Counter Strike With Raytracing?

Counter Strike With Raytracing?


3 года назад

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CS:GO with raytracing. What would it be like? I answer the question that nobody asked.

0:00 - Intro
3:31 - RTGI on Safehouse
7:49 - Raytraced reflections
9:30 - Sound?!
9:46 - CS:GO's existing 'raytracing'
10:15 - Greanade demonstrations
10:57 - Conclusion


#csgo #raytracing
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@uwunora - 10.04.2024 11:16

they should’ve done what you showed with flashes in cs2

@typeable - 28.09.2023 16:14

i know i said i’d script a raytracing thing for gmod, but i instead made some shaders. sorry i didn’t make the raytracing thing. i was just stupid

@tturmoil - 29.08.2023 14:29

he is talking about cs2 before cs2 was out

@shardell - 26.07.2023 08:48

This improved a lot by now, its far more stable to look at

@Jetstream_Coomer - 23.06.2023 22:26


@puzzlepuddles6712 - 21.06.2023 22:00

when you showcased the grenades in the video that's when it hit me: gunshots! one of the few things that proper guns in source games lack. seeing grenades, gunshots and explosions illuminate walls or shadows in the environment like strobe lights would greatly show the power which hold these weapons

@yakusodrawsstuff - 12.06.2023 13:33

this aged fine

@RustigChill - 09.06.2023 05:10

anything reshade related looks sooooo bad omg

@Jessay - 20.04.2023 20:13

Good to see that the trees were behaving this time

@ThatFabiii - 27.03.2023 14:06

Volumetric Smokes you say, huh?

@xzombiekilla13x76 - 19.03.2023 13:58

What’s that shader called in the beginning

@MrDukeeeey - 15.03.2023 13:21

Water in the source engine is done with projective texture mapping. Basically you reflect the camera position by the reflection plane, then render the world and copy it to a texture. After you project that texture into the scene, which is fine for large areas like water etc.

@almighty151986 - 11.03.2023 03:11

This isn't's SSGI.

@elu5ive - 11.03.2023 02:16

developers should just run raytracing on their environments to see how they're supposed to look and then just adjust them to look raytraced even when they're not, saving lots of performance and gaining more pleasant visuals

@dek5775 - 09.03.2023 09:25

It will not look like that.
Plus maps are already raytraced. Baked global illuminated and raytraced

@fergus247 - 06.03.2023 15:43

Just create a CS:GO RTX league and a CS:GO Non RTX

@whynotll83 - 18.02.2023 02:09

I would've just loaded the map in blender and make all the textures use the proper pbr shaders.

@astr0_th3_man84 - 15.02.2023 22:29

Try loading the CS:GO maps into portal RTX, or load Garry's mod into portal RTX, then you would be able to get full ray tracing

@FPSAnarchy - 04.02.2023 21:45

reformatted.. lol pusssssy

@a4kata655 - 26.01.2023 10:29

i dont it will happen.... csgo is dead.

@truestbluu - 30.12.2022 18:10

well, it's possible now

@W3X777 - 28.12.2022 09:39

"Combustion Simulator : Graphics Overload"

@Kop32353 - 29.10.2022 15:12

Competitive nerds:

@son12509 - 25.08.2022 03:39

Ray tracing looks really cool, but I really don't care about having it running in real tine on my games.

@mnomadvfx - 24.08.2022 02:45

Actually you are wrong.

Ray traced lighting/shadows without high resolution PBR textures looks like flat and boring.

Even then the ultra low poly counts of old games also make the ray tracing look soundly ridiculous.

This is why nVidia spent years more refining real time RT rendering techniques into ReSPIR so that they can show off something a little more impressive with ray tracing in both model and texture resolution, like say Half Life 2.

HL2 could still do with upgrades to textures, especially in the PBR department, but it would already be a quantum leap over Q2 RTX even without adding HQ texture packs.

- 20.08.2022 02:39

Aren't CSGO's maps raytraced? Isn't that what baking process does? It just isn't dynamic (real time) raytracing...

@kouros0 - 13.08.2022 23:51

Will know is some month how it would look like😊

@nanow1990 - 31.07.2022 17:28

Reshade RTGI is not a raytracing by far its not even a true SSRTGI. Fully raytraced games will always look better but we still don't have a good gpus for smooth experience.

@FeelingShred - 24.07.2022 23:53

AMD refuses to enable Ray Tracing capability on driver updates for older generations of chips, even recent ones from 2019 like Ryzen 3000 generation... Meanwhile, Nvidia is prodiving driver updates that enable Ray Tracing for GPU's as old as 1060/1070/1080 generation from 2016.... Really shows you how awful AMD treats their own customers... Never again wasting money on anything from this pathetic company... Customers PUNISHED from making a purchasing decision of supporting the company... should have known better to be honest, AMD always had issues even far back as the early 2000's, they never got better at this... AMD is an empty promise

@godblessbharat708 - 16.06.2022 12:26

Ray tracing matters for reflection we can see enemies through reflection .also people will come with creative ideas to see incoming enemies through some strange reflection people will have to hide differently

@unfa00 - 15.06.2022 19:51

The name RTGI is technically very confused. Let me explain.

Global Illumination (GI) is an effect where the entire 3D scene contributes to lighting, even parts that are not visible directly.
By definition then, anything that is done in screen-space is not global.

So the GI part of RTGI is already incorrect.
What should it be called then?

Godot 4 game engine has an effect called "Screen Space Indirect Lighting" (SSIL). Which seems to be doing the same thing as RTGI here (though RTGI seems to be doing a slightly better job of it). So I guess RTSSIL?

The RTGI effect is strictly adding indirect diffuse illumination based on existing scene lighting. Adding it makes the difference between having just direct lighting (light sources emit light rays - these bounce off the first surface they hit and die) and adding a 2nd light bounce (illuminated surfaces also emit secondary light rays that "spill" the light around, making diffuse colors "bleed" on adjacent surfaces etc.).

I can't pick apart the "RT" part of the name... If the effect is utilizing hardware raytracing acceleration, then I guess the name is accurate in that part. I am highly skeptical of it though, and in that case... should be called Screen-Space Indirect Lighting.

@gmodandhl2experiments849 - 07.06.2022 18:54

you know what? the best way todo this is to take the sun's pos in game, then shoot rays that will bounce forever, and will only be active in a certain range of the player, hence raytracing, it will also use lighting from otherobjects, and depending on mat type, you could have real reflections!

@RasoGOVI - 01.06.2022 20:12

Vacation time! VAC VAC VAAAAAAC

@jakedill1304 - 08.05.2022 11:18

I wonder what the effect would do for better or worse if you did the forced tone map scale command to turn off that stupid eye adaptation.. I always found 1.5 to be more or less what it was before they implemented it, and then suddenly it doesn't look like an eclipse every time you go out in the web right Sunny Beach and suspiciously flat when you go inside.. contrasting dark and light is one of the true joys that I've had coming back to this engine after so many years, so as soon as I hit the coastline maps LOL.. just thank God they have a functioning console in this game, like holy shit.. now it took me a damn while to figure out which one was the one to actually make it do the thing LOL, this seems to be information they don't like to give out, I remember my issues with crisis.. that shit actually now that I know a term that has been used other than off, might actually make that one work out.. I don't have any help for Arma but you know whatever LOL at the very least Arma 3 wasn't nearly as bad as ARMA 2 which looked like you just fucking opened up the game in Photoshop and then tried to contemplate how you could get all the gamma to be raised in all the ways that you could raise it...which is a lot in Photoshop LOL... And then you would look up to the horizon and it would be more or less sort of normal, a little bit sunglasses, just just don't go all the way up to the sky is all cuz that's when the eclipse happens when you have I adaptation because that's how eyes work apparently..

I never knew, but it sure doesn't explain how Galileo got got... Unless the whole staring at the sun thing was a Catholic cover up.. I hear that you should look for apples in those situations.

All in all, I don't really consider source to be poorly lit or flatly lit, it seems to be more a concept of the tone mapping shifting.. now I don't know about the newer engines cuz it's a newer trend to make things flat and stupid especially in pro gamer super pro esports double plus victory bringing the old folks home cable box aspect ratio experience to the masses but at least as far as older source maps that valve did, it's well it's an unfair comparison because it's a level of contrast that I haven't seen in a very long time.. at least by default anyways.

@awesomeprograms4433 - 01.04.2022 18:04

Imagine if Thief 1998 had RT... that would be sick. That game relies so much on lighting and sound it would be amazing.

@kemenger_chaos - 05.02.2022 16:07

Actually hamer editor allows rtx to be turned on if I remember

@FireHart100 - 02.02.2022 00:00

i couldn't actually get Reshade in Gmod Working right, it would appear blank how did you resort this, what did you do to get it working right?

@Alexander-nd5de - 19.12.2021 20:15

The best middle ground if raytracing was added would be reflect world instead of reflect all if that makes sense. Just have 90% functioning mirrors. And I guess reflect self. were not vampires after all!

@differentone_p - 28.11.2021 09:02

Man, just download Blender, add maps, render it, and show us result. It would be harder for you, but looks cooler. If you really want to show us RTX.

@Gabsboy123 - 18.11.2021 17:51

Valve would have to recreate CSGO from scratch as Source 2 doesn't support global illumination much (AFAIK), although I could see tactical benefits of raytracing to players. A shadow seen from a corner could give away an opponent's presence, which is crucial in a game that emphasizes angles and fast-reaction aiming

@matyasmarkkovacs8336 - 18.11.2021 15:30

CSGO already looks nice.
Of course RTX is great, but serious players, esporters don't want this and the performance drop that comes with the RTX technology.

@maz5-870 - 17.11.2021 09:58

I think adding it to csgo 2 would make me enjoy playing it again. It could be so much fun, especially if they could optimize it somehow to run well

@lennartmook9182 - 14.11.2021 07:40

i am sorry but wood dose not refelct light liek this...

@moody3359 - 10.11.2021 11:20

this was a really interesting video

@peterlustig7936 - 05.11.2021 10:36

A bit more friendly colors would help to enjoy some maps.
