Warframe - Glaive Prime Endgame Build

Warframe - Glaive Prime Endgame Build


1 год назад

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Austin Carpenter
Austin Carpenter - 05.09.2023 11:43

personally i find this build hits hard with the procs and status but very slow charge up rate compared to my build but its good having 0 forma

Original Gamer Girls
Original Gamer Girls - 21.08.2023 19:26

I just used this build on a Glaive Prime I got last week and it's exactly what I needed. I am hitting harder than on the other build I was using and it leaves my old favorite Xoris in the dust.

ragtop63 - 12.08.2023 22:14

Exodia Contagion Zaw: “100K dmg…. That’s cute. “

Not8IN - 22.05.2023 03:14

Man, why are you put mods for virus in glaive..

Elysian-III - 25.04.2023 02:49

Relentless combination increases thr combo count per slash tick

SILVER BLOODBORNE - 30.03.2023 16:06

Finds a glaive
Puts on random mods
Turns it into a nuke

CM Comost
CM Comost - 20.01.2023 12:26

I love the glaives there my fav weapons concept wise both range and a melee weapon i to say tho please every one im begging post as much as you can get them to notice and fix its holsters to have a non shrink option for the skins it kills the enjoyment ....... and need more skins ps while its not king try the pathocyst with volatile rebound and fire its alot of fun tho not king but a massive surprise lol.

moellermilch - 22.12.2022 20:14

Got 2 glaive rivens out of 10 melee rivens.. then rolled 5 times and got a godroll. Bleeding does easy 500k dmg

gravityman55 - 08.11.2022 21:23

I love that I can use this on the xoris for regular level grind with massive aoe

exo-t07 - 25.10.2022 18:11

Tbh just building for raw slash is better

Tevvez - 25.10.2022 09:15

What should I use if I don’t have amalgam organ shatter?

LXIX Adventures
LXIX Adventures - 21.10.2022 11:05

i use gas and hit like train lmao

purdo84 - 20.10.2022 02:49

I dont care how strong glaives are, their mechanics are horrible and I hate them

Self-replicating whatnot
Self-replicating whatnot - 10.10.2022 01:11

I looked it up, apparently warcry also gives an armor buff? That's worth building an extra valkyr for, methinks.

Schproemftell - 08.10.2022 01:10

Normally i dont give a second shit about ,,meta" builds and Bullshit but with the glaive i think there are some mechanics that elude me , but you said you have over 40% bonus damage against sentients due to your umbra mods .... Well yes you are definetly over 40 % bonus ... but more like over 80% since the sentient damage is actually part of the primary effect of each umbra mod and both provide over 40 % scaling with mod rank

King Gender Man
King Gender Man - 06.10.2022 21:41

build is ok

dubborino - 03.10.2022 22:12

I was so excited when I stumbled upon rolling a Glaive riven.

Ryan Swass
Ryan Swass - 01.10.2022 22:49

Who need AOE primaries when you have exploding melee build

David Alonso
David Alonso - 30.09.2022 22:56

nooo my secret beloved weapon exposed

Insert Name
Insert Name - 30.09.2022 19:18

also, condition overload just doesn't work on aoe weapon

Cassio Oliveira
Cassio Oliveira - 30.09.2022 17:41

My first clan leader gave me a glaive prime set as a thank you once for helping him. It became a favorite of mine even more when i got a riven for it but was always clunky till DE reworked the stance.

Ádám Lukács
Ádám Lukács - 30.09.2022 16:18

Ngl you should drop the Element mods and use epitaph viral heat imo also use bane mod and the other hvy attack wind up mod

Tain - 30.09.2022 16:04

Getting a riven for this thing is hard but if you do roll a good one then it truly becomes the best melee weapon in the game

Federico Musci
Federico Musci - 30.09.2022 14:43

you can do 100k+ just w/ a good heavy attack build

Federico Musci
Federico Musci - 30.09.2022 14:41

idk that build looks vegan

Matthew van Erp
Matthew van Erp - 30.09.2022 10:44

just a quick comment. You need to learn how to double blast with a glaive with volatile quick return, When you threw it and it hits a target with it , it will explode and return to you. a double blast is when you use the heavy attack after the initial hit on an enemy. this results in a double blast where you get the volatile quick return explosion and then a second heavy attach explosion.

Luke Strife
Luke Strife - 30.09.2022 08:24

"Everybody's dead, Dave." Classic.

The Pope Of Awesomeness
The Pope Of Awesomeness - 30.09.2022 03:36

Back in my day this weapon was a joke, you could grab it for 8 plat on PC and even then I didn't get it because it was a waste of plat. Now days its had the biggest glow up, it's a monster. It's just not as much of a monster compared to the MIGHTY SEER

TwoSevenX - 30.09.2022 02:40

Umbrals, Prime Fever, Volatile Rebound, Gladiator Might, Blood Rush, Organ Shatter, CC/D/Spd-imp riven. Clears archon fights in seconds.

WaffleCopter - 30.09.2022 01:55

The only part I dont like about it is how every other melee feels bad by comparison.

Jaymie Tran
Jaymie Tran - 30.09.2022 00:48

How do I get volatile quick return? Sorry for my dumb question, warframe wiki isn't clear for me.

Doomelf - 30.09.2022 00:37

There is no "endgame" and build isn't min-maxed to fit the name. Glaive Prime doesn't need Viral or any other elements and shreds level cap enemies pretty much instantly without Viral or a primer. Missing a faction mod and Killing Blow, which is needed due to the weapon's long wind up time. For the last one, instead of Melee Prowess, can use Gladiator Might to scale bleeds even further, an attack speed mod if wanna speed up the release animation and throw even faster or Power Throw for dealing with overguard and acolytes.

juan valencia
juan valencia - 30.09.2022 00:06

I love using this glaive prime with my 200 critical chance passive styanax since I just group the enemies with his first ability and just enjoy all the red crits

Dragon's Off-Meta Gaming
Dragon's Off-Meta Gaming - 29.09.2022 23:23

Works great on wisp.
Wishing for the wolf sledge (have a great riven for it)

SonnySeva - 29.09.2022 22:40

To be honest im more fond to the Falcor.

Im a huge corpus fan.

Budzee - 29.09.2022 22:05

Viral mods and status chance for an "endgame" HEAVY ATTACK build?

tizodd6 - 29.09.2022 21:55

You guys won't stop until everything is nerfed lol. The glaive prime has been powerful forever. Everyone already knows. Stop making new videos about it.

It's like content creators are daring [DE] to nerf it at this point...

Naedox - 29.09.2022 21:36

This weapon is mad fun to use with Ivara's Navigator.

Pigeon Flipper
Pigeon Flipper - 29.09.2022 21:11

Letting it bounces for a little and then blowing it up is satisfying.

Tin_Suit - 29.09.2022 20:12

Ha! Red Dwarf joke.

Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper - 29.09.2022 20:04

Are you trying to tell me everybody's dead?

GSDA - 29.09.2022 19:56

Personally I skip out on the status and Viral setup since your 2ndary is your primer.

Meragog 30
Meragog 30 - 29.09.2022 19:49

CO does not work for glaives explosions

dark star al heraki
dark star al heraki - 29.09.2022 19:45

I made a xoris build with my ivara, can one shot anything till I reach L250, still pretty good tho. Yest I'm using the augment.

Laszlo Neumann
Laszlo Neumann - 29.09.2022 19:15

ok im 1 minute in... you are using Inaros and NO CARNIS?! with the Glaive? thats just bollocks, makes you not have to use primed sure footed and also way better than gladiator Aegis which is well...absolute garbo in terms of stats
Also you are not gaining a crit tier by using it with glaive(especially if you mod BR onto the glaive) so carnis is just waaay better, saves you 2 slots on this very build
Also, you do not want or need to mod for viral on the glaive itself, its virtually useless. Stack more crit, more dmg or more slash(Carnis mandible is kinda a must)
Ideally, you drop Melee Prowess and the 2 dual stats for Killing Blow, Blood Rush and Carnis mandible(replace Killing blow with bane of your preference if you are that kinda person)
Try it, you will end up with way better results and higher slashprocs, 20% more ehp on Inaros due to Carnis set 2/3, a free exilus slot, pretty much everything

Overall, serviceable build but its not THE build that makes Glaive the best version of itself, for that you need to drop the elemental nonsense and you need carnis in the glaive so it doesnt need outside cc immunity but you can have everything on the weapon, full package.

Fay James
Fay James - 29.09.2022 18:56

Hope for you to have a godlt grave prime riven in the future

T2 - 29.09.2022 18:50

Two things I'd like to correct - Condition Overload does not work on glaive explosions, at all. And you'd be much better off replacing those viral/status mods with damage, a bane mod in particular makes a big difference (or a toxin mod to oneshot shielded enemies).

ZephrusPrime - 29.09.2022 18:31

How to Tron.

Kaezar Kaze
Kaezar Kaze - 29.09.2022 17:54

Pablo should nerf glaives.

Izanagi - 29.09.2022 17:51

