5000+ Hour MH Player recommends Asmongold switch to this weapon instead

5000+ Hour MH Player recommends Asmongold switch to this weapon instead

Michael_W MH

5 месяцев назад

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@naota909 - 05.01.2024 05:48

use wut u want nbd

@petejones6827 - 28.01.2024 00:08

greatsword isnt as bad as people make it once you play it its not hard to get out of hits or to just tackle them you dont need mobility when you can face off with the monster and not take damage

@CreepyPhantom - 27.01.2024 19:58

Shut up nerd

@ripp3rjak934 - 27.01.2024 09:49

When I get bored of using all the weapons, I just switch back to my lance. And just roflstomp

@LegoEngineer003 - 27.01.2024 04:29

I started with lbg, but I’m also the kind of player who goes on a 5 hour expedition grabbing everything with the master gatherer skill, so farming ammo wasn’t a big issue. Plus, I kept running the Kestodon event quest for daily bounties, grabbed every bullet in the box, then killed them all with wyvernblast, melee attacks, and rf normal 1.

@DLTyrus - 27.01.2024 00:50

The main reason I can't play SnS is that I CANNOT for the life of me stop hitting Triangle too many times and doing the slow third hit of the combo and ruining the smooth combo 😂 simple weapon my ass.

@Kiba114 - 26.01.2024 01:08

what a dumb video

@tarkusd7534 - 26.01.2024 00:48

Hammer good, bonk monster with rock on stick, nice thumbs up

@jimwelmh1421 - 25.01.2024 23:32

I think asmon wants huge satisfying hits that's why he chose GS. Even as GS main I would not recommend this weapon coz mostly you'll get frustrated not landing those tcs. But it's more of a preference and playstyle that fits you. If you choose GS, then good for you.

@MartinM87 - 25.01.2024 16:09

I'm a switch axe fan. i think it is really hard to master, so you never run out of energy to switch between axe and sword mode for a nice fluint combat

@ScoptOriginal - 25.01.2024 14:53

You're kinda missing the point. Asmongold loves greatswords, so he should either play greatsword or switchaxe, which has a mode in which it looks like a greatsword

@Empus_king_of_the_damned - 25.01.2024 13:43

Gs has tackle as defense

@blulikefriendlyhit1213 - 25.01.2024 00:31

Doesn't GS have a block?

@ashennyx8820 - 24.01.2024 19:06

I am a devout longsword main, that being said, dont fuckin play longsword unless you enjoy having to learn how to be omnipotent and see every monsters thoughts before they even think their thoughts.

Haha funny japan stick go swish

@deadmanshafter - 24.01.2024 09:54

I think he'll stay greatsword all the way. I am a Gunlance main but have put hundreds of hours across all other weapons myself and sword and shield although among my top 5...deviates from the big dick chad selection which asmon will only choose from, lance also being one of my favourites is also too boring for stream since it mostly consists of the same pokes... realistically only 3 other weapons are available to warrant deviating from the greatsword and that is either charge blade, gunlance or switchaxe. My vote is on switchaxe because asmon doesn't block despite having it available and I think this weapon is a way for him to commit to big damage at a more faster pace for stream. Personally though after seeing him tackle well after a bunch of videos I think Gunlance is anothwr big dick offensive king that teaches you that there is a guard button.

@Rebel00852 - 24.01.2024 04:39

Gonna disagree and say Switch Axe. When you are just starting you don't know anything about monster attack patterns/movement. SA lets you hit a Tigrex's or Rathian's moving tail with nice diagonal chops and since you don't have any shield to hide behind you will be punished appropriately when you stay in for too long. Meanwhile if you are using lance you aren't learning any of that or seeing the monster's movements from a distance at all. A huge part of monster hunter is knowing when to move in and attack and when to get out. If you are using lance how are you learning that?

As far as SnS, it's probably my most used weapon and I will say it can be extremely frustrating whiffing attacks due to its short range. I dunno, I'm used to it but I don't know if a new player would be willing to put up with it when they are just learning basic movements of a monster.

@huntt_mhw - 24.01.2024 02:45

Use things that look cool 👌🏽

@tastypaste - 23.01.2024 22:58

I think one of the most common misconceptions for new players is when they see the lance they think "defensive" but it's one of if not the most offensive weapons because once you figure it out you almost never have to stop attacking.

@dse9564 - 23.01.2024 17:39

I uninstalled the game as a first time monster hunter player by trying to main long sword 😂

@aldolol5176 - 23.01.2024 13:40

how is insect glaive not a begginer friendly weapon? its pretty easy to use imo

@jakubs.5966 - 23.01.2024 07:54

I did reach 7 stars with Lance. It's just great. Everyone else has to move or dodge - I just keep eye on my stamina and get those perfect blocks. I did get hooked in my almost 50 hours. Guess Sword and Shield comes next!

@user-yh6sd4bt7c - 23.01.2024 07:12

First time playing and im at 86hrs now and have mained the hbg this whole time. No issues at all. Its not a pain to farm materials because your running around anyway just pick things up. Once you can cultivate things change substantially. I think its a great weapon and the bows even easier to use than the bowgun to me.

@ronaldrubio8101 - 23.01.2024 05:35

I started playing whit long sword it was a pain in the beginning but the more i went in expedition and hunting monster i learned the counter attacks and the monster movements to nail those counter attacks its amazing to play im on 56 hours of game already

@DrizzealLyguard - 23.01.2024 03:42

You did not just say longsword was difficult.... Bruh lol the sword and shield is harder to learn. People still don't know you can roll clutch claw into wound with it.

@agent-sz2qj - 21.01.2024 18:28

Is the long sword op or does it justfeel that way because of my freedom unite experience ?

@JoltOfJoy - 21.01.2024 11:38

When I first started years ago I mistakenly took on the charge blade as my weapon. I stubbornly didn’t swap and I’m glad I didn’t

@WarChaserz - 20.01.2024 22:27

Am I the only one of the few players who actually don't suffer from getting ammo for Bowguns early game? Cause I farm along with other consumables them to an extent till it increases further down the game, cause eventually you will have to farm for stuff early on in the game anyway and Bowgun ammo is just a side quest for it

@thedavidalopez - 20.01.2024 22:01

bow user here all game and i feel offended lol bow is awesome

@drake.the.exiled - 20.01.2024 19:39

GS has more defensive options than like half the other weapons. It's got a decent dodge, sheathes quickly for such a slow weapon, it can block, and the tackle has super armor and some damage reduction.
Also, SnS is probably the most complicated weapon in the game to use effectively.

@njmontano1625 - 20.01.2024 15:04

LBG is a fine starter weapon. Normal 2 Rapid Fire is cheap even early in the game and can get things done fairly well.

@SentinalSlice - 20.01.2024 12:10

He will never change his weapon.

@truly_I_say - 20.01.2024 10:10

CB>everything else

@PolishGoblinn - 20.01.2024 06:55

I use longsword and i will never counter anything because it takes skill

@MrLocoSuave - 20.01.2024 00:13

You can start with LS, you don't really need to counter as a beginner, and as you progress you'll get to feel the exponential power ups the LS provides when you learn the fights.

@Newbius93 - 19.01.2024 21:35

I really don't think Switch Axe is that bad honestly. Does it have a bit of a learning curve? Sure, but I don't think it's that complicated.

@tehtanooki6429 - 19.01.2024 20:34

If anyone has not figured out charge blade yet. Its difficult yes. But its in ALOT of the metas for highest dps in later endgame builds. The thing is like ammo. You are allowed to slash until it fills then you use the energy stored from attacking to do hig damage numbers. I didnt knoe whag the hell i was using or how but i eventually literally started this game from training using charge blade. It just looked cool and i stuck with it. On monster hunter world my overall hunts are about 90 percent or nore of all my bunts were charge blade. The mechanic of it combining was just so cool to me so i used it and mastered it because it was a challenge.

@tononaga7814 - 19.01.2024 19:42

He picks great sword every game he play same for me either great sword or longsword

@pla6ue - 19.01.2024 18:01

Not really sure why you think someone would be “miserable” if they start with long sword. I feel like it’s a great balance of reach, speed and power. It’s also not super complicated, but not so simple that it’s boring. Super fun weapon.

@Frost.x7x - 19.01.2024 12:32

Asmon will never not pick the biggest sword in the game….. we already know this

@joshuatucker2521 - 19.01.2024 03:59

Dodge is the only/primary defense of Greatsword? Tackle and block would like a word... you invalidated your 5000hrs of play time instantly, good job.

Also bow is a fine starting weapon, very easy to learn. Can buy power coating so there's not issue farming ammo.

@Tollknoll - 19.01.2024 02:07

I kinda disagree. I didn't played Lance for the last games but if you had no dodge or block in mhfu and Tri, it always felt slow and bad as a beginner. Lance is always skill dependent (armory skills) for feeling smooth. With lance you are super slow and really need to manage your positioning with the monster. Also you barely block with sword and shield, even as a beginner, because you'll realize very soon that every Block with sns is just a wasted roll and feels bad. And you can just roll as good with Longsword as with sns. And Longsword is just a good allround weapon (obviously capcoms favorite weapon type). The only bad thing is that you need to do those combo attacks and you're being locked in the animation. Also LS is boring because like 90% play LS or Switch Axe most games. Not good for a content creator.

Great Sword might even be the best weapon to start with, specially if you are a Content Creator.:

Because for good hits, you really need to study the monster and you'll early learn the high end mechanic of every monster hunter game: Knowing every Monster patterns by heart and predicting the position after it's next attack for your own attacks. That's required for charged up hits.
With all the other weapons (except maybe Hammer) you'll just end up looking more at your character than the monster, because you block and roll around all the time. But with a Greatsword, you just want to hit hard and for that, you'll actually need to study the Monster. You could also see Asmon in his streams actually studying the behavior of the monsters and he's pretty self critical about his Gameplay. Because he probably knew, every mistake with this weapon is his own mistake because he couldn't anticipate the Monster good enough. Also landing a good hit with a Greatsword is the most satisfying feeling in the game.

Also unlike most other weapon types, Greatswords care less about the Elemental/status Damage and more about Raw Damage which leeds to the fact that you'll often get the best Greatswords of the whole Game sooner (because they have high raw damage) than the best weapons of other weapon types (which care more about elemental/status/sharpness, with Greatsword, you'll do less hits and loose slower sharpness than for example DBs) and actually can use them for many different monsters. With sword and shield, you'll always need to take the elemental weakness of the monster into account and end up crafting more weapons that need more material. But with Greatsword it's more about large damage numbers and if the elemental damage doesn't fit, its still enough damage.

If I could choose, I would say Great Sword and Hammer are the best weapons as a starter because of the learning curve. (I don't know how it's now) but with Hammer, you won't get reliably tail cuts, so Greatsword is the only weapon left.

Still a good video and you made valid points, even if I don't agree:D

@anon6181 - 18.01.2024 22:56

I've never used sword and shield because the sword clips through the shield when idle. Hate that, can't unsee it

@SinfulGFX - 18.01.2024 21:57

Great video and info!

Not sure why there's so many downvotes but it probably has to do with Asmongold's name being in the video since a lot of people hate him.

@matuese1285 - 18.01.2024 19:34

"the only defensive option is just dodging" weapon has a block my guy

@valkig3578 - 18.01.2024 17:06

funny, i started world with insect glave and it was my first time playing monster hunter ever.
Tried some other weapons after that but insect glave for me just so much better than anything else because it is very staightforward and easy to play, you just collect your buffs and hit monster where it hurts, movement capabilities are insane too.

@backslash4141 - 18.01.2024 16:02

I've always been an insect glaive player throughout my 2 main experiences playing world/iceborne (the only MH game I've played btw)

Having come back to the game and remembering how much I enjoyed it, I wanted to try some other weapons.

I've dabbled in SA, CB, and LS in the past but never stuck with any of them. This time, I've been giving DB and Bow a try, but I find DB is very restricted against taller monsters and bow is growing on me but still a pain to manage stamina/coating and learn my openings.

Are there any other weapons I haven't used people would recommend that an IG user might like?

@NeoAstrisk - 18.01.2024 11:32

You might need another 5k hours if you think the only defense is dodging on a GS.

@RossCastro - 18.01.2024 04:44

Just adding from my own experience as a beginner: If you're playing with friends who wanted you to pickup the game, go with Hammer. It honestly feels less stressful to have a very simple game plan (bonk the monster's head) and focus only on dodging. Not to mention it feels satisfying to use and be the person who is causing the monster to get KO'd.

@jamiekennedy4204 - 18.01.2024 04:36

I have 1300 hours in mhwib, and i had no clue element was not good on gs

@n0vemb3r11 - 18.01.2024 02:55

I never figured out sword and shield
