"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media

"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media

Rebel Wisdom

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@flashwashington2735 - 28.08.2023 09:38

Thanks, but I'm suspicious of wisdom peddlers, and my mind won't hold big ideas. I hope you find your audience. Good luck.

@flashwashington2735 - 28.08.2023 09:35

Thanks, but I'm suspicious of wisdom peddlers, and my mind won't hold bug ideas. I hope you find your audience. Good luck.

@itsmyytaccount8498 - 21.06.2023 20:42

An absolutely excellent analysis of the cultural conditions that gave rise to the Peterson phenomenon. Well done

@johna7661 - 20.04.2023 06:41

It’s a parallel society. I’m learning how to be part of it. Good video!

@SannaMarin-uw1nu - 10.04.2023 01:48

Peterson is a shill and an agent

@timhenley3602 - 23.01.2023 18:02

Here's the deal, people: Diversity is not wrong. What's wrong is the way in which various groups (for reasons of their OWN agenda) try to force-feed diversity down the throats of the public. THAT'S what Peterson is saying, and it's what I've been saying before I even knew who Peterson was.🤔

@peloquinn3331 - 28.11.2022 19:35

So my takeaway here is that men need to stop fighting, as we only make things worse, and start supporting animus activated women, who are the only effective combatants on the sane side of this culture war. Sound about right?

@valethewolf49 - 13.09.2022 06:18

He is a voice of reason in a time of chaos. I'm glad Jordan decided to speak to the world, it is much needed.
Equality.. Why not celebrate our seperate strengths? Why is it not ok for Men to be better at certain things and women at others?

@Saf_Shares - 06.09.2022 09:07

... Carl Jung: I thought I told you about this?
Us: Sorry, not everybody was listening.

@cop591 - 18.07.2022 11:52

The main thing it seems is that we're in the dark about all things that really matter, meaning, responsibility, truth, ethics, etc...
Many conversations have been started here but seem to be unfinished yet.

@DaleRFetz - 09.07.2022 12:06

Just listen, turn inward, more integrated, change, raw chaos..

@ernestbuckley8671 - 02.06.2022 15:23

I’m 12 minutes in and hopeful. This is an intelligent conversation that I hope sparks a larger societal conversation. Do yourself a favor and read Robert Pirsigs Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

@payattention6114 - 21.05.2022 01:27

All mainstream media, dumbs down people. It's old news. Yet a surprisingly large amount of people will still completely deny it. Many go hostile and turn ad hominem, saying you're a fool, believing in 'conspiracy theories'.
At that point, it is a waste of time, trying to make the person/group realize the truth. They've already made up their minds and even chosen 'argumentum ad hominem' as strategy to fend off your argumentation - instead of making any constructive counter-arguments. This is very common, unfortunately.

I think the reason these people cannot see it, is because they lack imagination. They're incapable of connecting the dots. It is too abstract for their standard mindsets - mindsets, which are created and maintained, by the mainstream .

@MrArdytube - 03.04.2022 23:37

What if Jordan Peterson is a very sophisticated con artist?.
Lets start with a basic definition, and a few observations
DEFINITION: A con artist is a person who tricks other people to get their money.
OBSERVATION: A con artist will be persuasive/convincing

So… let’s check the correspondence between Jordan Peterson. and the above.
Is he persuasive? Certainly for very many people
Does he collect money on the back of this reality? What ever else you say about JP… there is no dispute that he is very successful
But, of course … that alone does not make him a con artist. I would have to show a tendency toward profitable duplicity.
So let’s look at that… and all of what I will say is provable

JP first became well known by asserting his refusal to be forced to use various gender pronouns
In this context… he presented himself as a martyr for integrity. A person willing t9 go to jail… or to lose his job
But then, the real question becomes… has anyone ever gone to jail on this issue?
Has anyone ever lost their job on this issue?
If not….isn’t it a bit of hyperbolic misrepresentation to present himself as a martyr of personal integrity?

Next…JP represents himself as a scientist, an academic, and therefore qualified to opine on scientific issues
And, as in the gender issue…. He has leveraged his scientific credentials on a controversial issue. Ivermectin

Now, before we begin… let’s observe that JP has no obvious transferable expertise in this domain. Let’s further observe that this is a charged political red/blue. Issue… an issue in which a person wanting to feed red meat to the red team would be supporting ivermectin…. So if I a: correct about JP… he might do this…. So now let’s look

JP “This should be a bombshell: Treatment with Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in COVID (compared to Remdesivir)”
Then we should ask…. Does the referenced link hold up to scrutiny as proving anything worth while? Since then, the author has repudiated this paper and he had said is being misrepresented. Further, extensive new research on ivermectin has just been published (the together study). This has concluded there is no evidence that ivermectin is effective for covid.

So…then we wind up with a situation where JP has used unrelated scientific expertise to promote junk science that has been repudiated by its author… and, coincidentally this all happened in a politically charged subject

Next… consider the issue of religion. Again… a controversial topic. Again a politically charged topic. I am pretty urge we know the red/blue bias. If you as the red team…. Do you think Jesus physically rose from the dead and walked on earth for 40 days? Do you think there was a real Noah’s ark and flood… we know the team red answers… don’t we? And know what a team red spokesman must say. The question is…. What doe JP say?

What he says is extensive gobbledygook which makes is sound like he is 100% on side with the red team…. But when actual try to parse his comments… he basically says the are socially useful archetypes.. in other words…. Did not happen

The reality is that JP has found it useful to pander to a particular audience. And, the reality is that he is a very intelligent guy who effectively uses his intelligence to bob and weave however might be expedient. this is what a con artist does. Mostly people do not see what he is doing… because he is very skilled. But then…. People are usually deceived by a good con artist…. That is their art

@ladyfaye8248 - 08.03.2022 15:39

yes, at apporx 38.20, in video, ' responsibility' is what women need to take on.

@estherjacob138 - 03.03.2022 04:07

I like jorden he is quite handsome and he is bang on about everything he says .a very wide awake and inteligent man i listsn to him all the time .

@grmalinda6251 - 01.03.2022 05:55

Difference between m+f is one of emphases. It's a very important one too. Both love beauty. Men want to possess it while woman desire to be it. Respect is key.
30 to 1 boys need fathers input. Book of proverbs.

@SanityIsland - 24.01.2022 19:23

Anyone that disagrees automatically falls into the "other side." We are living in the base projection field that leaves no space for actuality.

@Zzyzzyx - 19.01.2022 15:54

That Louise Mazanti is a total kook, just saying.

@ruthamyallan1 - 17.01.2022 13:05

Ah, the third stage of the Hegelian dialectic.

@geoffreynhill2833 - 11.12.2021 05:26

Bugger human rights? Be more macho?

@geoffreynhill2833 - 11.12.2021 04:42

Why the tacky radiophonics overlay, David? It's a Madison Avenue cliché and you must know where THEY'RE coming from!

@deathsoulger1 - 04.12.2021 02:27

If green hates orange; From yellow show green that it is made of orange. and how green and orange are not diametrically opposed. This is not easy to actualize in real time.

@healersofhumanity - 13.11.2021 20:47

Hes not right that there is the benevolent Mother and that’s it- there is no benevolent Mother - but mass sexism/misogyny/misandry and Feminism is nothing but a toxic female patriarchy - there is no semblance of a matriarchy just a longing for one by sick people who have no idea how to create it or even mimic it. 👁🚺

@FranciscoAlvarado-words - 30.10.2021 19:00

It's time for Changes or going back to Bases,

@GlobalDrifter1000 - 13.10.2021 04:48

The is complete clap trap bullshit.

@GlobalDrifter1000 - 13.10.2021 04:41

Who is the dope with the glasses. He talks shit.

@agasobczakwithbraveheart5675 - 01.10.2021 20:01

Such a great video and very important topic! Thanks a lot ! I have only discovered you recently as was told about you by a friend. I totally support your point of view and the work is on both sides - women and men. Let’s have those conversations! 🧡

@colinmcmullin1154 - 05.09.2021 06:51

This documentary explains so much

@Persephone76 - 25.08.2021 10:06

Thw WOKE did not works, so now they try the vaccins tyrannie.

@LissandaEloria - 24.08.2021 15:08

How about we stop trying to use the left/right spectrum to classify new thinkers like JP? It misses the point. Wrong classification framework.

As an alternative, how about we have a mature and considered conversation about values and how to resolve things when different segments of society have different ones? And a dialectic about what’s important in society and where we want to go as a species? Attempting to find some common ground we can all agree on, as a starting point eg avoiding catastrophic scenarios.

@dennismccafferty9984 - 19.08.2021 14:44

talk talk talk

@ipitchford - 09.08.2021 15:17

You can’t replace social, economic, and political history with fuzzy ideas from Jung.

@usebiodiesel - 09.08.2021 10:35

I'm so gratefull I am who I am
I feel like I'm part of a big family of deep thinkers.

@kent615 - 06.08.2021 21:36

"Your job is to not know what the @#$% is going on." That cut deep.

@pamelajoy6037 - 05.08.2021 20:16

Thank-you fir this👍🏻

@Ace-fu4mu - 03.08.2021 17:15

Stop stupid tv n news papers in the early 2000s. Only lemmings believe the news without fact checking.

@EricaScalzo - 25.07.2021 14:42

Sit up straight, mr. Shapiro
You've got text neck!

@DliciousFilms - 11.06.2021 02:54

Also, all of these concepts and ideas are very elementary....nothing new. In fact, there is a lot of variables and concepts that are completely left out that one could argue lead these psychological dimensions. This video really barely touches the surface, if at all, but mostly leaves out any real meat on any substantial topic. 🤷🏽‍♂️

@DliciousFilms - 11.06.2021 02:31

You spend 20min praising this guy without ever saying anything about what he thinks, lmao....waste of time this video is 🙄

@daveed420420 - 26.05.2021 09:40

Wow! I can add so so much more ti the conversation. We are forgetting that these issyes directly benefit the 1%. Who do you think is responsible for approving and manipulating soy and other estrogen promoting agents into the homeostasis of the body? Cannabis heavily promotes estrogen and its becoming legalized at this exact instance of divide and conquer strategy, using our own innate gender related feminine/masculine nature against ourselves. (Dont get me wrong i love cannabis but i can see how they are using it against us).

I have heard jokes such as the "rise of Karens'"... where do yall think all the hormonal imbalances come from? When women produce too much estrogen they must secrete more testosterone in order to compensate and return to balance. When men are over exposed to estrogen... well in my field it is looked down upon calling someone a "Soy-boy" but i will reserve the right to freedom of speech in this regard. Cmon males, listen up to JP and take some responsibility. We create our tomorrow and were going to need to work as a team because the future looks grim. None of this is coincidental, but all intelligently orchistrated. Wake up from the illussion

@lyndaskinner276 - 17.05.2021 21:07

This is great medicine for our collective. Engaging the collective unconscious is part of our collective healing. /bow. Keep up the great work!

@KnutFan - 07.05.2021 00:19

“ your job is not to know what the f*** is going on “… I love that.

@siddharthb2633 - 06.05.2021 22:11

Peterson is a hack.

@osloreal7042 - 23.04.2021 19:36

Does anybody see narrative manipulation creators content....🧐
Hes a BBC reporter from the Academic world intellectuals keeping up control the system we live under.
How strange that they have to studying him instead of his content and messages.
To Hell with you trying to lead ashtray folks watch out his not outsider.
Masonic triangle in the logo and strange narrative speaking for itself.
Simplicity is the key always but Academic world like to swimming in the complex crap.🤮

@ELECTIONFRAUD-mr5wf - 22.04.2021 06:35

Don't accept Leftist premises in their wacko arguments. This post modernist view is only held by a small but growing, exaggerated and media over amplified minority. Defeat this insanity before it's accepted by main stream average people. PUSH BACK!

@ELECTIONFRAUD-mr5wf - 22.04.2021 06:13

Leftists are so Jordanphobic it's amusing as hell

@DSilsbury - 17.04.2021 19:53

Probably don't agree much with Peterson, but the idea that the internet is where we will get our media is agreed, but also clearly obvious. As a Computer Studies Grad in 93, we were told
the internet opened up a forum where independent thought and big money could compete on an equal level. Sadly hasn't happened! Fake News!!!
