This weeks Droneman Scotland is taking a look at the village of Aberlady. In the Middle Ages, Aberlady was an important harbour for fishing, sealing, and whaling and was designated "Port of Haddington" by a 1633 Act of Parliament. However, its origins are much earlier.
There is archaeological evidence of a significant and wealthy Anglo-Saxon settlement dating from 7th to the 10th centuries. Join us as we travel through Aberlady looking at the history of this very picturesque village.
There is also a preview for next week’s video, so stay tuned to the end.
Hope you enjoy the video and if not already done so, can you please like the video and subscribe to our channel, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks for watching.
Aberlady Harbour -
Luffness Castle -
Luffness Friary and Water Tower -
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