Reprogram Your Mind For Financial Success | Financial Freedom Affirmations

Reprogram Your Mind For Financial Success | Financial Freedom Affirmations

Mindful Waves Studio

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@blackmomba2916 - 21.10.2019 13:14

Wonderful words bro

@zedhaych7766 - 18.11.2019 05:13

Your voice 🤤🤤🤤, jokes aside I will try this for 30 days and come back with my update x
Thank you

@lovedgod2490 - 01.03.2020 02:45

Great ness one

@trayvanderstelt4119 - 04.03.2020 18:06

FYI, if you didn't do introductions... You'd have 100K subscribers right now.. I no it's f****d up but it's true

@skrypnykA - 10.06.2020 15:59


@OliviaHaize - 19.06.2020 01:30

Thank you with my whole heart for this video. I am healing so much within me and was coached to listen to affirmations such as these. May you be blessed tenfolds for your services 🙏🏽💗💫

@rebekahcrotty623 - 25.06.2020 23:58

Like me, you may need to read along while listening so your brain can take in the information more efficiently:

I respect my future financial independence deeply.
I am a powerful creator. I create the life and income I want.
Money supports me in my pursuit of a fulfilled balance life.
I make enough money to be happy.
I make enough money to make others happy.
I am appreciated and well compensated wherever I work.
I believe in myself.
I believe I can make tons of money.
I deserve to feel good about myself and my income.
Earning more money is fun and rewarding.
Life is abundant and I am always taken care of.
The more I give the more I receive.
The more I receive the more I give.
I spend my time wisely to bring me more and more abundance.
I know where every dollar goes instead of wondering where they went.
I am bullet proofing my financial future today.
I am an effective saver.
I act with confidence and no one questions my self-belief.
It is enough to have done my best.
I deserve to be paid double what I am paid now.
I am worthy of having high money self-esteem.
I am confident that I can achieve anything.
I am worthy of receiving prosperity now.
I am willing to be more abundant now.
I am now accumulating large sums of money.
All of my actions push me towards financial success.
I already feel like I have all the money I wish to have.
My investments bring enormous returns.
My money is valuable.
I know exactly how to spend my money.
I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
Getting paid a lot of money is natural for me.
I do work I love and am well paid for it.
I am opening my mind to greater prosperity, and part of that prosperity is an increased bank account.
Money comes to me in miraculous ways.
I am deserving of abundance in my life.
I am open to receiving wealth in many ways.
I am not afraid to ask for promotions and salary increases.
Being comfortable and confident in my finances is natural to me.
I am saving and I am succeeding.
I am in control of my finances.
Money flows to me from all over.
I save mindlessly and spend consciously.
Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.
I attract praise and people want to see me rewarded well for the value I bring the world.
I see myself and my bank account with kind eyes.
I am grateful for every dollar I make.
I feel great about myself, my life, and my monetary value.
Having respect for myself, helps others to like and respect me.
Feeling good about myself and my money is normal for me.
I have high self-esteem directly linked to my high income.
Improving this self-esteem is very important.
Every day I take specific steps to improve my income producing skills.
I am taking every positive step to achieving my dream job and income.
I know I can achieve anything.
I am worthy of a rich life.
I love and respect myself.
I am a great person.
I am worthy of all that I desire.
I chose to live a rich life.
I am connected to the universal supply of money.
Money comes easily and effortlessly to me.
I feel marvelous as a rich person.
Wealth is pouring into my life.
Large amounts of money are coming to me in ever increasing amounts.
I am grateful for everything I receive.
Today I am attracting wealth, abundance, and well-being.
My wallet and bank account are overflowing with money.
It is safe for me to make more money.
I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
My wallet is bulging with money.
I receive money just be thinking luxuriously.
Unexpected money simply falls into my lap.
I am a great success.
I love money and money love’s me back.
Money is coming to me.
I thank the Universe for all the money that flows toward me.
I know what I want and expect in my life.
I expect a large amount of money from unknown sources.
I radiate vibrations of prosperity and wealth.
I receive lots of resources from the universe.
I catch lucky breaks all the time.
I love abundance in all of it’s beautiful forms.
I am wide awake to my abundance.
My financial situation is improving beyond my dreams.
Wealth constantly flows into my life.
My actions create constant prosperity.
Making money is good for me and everyone in my life.
My income is growing higher and higher now.
All of my issues with wealth have disappeared.
I release every block that holds me back from receiving prosperity.
I am fully supported making money doing what I love.
If other people have achieved success I can too.
MY bank manager always welcomes me with a big smile.
Piles of money are stacking up in my bank account.
I have a great job with a wonderful salary.
The more I give, the wealthier I become.
The more I give, the more abundant I become.
I am grateful for all the wealth in my life right now.
I am grateful for the wealth that is inside of me.
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life right now.
I am grateful for the abundance that is inside of me.
I embrace all positive associations to money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
I release ALL negative associations to money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
All of my needs and desires are met even before I ask.
What I spend money, comes back to me in multiples.
Money and I are friends, and our friendship gets stronger every day.
I am open to receiving floods of financial abundance with ease so that I am able to give back even more to the world around me.
I release all my negative beliefs about money and invite wealth to come into my life.
I am prosperous, healthy, happy, and live in abundance.
Wealth is my birthright, my natural state of being.
I move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking.
I embrace new avenues of income.
I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth into my life.
I release all negative energy over money.
I make choices that are beneficial to me.
I know there is plenty for all of us.
I believe my success helps others achieve success.
I believe increasing my wealth allows others to increase their wealth.
My debts vanish, my bank account is blessed.
My life is rich with opportunity.
I am prosperous.
I am grateful for money and helping me lead a life I love.
I am an absolute money magnet.
I love money, money worships me.
I feel wealth flowing toward me now.
The more money I spend, the more money I have and receive.
I am confident the universe is helping me get all the money I need.
Everyone around me can see the wealth pouring out from within me.
I will be productive and prosperous today.
I am relaxing into greater abundance.
I am doing what I love and earning lots of money.
I am worthy.
I am alive with the energy of abundance.
I constantly attract opportunities to create more money.
My finances improve beyond my dreams.
I am the master of my wealth.
I am able to handle large sums of money.
I am at peace with having lots of money.
I now release the gold mine within me.
Making money is easy because I choose to live my purpose.
There’s more than enough money in my life.
I am thankful for the abundance in my life.
I have an abundance of whatever I need.
I am tuned into the flow of prosperity.
Money is welcomed in my life.
My income is way bigger than my expenses.
Money flows into my life.
I breathe in abundance, I breathe in wealth.
I breathe in prosperity.
I have a millionaire mindset.
I think like a millionaire.
I act like a millionaire.
I feel like a millionaire.
I am a millionaire.
My wealth comes from being honest and ethical in everything I do.
I am worthy of great success.
My greatest good is coming to me now.
I clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make money.
I am wealthy
Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.
I always think positively about money and wealth.
Money is a byproduct of doing what I love.
My income is constantly increasing.
Everything is going to work out for my highest good.
I am always grateful for sources of income.
I am becoming richer every day.
I have something special to offer the world and am compensated massively for this.
Others like and respect me.
I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have.
I am highly confident in myself and my abilities to perform my dream job.
I am being paid very well to do a very exciting and rewarding job.
I have unlimited potential, only good things are coming.
Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth.
I attract prosperity.

@olgas9078 - 05.11.2020 15:32

Thank you! I love your channel
Your voice and message resonate with me🙏

@Aedonius - 04.12.2020 13:36

Collaborate with Alpha Affirmations

@lizbethbarton5596 - 28.02.2021 03:40

After been poor for seven years and suffered 😭, I finally get in touch with carlos_1uptrades on instergrsm he changed my life thur forex trading now am financially free earning ten thousand dollars weekly

@carlos_1uptrades892 - 28.02.2021 18:09

I had a lot going on after I got my inheritance from my grand father and it was to much for me considering my age and what I I had to do in mind. I got introduced carlos_1uptrades thru Instegrm. He introduced me to trading and with he's assistance im able to multiply my inheritance and now I'm big in the investment game

@BeDangerousGroup - 02.05.2021 12:54

I see 2 thumbs down.
Who are the 2 people who are interested in financial failure?

@naturally_nikki820 - 17.05.2021 11:45

Please remove the intro. Thx

@dalefrench192 - 14.06.2021 09:10

This is the best money reprogramming audio I have ever heard. I am so happy to have discovered your channel. I look forward to listening to your wonderful audios. Thank you for this awesome gift!

@OliviaHaize - 06.07.2021 01:06

Thank you!!!

@bbq8063 - 29.10.2021 04:48

Very good one thank you much love and respects❤🧡💛💚🙏🙏🙏

@catharmony2220 - 28.03.2022 18:28


@Coolproducts44 - 22.06.2022 17:14

I am rich forever

@debbrasweet - 21.11.2023 01:34

OMG. I LOVE your humor in your work. "Bulging with Money"... made me smile and LOL. Keep smiling when you do this. It's very impactful. :)

@caitlanward1 - 04.06.2024 10:02

Do you make any subliminal affirmation videos?

@Oceanix__ - 23.07.2024 12:35

I actually apprieciate the intro, that's what cheers me up many time.. like someone is talking to me and giving me this video as a gift! Thank you!

@paulpelham3979 - 20.08.2024 01:07

These work. I’m living proof , but you have to stay consistent with them
