Sanet Mc Adam the CEO of TenaZ has lost 30kg in 3 months. She used the TenaZ Extreme Pack. TenaZ gives you everything you need to lose weight for good. First TenaZ teach you Food Control with the the No Diet Behavior Modification Progame. We give you 2 Meal Replacements per day. The No Thank You capsule gives more Self Control. TenaZ balance your day and night Metaolism with the Good Morning and Good Night capsule and also improve your Deep Sleep. The Detox Cleans your liver for beter Fat Metabolism and the digestive tract for beter nutrient absorbstion. This Controls Cravings. You choose your personal Fat Attack accordingly to your Big Fat Deposits - Choose Top, Bottom or All Over. To lose weight you have to eat less carbs and carbs is a natruralle calming food. this is why we add the Stress Fat Attack Capsule to lower your Stress Levels! If you suffer from adrenal fatique, insomnia or have lovehandels and a pendulous stomach you can continue using the stress capsule after reaching your healthy weight.
#TenaZ #TenaZ_Extreme_Pack #Food_Control #0861595959 #FatFairy #TenaZity #BehaviorModification #DysfunctionalDieter #Dysfunctional_Fat_Storage