Reasons NOT to buy the DJI HD FPV System Goggles; 120fps Camera Shortages, No Canvas Mode Dev?

Reasons NOT to buy the DJI HD FPV System Goggles; 120fps Camera Shortages, No Canvas Mode Dev?

John Cuppi

3 года назад

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@IdahoQuadcopter - 03.10.2021 19:14

Really excellent analysis John! We all hope that our supply chain gets back to normal soon. I even worry about geopolitical risks, especially when it comes to silicon.

@SunriseWaterMedia - 03.10.2021 19:21

You explain everything very clearly and concisely. Thanks, John.

@nemoishouse - 03.10.2021 19:25

I approve of this video

@EbrFPV - 03.10.2021 19:45

Great video man. I think you’re absolutely right to think twice if you want to buy into this ecosystem at this moment.

@RDsRCReviews - 03.10.2021 20:04

Great points John. For some it may be best to just wait a bit. I would love to try the digital system someday.

@kydawg1684 - 03.10.2021 20:08

Good info John. I have not dove into DJI digital because it always seems that DJI does not follow thru with their products. They get 80% there and then FAIL. Until someone wants to own and move this hobby forward with enthusiasm I will chill in VINTAGE ANALOG FPV.

@biketrippinwithbryan - 03.10.2021 21:17

Looks like they are starting to build behind you

@LoneStarUAV - 03.10.2021 21:35

A month ago the Polar HD Vista has been released, Runcam released the MIPI camera and is about to release the Phoenix HD Vista system, Flywoo just released the Polar Nano, all three of them in stock, granted all of them are 60fps systems, but still beat analog by far.

@christroutman382 - 03.10.2021 23:08

Thanks Much!
I believe your on point with everything!
Way over due for a DJI Digital fpv upgrade of some sort.
We always have Anolog! Always Improving!

@gbro8822 - 04.10.2021 01:09

Great job, thank you my friend.

@PHANTOMFlight101 - 04.10.2021 01:54

I really enjoy your videos. You are very thorough on the subject. Thanks for sharing.

@DroneOn - 04.10.2021 03:40

You got he shark byte! I'll be watching those vids.
I still, fly analog.

@masbudchannel - 04.10.2021 17:13

Hi dude, I love FPV, I'm from Indonesia, your content is cool. I'll support you.

@Duranafy - 04.10.2021 23:45

Excellent insight for the folks thinking about transitioning to HD FPV. FACEBOOK IS DOWN! I NEED TO SEND YOU THE STREAMYARD LINK.

@RonaldBrown59 - 06.10.2021 15:36

A lot of information to think about in this video. What DJI's next steps in the FPV world will be interesting, but also confusing for people trying to make buying decisions now. Great John, and thanks for sharing.

@randolfaquino9998 - 09.10.2021 17:47

Never underestimate Chinese production prowess. It is technically too late to embargo a country which has copied and improved on technology western businessmen gave them.

@Maceyee1 - 09.10.2021 20:54

A shortage of micro chips should increase development not decrease it. It might delay release of new capabilities and reduce price

@victorwolfgang4046 - 10.10.2021 07:49

Great video, very thorough and informative 👍 if you could recommend alternatives it would be awesome. I'm just starting up in fpv and it helps to know "what to do" also. Thanks 👌

@johnotooledoggames2336 - 12.10.2021 11:08

☘️🇮🇪. Good video sharing

@slowentropy4531 - 14.10.2021 02:19

Ah I just fly whoops and micros nowadays when I can, I think analog will always just be my thing. But man put my head I mates DJI goggles and OMG!!! That image is absolutely breathtaking, rarely am I wowed in the hobbie but that really did!

@FastSloW-qt8xf - 15.10.2021 10:04

I love the polar camera so I've been happy. Most of my flying is afterwork and that tends to be around sunset. That camera gives me an extra 30 minutes flight time compared to other cameras

@FastSloW-qt8xf - 15.10.2021 10:09

I upgraded dominator v1, yes v1 to the dji v2s. Haha I gotta get a few more years. I still use the old doms for analog

@terminsane - 21.10.2021 10:25

1) When is V3 coming out?
2) When is DJI alternative coming out?

@terminsane - 21.10.2021 10:33

China doesn't like diy drones. They prefer locked down drones that can be monitored and controlled by government.

@petebuttons210 - 25.10.2021 19:04

I think it is the best thing out there right now and enjoying it immensly. I will be using this set up for many years to come.

@Matt-xy6cf - 27.10.2021 01:49

i gave caddix my crystal ion technology which will enable them to release a camera out soon that is 720p 240fps 5grams and 4ms latency . Really could even put out a 4k at 5ms now too at 6gram but dji is hating on real quality vision still with there 800p lens only.

@tzacks_ - 27.10.2021 15:14

"in development for 6 months", man you're way off

@alloutofdonuts3998 - 30.10.2021 06:59

When the DJI fpv first came out in 2019 I was on the fence about making a big purchase on new goggles(fatsharks HDO or whatever they were) and I wasn’t really paying attention to dji as I thought it was just for cinematic type stuff.

More and more reviews popping up got me interested. By the time they had the Father’s Day sale, I knew I wanted them.

Today I’m invested in it completely and I’m happy with what I have. Also, I have no interest in making another big investment anytime soon. At least for another couple years. Unless something completely insane comes out, but I just don’t see that happening.

It’s definitely a bummer about the shortages and increased prices. Hoping it clears sooner than expected. That, or the pandemic turns into the zombie apocalypse 😆.

@LZRFPV - 31.10.2021 07:36

Great video. I get what you are saying about the stalling of the DJI FPV System but also, they had no reason to continue improving it when it was so far ahead of every other video system in the hobby. Now they have some competition from Analog HD systems, but even those are not that close to DJI.

@CarlosGonzalez-ll6xx - 02.11.2021 19:55

The blacklist shit it's a just a political thing

@2bfpv882 - 09.11.2021 03:31

U can get all cams u want now old news

@2bfpv882 - 09.11.2021 03:33

Get a analog adapter get best both worlds

@gsf1200s - 12.11.2021 10:51

There is plenty of stock now. I can buy as many air units/vistas as I want at the moment.

@domanater480 - 06.12.2021 11:49

I flew my friends HD quad and im really not impressed. The picture quality is fantastic but i was having a real hard time with the latency. It just felt "weird" like i wasnt as connected to the quad.

@krystian2424 - 21.12.2021 22:35

Hello, you speak well. I think I will wait until more companies start producing FPV HD, maybe they will be better and functional. I heard that Caddx will not be able to introduce new solutions in the Air Unit without the consent of DJI because they produce under license. The new product CADDX Air Unit DJI Version is another copy of the old unit without modern solutions.

@slicksix8892 - 03.01.2022 14:06

Sanctions imposed on China by the U.S has lead to this.✌
TSMC is the new company replacing Intel.

@franzferdinand1 - 16.01.2022 19:21

i could get the dji unit for 170usd should i buy it?

@dysnomia-anarchia - 28.04.2022 05:07

No HDMI out.
Makes the entire system... unusable.
I actually wrote out 21 reasons in other comments sections, bullet point by bullet point, but that's the main deal killer for me. You can't move your eyes closer to the screen, and there's no HDMI outt o pipe it to another screen. Yeah, I tried video out over USB-C out. It crashes after 10 seconds and has a 100ms latency, not viable.

I actually do not want to wear any goggles on my face at all.

Just give me a black box receiver with HDMI / SVGA / DVI-D video out to connect to an industry standard 1080p monitor like every other computer in the world can.

@Jangmo88 - 03.05.2022 19:13

I’m just starting and leaning towards HDZero. I’m worried about buying into an end of life system. However I’m not too excited about paying dji money for hd0 … tough place to be in if your starting out… spending big cash on analog seems like a waste too

@guatemalamini - 07.05.2022 02:47

Yeah and go digital with HD zero 🤣🤣 worse penetration and double the price 😣😣so thanks but thumbs down on your vid

@JohnCuppi - 29.07.2022 22:46

I had to come back to update the comments on this video. Today (7/29/2022) the partnership with DJI and Caddx is over, confirmed officially through CaddxFPV. Caddx stated In 2021, DJI stopped production of air unit cameras due to sanctions. This to me finally explains everything as to why we saw the shortage talked about in this video. "CADDXFV, as a small company, took great risks and purchased 200000pcs sensor & IC from ON Semiconductor, packaged chips by ourselves, so as to continue production of air unit and vista kit, until now, we still have a large inventory of chips. At the same time, we helped to take over the millions of DJI’s inventory of material." ... so, there you have it!

RunCam will be taking the reigns to continue parts of the system as things go forward.
