Let's talk about statistics, Russia, and new techniques....

Let's talk about statistics, Russia, and new techniques....

Beau of the Fifth Column

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@scottryals3191 - 28.07.2023 01:53

Even the convict's lives matter. They're all human beings.

@gracekarina7186 - 27.07.2023 04:26

That’s because you’re a good man! Simply put.

@lushoberg8052 - 19.07.2023 22:46

Holy shit! That is horrible, all those dead people! For no reason that makes a lick of sense.

@ozzyphil74 - 18.07.2023 19:15

So what's Ukraine's statistics? Why don't we get this sort of analysis of their loses?

@williamstefens - 18.07.2023 17:00

Bottom line, it is critically important to separate the people of any country from its government, with regards to policy and the actions any country takes with regard to other countries. That is, just be because the government, or even the leadership of the country choose to wrongly take over another country, doesn't mean the people of the same country approves such actions. Nor should they be judged by the actions of a few or one member of the government of said country.

@Ianpact - 18.07.2023 08:14

Thank you, Beau.

@lechatquilit - 16.07.2023 03:10

The Ukrainian numbers of RuZZian dead (~237000 as of 2023-07-16) are much closer to the reality:
1) RuZZian army makes heavy use of their fleet of mobile crematoria -- if there is no body, then there is no pension nor any benefits, etc.
2) Ukrainian soldiers are telling the horror stories about newly taken trenches being littered old RuZZian corpses -- the RuZZian troops are simply leaving them there to rot;
3) RuZZian wounded below the level of lieutenant -- even with the most grievous wounds -- are not allowed to be evacuated to Russian territory for treatment, and since the field hospitals in the occupied territories are both heavily overcrowded and woefully inadequate, some 40% of the wounded die who would otherwise survive their wounds.

@shuaguin5446 - 15.07.2023 13:24

About those technique, there not that new. It's the kind of data that historian use when they won't/can't trust a source. Funerals are great data as they leaves trace in diaries and official reccords.

@dlorien7306 - 15.07.2023 11:24

I know this comment will never be seen... it's a Beau video 4 days old... but here's a counterpoint. You're enforcing your western values of justice, love, and concern for the individual. Keep in mind these people, from top to bottom, the whole culture choose this. The generals don't care, the people crave a "strong man" leader like Putin. This is why we must fight them - we prefer our culture. Theirs goes back longer than ours. They've had multiple historical turning points to change, but haven't. It's not waste, it's natural consequences, it's choice, it's sadomasochism. I guarantee those 100,000 would rather die trying to kill innocent Ukrainians rather than Putin or his proxies.

@normbale2757 - 15.07.2023 00:22

They are dying believing the lies they were told

@tayloriginals999 - 14.07.2023 18:38

Wether it be 6 thousand, 27, 50 or a hundred thousand, FOR WHAT? Putin sent those men and women to die for what? Not even mentioning the deaths of Ukrainians. Such a colossal waste!

@JohnAllenRoyce - 14.07.2023 06:45

I totally lost respect for this southern jingo over his position on Ukraine. He lacks something important and it's scary I ever thought he had something to say.

@robbiegrant1449 - 14.07.2023 03:19

There is room for empathy in this war.

@cheeseheadfiddle - 14.07.2023 03:17

US deaths in Vietnam: 58,000.
Vietnamese about 3 million, North and South, including civilians.
“Not a video game, not points
People.” Yes.

@kdavidsmith1 - 13.07.2023 07:03

"War is War and hell is hell. Of the two, war is worse... Except for some of the top brass were all bystanders here"
- Hawkeye

It is important to remember that the most of the lost are people who were ordered to their death by some jerk in a plush office looking to enrich themselves on the backs of the average person.

@haymaker710 - 13.07.2023 01:46

Russia doesn't let the families of the dead soldiers know if their loved ones are dead. They tell them they're missing so they don't have to pay the life insurance.

@hurnn1543 - 13.07.2023 01:24

I really didn't care who won or lost when it started, I just hoped it would end quickly. That one old man who started it is responsible for the whole thing but there are a lot of other old men who have gone out of their way to make sure it drags on and on by giving just enough aid to turn the conflict into a meat grinder but not allow the Ukrainians to out right win, frankly that is just as evil.

@mycgyver7532 - 13.07.2023 01:10

Do you have any comment on the recent news concerning the Azov battalion prisoners? I read that they were unexpectedly released from Turkey and Zelensky was seen hugging one of them. I don't know what to make of it and I haven't yet had time to research further.

@jodyschlamb1863 - 12.07.2023 21:33

I completely agree with you. Such a waste of human life, on both sides.

@WGB3019 - 12.07.2023 16:31

Beau, I totally agree. This is the destruction of a generation. This will gut their future. Useless - you can hate what they’ve done as a group and still think it was a waste.

@Vilamus - 12.07.2023 14:47

As for the damage to the Russian armed forces, even if 50,000 souls have been lost, there is an additional amount of people who have had some form of physical injury that will cause them to be sent home (arms/legs/hands/feet being blown off for example). There is a lot of human misery caused by one old man who wanted a legacy.

@halicon7475 - 12.07.2023 05:03

I think 100,000 is a decent guess yeah its a complete waste of life

@chrisball3778 - 12.07.2023 03:51

America lost about 50,000 soldiers over around a decade of involvement in Vietnam. 50,000 Russians lost in 18 months in Ukraine represents a catastrophe any way you look at it.

@garryferrington811 - 12.07.2023 03:00

That's one hell of a high "floor." This is a spectacular loss of young men.

@AlexNitsu - 12.07.2023 01:14

Ok, that's going to sound harsh, but for me, as a civilian Ukrainian, who hasn't been too badly affected by the war so far - my immediate family and close friends are ok (some of my acquaintances are not, though), our property is ok, we even all still have jobs - it's really hard to sympathize with dead russians, who came here to kill and have already killed countless Ukrainians, many of them children, babies even, young people, elderly, all with their own dreams and aspirations. Ukrainians didn't go to another country, we are home, and we are getting killed every day. So I don't understand why so many people feel sorry and emphasize with russians before they say a word about Ukrainian casualties. And by the way, all the things that I mentioned earlier are ok with me and my family, friends. It can all change any day, just one unlucky missile or one drone that russia keeps launching at us is enough. To be clear this is NOT a criticism at Beau in any way, more like me venting my thoughts.

@Craxin01 - 12.07.2023 00:49

Putin was looking to create a legacy. Well, he succeeded. Not the one he wanted though, his legacy is one of useless death and needless suffering.

@conniergrant3779 - 12.07.2023 00:16

Putin's ego and "pride go beforeth a fall" of thousands of souls... 😢😥😓

@jeromewright93 - 12.07.2023 00:07

As Beau pointed out before, it has to upset the Russian veterans to see teenagers sent in to battle with no real training or equipment. It hurts to think about and I'm American.

@sietuuba - 11.07.2023 23:33

While it's good progress... I can't exactly celebrate it because it has a terrible cost for the defenders and those they defend. Tens of millions of disrupted lives, millions displaced, maybe a million or more Ukrainian children abducted to russia (Kremlin itself officially boasts having done that to about 700,000 kids!), and the killed, wounded, and the maimed will be known only after the war if the defenders emerge victorious. Which they will. The only ones that don't know that are the invaders and their megalomaniacal leader.

@kristof821 - 11.07.2023 22:44

This is not only on Putin, Russian Imperialism is still a strong motivation in the population.This war could not find the support it still has without it, Mobiks don't complain about the war, but how it is being fought/supplied.

@soapytiger - 11.07.2023 22:38

Well, he's got a legacy.

@rustyholt6619 - 11.07.2023 22:18

i quit watching vids of ruso tanks being tit because all i saw was 5 more grieving families,,, the government is wrong the solders are kids

@jerrywhite506 - 11.07.2023 21:49

Off the subject: How the heck can President Biden be approving Cluster Bombs for Ukraine? Is he an absolute idiot? As an infantry platoon sergeant in Vietnam, I saw the horror caused by these terrible weapons.

He is terribly wrong. This is a horrible weapon that has killed and maimed many more innocent civilians…..especially children….than it ever did enemy combatants. How can he be so damned stupid?

@JimmysJunkAcct - 11.07.2023 21:35

"Some old man who wanted to have a legacy created a bunch of waste"

Absolutely, but that goes both way. The last 35 years of US foreign policy mostly consisted of pushing NATO as deep east as possible (contrary to explicit promises) to exploit the post-Soviet collapsed state of Russia before they could recover. And no, I don't care that the governments of these nations wanted this -- they're part of the same military-industrial system run by the US, so why wouldn't they want that, LOL?

@JimmyMcBimmy - 11.07.2023 21:30

The adverb "only" is deserved actually, given that they are up against a peer. More accurately, Ukraine has most of NATO's arsenal behind it (not the soldiers, but still). The US in Iraq was up against an asymmetrical foe.

Not a Russian fan btw, just pointing out something obvious.

@Lee-zw9rn - 11.07.2023 21:12

I am sorry for the soldiers families.... may they have peace... and be safe.

@cdavis759 - 11.07.2023 21:09

War is nothing to celebrate.
"Forward" he cried and from the rear and the front ranks died. The generals sat, and the lines on the map, moved from side to side. "Us and Them" • Pink Floyd
Never has a song described war as well as this one.

@charles1206 - 11.07.2023 21:05

Yeah basically nobody actually knows the truth, your going to get war propaganda from both sides.

@mallisaunders4565 - 11.07.2023 20:16

Such waste of human, animal, and plant lives. Ukrainian and Russian. I weep with the mothers of the fallen.

@gerri577 - 11.07.2023 20:03

It's waste that russia has lost so many men? But it's not waste that Ukraine has lost so many men (and woman?) Was it a waste when Russia lost millions of men helping our country win WW2? Does it make you happy that so many russian men have died in this war? If you're on team Ukraine, you bet it does! Pro-war fools on both sides are selling their souls to the devil obsessing over THIER team winning. And me, supporting a path toward some kind of peace between ukraine and russia, am looked upon as a putin supporter. what has become of our country?

@gregparrott - 11.07.2023 20:01

'Waste' is a good term. But it applies to even more than lives lost. Thanks to Putin, the waste includes: some multiple of lives lost that are disabling injuries, citizens fled to other countries, lost international business and employment, devaluation of currency, seizure of ~$350 billion, Demands for compensation, Loss of primary energy markets, creating Russia most ardent enemy as Russia next door neighbor, strengthening and expansion of NATO, Russia viewed as a pariah state, direct war costs certainly exceeding $100 billion, huge array of sanctions, disbarment from the 'SWIFT' financial system, etc. This paints a bleak picture for Russia's coming decades.

@joym.4082 - 11.07.2023 18:49

Putin, who does not like the Free Press or equal parts of the government, will do what he dam well likes. ( like Trump ). No one can tell him it’s wrong. They will fall out a window… I will never forget how he treated his citizens, telling them they are going on peace missions. These were kids. They ended up in the meat grinder and then disappeared in mobile crematoriums. Ya no kidding we can’t no the exact numbers of the dead. Putin did not want to send back the dead in body bags, by the thousands. It makes him look bad. A country left in the dark still might think their loved one is coming home. Remember when you vote for Trump, that is the leader you will be supporting. Vote for a government that is not there for just money and power. Vote 💙 blue. For the people by the people.

@lisacherrington7719 - 11.07.2023 18:45

Very poignant. A waste of human life, due to an old man who wanted a legacy. Is the human species the only living thing that does this type of killing?

@christopherstoney4154 - 11.07.2023 18:39

Why are we spending so much of our resources in helping Ukraine fight this war and so little in finding a path to peace?

@klrowdean - 11.07.2023 18:33

I think realistically Russia will need to lose 500,000 before they are defeated.

So, if I'm being pragmatic (like, Putin changes his mind and cedes the territory back - isn't a realistic solution), then I see every dead Russian soldier as a step to an eventual just peace.

@scarpfish - 11.07.2023 18:30

"Some old man who wanted to leave a legacy, created a bunch of waste".

Hopefully Americans will see that about another old man before more waste is created.

@orifox1629 - 11.07.2023 18:27

"only 50 thousand" jfc that's 50,000 PEOPLE. like i get that it's war, but holy shit those are real people who had friends and families, they're not just a talking point.

@Horatio1741 - 11.07.2023 18:26

I think the comparison to the war and occupation of Irak and Afghanistan isn't very good because the conflict isn't comparable in any way. Afghanistan barely had an army and Iraks army was crushed in days. There wasn't a frontline with heavy fighting over a year with heavy and "modern" equipment on both sides. Other proxy wars like the Korean War might be a better comparison.
