Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields Documentary Series Trailer

Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields Documentary Series Trailer

Rotten Tomatoes TV

1 год назад

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Octavia Moore
Octavia Moore - 18.08.2023 05:33

Jesus Christ is the truth the life and the only way. Repent turn from all sin and be baptized and filled with his holy Spirit. Come Lord Jesus come!!! This is a very sick and perverted world we are living in.

Octavia Moore
Octavia Moore - 18.08.2023 05:27

This documentary broke my heart. 💔 I'm really at a loss for words!!! I'm outranged!! These folks were pedophiles!!! The mother was sick also!!😡😡

rockynostelgic - 13.08.2023 08:54

shes old old now but amazing beauty

Mary Ann
Mary Ann - 07.08.2023 06:05

So why does she support her daughter to enter the same corrupt world of modeling?

Scott Coblio
Scott Coblio - 05.06.2023 05:51

Loved this doc--but why didn't they feature Blondie's 1978 song "Pretty Baby" anywhere in the soundtrack? It was written about her! Instead they used "Rapture". How strange....

Mei - 20.04.2023 11:56

I think Brooke Shields's mother shouldn't let her be so young, only 14 years old, to make such a naked movie, I feel very evil, although the important parts are covered with long hair,.A daughter who loves her mother shouldn't be like this😢😢😢

Caitlin Belforti
Caitlin Belforti - 18.04.2023 22:14

It blows my mind how well adjusted she is

Rose P
Rose P - 16.04.2023 02:06

Oh poor little rich girl.... She treated your mother badly,, & treated her friends badly,,like the star that called out to her but oh no your a addict,, which he died that night when he needed a friend.shes just doing this for money now.. stardom she condemned now needs some bucks...😶

USA-Girl 911
USA-Girl 911 - 15.04.2023 20:57

Sad she won’t go all the way with the truth. All this is getting blamed on society’s take on beauty. Nah, this is grown adults preying on children. Just like they’ve always done in Hollywood. And still do. This is the nice way of saying these people were/perverts who were listing after a young child without actually calling them Pedo’s. But that’s what they are. And they still do it, and no Hollywood stars ever call them out and try to help those younger hold stars behind them. So the cycle continues and always will until EVERYONE is honest and puts a stop to this disgusting behavior!

Rae A
Rae A - 15.04.2023 10:26

I'd like to point out to the comment section that this isn't about beauty or lack thereof. It's about breaking a cycle. A cycle which has told girls and women that people have a right to look at them in this sexualized way and that they're nothing if they aren't beautiful in that way. Actresses like Brooke Shields and too many more to count were taken advantage of at such a young age and told they should be grateful that men wanted to look at their bodies. They grew up with shame and struggled to find an identity and a voice. In turn, two generations watching these stars and the media are still stuck in this pathology. It has to end.

Dad4 - 15.04.2023 01:40

My father worked on Pretty Baby. I visited the set for a week (New Orleans.) had dinner with Brooke and another of the actresses. She was very nice. Susan Sarandon was very extroverted on the set.

Loneliness in Milan
Loneliness in Milan - 14.04.2023 23:03

My daughter uncanny looks like brooke, but she doesn't think she's beautiful ...even when people gasp when she enters a room. I pulled my daughter out of Disney and sometimes I feel guilty that i did that, but life cannot be bought and sold in the industry of broken dreams. I always thought that Brooke Shields was more intelligent than beautiful, and Brooke's completeness would have been in studying a profession.

Haylley West
Haylley West - 14.04.2023 22:39

She really wasn’t all that honestly she looks like any other Caucasian woman . No hate at all just the fuss about her looks we’re very normal she just happened to catch mens attention which as a child was sick and her mom has to answer for that as well .

GizmoMaltese - 14.04.2023 21:28

Oh please, she was born gorgeous and got rich and famous just for the way she looked. If you want to feel sorry for someone watch "Born in Brothels" about Indian children of prostitutes. That's a real hard life. Or consider the lives of all the girls born with disfigured faces. Imagine being called ugly all your life and growing up lonely.

Sandra P
Sandra P - 14.04.2023 20:03

A couple of years older than Brooke, and I remember well the hype around her when she became famous. Everybody tried to grow their eyebrows out after years of fine line plucking, everybody rushed to buy Calvin Klein jeans. We all saw Blue Lagoon multiple times. Her face was everywhere. ... stunning in glad to find out she grew into being a stunning lady who survived her unique journey in life. A life well lived.

GY - 14.04.2023 19:24

Thrown by her family to hollyweirdos. Now because of them they insinuate the average man from the street. Stunning and brave I guess.

MommyIssuesASMR - 13.04.2023 18:46

I spent the first 15 years of my life being compared to her by old people-Blue Lagoon was the best, seen it 50 times as a kid.

Darian Rose
Darian Rose - 13.04.2023 06:18

People told my mom I looked like a Gerber baby, a porcelain doll. Said I should've modeled. I'm so glad my mother was protective and intuitive enough to have nothing to do with child modeling. I've looked at my son and seen those same features, that doll like quality, and I'm happy to keep his beauty from the world while he's still an innocent. No child should live that life at the hands of pedos and a creepy stagemother.

Linda Hermstad
Linda Hermstad - 13.04.2023 03:27

Who cares My daughter is also beyond beautiful was abused and lives strong without all this money making hype this deva is doing come on

Starling Swallow
Starling Swallow - 12.04.2023 15:40

I wasn't told it was important to have agency, either. God, the pain I experienced due to the lack of this one particular untaught lesson.
Bravo, Brooke, for shedding light onto this thing that so many struggle with. ❤

Ophelia S
Ophelia S - 12.04.2023 02:00

Why was Hollywood in the 70s so creepy about sexualizing little girls? Jimmy Page had a fourteen year old girlfriend. That guy from Aerosmith had a relationship with a young teenage girl. Roman Polanski. Brook was in two movies where the directors sexualized her (not her fault. Clearly the adults in her life failed her). I’m sure it still goes on but these guys were so bizarrely open about itand the worst part is society seemed to think it was ok?

Stephanie Dixon
Stephanie Dixon - 12.04.2023 01:08

And this still goes on. Our children are being used all the time. When will it stop????

Rose Mimi
Rose Mimi - 11.04.2023 21:24

She also made a ton of money with that face. She could have walked away from all of it years ago. Many actresses have done it before. She, however, stayed in the business that has treated her horribly and objectified her.

Cyn Bartek
Cyn Bartek - 11.04.2023 19:21

It's not a crime to be beautiful. I'm not as pretty as Brooke, but I am pretty. I don't weaponize it, I don't flirt with married men or try to steal a man from another woman, etc.; but I won't let others make me feel bad for it either. Some of the resentment attractive people face is simply jealousy by others who aren't. Truth.

Miranda McGuire
Miranda McGuire - 11.04.2023 17:20

It must be terrible to be beautiful

John Murray
John Murray - 11.04.2023 16:57

Yet another example of an amazing beautiful intelligent lady!

Ros WB
Ros WB - 11.04.2023 10:00

I remember her mother allowing nude photos to be taken of her when she was very young. Her mother called them works of art. Shame on her mother. She should not have allowed Brooke to be exposed to all of this. Where was her father in all this. I think they were all enjoying the $$$.

Queen Bee
Queen Bee - 11.04.2023 09:56

The one thing worse that her mother did was allow Brook to POSE NAKED IN PLAYBOY AS AN 11 YEAR OLD 😱😱😱😱😱. That's depraved sick, more so however the men that bought that edition 🤮🤮🤮

Debbie Gum
Debbie Gum - 11.04.2023 04:44

Remarkable lady

cbj2056 - 11.04.2023 03:34

She always seemed like a nice person. She’s prettier than her daughters

William Glenn
William Glenn - 11.04.2023 02:57

I just finished this yesterday and it’s very interesting. Her life has had its highs and lows, but unlike some other child stars, she didn’t crash and burn. Despite hitting some really rough patches, she’s come out on top and her story is ultimately a triumph. Well done Brooke!

Diana Calahorra
Diana Calahorra - 10.04.2023 17:36

She is a victim, but more than that she’s a survivor!

ORTHODOXY - 10.04.2023 14:46


Sarah Baker
Sarah Baker - 10.04.2023 05:51

Those directors especially the Pretty Baby & Endless Love ones were so gross.

Angeli Rohival
Angeli Rohival - 10.04.2023 04:13

How can she not blame her pushy mother?

Anna Maria Sidotti
Anna Maria Sidotti - 10.04.2023 00:04

Her mom allowed brok to be sexualising. Even signing (wow) an agreement that brookey be virgin till 22 contract & brookie actually doing at 22. Brookie thought pretty baby and playboy were artistic and tasteful. He's a liar. Please don't believe everything he says. He got
Rich in weird ways. Married amassing more money etc 😅

Mystery Surpriseperson
Mystery Surpriseperson - 09.04.2023 23:12

That hair of hers pre 1990 is a ✨ star itself .luvs that

Todd Douglas
Todd Douglas - 09.04.2023 22:20

I never thought of her as beautiful. I thought of her as embarrassed and struggling when she was young due to the acclaim. There are some people who have a natural beauty but those are people I don’t see getting this type of acclaim, male or female. It’s a strange world when most everyone agrees to what beauty is and is not and why it matters. All of us are the same inside as Brooke says, to be respected and appreciated for who we are as people.

crystaliclake - 09.04.2023 21:22

Wow she’s so gorgeous she still makes perms look good !But yea also a super smart lady too, didn’t she go to Princeton?

Liz Goodlaw
Liz Goodlaw - 09.04.2023 20:50

Gave me goosebumbs, love Brooke Shields ❤

snail Mail
snail Mail - 09.04.2023 19:47

I am so glad she awoke from her state of mind that justified it all. To see old guys drooling like it was okay to do that when she was way under even 15 years old!!

Cristian Manuel Bohada Castro
Cristian Manuel Bohada Castro - 09.04.2023 19:21

Su vestido es un original Whitney Brown 🤔💛💙❤️💙como hubiera Sido su vida con una gran narizota como la de Nicole Kidman en las horas 🤭

Mark Pickering
Mark Pickering - 09.04.2023 18:00

What about Jodi Foster she was in some risky movies too!

Christine Saubolle
Christine Saubolle - 09.04.2023 00:48

She starts them of young does not she...

Veronique Kwak
Veronique Kwak - 08.04.2023 23:28

Still quite a beauty for a woman in her 50s.

0Flow0 - 08.04.2023 19:24

Sounds interesting!

MYGirlsGJ B - 08.04.2023 16:58

She is so strong. Very inspiring.

melani mcready
melani mcready - 08.04.2023 16:36

So sad that the reality for many women is objectification until they reach post menopausal age. And then they are finally seen as a person.

Adrian Christian
Adrian Christian - 03.04.2023 00:04

BRAVO to everyone involved for this documentary.

Damian Sasha
Damian Sasha - 02.04.2023 18:09

Like all outdated celebs, they tend to create dramas from their past to attract attention ! What the hell, the past is the past ! I too had several unpleasant encounters within the industry and at school from the age of 14 until around 22, it's just part of my life and experiences. We are being exploited from the core by corrupted governments and everyone just accepts it ! So don't come and cry 40 years later that people exploited your beauty ! Too easy
