Dying Light 2's Parkour Is A MAJOR DOWNGRADE. (Ft. OniZombies, ColossalKiwi, Aussiegg, BestGamerAli)

Dying Light 2's Parkour Is A MAJOR DOWNGRADE. (Ft. OniZombies, ColossalKiwi, Aussiegg, BestGamerAli)


1 год назад

97,423 Просмотров

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Twitter - https://twitter.com/NotNoviex

Business email - [email protected]

Check out Yuija for cool thumbnails B) - https://twitter.com/RealYuija

Thank You So Much @BubYT For The Cheat Engine Help :D - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7DvUmLDhQ_ROqvOvMRAbw

Aussiegg Dodging Video - https://youtu.be/wM4mcMOhNMs

Special Thanks to @jabar8651 for the intro cinematics


Channels Of People Included

@OniZombies - https://www.youtube.com/@UCUC1NFIMZn38gJBoMyhVNRQ

@ColossalKiwi - https://www.youtube.com/@UCyrnQxi9EMfvydzzQW3PaOw

@AussieGG - https://www.youtube.com/@UCGas8MAR-sxT80R7r-Jtg5Q

@BestGamerAli - https://www.youtube.com/@UCY73nofrqNLuGAaN2MlThZg

@FearDL - https://www.youtube.com/@UC_UvblIo5p679mT3aBTOuYw

@LuvNukro - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUZRAapFW4pDSM4RUDIr9nQ

=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapters =-=-=-=-=-=-

0:00 - 0:56 Intro Montage

0:56 - 1:48 How It Feels

1:48 - 4:30 Problems Visualized

4:30 - 6:10 Problems HEAVILY Visualized

6:10 - 6:59 Other Problems

6:59 - 7:10 Content Creators

7:10 - 8:08 OniZombies

8:08 - 8:52 ColossalKiwi

8:52 - 9:53 Aussiegg

9:53 - 10:43 BestGamerAli

10:43 - 12:21 The Interview With Tymon Smektala About The Floaty Parkour

12:21 - 13:49 Why The Interview Is Bull Shit

13:49 - 14:42 Solutions

#dyinglightgame #dyinglightcoop #dyinglight2022 #dyinglightthefollowing #gaming #dyinglight2update


#dyinglight #dyinglightgame #noviex #Noviex #gaming #DyingLight2 #Dyinglight2stayhuman #goodnightgoodluck #co-op #coop #gameplay #videoessay #update #flaws #parkour #zombies #pve
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Chicken Mcnuggut
Chicken Mcnuggut - 25.09.2023 08:44

Question:where did you get that white outfit?

Adam Balaz
Adam Balaz - 09.09.2023 19:13

now when i play i think it is easy as hell like i dont want to stay in the air and look at my soroundings

FlameSp33y AMV
FlameSp33y AMV - 22.08.2023 18:27

Dont even care if they fix it, im still not supporting them

atuk brontok
atuk brontok - 13.08.2023 15:27

this is the shitiest gaming ever, movement feels like shit, story is shit, char speed is shit, everything about this game is totalli the worst shit you can ever buy...

Charles Z P
Charles Z P - 15.07.2023 06:54

You know, I hadn't been playing when the parkour revamp came out, and - I'm pretty sure I set it to physical mode - and I haven't noticed any real difference...

Robin Fink
Robin Fink - 01.07.2023 18:37

update video pls 🙏

Micah Salinas
Micah Salinas - 30.06.2023 05:23

After this new good night good luck update almost all the problems are solved and it’s finally great and a true sequel

Marko Novakovic
Marko Novakovic - 28.06.2023 13:03

Accessibility is a double-edged sword when it comes to game mechanics, and greedy devs keep shoving it into their games. They don't understand or don't want to understand that not every game is for everyone. Sure, your game is accessible to a wider audience, but you sacrifice a LOT of depth. A perfect example is Assassin's Creed. Due to this design philosophy, we haven't had a deep parkour system in AC games for almost a decade, the last being Unity. In Unity, we had features like side ejects, back ejects, controlled decent, vaulting over, or sliding under obstacles, parkour up, parkour down. Now it's just hold forward and jump to "parkour." And on the opposite end of the spectrum, we have devs like From Software. They don't give a flying fuck about being accessible in terms of game mechanics. They don't care about these babies in the game journalism space that cry "sEkIrO sHoUlD hAvE aN eAsY mOdE." No. They're just focused on making a good ass game with deep and engaging mechanics. And what are the results? Their last two games won the game of the year award and sold millions upon millions of copies. Those are the fucking results.

Protski F
Protski F - 11.06.2023 10:41

They can fix all what you pointed out but that won’t remove the fact that the inside of the buildings are not worth exploring when there are faster ways to gather valuable items and a lot of vendors around the world that sell the valuables you’d find inside them. Separating everything into dark hallows and forsaken stores was a mistake

Sianobocian - 06.06.2023 13:06

Noviex are you using reshade or something? Or what settings do you use for DL2 to look so good?

Devin G
Devin G - 04.06.2023 05:56

Parkour in dl2 can be summed as. Better but is more fundamental flawed then dl1 parkour such as flow not being consistent. Dl1 looks blocky in from others view and first but was consistent which makes it look normal.

GhostKind101 - 01.06.2023 02:36

I refused to play the game becuase of the floaty parkour 🤣 hopefully they fix it in the update so i can jump in

Dylan Galetti
Dylan Galetti - 31.05.2023 18:02

Eh, I dunno. I personally have more fun with the parkour in 2. 1 feels so bad to me.

NSD - 20.05.2023 11:49

I want them to add a mirrors edge sliding mechanic, in ME, faith actually loses momentum in a slide, but has the option to roll out of it to keep said momentum. That should be a thing in DL2, because the current slide feels stupid fast, and not to mention aiden grabs his weapon while you slide, and it looks stupid, and breaks the immersion.

PacMan - 17.05.2023 02:47

There’s a parkour update soon

Grim Graver
Grim Graver - 17.05.2023 01:50

There ljust needs to speed consistent movement physics and speed like there's so many things that i want to say but dont feel like typing like that one part where you jumped on the box i feel like if the box goes up past a certain point you lose your grip and fall off but you dont fall off normally its like a backflip type thing where you lose your grip and you start to do a backflip because you were going up or like the poles i feel if there's to much weight or something that it should snap after a certain point maybe and the rope i feel like it should be like the farjump but its based off of your speed and you keep the speed when you jump off if i jump off early i get no height if i jump off when im going up i can get little to alot of depending how high i am while keeping my speed and the grapple it should keep your speed as well as like make the animation or something better also the multiplayer animation if your playing with a friend nobody wants to see that janky animation when your running around and stuff

Matthew Martinez
Matthew Martinez - 15.05.2023 05:20

Omg i thought i was the only one who felt this way man

Old_Zven - 13.05.2023 13:21

Where did you get that white outfit?

Master Mind ъыь
Master Mind ъыь - 12.05.2023 18:52

I hate parkour in DL2 because all it's potential is destroyed by this. The game is so freaking slow. And thanks for including that interview because it confirmed my theory that this slowness is caused by one of the sins of modern games: making everything easier so even a biter can play it.
Don't get me wrong, it's great to make game enjoyable for more people, especially handicapped, but I think that it should prioritize keeping the core audience of the game happy. IMO doing something like this is like forcing colorblind mode for everyone

agentnukaz - 12.05.2023 00:56

The music was a perfect way to get the point across. I hate climbing up shit when u need to go fast

Undead_Burrito_Playz - 10.05.2023 19:52

this game is so sad and such a blackpill about the gaming industry as a whole. like the first game was almost perfect. even the graphics hold up till today and it was released almost like 8 years ago. all they had to do was take the first game, put in a few more NPCs so the world feels a bit more alive, patched in a new villain, and there you have a solid contender for game of the year.

instead they created whatever this butchery is

Phoenix Rose
Phoenix Rose - 10.05.2023 08:56

Well we are getting a "parkour update" in either early summer or during summer so... hope these get fixed

Gamer555NL - 09.05.2023 19:03

i didn't know why i hated parkour in dying light 2 more than in dying light, why it felt so much slower and less fun

now i know, thanks!

Arthur Pias Gall
Arthur Pias Gall - 09.05.2023 04:06

I agree with momentum but a downgrade? Really? Is the nostalgia that high?

Leo Suheckis
Leo Suheckis - 08.05.2023 23:14

how did you get that white e3 2019 outfit

Nd_kui17 - 08.05.2023 06:48

Honestly I rather the game slow me down so I can perform more cool parkour tricks than what dying light 1 does. Once you get maxed, you literally just press r1 and you basically jump over 3 roofs at a time because of the speed that is achievable. Eventually you basically just glide across the map by pressing R1 and chain that with a grapple and you just traveled like 5 miles lmao.

RDBird - 08.05.2023 03:29

can't wait for june

Fusiontech - 05.05.2023 10:51

Agreed with everything, this is why I get so confused when people say DL2 has way better parkour, yes there are more moves and I absolutely love the skills wall run and far jump. But the momentum when using contextual objects and especially capping it on certain moves makes it way too floaty, I wanna be able to get that sense of speed like the first game. Those monkey bars are especially baffling, so floaty it's ridiculous.

chickenBoneMuncher - 03.05.2023 12:03

i like the floaty feel

dingus - 03.05.2023 11:58

''Fast paced parkour, you're in control, you gotta think fast, that's when the adrenaline and fun came from''
Meanwhile Parkour in DL1: Climbing a fucking pot with a plant

DragosTWhaha - 02.05.2023 15:50

Parkour in dl2 is much better then parkour in dl1, because in the first game when u get the grappling hook you don t need anything else but in dl2 you still use parkour bcs the grappling hook its far more realistic

Dog A
Dog A - 02.05.2023 02:00

I hope they fix this eventually. I haven't bought dl2 yet, and I don't plan on it until issues like this are fixed.

thespeedtapper4 - 01.05.2023 21:51

Hopefully the june parkour flow update will addresd these issues.

Konstantin Ivanov
Konstantin Ivanov - 01.05.2023 12:07

Tbh, all this feels like the devs forgot what they did in DL1
It's like they decided to make a dying light-like game without ever touching Dying Light
How do you fuck up things that the first game nailed perfectly

29SEBA - 30.04.2023 10:20

I feel like on the moon each time i do a long jump.

wojtek nowak
wojtek nowak - 28.04.2023 15:07

DL2 has a more realistic parkour than previous DL and i like it more, more "Air control" is a bullshit imo, when I played first Dying Light i felt like I'm playing Dead Island with parkour. I don't like skipping animations, jumping forward and be able to make a 360 deegre turn then you don't feel it you control an Aiden Caldwell but just some hero from a marvel movie. I can agree there was a huge issue with animations over physics, now it's better than it was since launch but still it need a bit of corect. Less air controll = you feel more like ure a human. I prefer DL2 more than Dying Light becouse there's more stuff to do, more parkour moves, better combat with humans etc.. I played Dying Light cuz i like to do parkour stuff irl, Dying Light 2 feels more realistick.

BW - 28.04.2023 00:52

Calling dl2 parkour a major down grade is just wrong. I agree that it's not perfect but its definitely not bad

Poggers bro
Poggers bro - 27.04.2023 23:39

as much as i love DL2 and it's parkour I cannot deny that the momentum is a big no no

sicko115 - 27.04.2023 08:25

I noticed that when people say that the parkour in DL2 is better than in DL1, they mean that DL2 has more parkour moves than DL1.

MLG squirrel - Victor & Igor
MLG squirrel - Victor & Igor - 25.04.2023 23:17

more air control is total bullshit, its unrealistic and I think you should just be able to very slightly be able to move around in air, even though being slightly unrealistic.
edit: this aint csgo

hy3na - 25.04.2023 18:48

yes pleaseeeeeeeee

Dyvesh Israel
Dyvesh Israel - 24.04.2023 13:11

THANK YOU for making this. I really hated the animation heavy janky ahh parkour system in DL2. It never feels as exhilarating as DL1. It's diverse but unenjoyable

wwalton3418 - 24.04.2023 06:43

Overall I prefer 2, it's like the Unity of the Dying Light Universe a few extra things would instantly make it better than the first in that category

Bors - 21.04.2023 01:30

Did he really just say "a small fraction of players said they felt dizzy and got motion sickness" really? a SMALL FRACTION of players? why in gods fucking name would you listen to a SMALL FRACTION of players from the first game when 99% of people that played the first game said the parkour was a lot of fun? WHAT THE FUCK!? I actually can't believe it. Appealing to noobs when the previous game didn't was just a fucking STUPID decision, i hate it when game devs appeal too much to noobs that don't want to try to get better at the game.

waifuz0 - 19.04.2023 19:07

I geniunely cannot see why someone would look at DL2s parkour, compare it to DL1 and think the second was a downgrade.

HeXaDecimal - 16.04.2023 04:22

Maybe they should like tie animation speed to velocity, so like if you have 15 velocity and you do a rope swing make it swing faster and keep the velocity or increase it based on the angle that you jumped off the rope. It would make the parkour infinitely more fun.

patryq505 - 13.04.2023 17:53

So we can all agree on this Dying Light 2 sucks

pingwin - 13.04.2023 15:15

I personally think they should reedo the whole animation system in the game to make the flow better and the sidequests cutscenes too

Random roblox player
Random roblox player - 12.04.2023 19:34

Aiden at his peak
