We need to talk about EMILY IN PARIS… again. | Parisian chic | Justine Leconte

We need to talk about EMILY IN PARIS… again. | Parisian chic | Justine Leconte

Justine Leconte officiel

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@purplelove3666 - 04.09.2023 19:19

Isn't the actress who plays Emily ,British?

@yryanq - 03.08.2023 23:23

nonono not high fashion, @amazonfashion

@LautaroTessi - 21.06.2023 15:40

About the Air Conditioning: I will never forget summer of (I think it was) 1993 when we were in Paris and the street thermometers marked 40ºC! It was hot as hell!

@sharpaycutie2 - 09.06.2023 15:43

It’s carY I never knew the houses were thick so it made up for the aC. I’ve always questioned amerocan homes on if they were constructed properly and now I have my answer 😂
I think they’re not made as well so we can use as much energy/electric as possible it’s like a car 😂 pure plastic and most people drive insane running around for work and to get aerrands done after or in between work so they break easier 🤦‍♀️

@kiwigal4192 - 29.05.2023 11:36

I enjoyed the series but didn't take it seriously. Emily would have to have had a private fortune to dress the way she did, that was an off putting part of the series.

@ninav7083 - 12.05.2023 02:53

So true about Germans being unselfconscious about nudity. Made me laugh.

@sun_up - 30.04.2023 15:38

I‘m Swiss and we also are naked in the sauna. Not alllowed to wear a stitch. But ofc you can wrap the towel around yourself or maybe just fold a corner over your lap. Hammam is different. Since it comes from Turkish/Arabic culture, you wrap in a towel.
BTW: It may be interesting to know that I have absolutely no compunction about being naked and in close proximity with strangers or close friends. Colleagues (and acquaintances) however - that‘s a little bit more than I want to see of them. Especially since we‘re going to see each other soon at the office (or on the street). I did feel a bit uncomfortable at a German conference where I first met the others in the sauna of the hotel.

@AOuiBitWorn - 19.04.2023 22:31

I mispronounced many things while visiting France as an American trying to speak French. I loved how helpful everyone was! When I landed in Paris for the first time, I told myself that I wouldn't speak English to anyone other than my husband. It was hard at first but everyone was so nice! I remember a waiter sitting down with me to help me pronouce sucre (sugar). I kept trying to put some G into it. He laughed nicely WITH me and helped until I got it. I never once had someone be rude to me. The fact that Emily can't order something or even interact with someone in a basic conversation in French is entitled IMO.

@qwmx - 22.03.2023 09:37

With English, we adopt many words from other countries. for example "we pronounce homage as "HOME- IJ" not "Ohm-arj", because we're applying English rules and it's integrated enough with the language that nearly every English speaker knows. I think there should be some leeway, that yes, correct the pronunciation, but also try not to force it. The way the lady went about it, was pretty rude, but it's also a vague area on the spot moment of how to react as this is first and foremost, business. I would say "thanks for teaching me" and use it and make sure it sounds more like it necause I want people to understand me.

@auldreekie7768 - 08.03.2023 01:25

Emily in Paris is so cringe on many levels. It makes my toes curl. Love your channel Justine ❤

@laraakin7362 - 24.02.2023 06:22

Unfortunately, American videos throw up a lot of cliches in their movies. They portray Nigerians as scammers. Now I think everyone can appreciate how it feels to be stereotyped. When .0001% of the population is made to represent the entire country, it's not a good look.

@ChristineLeakeyMusic - 22.02.2023 06:52

I agree... the a/c makes no sense how people make it so freezing cold in the summer.

@sandywichmann9292 - 11.02.2023 14:19

I agree that Germany takes the Sunday still very seriously because pretty much all shops are closed on Sundays due to religious reasons- which is weird since German people in general aren’t very religious. Btw, I nearly froze to death in Arizona in summer because it was so hot outside, but freezing inside every building.

@jasperherr8694 - 28.01.2023 10:30

EMily In paris was created by clowns for clowns to watch :)

@MoonTsubasaHime - 27.01.2023 02:32

I am from Chicago and thank you for saying Emily's style was NOT representative of Chicago. She would've died from hypothermia and frostbite in those clothes in the winters here and never have even made it to Paris.

@jeanbolduc5818 - 16.01.2023 02:55

Excellent review . I am from Montreal ( french Canadian ) and i agree with all your comments . Living in north america , i would add that people from USA are more open mended than english canadians across Canada about the french culture . The big difference between french from France and north american culture is that french speak a lot to say something compare to north american culture that is right to the point . I always find the french from France having an opinion on everything and give the feeling of superiority . No offense .

@adprinces - 12.01.2023 22:32

haha tout à fait ! Je suis Allemande et je me suis dit qu'en fait les français sont jamais nus dans les saunas et je trouve ça tellement étrange 🤣

@eliv.7062 - 09.01.2023 22:10

Very interesting review of the French culture and the eventual culture crash. I really enjoyed it and learnt something new. 👏👏👏 I know the French are very touchy with cultural matters but that could be a cliché too. 🤔 I like French culture and when I visited Paris I had a great time. I was adventurous and tried some simple phrases and key words everyday and changed to English when necessary. I think people appreciated my efforts but a funny anecdote is that two shop assistants corrected my pronunciation of the same word to the point that I thought I had said something offensive. I hope not! 😳 I haven't seen the series but I think Emily looks like a younger version of Carrie Bradshaw and in Paris it feels very off-place. If that were real, most Parisians would be looking at her like, 'What?' 😃 I don't like her colourful style but I admit it calls a lot of attention before you decide it's neither elegant nor sophisticated, just a grown-up girl having fun with her clothes!

@frankiefavero1666 - 09.01.2023 07:59

I love your videos and I agree with most of your viewpoints (I too have corrected Americans on the real pronunciation of Cannes, and I've lived and worked in the US, Chile, Australia, UK and NZ). However, I don't agree with your opinion regarding the Ukrainian girl, mainly because it is not based on a stereotype and my guess is that they just picked a nationality randomly. I would have felt differently, and agreed with you if the girl was Nigerian, Albanian, or Romani/Traveler because then I would have felt that they were playing into the already negative and dated stereotypes. Again, love your videos!

@lge5647 - 08.01.2023 22:43

You're so right about us Germans not working on weekends. It depends on what you do obviously, but generally that's the way it is. We'd rather work late into the night every day of the week than go into work on weekends. Especially sunday is off limits. You just don't bother anyone on sundays.

@alliehamilton-calhoun162 - 07.01.2023 04:28

I was starting to think that French men just stood around by their front doors all day because it was uncanny how Gabriel was always able to open the door within 2 seconds of a knock! Also, his point about the pronunciation of duck is a valid reason to say things correctly! It does get very hot where I live in the Midwest US, but I detest air conditioning. I'd much rather use a ceiling fan or leave windows open; forced air feels like it's dehydrating my eyeballs. Sylvie looks elegant and classy in all of her clothing styles, while Emily looks clownish and ridiculous. I really enjoy these videos, thank you!

@JodeJoanne - 03.01.2023 05:10

I'm from Liverpool and we also have the stereotype of being thieves! When we go elsewhere there is always someone making the joke to watch out for us robbing your car tyres.....its old and quite offensive.
On the other side though, we also have the image of being warm and friendly, which is a nice stereotype to have.

@lookielooie - 01.01.2023 17:12

I'm from the US and never have been to Europe, and it is still clear to me how cringeworthy this show is. Amazing you made it through both seasons!

@pampam2dapam - 01.01.2023 13:56

Inaccurate or not, no one needs to work on weekends. I have made this a boundary for myself and wow! How it helps with the balance of work and personal life.

@sblackmore5931 - 28.12.2022 10:45

AC in USA is the most illogical thing.

@selectiveoutrage6617 - 26.12.2022 10:54

Every nationality has been portrayed stereotypically in entertainment. It's silly to get upset. We should celebrate our differences and learn from them. The New World Order is a nightmare we don't want.

@opodobed - 24.12.2022 21:52

I hate air-conditioning

@atramlawok4782 - 22.12.2022 21:48

I would love you to comment on Sylvia's dress style. Are women at certain age dress as provocatively? Isn't it distasteful?

@alexandraoloughlin4051 - 19.12.2022 17:23

I lived in Italy for 6 years (I’m from the UK) and above all the stereotype of them being work-shy was laughable when I witnessed how hard they work!

@christal4117 - 13.12.2022 13:13

There are a lot of stereotypes in series how Americans imagine Europeans behave. The free weekends, etc. is definitely more common in Germany, but I don't like how they portrayed it as people are lazy or disinterested in work, it's that companies respect employees and employees are well protected here. You can work on holidays but you need to be paid double, overtime is being paid extra or you "use" those hours to finish earlier another day, if youre not able to use breaks it means company needs more employees.. it's not being lazy, the culture is just that employers respect employees, and people like their personal/family time. Another thing is the bike, here in Germany it is common for everyone to go hiking, ride a bike, do some sport or outdoor activity regardless of your age, people care for health and nature and have no use of indoor bike or fast ways to lose weight. Also, yes - nude saunas are a thing in Germany 😅 no one really looks at it sexually.

@angyfase - 12.12.2022 19:38

Hi Justine! I'm from California but have spent a number of years working in Japan. Japanese locals will actually often ask if I'm from France! When I say that no, I'm American, they'll act surprised because "well you're so slender!" 😅 I suppose this reflects on both French and American stereotypes? 😂 Where I'm from in California there's quite a health culture present, and our cuisine is generally fresh and light (think soups, salads, and smoothies) so "slender" people are more a norm. Otherwise there is quite a positive fascination and romanticism of France in Japan so I usually feel honored in that way, and of course having learned more about France from your channel! 💕

@lumin1022 - 11.12.2022 19:27

Everyone tilted abou the thief girl 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@joselocalau123 - 06.12.2022 03:46

what! you've worked in chile??? that's my country omg i feel blessed lol

@nimmywren - 05.12.2022 23:49

I hated this series with all my heart. Disgusting is an understatement. I dint even bother with season 2.

@godsentjesustosetusallfree9859 - 03.12.2022 21:50

I think all cultures stereotype each other. Maybe one day we will all learn to appreciate each other

@juliyanovomlynska.psycholo3861 - 22.11.2022 10:41

Hi. I am from Ukraine. Beautiful country and people. Strong. You can look it now.
I have never see Emeli, but now I will watch. Interesting and funny. I think. After all these comments for support.
Franky thanks for your videos

@bettina5711 - 10.11.2022 18:00

As an Austrian, I could very much relate to the French culture and many of the French cliches are actually true for Austria. A thing that I missed in your video was the relationship with her two bosses. I thought of Sylvie as a quite normal boss while her American boss was cringy. Like which boss would advise you to search for a French D.? That's not considered sexist by Emily? I couldn't imagine any boss talking to you like that ...

@monicarecabarren950 - 08.11.2022 01:03

Hi Justine !. I am from Chile and I am surprised that you worked in my country. I am curious to know about your experience in Chile ? Did you like it ? As a chilean, it can be hard to see our own flaws ;-). I like your videos and I have enjoyed learning about fashion and life style with them. Saludos 🙂

@cheriek3704 - 07.11.2022 14:15

Very diplomatic Justine well investigated and well done. It’s probably illegal to work overtime and not get paid for it in any country in the world 😂

@cleliamattana6582 - 23.10.2022 22:38

Oh my! The Saunas! I'm married to a German guy and I'm Italian. When I tell my friends that they go naked in mixed saunas (including relatives, friends and parents) we are all in shock ahahah

@teresamyers9400 - 20.10.2022 15:29

I’m behind the times with watching this show. Just got back from Paris & thought this show could help me keep that Parisian feeling going. Loved the scenery, but wow! The Emily character really didn’t help the opinion others have of Americans. I understand it’s a fictional program & it is just for entertainment but her cliches still rang true for so many American tourists in Paris. I saw it firsthand. I do appreciate the breakdown Justine gave on the Parisian side. I, as a fellow American, chose to melt into the French culture. I absorbed everything the city had to offer (from clothing to mannerisms) & am applying them to my everyday living since it makes so much sense. Hopefully Emily can evolve too (given the show has been picked up for 2 more seasons)

@lhbrownstein - 13.10.2022 22:51

I am an American, but I have been fortunate to have lived in many different countries in my life. As a child, my father was in the US Air Force, and we lived in several different countries. In high school, I became very interested in languages and learned Spanish and French. I continued with my studies at university and was fortunate to study abroad three times before I ultimately landed in Mexico City, where I lived for around 15 years. After returning to the USA, I forged a career as an interpreter and translator, which lead me to be employed by the largest translation agency in the world as the director of translation. I then had to travel to many different countries outside of the USA to visit our foreign offices. Thanks to my background and language abilities, I was able to get along with everyone and made many, many lifelong friends with my overseas colleagues. I give you this background to explain the cringe-worthy experiences I had with my American colleagues who had no experience with other cultures. I was appalled at the provincial attitude of the Americans, how rude they could be, and how they treated others with no regard for differences in culture. Many would tell our foreign colleagues how they should do things and imply that their own cultural adaptations were not as desirable as those of the American culture! YIKES! Truly, I would cringe and wish I could slap these colleagues into line themselves! One example I will give you is while dining together in a restaurant with our Finnish colleagues, one of the American women told our Finnish colleague that she didn't really need to eat ALL the food on the plate. That it was OK to leave some on the plate after eating. Sheesh! I couldn't believe it. So, I think I will have to forgo watching this series as I would probably become so disgusted and upset that it would not be a good thing for me!! Thanks for the review, though. I look forward to hearing your next one.

@dhgsfg6399 - 12.10.2022 15:15

As a German, I can highly recommand going to the sauna naked. Being unsexually naked is one of the most liberating feelings ever. Like it's just your body.. exisisting.. naked... I love it.

@helenascribe210 - 12.10.2022 05:00

I couldn't get past the second episode of season one. How did this show get a second season?

@nada2excoo - 10.10.2022 22:12

I agree with you about the Germans, they have the strongest work ethics by far, and they take their working time very seriously, but they also don't work on their weekends, which I find great by the way

@ellenkarlsson9490 - 08.10.2022 19:28

There's actually a reason why you're not allowed to wear swimsuits in the sauna, and that's chlorine gas. If you've been swimming in a pool and go into the sauna the heat will turn the chlorine left in your swimsuit to toxic chlorine gas.
Some people also claim that fabrics in the sauna is unhygienic because bacteria and fungi will thrive in the hot environment. I think that's BS because you don't leave your wet towels in there and both sauna, towels and swim wear should get properly cleaned regularly.

@IMH15 - 05.10.2022 16:10

You feel uncomfortable nacked sauna at the beginning too as a German. Still just go to the only-women sauna.

@msnisperos - 29.09.2022 19:11

I’m an American who was born and raised in California whose lives 13 years in NYC.
California Stereotypes: we don’t all surf, but we do talk slower.
New York Stereotypes: we do talk fast, but we’re not all rude, we’re just in a hurry :)

@laischagas6994 - 29.09.2022 14:47

I'm a Brazilian girl so.... our stereotypes are very very pleasant (irony).

@pam3744 - 25.09.2022 04:05

From the USA and I cringe to see American stereotypes - but some of it is probably close to the truth! Fortunate to have visited France a few times and I look forward to returning. Lovely people and beautiful country!
