Executes: Are They Unfair For The Game? | League of Legends

Executes: Are They Unfair For The Game? | League of Legends


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@Hail_Fire - 27.05.2022 19:39

I’m so happy with this video. I was the wiki editor who created the distinction between “% Of Missing Hp” & “% Missing HP” abilities. Personally, I feel like "% of Missing Hp" executes are fine, but "Percent Health Missing" abilities can be much more frustrating as they are very potent burst tools and are commonly associated with being one-shot.

@NightridingDoom - 05.11.2023 13:25

1 year later: oneshot meta

@Kiannka - 09.10.2023 20:53

What annoys me is that evelynns ult is that it doesnt show you whether it will execute your target. The mark only shows whether they are low enough to activate the bonus damage. Sure, if you're fed it is usually a kill if they're that low, but I feel like if cho can have the execute range shown clearly so should eve

@dimondsi - 28.09.2023 08:21

Finishercutes feel pretty unfair cuz they do more damage when you're low, so a near survive becomes a kill just based on when the move hit rather than being hit. But they're totally fine if done right. Its just back loaded damage with a different flexibility than most traditional backloaded damage. Jhin is an excellent example with his ult and passive. Though his passive is annoying for other reasons...

@nikolic6924 - 20.08.2023 15:33

Teemo's mushroom laying in your Jungle w8ing FOUR you to step on it after a long team fight:

@rochenmanta838 - 29.06.2023 13:47

as a new asol main.
Idk if a scaling max HP AOE execute that isnt the ult is sooo smart. That combined with a max HP per second breath attack that can be used with a high mobility ability. :/
Well I like it and it takes time till you get to a point where it gets impactfull.
But after the laning phase it hard counters zhonyias.
Enemy uses the watch, you place your e and fly away. the 5 second E outlasts zhonyias and if below the threshhold insta executes

@Jvstm - 09.06.2023 22:49

Pyle's ult needs to be gutted. The rest are fine.

@333Christofer - 26.04.2023 09:58

Pyke R should be removed. The most balanced out of them IMO is Urgots. If you know its coming you can try to dodge. If it lands you can try to stay out of the % HP area and let it expire. It has counterplay compared to Pyke that even gives you an indication on a "half a lane" execute area that is almost instant. Another thing to consider, most executes don't reset or require the person to do an extra step to secure another (Darius).

@mundolincurve7577 - 10.04.2023 14:30

An execute I have a problem with is Darius'.
Even if it is kinda well designed, diying to the bleed after a Darius failed to execute you is just so frustrating. I think his ultimate should remove your stacks.

@jfk2074 - 05.04.2023 00:03

i just had a game where the cho'gath could oneshot me with max health. So I died so much so fast he had like 15k health and I was support and no one wanted to build max health dmg items

@vario6492 - 01.04.2023 21:48

Best execute ability in the game is Crowstorm. Don't at me.

@lutziify - 25.03.2023 20:24

i find executes on Q,W or E too op. on ulti its okay.

@sylvanaswindrunner4357 - 20.02.2023 08:11

My friend once used the fact that we didn't destroy the first turret to shoot through the second on akshan ult

@goldenavatar4289 - 14.11.2022 19:57

I think Pyke R is well designed,
and here's why:

- You see the treshold of execution (as Pyke)
- It does break through Shields, since it is a real execution (unlike Cho's R)
- the enemy does get informed when You can execute Them (if You are trying to sneak up onto Them by pressing W)
Opposing players will hear different sound effects in vicinity of Pyke (while He is using his W) based on whether They are below or above the execution treshold.
I personally think making this interaction between His W and R was a genious idea. I just love it and I think it balanced it out very well.
Even(!) different skins of his are coming with different sound effects. They really did put the effort into Pyke in my opinion.
Could say some "within execute range" effects are rather scary which helps to play against Him a lot - especially in lower elos, where most of the actual League players are based in (including myself).

@1tslilly - 03.11.2022 14:51

imo fiddlesticks's w is a pretty good execute, since it has to channel for a few seconds and only activates the execute on the end, and you can avoid the execute by either cancelling his channel or by just moving out of the w range

@theveganduolingobird7349 - 24.09.2022 14:41

I think pykes execute is kinda unfair since fighting him is like fighting a a champion with elder dragon. Mainly because I’ve seen people being executed at 40% HP while building tank

@chrisrobs - 02.09.2022 22:01

Darius ult is the best Design, Pyke and Viego are the worst designs. Whenever my team gets rolled by Darius ult reset's it feels impressive and im like damn thats a fed ass Darius or damn my team was dumb for letting him stackup. Viego and Pyke just feel like bullshit when you get multikilled, they come out of nowhere and kill you(or your entire team) in a few seconds, if it fails they usually still have a way out(viego can body swap and pyke can dash out and go invis again) Darius is usually done if his ult fails.

@user-mx8rn6tj8h - 30.08.2022 17:40

Im a Kled main. Would be a big fan if we eliminated all executes.

@kylecurtis2786 - 26.08.2022 18:50

For such an overloaded champion, I find Akshan’s ult extremely underwhelming. I have never pulled off a successful ult.

@EruCoolGuy - 23.08.2022 18:45

I believe shen's execute is well rounded. As a tank enjoyer, I don't like bruisers, and shen makes me able to mess with'em (yes darius, you thought you could lane bully me, but you're a damn fool, i have a q.) Plus it's extremely short melee range and you have to position your blade well to get max damage. Plus it's the only damage in shen's kit. So i'd say, good.

@thiccboi4157 - 23.08.2022 14:24

urgots exeuction is the only one I like
no matter what its always 25%, no getting killed from 70% hp by veigar with one button, or getting half heath executed as a squishy by pyke and then chained

@messwithhelpy - 22.08.2022 10:56

Riot Make Nami Ult An Exicute.

@emilie1679 - 19.08.2022 19:25

Nah fuck pyke ult that’s broken lol

@kattkatt6961 - 19.08.2022 07:18

homie really pulled out the "some exceptions" like thats not exactly the case in league. Yeah there are bullshit moves in video games, but clearly they aren't game breaking if the champ isn't some magical 55% winrate machine. Smash has steve, yeah fullstop very fun to play against im sure. Pokemon has straight up dumb never lose teams that you need to specifically build against to even have a chance of beating. Like the tournament rules ban entire pokemon and just straight up ban moves. They ban items, and stuff that you can just abuse to your hearts content in random online battles, you can also make never miss moves. There also are just straight up near guarenteed one shot moves in the game that you could stack on teams in older gens and I haven't played recent gens but the video seems to miss a very important fact. Not everything has counterplay, nor should everything have counter play. You can't dodge certain moves in league, because of how they're pulled off. Dodge a flash close range skill shot, you can't but we still have flash, even flash won't let you dodge that move, because its virtually instant. Doesn't mean flash tech should be removed. Its just the wrong question to ask I guess lol. There are stupid parts of executes but look at them in context of the kits. Yeah Pyke Ult is a large hitbox, any champ with a mobility move can dodge it on reaction. Yeah immobile champs can't dodge it that well but that's why they space and have a team to protect them. 1 cc on a pyke and the idiot is probably dead. Akali execute has 3 seconds after the first cast before it can be recast in a 7 second window. In a duel situation yeah that sucks, but in a team fight most immobile mages have their own self peel stuns that will stop her from being able to ult and just lead to it being wasted. Its dumb but its not devoid of counter play. To take such a polarizing position is just dumb. But yeah tell me all the things I got wrong and lets try to have a civil discussion about league, smash and pokemon, something nearly impossible.

@zeening - 19.08.2022 02:01

"jinx's mega death rocket EXCLAMATION POINT" i can't fucking believe you just actually said "exclamation point"

@kingabdullah338 - 18.08.2022 16:50

Varus W goes up to 108%

@abaren730 - 17.08.2022 01:32

The only finisher/execute I find unfair is Veigar’s R.

Other finishers are largely dependent on the user’s performance per game to be effective. That, or waiting for someone else to bring them into lethal thresholds.

The power floor on Primordial Burst is effectively 70% of a squishy’s total health in the mid game, as long as Veigar was actively playing.

@stormedrain - 15.08.2022 02:21

idk if this is a hot take or not, but I believe super mega death rocket to be the most balanced "big execute" spell because it requires alot of skill on the jinx's part and can't 100-0 unlike some "executes" because it needs a huge amount of covered range to reach its max damage

@rotinvrede - 12.08.2022 22:31

i always laugh. people like olaf for being this "low health fighter" yea. thats great. except everyone gets more dmg and has a sort of finnisher these days. so yes you get more att speed. but the rest gets more dmg on you. its counterintuitive to be low health. even on someone who actually benefits from it

@deathstar6998 - 10.08.2022 02:28

Okay an execute that's well designed is Urgots, because yes it does allow him to win a lot of 1vs1's but it takes time to activate, its difficult to use in a teamfight and its easy to counter but if you manage to land it, its very satisfying giving a small heal and an aoe fear.

A badly designed execute is Pyke, a support should not have an execute period. Except he is a support with an execute that resets and lets him dash to the target and give gold to his ally even if they contributed little. Even if you could justify this with the fact that Pike is squishy or that he does have bad support matchups its no excuse for a class thats traditionally there for playmaking to be able to clean house as effectively as the adc they are supporting, if not better than. Even damage oriented supports are balanced by abilities that don't reset on kills allowing them to blow their load and be less effective afterward. Pyke does not have this weakness.

@horticulturalist7818 - 09.08.2022 05:28

Member when they gave pyke ult a stacking passive in pbe lmao

@ghostlyashley6195 - 09.08.2022 05:06

I think finishers are fine, I don't think executes are tho. Damage ignoring peel basically makes fun of a whole role (enchanters). And it's so ironic that the most iconic/the first champ that had an actual execute (ignores shields) is meant to be played in botlane, where enchanters are played xd

@set-tes4316 - 08.08.2022 23:28

Staying close to your low health ally is the best way to punish pyke, he does virtually no damage with his ult if you're above the treshhold, if your ally dodges, flashes, zhonya most of the time if someone is near, pyke will teleport cause it hit the other player and then you cc or attack him twice and he dies

@bmac4 - 07.08.2022 04:03

The ironic thing about executions is the champion who has quite possibly the most fair one is Akshan, one of the least well designed champions, because it actually has substantial counterplay

While Veigar's sucks because trapping and aiming is his thing

@muizzkazi5432 - 03.08.2022 08:50

The funny thing about Viego's ult is that, it applies on-hit and spell effects to primary target. If you build Blade of the Ruined King and DS, you deal 24% max health damage, and with his recent nerfs his execute % is more or less the same.

@humbledpanda2997 - 28.07.2022 14:52

How u gone talk about executes and not have Darius in the thumbnail

@NebulonRanger - 28.07.2022 05:29

Demacian Justice is balanced by one other factor as well: Garen's abysmal movement speed. It's much harder for him to get in your face if you're running away without Flash or Galeforce or Ghostblade because he runs like he's moving through molasses.

@Marpfie - 19.07.2022 15:08

Yes they are unfair in the form of Elder Dragon and Collector. Effectively lowering everyones HP and punishing squishy champs is just ridiculous in a game thats already full of too much damage. The "durability" update did absolutely nothing. Also Garens R damage is bullshit and extremely unfair. Over 1k true damage point and click is just beyond stupid

@Wildcat12 - 17.07.2022 23:27

Just remember no matter how annoying executes are, most characters that have them (outside the ones that do more damage the lower you are) give up a significant amount of power to have them. If they didn’t have the execute, that power would just get put elsewhere where it would probably actually be better spent. Imagine if Pyke scaled better rather than having the execute, he’d be way stronger than he is now. An ability feeling bad to get hit by doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad for the game or overpowered.

@realisNeo - 17.07.2022 15:37

Honestly I do not think executes are the most frustrating abilities to go up against, but rather „denial“ abilities. Yasuo‘s Windwall, Samira‘s W, „Gwen is immune“…

@rafalkosmala9781 - 16.07.2022 15:17

I think Darius, Urgot execute is Ok.
What I dislike with Pyke is not that he has "execute" but that he can potentially cast 5 of them in a row.

@Lorenzo_631 - 15.07.2022 08:19

Personally, I think having an execute ult should be skilled base and with the items currently in season 12 + the amount of dmg in said seasaon, the actual skill needed to get these executes is damn near brainless. we can be semantic about but i think we all understand what people mean.

@mokadelic4037 - 10.07.2022 21:53


@TFTBrothers - 10.07.2022 09:27

Eve is love Eve is life

@owo4470 - 09.07.2022 20:47

im surprised u didnt talk about seraphines q, which functions as a execute.

@MrReaperHand - 05.07.2022 21:55

The ONLY execute I have a problem with is pyke. All other finishers and such I am fine with. His is just too easy and rewards too much compared to all others.
