Peter Owen Jones:How To Live A Simple Life. episode 1

Peter Owen Jones:How To Live A Simple Life. episode 1

Captain Lockheed

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@tkomla - 12.12.2023 19:19

Consuming and being consumed

@carolpaterson122 - 27.08.2023 11:34

I would be interested to see his views post pandemic. How the world has changed etc. He is riveting on the screen

@danicai - 08.08.2023 10:25

Working on TV. "Simple" 😂

@anthonylangford7797 - 17.05.2023 20:23

It is awful to see how much food is wasted in our society when many go hungry. We must get to the point where we take only what we need.
As they say 'If you don't want the berries dont shake the bush '

@andrewallen1083 - 02.02.2023 22:06

A lot of animal murdering in this simple life. My simple life is based on veganism

@mikemanners1069 - 04.01.2023 20:13

Id love to pay my electric bill by scrubbing dishes......

@risin4949 - 05.05.2022 22:50

This is truly inspiring, thank you. I was especially interested in the importance you gave to the example of St Francis. I am not a Catholic but I have always felt that there is something very special about him.

@belzebul - 20.12.2021 23:33

"Living without money" by relying on other people giving you the materials they also bought for MONEY, (or relying other people giving you MONEY) makes no point at all. It's just proving that you do need money for living- then why not just earn it yourself. In the end, nothing changed, money is still needed to survive.

Great and enjoyable show in general-just like Extreme Pilgrim-, but the above concept make no practical sense in my opinion.

@heatherluke4996 - 25.11.2021 21:44

this is great - so my question is - this documentary will have been paid for; vicars earn money and they have houses's very easy to live simply when there is an easy get-out.

@lindamcdermott2205 - 29.09.2021 08:48

This man is a trained dramatist!

@corybodybycorina4355 - 06.09.2021 05:22


@oceanseabear - 25.08.2021 11:27

Read the books by this guy. I find him honest and grounding. I wish I could find his 'Around the world in 80 faiths' I enjoyed it on tv. I think it was destined to be a book, but it didn't happen.
His extreme pilgrim vid was inspiring, and I don't get inspired often. Years in law enforcement has given me a jaded view of people and now I'm disabled, well don't get me started.
It would be good to have a beer with this guy.


@kristakimbrell7382 - 24.02.2021 22:10

The music and laughter makes it hard to take this seriously . You can fast, then you will not have to concern half of you day with food catching .....

@jdaywork2693 - 12.01.2021 17:41

Qwai Chang Owen-Jones Caine. Seriously, this was a wonderful thing he did. God bless him.

@gawaling1287 - 01.11.2020 20:00

Ego masquerading ...

@alexandertsiolkovski5848 - 01.11.2020 09:18

The trick is to separate religion from spirituality.

@donnaleecriss8692 - 29.09.2020 00:31

Not sure how sustainable over time

@iZoufy - 11.07.2020 10:56

Post covid I’ve realised a simple life is a lot easier to live in these times.

@chrisparsonson420 - 31.05.2020 20:17

One thing that always interests me about these kind of attempts is that the proposers are usually fairly young so health may not be too much of a worry, but is he giving up on the NHS?

@carolinebarnes6832 - 03.05.2020 09:06

At the beginning when he was shrimping and thinking that it was costing more to do that, in time and money, than it would to buy the same thing at the super market he was not factoring in the sheer enjoyment of getting the food that way, of the time spent out there on the seashore, and the deep satisfaction of that relationship with the land. I grew up in the 50s and 60s and blackberrying was something we did every year, and whinberrying too. Such satisfaction to collect ones food that way, not to mention that it is real food and tastes so much better than those poor genetically modified, chemically poisoned fruits and veges they palm off on us as food these days.

@victoriabrown3314 - 21.02.2020 21:17

fortunately he lives in a good community.
Hats off to you Peter

@Tinatime532 - 29.12.2019 19:18

Happy New Year Peter 🥳. Hope we all have a peaceful.. happy..and healthy new year 🕊❤️🕊🥳.
May all your dreams and wishes come true in 2020 😋 😊🥰 Love and hugs 😊

@Nate1975 - 17.12.2019 14:25

a few points:
advertising industry is the most pointless, evil, stupid thing ever, it is NOT needed at all (reference to past job)
linking inner safety with money? There is the problem (view from a psychotherapist) and also by doing this noone is abandoninig 'the adult' when there is a responsibility to yourself and to the community is present. Responsibilities in the world can have various presentations and shapes and not limited to supporting a family, kids, etc. She missed his point there
calling your experience 'fall from grace' undermines the whole idea, oh the human nature prevails

@godsfleapowder - 02.12.2019 20:59

Love the way you sink that pint mate. A man after my own heart! God bless you mate,all the very best in all that you do

@go2therock - 05.11.2019 20:56

While I'm enjoying watching this, his parishioners seem to have a better grasp of humanity than he does. He seems surprised by the sinfulness of man, rather idealistic. I can't help but wonder if his one parishioner, the psychologist, might not have been intimating at his naivete' and child-like-ish-ness.

Pete and his wife's invitation to lunch with them. It seems that despite his narrative of meeting and dealing with his pride, he still defaults to "their disinclination" to make the invitation were he not undergoing his exercise. That one farmer friend of his, what a true Godsend.

@Tinatime532 - 02.11.2019 22:28

Thanks Peter... I wish they repeated your various shows as I love them all.... thanks for sharing these on here so everyone can watch them again ❤️🥰❤️

@gypsyspirit4380 - 27.10.2019 19:58

Lovely programme, but.....regarding Peter's comments about living 'simply' with reference to avoiding supermarkets as they are 'part of the problem', is, to be bluntly truthful, an arrogant nonsense. He is so lucky to know the 'right people' and be able to rent a gorgeous large walled-garden entirely at his disposal for what is in reality a tiny pittance, in order to play at 'self-sufficiency' and grow his own food, something the rest of us simply will never have the opportunity to do! I tried and tried very hard indeed to find somewhere to grow my own food, but failed miserably. Farmers and Landowners are loathe to rent out even small plots as they fear they will be abused or end up having caravans put on them. Allotments are hugely oversubscribed I have discovered with waiting lists years long in my area, added to which in many sites vacant lots are not being let to new tenants as the Local Councils are deliberately running them down to sell the valuable land for housing developments....Supermarkets Peter are a God send to the poor or struggling families in England who depend on low prices to feed themselves, plus they give valuable employment to so many. I have no issues with you doing this and indeed admire your trying, but please do not even for one moment imagine that the average person up and down the land can follow your example, the reality which exists outside your Sussex rural idyll renders 'self-sufficiency' for many many families a dream and no more.

@michaelp.bisceglia6880 - 28.05.2019 07:52

The experiment doesn’t work knowing you’re going back to plenty of money...

@josephlandrut4154 - 17.04.2019 04:45

Peter as a vicar you will learn we all pass over to another dimension when our body die, we either qualify for perpetual life or eventually reincarnate and begin another life cycle as an unborn baby with a new set of emotions, which determine the part we play in the theatre of life; socially minded or otherwise.

@puriray6680 - 26.02.2019 08:59

I really just wanted simply life....

@plumsink - 30.01.2019 23:14

He's still hauling around in a car. Good luck being poor and keeping up with gas and insurance and repairs. He needs a good cargo bicycle or tricycle, though I doubt that he could haul much chicken wire in one. I manage to get a week or two's groceries on one, but that's about its limit.

As a vicar, of course people are willing to spot him a beer or some food. That wouldn't get the rest of us very far. What's needed is the means to support oneself sustainably, with one's own land. Grow your own grain, brew your own beer, and then spot your neighbors for a homebrew instead. :) St. Francis' poverty was inextricably linked to his evangelism and also an imitation of the suffering of Christ, to actually invite suffering. I can't imagine many people today signing up for that. If his goal is to be sustainable and to limit needless consumption, he'd be far better off to get a small farm and a bicycle. ;)

@nadiga1 - 08.11.2018 02:44

Hindu Monk's life pretty much advocates the simple life owning nothing and earn your food by begging so that you never get the ego about anything of pride...

@josephhaddakin7095 - 02.11.2018 04:25

Not to sound harsh but if you're still searching for meaning maybe you are in the wrong profession.

@lanialost1320 - 19.10.2018 05:05

Modern farming practices with livestock are unnatural and barbaric to those poor animals.

@Lookatmeshine - 25.07.2018 11:41

I dont think that was a fair deal at all. A pack of cornflakes and 1 rye loaf for all those tomatoes and walnuts. Bloody rip off.

@Nantosuelta - 25.07.2018 02:36

I really like Peter Owen Jones. In everything I've seen him in, he always seems like a very sincere and genuine person.

@Londonfogey - 10.05.2018 00:01

It looks like the Fourth Doctor decided to become a country parson after Peter Davison took over.

@lisakilmer2667 - 08.05.2018 01:01

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees some problems with this man's ideas. Living hand-to-mouth is Not a "simple life." It's more "self-sufficiency" - a term which he does use. Some aspects of the experiment are admirable, like learning how to do all these old rural tasks, and living with less "stuff". But his focus is so entirely upon himself and his survival that he seems to be completely ignoring his calling, which is to take care of his parishioners. And I noticed that his family have left him, which seems a great shame. Is he so focused on his journeys/TV shows that he can't meet their needs? Even though he repeatedly said his pride took a beating, this man just seems so.....self-absorbed.

@TheOldFatBastard - 30.03.2018 08:26

get rid of god and you will live easy

@lincolncity9 - 24.03.2018 20:09

If you don't need the berries then don't shake the bush 😄

@seamus9305 - 23.03.2018 01:30

How marvelous.

@michaellindsay849 - 09.03.2018 19:06

Thank you for this message, Peter. For the past 5 years I have been dreaming of a simpler life. So I left the big city and moved to a small town in rural South Africa. Whilst I have not forsaken money completely, I have cut out materialism completely, I have cut out nightlife and clubs completely. I am living a humble, frugal life..and I am much happier for it!

@WamuyuGatheru - 07.03.2018 10:11

I like the batter. But begging from working perishoners is a contradiction. Why not work yourself?

@sanja12 - 04.03.2018 00:46

thank you! it's very helpful video.. just in time.

@pamellajohnstone9711 - 26.02.2018 09:17

It is not good for man to be alone.

@TheMabes69 - 17.02.2018 02:21

very admirable fellow

@karankaran-us9vm - 04.01.2018 20:56

questions: isnt Jesus a better model to follow than st francis?
Is being a vicar a job or a calling?
isnt it better to give than to receive.
isnt poverty part of a curse?

@LadyCoyKoi - 29.12.2017 20:27

Simple living does not mean asceticism. It means to not be consumed by consumerism. End up being a material in an ever materialistic society. Simple living does not mean to do away with shampoos, conditioners, soaps and technology, and other modern living utilities, but to not be overconsumed by needing to overconsume. Simple living means to be conservative and productive. To not just throw things out without trying to see if you can fix them first. Living out in a farm is not simple living. With all that stated though, simple living can mean whatever you want it to mean.

@sabahleilee1250 - 27.12.2017 04:10

he is looking for peace and he goes to abuse animals.
