What Former Occultists Want You To Know | The Catholic Gentleman

What Former Occultists Want You To Know | The Catholic Gentleman

The Catholic Gentleman

10 месяцев назад

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With over 70% of Americans practicing new age and occultist practices, we are in need of a better understanding of why this is happening and how the Church is the only institution that can bring deliverance from this disaster. In this episode, we speak with Charles Fraune, who has just completed the most extensive dive into the occult, interviewing former Satanists, witches, and new-agers to unearth why almost 3 out of 4 Americans (including our Catholic brothers and sisters) are actively falling for demonic lies in the new age.

🔴 ► "The Rise of the Occult: What Exorcists and Former Occultists Want You to Know" by Charles Fraune - Get The Book Here: https://bit.ly/TheRiseoftheOccult

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@krissaberhagen - 25.01.2024 01:02

freedomn of religion, no more burning at the stake for being weird. 🎉 deal with it, better than how the church handled that until the late 1700s. if ppl get possesed or molested by what they invoked sucks for them for wanting to play harry potter.

@CaryChilton - 15.01.2024 23:47

Witch crisis ........harry potter, The Craft, pop singers in wicca and their influence over young female fans The Catholic church is the one True Church of Jesus and IS the only church with the REAL PRESENCE in the Eucharist. The formation for the unbaptized is below and requires effort....lest your seed of faith be stolen or blown away by the enemy

Preparation for reception into the Church begins with the inquiry stage, in which the unbaptized person begins to learn about the Catholic faith and decide whether to embrace it.

The first formal step to becoming Catholic begins with the rite of reception into the order of catechumens, in which the unbaptized express their desire and intention to become Christians. Catechumen is a term the early Christians used to refer to those preparing to be baptized and become Christians.

The period of the catechumenate varies depending on how much the catechumen has learned and how ready he feels to take the step of becoming a Christian. However, the catechumenate typically lasts less than a year.

The catechumenate’s purpose is to provide the catechumens with a thorough background in Christian teaching. “A thoroughly comprehensive catechesis on the truths of Catholic doctrine and moral life, aided by approved catechetical texts, is to be provided during the period of the catechumenate” (U.S. Conference of Bishops, National Statutes for the Catechumenate, Nov. 11, 1986). The catechumenate also is intended to give the catechumens the opportunity to reflect upon and become firm in their desire to become Catholic.

The second formal step is taken with the rite of election, in which the catechumens’ names are written in a book of those who will receive the sacraments of initiation. At the rite of election, the catechumen again expresses the desire and intention to become a Christian, and the Church judges that the catechumen is ready to take this step. Normally, the rite of election occurs on the first Sunday of Lent, the forty-day period of preparation for Easter.

After the rite of election, the candidates undergo a period of more intense reflection, purification, and enlightenment, in which they deepen their commitment to repentance and conversion. During this period the catechumens, now known as the elect, participate in several further rituals.

The three chief rituals, known as scrutinies, are normally celebrated at Mass on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent. The scrutinies are rites for self-searching and repentance. They are meant to bring out the qualities of the catechumen’s soul, to heal those qualities that are weak or sinful, and to strengthen those that are positive and good.

During this period, the catechumens are formally presented with the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, which they will recite on the night they are initiated.

The initiation itself usually occurs on the Easter Vigil, the evening before Easter Day. That evening a special Mass is celebrated at which the catechumens are baptized, then given confirmation, and finally receive the Holy Eucharist. At this point the catechumens become Catholics and are received into full communion with the Church.

Ideally the bishop oversees the Easter Vigil service and confers confirmation upon the catechumens, but often—due to large distances or numbers of catechumens—a local parish priest will perform the rites.

The final state of Christian initiation is known as mystagogy, in which the new Christians are strengthened in the faith by further instruction and become more deeply rooted in the local Catholic community. The period of mystagogy normally lasts throughout the Easter season (the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost Sunday).

For the first year of their life as Christians, those who have been received are known as neophytes or “new Christians.”

@sabrinacollazo - 11.01.2024 06:38

hey...ok so my sister and I are faithful catholics. We read that burning sage outside, now this is done during the summer only, keeps bugs away and we found that it works. are we partaking in something that we shouldn't. I need to know because we will figure something else out. what scares me is we order the sage in bundles on line. but I'm thinking how to we know if it's cursed or not. I think I answered my own question. we need to grow and dry it ourselves or should we find another natural remedy. we do not to use chemicals on our body...please advise🤔

@worldofthesupernatural - 06.01.2024 18:32

35 year parapsychologist and lifetime Catholic here. I got sucked into EVP research about 15 years ago and went to a very dark place. I was scratched, pushed, heard audible voices and got into all kinds of terrible relationships. I gave up EVP research five years ago and am living in peace now. The truth is at least two popes condoned EVP research in the 50s and 70s and the top EVP researchers of the 20th century were Catholic,” so I felt I had the Church’s approval in the evil I was doing. We always have to look to Scripture and the Catechism for direction because even priests bishops and popes err. Giving up the occult is key but prayer and the Sacraments are the bar on the door against these demons.

@josephcade3541 - 06.01.2024 05:07

The Vatican 2 documents explained :

Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
1) Indifferentism
2) Syncretism and Synthesis
3) Immanent
4) Transcendentalism
5) Individualism
6) Existentialism, naturalism
7) Stoicism
8) Pantheism
9) Evolution
10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…

If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
“ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.

As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!

Then what are we to do you ask ?

If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the third Secret. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!

What do we do then ? what did she say to
do ? She said to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary 15 decades everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile. You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx,sspv,cmri,fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell. You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bibleand no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!

What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!

But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church even if it's empty do not go in it !!!

P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.

God Love You

@PhonykingOM - 04.01.2024 03:05

The talk is great but the failure to acknowledge the terrible deeds committed by the church as part of the big problem is disappointing.

@triciaworld - 25.12.2023 22:43

Most Protestant churches are clueless and they fear you when you walk in a say your a former occultist. I’m sure lots of witches are going to churches for answers but the Protestant church ain’t it.

@triciaworld - 25.12.2023 22:36

The hypocrisy and just unloving Christian’s in Protestant circles and cult sects within them is what drove me out of Christianity and your right the rituals in the occult are what drew me in.

@erikserafin7886 - 24.12.2023 22:18

Thank you.

@flowinproductions6416 - 12.12.2023 03:41

i fell away from the church after high school, my aunt got my into some "soft" occultic practices, some a little harder but i only honestly cared about it because it seemed cool and if it was true it would give me some special power i guess. it was actually after i stopped caring about it, and before coming back to the church, that God allowed me to see it for what it is (by allowing, I think, the diabolical side of it to manifest as I was living with my aunt), and that was my initial reversion back to Catholicism, which after that initial moment was mostly intellectual.

@Wwcantsay - 11.12.2023 00:04

Where can I buy blessed catholic rosary’s and saint medals?

@michaelseay9783 - 08.12.2023 06:51

Suppose you discover something that is being taught by nearly every church denomination and you have evidence that it is a false teaching being done on purpose. Does this fall up under occult teaching or false teaching (or both)?

@OfftoShambala - 29.11.2023 20:31

St Alfonso vice is a form of idolatry

@RyanNX211 - 29.11.2023 16:00

Get Dr. Ralph Weimann’s book 📕 on Sacramentals

@originalmamagrizzly2478 - 27.11.2023 20:06

Where do you get 70%??? Where does that figure come from??

@Marfil0 - 18.11.2023 17:48

Thank you.

@Episcopalianacolyte - 17.11.2023 22:06

Where do you live, LA? Did you check to see if the numbers of occult shops holds true for the rest of the nation? 70% of Americans practice the occult? Wierd because I have only met one person in my 50 plus years that was into Astrology.
We had one Satan freak who held a "service" at a municipal hall and 3 people attended many years ago.
Ouija Boards are not big sellers as people want to think. I did see one in a big chain store once and the clerck told me that they haven't sold any of them. In recent years I have not seen any.

@tinadavy3990 - 13.11.2023 19:41

No phone....

@rozchristopherson648 - 11.11.2023 22:12

I hate to say this but a lot of the reason for Catholics falling into these occult practices is due to lack of grounding in the Word. I’m a Catholic convert. I was raised in a Baptist and Methodist household. I was baptized in the Presbyterian church and confirmed in the Episcopal church. My first introduction to Catholicism was in the 1970s when I attended Catholic middle school. I’m 62 and I converted to Catholicism at age 50. I’m thankful for my time in Protestant churches because I’m grounded in the Word. Many Catholics have not been encouraged to know the Word in addition to rituals and recited prayers. When they come into contact with other types of rituals and the occult objects mentioned in this video, they just substitute those for what they seen in Catholicism. But the Word cannot be replaced. That is why the rituals and holy items of the Church need to be emphasized ALONG WITH THE WORD. Catholics who study and know the Word in addition to the other riches of the Catholic faith are some of the strongest Christians.

@richardkasper5822 - 31.10.2023 19:56

If you think the universe is calling you its most likely Jesus 💙🙏🏻💙🙏🏽💙

@Draegoron - 31.10.2023 17:16

70%??? I gotta know where that number came from because thats not believable.

@MrRick461 - 29.10.2023 15:59

Thank you Charles. Viva Cristo Rey

@TruthChasing - 23.10.2023 15:44

This is such an important episode that more people need to hear.

@fionamort5837 - 23.10.2023 13:52

Have never ever understood why people are into crystals, Rekki & all sorts, the devil is very real thanks be to God i was brought up with my Roman Catholic faith by both my parents, also i say my holy rosary & do my daily readings also my priest comes to me due to health issues, i always have my holy alter sitting at all times i have my large holy scapular hanging over my mirror, it's all God or nothing, this is my 2nd time watching your video please keep doing God's work, God bless you from Northern Ireland 🙏🌹❤️☘️🇮🇪

@user-rm9mt2ud7t - 21.10.2023 04:54

Have Masses siad for the internations of the vleaswd virgin mary . 1 mass is greater than all prayers said on earth

@bobhopeless4106 - 20.10.2023 06:27

As a Catholic occultist, I have to say... there's a lot of ignorance here.

@alpeter3787 - 05.10.2023 11:28

Many people have a giant God-shaped hole in their Heart and theyre looking for answers and acceptance: thats what the trend is all about. Most people have simply never read The Gospels: thats why they dont realise that they should love Jesus. Anyone who believes in charity, love, community, civil rights, and independence is the perfect kind of person for Jesus!

@user-zi3yf3xi6m - 27.09.2023 15:41

Keep up the fight.

@PDXLibertarian - 27.09.2023 04:27

I think you have to study the occult because a-lot of people do have occult practices, and often their work is hiding in plain sight. One of the biggest offenders is the "9/11" false flag which is full of symbolism and numerology. If you start pointing it out, people think you're a kook, which I guess is part of the point, but once you see it, you can't unsee it.

@adoremus4014 - 25.09.2023 21:11

I purchased black salt whilst on a trip in India and it smells like sulphur!

@meganmorrison7878 - 23.09.2023 06:59

The irony of a yoga-themed commercial playing before this video.

@karinread5490 - 21.09.2023 03:30


@changedlife1904 - 18.09.2023 23:25

100 percent is because it's the lazy way to find religion , hands down , no work involved, no growth , no faith, just excuses and delusions

@alexandrepereira3902 - 17.09.2023 05:33

God bless both of you. And those who help you in anyway… Deo omnis Gloria

@ornange - 16.09.2023 02:37

It is never ever too young to teach your children to not mess with witchcraft/occult. My parents taught us the joy, love, and mercy of our LORD but also the reality of the devil & how real the occult is. Ever since I could remember my mom told us what the Ouija board was, palm readers, tarot- everything- and how it was all just knowledge of the devil- which means an opening and possibility of possession... what my parents actually did was have my teenage brothers watch "In the Grip of Evil"- documentary about what inspired the Exorcist. I was young and did not have to watch it haha but we all the truth.. there is our LORDS love.. and there is real evil
My mother's older brother's passed away when she was young (very tragic) and she made sure to tell me- it's okay to share the story but when you do, and a friend wants to "channel" or speak to them... don't do it.
I was in the 3rd grade a young friend tried and I didn't participate...
Parents- remember to always rejoice in our LORDS love with your children! But honestly, the devil will try to take your children at any age... always prepare them.
It prepared me greatly.

@Ab-abovetheFirmament - 15.09.2023 20:33

Yeah really smart mixing holy and unholy. I say as a practicing catholic woman:pope Francis is a freemason.

@duke927 - 14.09.2023 23:18

What happens if they stop the TLM (again)? I’m not fond of the NO. I realize it is the official ordinary form of the Mass and so is officially sanctioned as a valid Mass but it doesn’t feel or look right to me.

@MrMirville - 14.09.2023 19:26

Actually resorting to the occult contrary to what one might think is even more common when one is a devoted Christian than when one is a self-confessed atheist or agnostic, it is statiscally correlated with intensive Christian practice.

@mrpsclas - 14.09.2023 04:06

With the rise of neopaganism and the occult, the devil is becoming less and less dependent on Rome for encouraging God’s people to practice paganism. See Revelation 17 and 18.

“ ‘The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God’s words are fulfilled. The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.’ “
-Revelation 17:16-18

“Then I heard another voice from heaven say:

“ ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.’ “
-Revelation 18:4

@mikala6798 - 13.09.2023 04:33

Please stop praying to statues, stop praying to Mary, stop doing the rosary, because the only way to God the father is through Jesus Christ his son, nowhere in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary and ask her to intercede, Jesus himself said he was the only way to God our Father that's the only way to God was through him, stop praying to Saints and stop praying to Mary, stop doing the rosary, which is nothing but a chant , the devil himself is deceiving you, when's the last time anyone who calls themselves Catholic have read the Bible from the first page to the very last? It is safe to say at least 90% of You have not, because if you did you would see clearly God's truth and the falsehood that you are being led astray, which is why the Catholic Church never encourages you to read the Bible from cover to cover, because they know if you did you would find the truth and it would set you free.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Romans 15:4 NIV

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
1 Timothy 2:5

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
2 Timothy 3:1 - 9
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
Revelation 3:19 - 22

@rebeccaalderman1393 - 10.09.2023 18:18

Honestly, for me it was because I was not taught in church how horrible it is to do. So, I practiced tarot card reading thinking I was getting closer to God. So, yeah...there's that.

@willchristie2650 - 08.09.2023 23:12

Uh, our priest did a sage purification after witnessing ghostly activities in the home of a parishioner. I assisted him and a chronic tinnitus in 1 ear vanished during this room to room purification and blessing. I have never heard before the assertion that sage smudging is occult. Might I remind you that the traditional Mass had a priest swinging around a "smudge" pot? I think you can apply "occult" to just about anything and it can become totally ridiculous. I watched the BEWITCHED sitcom in the 60's as a little kid. Am I doomed? Do I need to confess this to a priest?

@willchristie2650 - 08.09.2023 23:00

How do you deal with Catholics who think that all Catholic rituals are magic? I think many Traditional Catholics feel this way. They think Latin is a magical language superior to our languages now. They think certain acts are more magical than others, e.g., the host on the tongue instead of the hand. While rituals can be powerful, I think it easily falls into superstition when Catholics feel it is a form of magic. In other words, God will not "magically" respond if we don't do rituals the way the Church did in the 13th century. It just seems to be such a by-the-numbers approach to spirituality in Christ.

@AndrewReevesArt - 04.09.2023 14:58

New Age beliefs are just Luciferianism (inverting God’s will) repackaged for the young Godless crowd. Don’t anywhere near this nonsense. ✝️

@karincarl4535 - 04.09.2023 05:22

Enjoyed your talk. Very enlightning and helpful. Thank you for sharing this.

@payaj2815 - 03.09.2023 14:18

Because they do not really know what can of warms they are truly opening by getting involved in it. We live in a world that tells them God does not exist; so if they believe God doesn’t exist that must mean Satan doesn’t exist either. But they are being greatly deceived; like so many things that have been brought to light as of lately. They really truly do not understand just how destructive all of that is. And in the case of this stuff ignorance is not bliss. It can be downright life-threatening. And potentially damming their souls.
