#1 Secret To Give Any Woman An Orgasm

#1 Secret To Give Any Woman An Orgasm

Alex Grendi

3 года назад

791,336 Просмотров

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Macy McClain
Macy McClain - 09.09.2023 12:49

As a woman who's pretty shy about this topic and has been taken advantage of in this department, I totally agree with this video. I'm tired of men just getting the deed done, if you know what I mean. Of course, I'm not just gonna be intimate with anyone, either. I'm visually impaired, and pretty much all the guys I've been with have hardly ever asked. To be fair, though, I'm still kind of figuring out what I like, too. I also realize that every partner is different, so even if I give him things that I like, there may be other things too, as well as varying procedures. Thank you SO much for this video! Whenever I find the right guy (I'll be 33 September 19, so time is running out), I'll definitely share this wisdom!! 👍🏼👏🏻❤️😘

Tommy Remaii
Tommy Remaii - 21.08.2023 09:37

Great, please teach me on how to make girl release their spem, or how to make girl fully satisfied for sexual activities.....

cowboy72 - 09.08.2023 22:24

I tried that but when she saw what was hanging she said i would like that but that is not going in me😮

puppyupper - 09.08.2023 11:19

until you get it that men actually give a woman an orgasm , then you will remain a simp. Very few women orgasm. And that is because most men don't get it. But to say a man doesn't give her one is just absurd. He is the one who gives her the orgasm. She doesn't do it. Even most single women don't orgasm. You soyboys have no masculinity. That is the one thing missing in your teachings. Even your video about pleasing a woman has two women in it. What you don't understand is that much of what you teach is about a man in all his testosterone, pleasing a woman. If you subtract the testosterone, then she might as well have lesbian sex as you portray in your video. I subscribed but this video shows you are a child who only understands the basics and not the true dimension of sexuality.

TheIzzyB - 30.07.2023 08:00

1) mindset change: we don’t make them orgasm, we help them orgasm
2) how do you want to cum? How do you like to be touched?
Nice will be keeping these questions in mind & putting them to practice

Rajendra Biswas
Rajendra Biswas - 28.07.2023 18:05

can u make a women orgasm with compliments and verbal words ?

J J - 18.07.2023 09:51

Ive been with my woman just over a year,i know she likes to be grabbed and just taken at times (which i STILL havent done yet) but i haven't asked her "how do you you want to cum" i'm thinking she'll say "ive told you so many times but you just dont listen"

Zimska salama
Zimska salama - 20.06.2023 06:22

Make a video how men feel like learning about what women want makes them bad lover, when actually responses like 'dont worry i know how to make woman orgasm' is the stupidest answer considering every women is different and they have to approach each one differently

Dumisani Hoga
Dumisani Hoga - 12.06.2023 10:10


Zach Green
Zach Green - 08.06.2023 04:29

Step 1. Tell them your forklift certified
Step 2. Prepare for water works

NO Name
NO Name - 05.06.2023 09:34

what if she has no idea?

chicago-knin - 05.06.2023 01:28

Great lesson.

Christopher Cardono
Christopher Cardono - 31.05.2023 14:28

He's right,every woman is different, and it nothing to be bashful to ask your woman what she wants and how she likes it. It's so much enjoyable to watch a woman having an orgasm and they will appreciate it.

GICAIRO GIIVIERO 🖤 - 27.05.2023 10:21


Daniel Razo
Daniel Razo - 24.05.2023 22:03

It's called a vibrator

clh 6623
clh 6623 - 24.05.2023 09:12

Normally is easier for women to achieve orgasm when they are on top position . . while she is on top, man just need to continue making her arouse by caressing her . . !!

Official Zenyth Muzique
Official Zenyth Muzique - 23.05.2023 20:31

The easiest way to make a any woman orgasm is to ensure she actually have feelings for you..99% of the job is done...if the woman don't like u then its impossible..

Teddy Zamba
Teddy Zamba - 18.05.2023 06:21

That's a helluva secret. Although, it is something I would never do on a first time, girls are too stupid and even more inhibited about sex, so I know going in, I know more about her body than she does. And, there have been so many times that using different techniques has required a stealth attack since they freak out if you delve directly, and will immediately pull up the bridge to any further intrusion. The girl is not a good poker player and when you poke her in the right places, she will cling to the ceiling; then you know you are close.

Vijay Mishra
Vijay Mishra - 17.05.2023 21:26

Excellent thoughts

Warren Gauthier
Warren Gauthier - 15.05.2023 10:44

"Men don't give women orgasms"

That's funny because i can recall a long term GF who never came with her prior long term BF.

She used to orgasm all the time with me.

gooddaddy205 - 13.05.2023 22:00

Makes sense. I've had several lovers tell me the first couple times she faked it but then I figured her out and she really came all the times we had sex after that. If it was someone I was just having sex with a couple times I wasn't so concerned with her. When I was with someone I thought I'd be with a while I'd really try and pay attention to what she like and it seemed like things got better every time.

ahmed hussein
ahmed hussein - 13.05.2023 05:19

Great news❤❤❤❤

Faceluck Cell
Faceluck Cell - 02.05.2023 07:21

what do. you want. ? wHat do you want honey,,,,,??? u r like. pure milk beard. kemurnian

Basu patil
Basu patil - 28.04.2023 06:13

U r like men's dairy

Charles Chipendo
Charles Chipendo - 15.04.2023 12:25

One man one Wife. sex after marriage. Thats God's order

Ross Martenak
Ross Martenak - 03.04.2023 13:14

Take the easy way out & just hand them a hundred dollar bill ..that should do the trick?!

Great Idea💡
Great Idea💡 - 31.03.2023 21:23

Thank you Thank u Thank u Brother ☺️❤

Prince Erick
Prince Erick - 31.03.2023 03:31

Porn Is Sexy❤

Itsinniah ITS
Itsinniah ITS - 28.03.2023 03:37

Finally, someone got it right!!
Thank you!!
Some men have too much faith and pride in their penis, which can be problematic.
I tried to communicate without being asked but he brushed my feedback aside, he said, ‘every woman likes a large penis’. Let me repeat, it is not the penis but what you do with your whole body. Your eyes, lips, hands, words, emotions, then the penis. Since then, I have better orgasm on my own and no longer want to go through the trouble of sex. Not another chore, thank you!

Benjamn85 - 24.03.2023 06:09

Sorry but what do you mean by multiple ways of getting off? Different ways of being touched? I thought it was just kissing/oral/intercourse. I get foreplay is crucial but this video was too vague to be helpful

Reelbiig Dripper
Reelbiig Dripper - 23.03.2023 09:58

Soooo, you hand down a questionnaire type of intimacy eh? Curiosity knocking, what is the most repetitive response to your survey? My experience women respond to a more confident lover. They react to nothing more than something they hadn't a clue about themselves. Put your big boy dick on and try a slight gentle-ish dominant exercise on the next female you have over to entertain.

Tompat - 11.03.2023 10:46

Exactly what makes you think your a man's sex coach. Because your hilarious !!

Saeed Ahmad Official
Saeed Ahmad Official - 28.02.2023 08:12

The foolish making others foolish!

Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 28.02.2023 04:19

"What do YOU want?
"WhaT, dO YOU wANt?!!
"WHAT! Do, YoU, WANT?!!!

Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 28.02.2023 04:16

"What do you want honey?"
"I don't know..."
5 min later
"Well, now I know what I didn't want.."

K Vanlalruata
K Vanlalruata - 24.02.2023 07:38

sir what about female orgasmic disorder

Dragon Jovanovic
Dragon Jovanovic - 19.02.2023 19:40

Sorry this is not correct at all ... Woman want a man to just know what to do and when to do it , they love the experienced men , men that just know .

Big C90
Big C90 - 18.02.2023 22:11

This is not what you'll learn from porn unfortunately

Big C90
Big C90 - 18.02.2023 20:54

Most women require foreplay and orgasm off of that moreso than penetration not every woman can orgasm off of just penetration.

Khangembam Kumar
Khangembam Kumar - 18.02.2023 15:28

Thanks a lot 👍

Rob Pet
Rob Pet - 16.02.2023 15:27

Does this technique work with a Real doll ?

Classic Rocker
Classic Rocker - 15.02.2023 02:15

Why don't women know or even care about this ? The vagina is on her body and it's 2023 and still they don't know ?

T - 14.02.2023 10:22


Riveria Mallory
Riveria Mallory - 12.02.2023 22:17

What happens if you has one in your mouth if you swallow will you be ok

Altrality - 11.02.2023 10:08

After watching this video I know what to do lol thanks for the basic answer how can I forget that. I should definitely give it a shot

Allen van Loggerenberg
Allen van Loggerenberg - 08.02.2023 17:29

Thank You Alex, Such Good Advice. I Normally Ask My Wife What Does She Want Me To Do, Kiss Her, Suck Her Nipples & Stroke Her Breasts Lick Her Vagina, & How To Touch Her Body. Then I Get A Shoulder Or I Don't Know. & Now She Is Going Threw Menapause. Will Do Oral & Then She Gets No Pleasure, When Licking Her Clit. No Moaning Or Groaning. Stiff Like A Blow Up Play Doll For Men. & Other Times It Happens That She Orgasms, & Directly After That, When I Give Her Vaginal Sex, She Orgasm Again. Please Help & Any Advice.
