Fallout 4 Just Got ANOTHER Next-Gen Update… And People Are Mad (Again)

Fallout 4 Just Got ANOTHER Next-Gen Update… And People Are Mad (Again)


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@robertrosalez6560 - 20.05.2024 04:27

Too much crashing they need to fix that and I don't use mods

@davidjohnstone7665 - 19.05.2024 17:34

I'm a big fallout 76 fan and honestly think they broke fallout 4(well you know broke it more) Deliberately to pull players into 76 as its atomic shop makes money & 76 has been seeing more and more coming in and more and more are staying "GOD HOWARD" SALES MASTER STROKE, or tbf its bethesda so yeah 😂.

@reaperdragon1 - 19.05.2024 14:45

I just need them to fix the two shot glitch and then go work on fallout 5 😅

@CyborgKuroChan335 - 19.05.2024 09:40

Not me who did another big modlist and got everything ready only to realize the downgrader is no longer working because bethesda is updating the game again

@dragongeraldb - 18.05.2024 00:15

So no one is talking about the fact that who ever owns the game now got mad that all those mods were making the game better but they got no profit, i think they are trying to make us use creation club only so they can start having no public mods, i bet most of them will not work after the next "update" and i see any video that says anything about the greedy practice must be struck down, fallout was such a great game, bye fun.

@xmusicmanx1 - 17.05.2024 18:30

My game keeps Crashing/Freezing when I use VATS on Xbox Series S.. It has literally done it 10x on my survival play through..

@GreenEnergyScience - 17.05.2024 17:21

This is why years ago I blocked these UPDATES LOL HAHAHA UPDATES. Also I keep a backup of the game just in case and my game works great. I keep saying Bethesda "STOP" updating 20 year old games leave them alone. The time you spend updating these games you could put out another game which is what I would love to see. With all these new fixes in the new games. The Modders are getting sick and tired of updating the mods due to your bs and I know at least me as a gamer I got sick and tired of needing to rebuild my games every other time I turned around a long long time ago so all I can say is. PLEASE STOP STOP STOP STOP UPDATING THESE GAMES AND LEAVE THEM ALONE PLEASE STOP.

@BaileyC98 - 17.05.2024 12:39

This is why I have stopped playing Fallout4 and City Skylines. Every time they update I have to fix 1000s of mods.

@kyleshepard3139 - 17.05.2024 10:36

Not only that, but Fallout 4 on Xbox is still a stuttering, laggy mess

And after this I doubt highly they’re actually gonna fix it; we’re on our fuckin own chooms, and I’m tired of this

@thegamingchicken945 - 17.05.2024 08:11

this recent update literally made my game unplayable

@musicilike69 - 17.05.2024 07:13

How do they even survive anymore, Bethesda. Their games are janky as hell and no longer are capable of qualifying as heavyweights. F TV show comes out, we need to cash in on this, and they do, Fallout game sales go up across the board..and Bethesda introduce a WHOLE NEW AUDIENCE TO HOW USELESS THEY ARE.

@aynisbahlsak5465 - 17.05.2024 06:45

I was so happy when the nextgen update happened buuuuuuut I’m hardly seeing any changes (on ps5) and every six or seven item deletions in build a settlement mode, the game locked up. Even scrolling thought the menu in setttlment mode will lock it up bad. 😡

@brovid-19 - 17.05.2024 03:45

The script extender MUST break every time there is an update. If Bethesda changed how their scripting engine handles scripts, of course the mod that expects the environment to be one way can't function in a different one.

One push back tho: it's their game and they're choice to update it? FALSE.

I paid for a video game, I expect that video game to always be the same as when I bought it and any updates should be treated as optional addendums.

If I sell you a pair of pants and you pay for them, it is no longer my right to then 1 years down the road take them back and give you a hamburger, even if I don't care how awkward it makes your job interview.

@toddhowarddd - 17.05.2024 03:44

like for real how would you even playtest a Bethesda game. you would need the unofficial patch just to make it work. (Psst the joke is its incomplete because its not playtested)

@scottgrant1998 - 16.05.2024 20:54

At least PC players can ride out this shitstorm by rolling back the game to a playable (pre-next-gen) version. Console players, for whom the next-gen update was primarily intended, are completely screwed if they were using mods (which is nearly EVERYONE who was still playing the game 10 years later) because the mod library is broken on console. Until that specific issue is actually addressed by Bethesda, bug fixes are moot.

@EricaFiore - 16.05.2024 14:09

I just updated AAF for my self already out of fucking date 👹👹😡😡

@parkerucar129 - 16.05.2024 06:40

I blocked the update date because of past experience.

@jasonmcallen8954 - 16.05.2024 04:18

They might as well do a couple updates to fix what they broke and work on a Fallout 4 Anniversary Edition instead. Then they can give proper "next gen" content and increase the mod storage limit (which they should've done anyway since they knew it was going to break mods for a while.) Honestly I'd take FO4AE over the FO4NGU. Hell I'd pay the $70 for that if it meant they left FO4 alone for a remaster with a possibility of at least 5-8 gbs of mod storage.

@user-timelord - 16.05.2024 03:34

They could release the next gen update on steam with beta branch just like what they did with starfield.

@diefem - 16.05.2024 01:40

Most of those fixes were engine bugs, which probably modders would not be able to fix, I'm glad they fixed them. The material swap one was pretty bad.

@Virtual_Sphere_ - 16.05.2024 00:17

Ever wondered if they are doing this intentionally to push people to play fallout 76?

It's a scummy move for sure. But it makes total sense.. they have a lot of people playing fallout 4, and they want people to play 76 to buy the microtransactions... why not break mods to piss people off and then they end up not playing FO4 until they're fixed and then they move onto play fallout 76 while they wait.

@RichardSmith-gl6kj - 15.05.2024 23:20

Small example - I learned before the update to not do fire support until you rescued Nick. After his rescue immediately go to fire support and no glitches worked great. Now with the update radio transmissions are just empty garbled space - Go help Dance and I get the same old Damn glitch. "Check your fire" or some shit and nothing else. The new update just crashed the original game. Do the idiots at Bethesda know how to do any dam thing right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worked flawlessly when I learned the secret in the old game. Now this shit is broken and so is the continuation of the game. FK FK FK !!! For the record PS 4 got a little but not what was claimed... I PLY WITH ZERO MODS AND IT STILL FKED ME

@shawnmiranda805 - 15.05.2024 23:18

The Game and updates for the most part are fine after rthe updates, it just the ppl who play mods who are inconvenienced, not to big of a deal.

@ruandemeneses9513 - 15.05.2024 23:03

launch new fallout game for current generation with a proper engine ❌

Completely Destroy mods for the console and Pc players ✅

@HDConcussionz - 15.05.2024 22:48

I hope the angry modding chads don't disway them from continuing to update Fallout 4.

Overall still a good thing they are updating it. Yeah it sucks it breaks mods, but keep it coming.

@pandora50 - 15.05.2024 22:46

Have you not heard of the unofficial patch that addresses the majority of the issues that were present when the game released

@pandora50 - 15.05.2024 22:45

Solution just revert and stop whining and being surprised its bethesda

@sofaking1627 - 15.05.2024 22:31

Bethesda is such a trash company.
Riding on the good will from 2011 still, more people need to wake up.

@lothre - 15.05.2024 22:31

At this point, I have to assume that BGS is following the playbook of Disney, Bud Light, and Target;

"Let's keep doing things that directly piss off our entire customer base with things they NEVER wanted or asked for....and when they complain about it and stop buying our crap, do it again and again until we are out of business"

@lovestospuge666 - 15.05.2024 21:11

This is why I turn auto update off on Bethesda games

@theelderscrolls616 - 15.05.2024 21:09

Bethesda games studios r trash it's time to shut them down and give the IP of eso and fallout to playstation please make it happen phil Spencer it's not like anyone would miss Bethesda game studios

@ptpracing - 15.05.2024 20:47

We arent mad, we are disappointed Bethesda

@DebiDalio - 15.05.2024 19:34

Bethesda should have created Fallout 4 Special Edition and left the original Fallout 4 alone (so we could now be playing Fallout London instead of having to wait a long time (possibly until next year) while Bethesda continues to futz with the game).

@elliotporterfield6921 - 15.05.2024 19:20

I play on PS5 and have been playing on 60fps target and quality mode. I stay at 60 fps other than a certain part of Boston near goodneighbor, but I heard even PC players are having issues with that area now. I think my game is more stable now even with mods.

@jimcalhoun361 - 15.05.2024 19:13

it's nice to know I'm just a whiny bitch after BGS optimizes the game for consoles and makes my saves virtually unplayable.

@GlassesAndCoffeeMugs - 15.05.2024 18:59

I seriously don't understand, if people are angry about mods breaking, why wouldn't you disable steam updates and WAIT until mods update? This is literally modding 101, every guide tells you to do it

@SantoseDaMenace - 15.05.2024 18:12

I don't know about you guys but my pipboy disappeared after the patch installed

@mushroom-mac617 - 15.05.2024 17:37

I uninstalled the update and changed the frame rate on my pc the game seems to be ok now.🙏🏻

@theenchiladakid1866 - 15.05.2024 17:25

Are you new to gaming?

@gokusupersaiajinblue4465 - 15.05.2024 17:04

My audio was disabled this update fixed this.

@jamesdax - 15.05.2024 16:02

What a bunch of ungrateful people.

@sleepingbee5748 - 15.05.2024 15:43

I am stuck I can't get it to play I press the new game it starts to load and then crashes I haven't even been able to play once anyone got a decent link to fixes I haven't got any mods I have laptop run it as administration and done in compatability mode

@skycatlive1576 - 15.05.2024 15:00

Who TF CARES if console gets a next gen update? will they still playing xbonex in 5-10 years? Maybe, but i bet not when the next series of cards comes but the next gen of consoles DOESN'T. Will people be playing Fallout 4 on pc in 20 years, hopefully not lol but def, yes. They got this backwards, console needed to be the afterthought, they cant even see the death of their own console clearly, pc needed the love who cares if fallout 4 runs any worse on console than it already did, it ran fine and still runs fine, for years.
PC was always bad that needed the actual next gen update day 1 and still needs, and itll be pc, the version they play in 20 years just like they play morrowind on pc now instead of ogxbox, and theyll be like, why did they update the console but not pc 20 years ago no one plays xbone anymore. They cant accurately predict their own planned obsolesence and act accordingly it sucks

@mathewsbusiness1263 - 15.05.2024 14:12

I played Fallout 4 yesterday..couldn’t believe how good it looks. Now I just gotta figure out how to actually progress through the game. 🥴

@Jscott0524 - 15.05.2024 14:03

Honestly, if you play modded on PC and don't have auto updates off, then what are you doing?

@VideoDeadGaming - 15.05.2024 13:25

I just want Build Everywhere mod to work again

@PrototypeFreak89 - 15.05.2024 10:38

Bethesda becoming the new ubisoft adding microtransactions to singleplayer games. Todd is a clown that should be fired.

@25koky26 - 15.05.2024 10:01

I have disabled updates until the dust will settle so i can still play my modded Fallout.😁
But the best solution here would be if Bethesda did actually work together with Script Extender team if they say they support mods they shoud do it ! To prove us they mean they words seriously.

@djnorth2020 - 15.05.2024 09:14

They really need to fix the major issues asap then wait a few months like you said. This is no next gen update in any way on PC. Very happy they are trying to improve the game at least on new consoles.

I've only had two major issues, but I only have like a dozen QoL mods. Major one broke my modded saves where I could no longer build furniture, the tab was missing. There's mod fixes for it but my current mixed playthrough works so I haven't bothered yet.

Bigger problem has been huge losing times with black bugged screen with some green in the sides. Faster loading fix mod helped a little bit but I'm on a very fast m.2 and it just feels 15 years ago speeds.

Wouldn't mind the widescreen UI stretching fix but eh, I can have a white colored Dogmeat along with my backpack wearing Piper and I'm mostly happy being back on the wasteland.

@istrumguitars - 15.05.2024 06:47

Here’s what I would prefer: invest in your studio and make new games that don’t take 15 - 20 years to release. Stop updating old games that have been out for literally almost a decade now.
