Responding to Your ASSUMPTIONS about British Life // American Expat Tells All!

Responding to Your ASSUMPTIONS about British Life // American Expat Tells All!

Girl Gone London

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Harold Pearson
Harold Pearson - 06.08.2023 13:27

Village roads were not designed for cars and only idiots drive at 60mph on village roads.

Danno - 17.07.2023 00:26

American humour tends to have a need to explain itself, often quite unnecessarily, which stops it being funny. Its also a lot less subtle than English humour, jokes dont need to hit you around the head, the best ones build.

Ken Slater
Ken Slater - 14.07.2023 10:26

University towns have cycle lanes

Callidus47 - 03.07.2023 05:44

Nobody has mentioned the huge firearms crime in the good old USA, lol

rbnhd1144 - 01.06.2023 18:10

Making Friends as a Brit in the USA Id say the same is true for you and I, I've never had friends in the USA, their seems to be some barrier that non of us can get past, Its not true for all people but certainly for me, Drugs has been that barrier for me as so many people take it for granted that its OK, so I'm stand offish. I'm not into Religion so that's another barrier as I see it, if you've got kids Id say that opens up the chances of friendship.

rbnhd1144 - 01.06.2023 18:04

When adding up the Cost of living, people should include how much time off a person gets per year, In America the average vacation time is ten days, surely that has a monetary value as well as the time off to rest, less stress etc.

Its so hard to compare The USA and UK, here in the states all states vary just like places in the UK, its not just the cost of housing, its the local taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes and the cost of license plates for your cars, some states can cost ten times more.

Bartoi - 29.04.2023 17:02

When will you come to and review Scotland please

BluJustin - 20.04.2023 11:37

I know this video is old but 'good public transport'? Hah... half the time they're on strike or broken down so relying on them is just not an option.
I don't drink tea so that's rubbish, and the people I know who do usually have tea in the morning then coffee during the day at work. I only know one person (in multiple departments) that has tea when at work.

Don Maddox
Don Maddox - 30.03.2023 14:18

Friends was not at all funny it was crap

Don Maddox
Don Maddox - 30.03.2023 14:10

Cycling is easy in the UK it's because we grew up with our traffic laws and roads

Robert Langley
Robert Langley - 01.03.2023 11:38

I have to say this video is utter rubbish ,wouldn’t I swap our weather from what I remember in Florida NO there is nothing like a British summer and yes winter can be wet . But i have seen pictures of New York with the snow drifts not seen in London in over 60 years

Zippy Banana
Zippy Banana - 28.02.2023 15:06

People cycle down Canal paths, footpaths, Forrests, woods, not just in cities ...

MrsLynB - 11.02.2023 11:42

Omg I feel you really don’t like living over here. As a lot of what you are saying to me a Brit born & bred is untrue! You are definitely living somewhere down south where the people are not as friendly. And yes I’ve lived down south in a couple of areas as well worked in London. I was miserable. Come up north! You will make friends easily! Doesn’t always rain here. Mould you need to get some help in your house! Never suffered with mould or damp ever in any of my properties! I think when people move over here London seems to be their number one destination to live🤷‍♀️ it’s soo expensive there. As are properties in most of the south. Same as jobs. I think here there are no issues finding work. But the nearer to London you are it is harder. At least I know some of my family have found who live down there. I came back here from Berkshire. The house prices where ridiculous! The people very closed off & unfriendly. Hated it. I’ve lived all around the UK as well as Australia & Germany. The least friendliest places where down south in the UK! Tea cures all ills! I agree we are a nation of tea drinkers. But no more so than a lot of places being coffee drinkers. We are not all Hugh Grants but we are certainly not unsophisticated! I feel you are only telling mostly your truths. Obviously the taxes are as you say however I agree we pay for the nhs etc we don’t have to have enormous health care insurance like they do in the US. Ad fur our sense of humour I think ad Brits we have a wicked sense of humour! We can be quite dry . We don’t have that bubblegum saccharin sense of humour like a lot of people in the US. Not saying all have that as I have friends in various parts of the US and they have a similar humour to myself. I think & it’s only my opinion in this video you give the impression you are not that happy here. Plus unless you have been to a lot of places here you can’t really say what the majority are like. I say about the south ad I’ve lived & worked in a number of places & have my own personal experiences about the humour & people. Like you are saying in this video. It’s your personal opinion on your experiences.

gdok - 08.02.2023 12:59

I am 63 years old and lived before central heating became widespread in the UK. I also lived as a student for 6 years in London in pretty basic, cheap student accommodation/housing. And I have never experienced mouldy, damp housing in any of the places I've lived in. And constant, drizzle and rain??? It's February and here in Yorkshire we have had days of lovely sunny weather - yes it's cold and crisp, but the sky is gin-clear and blue. Last summer we had no rain for about 2 months. Are you sure you're not living underneath a leaking bucket?!

Terence Carroll
Terence Carroll - 25.01.2023 16:18

Most towns and cities are small enough to cycle everywhere
60 miles an hour NONSENSE it's 20 or 30 and roads are safer than you think

Gary Stroud
Gary Stroud - 31.12.2022 23:13

The road laws have recently changed in favour of cyclists so, in theory, it should be safer. If you have damp issues in your house there is a problem with your house (my house was built in 1856 and it is not damp but I have had to do some work to "cure" it). Day to day costs depend on what and where you are buying stuff. Being an island we tend to be a little less extrovert and most people find friends via hobbies/clubs. I am a diver, a photographer and an archer so belong to those clubs. Comedy is in the genes so is learned from the womb onwards. Tax is a sore point with the whole world but UK tax is not as high as you'd think as you are not taxed on the first £12000 or so and we don't have to pay out for health insurance (You can opt to take out private health insurance if you wish. I had a new [metal} knee fitted recently and the NHS offered a private hospital for the job to reduce the wait. The surgeon said he would rather do it at the NHS hospital as there were a few "doubts" and the NHS had better facilities etc. the same surgeon did the operations in both hospitals and would do mine). All shop prices are marked, along with the cost per gram/millilitre/litre depending on what the item is for comparison, and that is the price charged at the checkout. The rest is a true reflection of our weird little island

Grace Lounge World
Grace Lounge World - 09.12.2022 01:38

I would disagree about villages and cycling.. I grew up in Somerset in the west country, which is made up mainly of villages and small towns.. lots of beautifully picturesque villages with ancient village crosses and market places, a church and a pub or two.. some villages have very little traffic, apart from early mornings and late afternoons.. cycling is great, but it`s hilly! Love watching your American take on Britishness 🌹🤍🇬🇧

Nicholas Bailes
Nicholas Bailes - 01.12.2022 15:10

I am sad for this girl. She had a raw deal with her experience in the UK. I agree about the mould but also those villages that she described at the beginning are in abundance near me. They are also inexpensive.
There are perhaps over a dozen hamlets and villages in a 10 mile radius from me, all fitting the description she mentioned. I am not sure why but the houses in town are more expensive than those in the villages!

Yvonne Wood
Yvonne Wood - 29.11.2022 15:19

I’m 61 and have never lived in a mouldy house, perhaps you need to have your guttering or roof checked or maybe even your pointing renewed. Shouldn’t be mouldy unless rain and dampness is getting in somewhere

Steve Roberts
Steve Roberts - 26.11.2022 16:34

Most of the time, I agree with what you say. However, I take exception that our houses are damp & mouldy. Poverty line housing is a reality and they may be damp and mouldy but the vast majority of housing stock in the UK is of good quality and well maintained. The weather can cause problems with there being (on average) a relatively high level of rainfall. As for hanging out washing in damp conditions, I believe there are idiots living in all countries of the world. Our weather is extremely changeable and you may find people who have hung their washing out on a beautiful summer morning, only for it to pour down in the afternoon.
