Is the Deep Learning Specialization ACTUALLY Worth It? (Andrew Ng)

Is the Deep Learning Specialization ACTUALLY Worth It? (Andrew Ng)

Shane Hummus

1 год назад

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Maximus - 18.10.2023 09:43

Nah, your assessment on salary is BS if you think that only by taking this cousersa course they will pay you that. Just look at the job descriptions, many times a master’s degree or PhD is requested on those job posts, so you’re just hyping something that’s not true

Golden water
Golden water - 16.09.2023 06:34

This is not begineer course. The only way this is going to work is to get promoted in a big company.

Zeous - 05.07.2023 09:32

I completed some videos of this course by Andrew Ng and also saw other yt channels to complete deep learning specialization... according to me mathematically Andrew ng's course is not at a very deep level but ngl it's a good course .... If u wanna go deep into neural networks I recommend visiting other yt channels or research papers as well for deeper maths concepts

Sue C
Sue C - 25.06.2023 18:42

I’m a boomer. I guess I’m not cool enough for your channel. Lesson learned.

Manuel Calderon
Manuel Calderon - 09.06.2023 04:16

this course has 5 parts, i enrolled in one of them because of financial aid, can i enroll in others while i continue to do the current one?

Alejandro Luna Mtz
Alejandro Luna Mtz - 15.05.2023 06:10

I think you need to be someone who are studying a bachelor degree related to CS, engineering or something with math and probability to really understand whats behind the course, im taking this course but i have been working on personal projects and also competing in kaggle competitions and it helps me not to being introduce in DL but helping me to complement my understanding of Deep learning, neural networks, hyperparameters, convolutional networks etc. So i think it depends of the person it could be useful. Im a biomedical engineer student and i think this course is very complementary.

De Kev
De Kev - 20.04.2023 05:42

If you don't have a solid math heavy background in either CS/Engineering/Statistics/Math, etc, ( I'm talking graduate level) this course alone wouldn't really get you far when it comes to getting a job.

Synn Fusion
Synn Fusion - 23.03.2023 14:59

I'd say most all of these types of courses are heavily watered down from what you'd study in a university degree, simply because they need to be accessible to the masses to be profitable. I think it's a major reason companies still value masters/PhDs in math/compsci etc so highly. Compare these courses to say Stanford's professional certificate in artificial intelligence where they adapt their actual graduate ML/AI courses for an online experience. They're massively more difficult, and almost require an undergraduate degree level of math and coding skills.

The Andrew Ng courses do an excellent job of helping people build an intuition (and as you said, dipping your toes in) if they already have experience, but the assignments are damn near done for you with most lines of code already fully written and you just fill in the blanks.

Karl Henreich Potenciano
Karl Henreich Potenciano - 17.03.2023 09:50

My current ML team actually had me take this course to onboard me. So for my background, I was a Software Engineer for about 6-7 years. Around 2020 I took a DS BootCamp from a local organization here in PH and that was my entry to the DS/ML/AI sphere. My company has an ML arm so when I expressed my interest after taking that DS BootCamp, they had me take the course. I would say it probably was the singlemost useful course I had taken to date. I think I finished the course around 1-2 weeks, given that it took all of my job hours (8 hrs / 5 days a week).

John Sheppard
John Sheppard - 13.03.2023 02:37

Lol Ng is two letters, not that much effort to just Google and respect someone's name.

Prem - 07.03.2023 19:29

Hey shane can you please make a detailed video about Biotechnology major because I am really interested in this course but I can hardly find a reliable source to take info

Javyvn Mighty
Javyvn Mighty - 07.03.2023 18:23

Hey Shane could you do a video on top best certification in 2023? Thanks

D D - 07.03.2023 16:21

Might as well take it. Probably won't help me become a ML engineer, but it will help me get other job positions that want someone with ML. I'll try putting the certificate on my LinkedIn. Thank you for the advice.

Tevin Wright
Tevin Wright - 07.03.2023 04:14

Hey Shane can you do a review on Vendition and Aspireship courses

Yoshibro26 - 07.03.2023 03:49

Something I would use. Or is there a beginner course made by him that ties into this course?
