1968 BMW R50/2 Ebay video by Motoworks Chicago

1968 BMW R50/2 Ebay video by Motoworks Chicago


15 лет назад

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@stitchergary - 30.04.2009 18:36

I have a '68 R50/2, but wish it looked as nice as this one. Mine has part of the engine in a box. Hasn't been ridden since 1982 and spent 24 years in a chicken coop. I bought it without ever looking at the odometer. It says 3,504. I went to the previous owner asking whether the speedomter or cable had broken..He said no, and that was the actual mileage...Hope to fix it up one day....

@choppergirl - 09.07.2010 12:07

Pfft, I ride tires until they are slinging rudder, chains until they drag the ground, and sprockets until there's no teeth left on the small one. Cracks in the tires and dry rot don't matter on a bike you hardly ever get over 60. Nothing to rebuilding an engine, I took one apart today.

@zmikemoran - 11.01.2012 22:28

I was the happiest commuter who traveled from The Oranges in NJ to NYC in rush hours daily. I had the 1967 R50. Mine would start with one kick even when one spark plug was disconnected. It amazed my hog riding acquaintances. I could go anywhere in Manhattan on my lunch break, and I didn't need no stinking train schedule.

@bigaon69 - 15.01.2012 09:23

Where do recommend buying the spare parts?
