American Income Life | 4 MUST Ask Questions Before Joining

American Income Life | 4 MUST Ask Questions Before Joining

The DIG Agency!

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@theresafuller7841 - 03.11.2022 00:12

I could have used this last year .

@PianoMessage - 03.11.2022 00:16


@sdgiant25ify - 03.11.2022 00:17

HaHa Dave always the professional but your beating around the bush of course. Let's be STRAIGHT! In this particular situation if you are asking questions prior to even getting appointed your shown the door. That's how I was trained and am 99% sure it's same playbook everywhere. They only want wide eyed gullible youngsters with no baggage that will believe anything and do anything they are told. If you start asking questions you are ostracized and bounced before you can infect anyone else in the office with truth. Does this sound like a cult? So going back to the video you don't need to mention any specific concerns. In reality if you just start asking ANY questions you won't be a "fit".

@elledubbew1486 - 03.11.2022 00:18

AIL uses a bait and switch for leads system and then they have a 9 page script

@melodyelady5724 - 03.11.2022 02:39

thank you for covering this company I have made up my mind already it doesn't work for me.

@ephraimgreen1760 - 03.11.2022 04:30

This company introduced me into the life insurance industry.

@LeonMortgage - 03.11.2022 04:57

I like your approach

@SteveBohne - 03.11.2022 20:57

They lied to me about the commission, you aren't vested for TEN YEARS

@indalecioalcaraz7263 - 03.11.2022 22:41


@JohnSmith-lf9fi - 04.11.2022 16:51

I was an SA at AIL I ended up leaving wasnt making enough money. Put too much time into my team which affected my production. It's a 50% comp rate to start which is low in the industry. The bonuses off your team is the only way you''ll make serious money. The "leads" lol. Bait and switch except for the union leads. AIL is the largest unionized benefit company in the world so they deal with union members who request union benefits who might want life insurance. The other leads are child safety and will kits meaning people requested those and you try to sell them insurance when they didnt want it. A POS lead also is a policy service review meaning your sitting with a client who ANOTHER agent already sold and your trying to upsell them more. It's a very referral based business which when you sit with every client you give them a couple free benefits which are legit. However, what ends up happening is you ask "who would you like to be the primary beneficiary and then ask for multiple contingents which is how they get referrals. Then you call the referrals trying to book them for an appointment and sell them. If your reading this I wasted 7 months of my life in this company and transitioned to becoming a broker at Family First Life where people are actually requesting the insurance and you can start yes start at a 100% comp. I started at 110. Dont waste your time here,

@revacohen - 09.12.2022 10:12

I interviewed today with AIL, and something didn't seem right to me. What sent up a red flag was when they talked about a state license. I asked if I had to pay for it, and not only did I have to, I was told I would have to take a training course that I would have to pay for. I read that a legitimate company didn't do that. I'm glad I trusted my gut!

@jennyrm6070 - 14.12.2022 23:37

The thing is that the online job listings often have a different hiring/consulting company that takes applications, then when they call for an interview, it's with ANOTHER different company "group" usually a manager type who opened their own subgroup, THEN once you've spent time learning and spending money to get licensed THEN they say here's your new agent guide with AIL/AO.

So a lot of people like myself can't do much research into the company because you're given deceptive and false information by a company that ISN'T even the one hiring you. By the time you actually see what it is you're being hired for you've already sunk in a lot of time and money.

For example, they had a job listing under Pinnacle Consulting for a "Union benefits coordinator" position. In the job listing they mentioned nothing about sales, nothing about needing a license, and in fact, said there would be "paid" training, but when you actually see what training entails it's just "you might make some sales during the training period". They sucker you in with the "oh you just need to meet with a few union members a week and enroll them into their union's benefits" and "we need agents who want to help people and families" but so much of the business is deceptive. They even mentioned there would be a "base pay" for the number of zoom calls you'd do. Imagine the bait-and-switch job listing to then the bait-and-switch of "here's your union benefits, but let me sell you stuff that you probably don't want or can't afford".

As it's obvious, they MUST be deceptive when hiring because most of the cost is upfront, and the majority of contracted people will take months to make a sale, as well as many people, don't want to make sales in the first place. I understand people thrive in these careers, however, using such deceptive means to get a workforce that will have to put in 12+ hrs a day without a cent is incredibly fraudulent. Not to mention the fact that many of those referrals and leads end up harassing families and emotionally manipulating them into buying child protection kits. Many of the people who work at AIL/AO are kind people, but the business practices are ethically disastrous and prey on people who are desperate for work.

@Luisgar1234 - 22.12.2022 10:00

You should be ashamed of yourself bro

@tysofly25 - 04.01.2023 05:38

Are u related to Steve Buscemi? You resemble and sound like him🙌🏾 This video was very helpful to btw. I think this isn't for me atm tho

@drewvonnieda4473 - 18.01.2023 18:41

I just interviewed and was brought on board with AIL. I could tell that the questions I asked they had never been asked before. I asked all the ones you mentioned except the references. But I asked where they’d like to see improvements in the company. And they actually gave an answer. But from what I saw prior their training is top tier. So if anything I’m looking forward to the training and getting in the door and then seeing from there.
Thank you for you review videos.

@jamalsmith5073 - 03.02.2023 13:40

The trainer I was with didn't even want to remain a field agent. Speaks volumes.

@Education_kid - 04.02.2023 03:11

Every AIL is different tho. Completely different some suck some are great

@ikiejeancajontoy2994 - 14.04.2023 15:41

hello I got a job offered to them as a Customer service, and there asking me to pay 150 dollar for the software installation is this true , please guide me!!!!
its a work from home job.

@blvck5943 - 16.07.2023 22:07

Why is everything a scam?

@theshredguitarist25 - 17.07.2023 03:33

When i asked if there was cold calling. They told me no and that they would provide the leads… passed the xcel insurance course, and passed the exam for my license. Starting my training right after my fingerprints and background check goes through. AIL has been nothing but nice to me.

@Brockros - 14.09.2023 04:33

Another insurance company actually referred me to AIL and AIL was very responsive, quick and in depth with the meeting I was put through earlier today, I am hoping I make it to the final interview course! I am 17, 18 in less than a month and this is how I wanna jumpstart my career

@ezpz4659 - 28.10.2023 00:42

AIL is the best honestly.

@tonyrhodes8574 - 23.11.2023 02:25

Bro just accept the fact that your bald and shave that monstrosity🤣🤣

@brennanpeete3867 - 14.12.2023 05:31

What are some other companies to choose from with free leads to start out as a beginner that are more direct than AIL is about selling Policies?

@df7817 - 30.12.2023 15:35

I just had 2 interviews...i hope i asked these questions...
Do you have them written

@FatCats56 - 16.01.2024 23:37

I got a phone call and SMS from a company called AO Group company then I noticed this also read> (Your registration has been confirmed for the event: Globe Life: AO Overview.)Demio access link and Meeting ID. The overview will cover job duties, training, compensation, and company details. soooo is the company's name AO Group or Globe Life? referring to what they sent me that I typed up on the above hmmm something not right is this legit or some type of AI snare????

@AarrenDieok - 09.03.2024 08:31

Those are smart questions to ask to gain insight into your position before joining the company. Thank you David.

@GodTim3 - 09.04.2024 23:35

Thank you for your advice.

@area51ville - 18.05.2024 02:31

Who just have to hope you end up on the same team I’m on.

@stormidude - 03.07.2024 18:39

Can someone comment the link where i can see how much each person at an agency makes? The form that they're required to report every year the actual numbers.


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