen Eye Games - 01.09.2023 00:17

Recently swapped to LA this league, after making 3rd char, haven't been a bow build since delve, holly crap this is fun as heck. and making profits. thanks my dude.

Vladimir Nikiforov
Vladimir Nikiforov - 31.08.2023 19:02

Awesome strat man! Wanna try rhis for my farm session for 2-3 days.. What do u think is it still good? Or maybe prices went down and i should find smth else? And 1 more thing: Why dont u run duple splinters sextant? It is not so profitable?

Matheus Reaction
Matheus Reaction - 31.08.2023 16:32


Justin Willey
Justin Willey - 31.08.2023 13:04

Can this work on cemetery?

Aukerot - 31.08.2023 11:28

Is this strat viable in lower tier maps? e.g t9 or t13 dunes? I'm doing an mf and struggle right now to do higher tier maps

Sky Jay
Sky Jay - 30.08.2023 16:01

Man i hate that the game allows people to wast others time, like you look for item you want, you message someon and then hes getting back to you with : actually i dont want 20 c i want 2 divs for this ... this game needs a market place so crap like this gets punished caus having my time wasted by messaging 20 people to get single item is beyond frustrating.

couc - 30.08.2023 14:52

Still proffit this strat? I really want to try it with my light arrow! :)

Mateus Sousa
Mateus Sousa - 30.08.2023 00:44

if you have youe sulphite abr full can you still get azurite to buy resonators ?

Zuep - 30.08.2023 00:40

hey. just a question: do u need to run delve and empty the pumpt to get the chance to get azurite? or do u also get it when your pump ist constantly full?

Mateus Sousa
Mateus Sousa - 29.08.2023 22:36

how do you trade your sulphite to azurite to be able to buy resopnators ?

Neolix - 29.08.2023 21:15

@Elesshar Is this strat still viable? I just calculated it with todays prices (1div = 215c) that for 28 maps it's a 5div investment (1092 Chaos) do those 28 maps give that much to be able to sustain the investments?

Michael MacDonald
Michael MacDonald - 29.08.2023 19:20

Anybody know what the movement skill is next to Tornado shot? With the flames.

flob - 29.08.2023 15:30

Nice video, I did this last season with my Deadeye LA and it's really fun. I have a question regarding the dumb tabs. I don't have as many as you, but I do have a copple and how would you start setting up let's say 3 to 6 empty quad dumb tabs? Do you start at 30 chaos and dump everything in there and then lower the value by like hour or day? Or do you start at 1 divine and work your way down or do you start lower? I always struggle with what the 'best' option would be for this.

Thanks in advance if anyone can share their experience with this.

My My
My My - 29.08.2023 15:19

Quick question why are you taking " face off " for your legion tree??

Summer - 29.08.2023 14:46

Hey, great video! I'll try doing the same today. I wanted to ask you if Cemetery is viable for this strategy? I'm playing corrupting fever full MF build and there's no shot i can clear this fast. Legions are the biggest problem and in this strategy, they are a core mechanic (although, I haven't used gloom shrines so it might be easier for me now). Do you have any tips?

Joe Fresco
Joe Fresco - 29.08.2023 13:48

Elesshar is #1. The man loves his McDonald's. He is sooo good at POE. I used to run with this guy a for a couple of years. He's a good guy. Willing to hold your hand in POE when you are a noob. Watch this man on streams. He deserves a large audience

kvostavabrato - 29.08.2023 12:10

mate i usually enjoy your content but 10 Leagues in a row Tornado shot omni? like wtf, not the most interesting tbh

Beastnessman - 29.08.2023 06:00

How do you proc Niko for packed with energy? rusted sulphite on every map?

bhop famaz
bhop famaz - 29.08.2023 02:23

why go for mageblood and not hh?

Phil C
Phil C - 28.08.2023 23:24

At 30c per legion compass would you say this is still profitable?

Jackson Smith
Jackson Smith - 28.08.2023 22:49

Don’t forget to stock up on your stuff before you release the video……

Days - 28.08.2023 22:33

Do you actually sell your incubators? I have about a tab full and Ive been trying to sell under what everyone else is and nobody wants to buy them. Do I just need a larger bulk to sell or is it better to just not pick up the incubators if they arent ornate/diviner?

Nova1 - 28.08.2023 22:19

The atlas tree in the discription is wrong i guess, expedition is blocked and heist is open

Duel Entertainment
Duel Entertainment - 28.08.2023 21:27

When i open your atlas you have the node of no Expedition lol

d j
d j - 28.08.2023 14:19

gilded legion scarabs are cheaper then polished, even though generals are annoying it seems worth at this point. polished legion scarabs are super high priced, everyone must be doing legion

Michał Miłkowski
Michał Miłkowski - 28.08.2023 04:04

Doesn't that single expedition boom brick it often (immunities etc.) ?

Nady - 27.08.2023 22:08

Do I need to go delving if my sulphite is full?
