Asmongold Reacts to "World of Warcraft is Garbage - An Essay" by mash

Asmongold Reacts to "World of Warcraft is Garbage - An Essay" by mash

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@86Corvus - 01.08.2022 11:14

Its 2022 asmoncope is now demanding that blizzard makes the game more accesible. Theres no light at the emd of this tunel folks, pack your shit...

@gregesch5058 - 15.02.2022 19:00

Well calling others looser while u are the guy to collect mounts without any significant thing to his account other then mounts or gourp grindalble content.

At the end u need wow to be good to ur crowd. What happend to u??

@gregesch5058 - 15.02.2022 18:52

The fact u keep saying something for 10 years and don't act on it tells stories

@gregesch5058 - 15.02.2022 18:52

Yeah. And u are milkling the good times that keep rolling too.!

Ill just compile my comments from a "boomer" player that stopped when it was fun. Unlike u, who has to pander since its ur money.

Ur long windwed story is call progression cur ve.

If u Wana make a change? Well.... Won't happen. U know how to milk just like blizz does.

@gregesch5058 - 15.02.2022 18:46

Use to love u but no balls from a ballding guy after all

@gregesch5058 - 15.02.2022 18:43

Oh pls stop ur whole boomer talk. I played from vanilla to wrath with yeah, boomers like myself and then we stopped. 120 isj ppl with multiple EU 1sts. We stopped causes the game started to suck and u keep the fan boys on live support. Hypocrite!

How many more yeara u wana discuss that wow is a shit game but pander it to ur actual bank account

@l03j27 - 19.08.2021 00:10

This aged well

@Pyrela - 30.07.2021 01:10

Classic equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity, comrades.

@Ar1AnX1x - 30.06.2021 04:42

"if I wanted to and fight the sha of fear I'd go to therapy"
that was brutal

@Ar1AnX1x - 30.06.2021 03:30

"ketchup mechanism"

@MissPopuri - 25.06.2021 04:24

I don’t know, guys. You talk about exclusivity and putting time into a game. We shouldn’t be imitating others in their actions because it is exactly what a three year old does. They don’t know any better because the world is still so new to them.

@snoophogger9978 - 03.01.2021 18:42

What blizzard needs is a complete Community expansion which means
To fix all older expansions like wod bfa add some missed content and reworking and retextureing older areas and give some new Rewards to give them back a kind of Purpose

Aside from that I think if they had not destroyed garrosh I even think he could have got an own frikn expansion and like making the draenor expansion a bit more reasonable and much better and even get those fat ogres as a race and not vulpera yikes

@snoophogger9978 - 03.01.2021 18:39

Are you winning son?

Yeah.... I guess so... but I kinda feel...

@snoophogger9978 - 03.01.2021 18:36

Aaah back in mop when your blood dk had full pvp gear and your enemy not nerdgasm fulfillment VICTORY!

@NicholasLi10 - 10.07.2020 06:36

If ashitmon can’t read paragraphs or essay than he’s obviously a high school dropout

@Verticom10 - 06.07.2020 22:46

Those people act like private servers dont exist

@nicholatemple9296 - 28.06.2020 11:22

The entire game is over monetized, they gave up on new players, they are going to squeeze the last cent out of every player, who has nostalgia for the game, or feel that they have put to much time and effort to quit now. Poor Asmongold is trapped in a mental prison.

@Dexteritas55 - 27.06.2020 02:59

lemme be honest. i watched your vids and left my mmorpg Neverwinter. WHICH IS SHALLOW ASFFFFF. and your old vids were like wow this game is the new life i needed. now im 80 bucks in cuz i hadda get bfa and shadowlands im a smart guy, 10 days in and iL 400+ on two 120s and like just farming gold. feels like neverwinter. i might download classic

@Destroyer19941995 - 26.06.2020 19:24

AAHAHAAH Sha of Therapy

@LarryArthauer - 26.06.2020 13:34

Imagine actually thinking that DS3 gets even close to the greatness of 2. Lulw.

@ComeLeVent - 24.06.2020 08:05

It was kind of noticeable that Blizzard changed as a company years ago. They began designing ther games pandering to majority opinion and lowest common denominator for profit. Fuck that company now I don't give a shit about them.

@EgaoKage - 23.06.2020 19:44

Instanced PvE content in WoW is challenging and rewarding in the same way that ascending a flight of stairs is challenging and rewarding, or operating a toaster-oven is challenging and rewarding, or any number of other mundane tasks are challenging and rewarding. WoW's game development team continues to make a big mistake in balancing their classes around Instanced PvE. A) because it's basically them vs the players; a fight that everyone involved eventually loses, and B) they can't even fall back on their PvP game, because they have lost credibility there, to the extent of never being taken seriously again.

@j.lucasdecastroaraujo761 - 23.06.2020 16:33

The problem is: That level of commitment that people used to put in classic and TBC doesn't exist in the same level. Today Activision seeking profit, therefore they won't make a game for the "minority" of hardcore gamers because the classic target audience that exists today isn't going to bring the same level of profit they did make with classic and TBC

@vega2300 - 23.06.2020 02:28

RPGs, MMO or not, are about the adventure. So when you add a paid level boost that says one thing:
The world, characters, and story we’ve created sucks. Don’t play through it.

Don’t see how Blizz expects people to continue paying for something month after month they themselves acknowledge is overall a boring piece of crap.

@morg444 - 21.06.2020 18:13

Totally wrong = I have a job, i don't want to grind for days/weeks just to have fun idiots!

@protodrama - 21.06.2020 16:27

random looting, lfd, lfr... just get rid of those

@serenaishere2639 - 19.06.2020 12:12

I've watched this whole video 3 times since it came out and it still makes me hard.

Edit: Wrong tab

@baronaatista - 18.06.2020 02:56

I find this video very strange.
I played vanilla. There were a lot of dumbasses back then. I was one of them. I got kicked into the eggs in UBRS, and I ran those bastards over to my party to wipe them on the dragon-guardian dudes there.
I just came back to the game; yes, I've geared up very quickly in comparison to previous expansions. Honestly though, to get where I am currently so quickly took years of knowledge about the game, some luck in finding a great guild fairly quickly, as well as actual work; I ran several normal dungeons to get back into the flow of things, ran all of them on heroic for some gear and learning the fights, and then have continued to run mythic+ and raid with my guild since, all the while working on my cloak and essences...
The fact that that process has actually felt achievable in a reasonable amount of time is the factor that will actually keep me playing; I mean I have probably sunk 100+ hours into BfA thus far and were I to attempt to do everything I'd like to do, I have 100's of more hours ahead of me.
What level of commitment to a video game do you think is necessary before it becomes 'worthwhile'? I mean jesus there is a real world out there, despite the fact that it doesn't seem very appealing to interact with at the moment.

There are balance issues in the game. And I believe the real issue behind what you two whackjobs are complaining about is actually twofold;
1) A lack of permanence to achievements in the game. No, it wouldn't be good game design for people that just have had accounts longer to have literally all the best gear and everyone else to have 15 years of catch-up to do.
I've heard Asmon talk about his mount-offs as the true endgame. He's right. I'm not sure what the real answer here is, but some way of signposting; something a player can have - perhaps its cosmetics, perhaps its utility items... I don't know how to achieve it, but a way to feel as though your achievements in a previous expansion had some lasting impact on the game and your standing in it would actually assist in the feeling of value in the game.
Asking your players to invest 1000's of hours into the game just to be able to access 'endgame' rewards; that is the kind of system that feels hollow and doesn't give back enough to it's players to keep them around for significant periods of time.

2) The ever-present power creep is the true culprit in making your previous achievements feel invalidated. It's not the fact that new people can come into the game and receive rewards that feel decent. Yes, it took you a long time to achieve a 430 ilvl, and people are getting there now in a couple days potentially. But you don't have a 430 ilvl, and you wouldn't look twice at the gear these new people are getting You're rocking a 470 ilvl or something? And those people WILL have to spend real time working their way up to that point, and they WILL have to find people to group with, and they WILL have to demonstrate a degree of skill in the game or at least be a fun person to play with in order to get there.

Again, I don't have the answer here; intuitively, they need to scale the system down tremendously and really consider how to create a system that can introduce new content without completely invalidating their old content. Not an easy task however, especially in a game as large as WoW with as diverse a player base. It is truly toxic for the community to react the same way to this shit every damn time. The solutions are NOT easy and you don't have the answers anymore than Blizzard do.

You love the game dammit! That's why you play so much, why you stream it and nothing else, and why you get worked up when someone delivers a passionate speech about it's issues.
When you consistently talk about the game being dead, and how much it sucks and just continues to get worse... how is that helpful? What message does that send to new players? To Blizzard?

It is possible to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of something without completely shitting all over it. I realize that's not how the world talks to each other anymore, but I think it's high time we realized the value of that kind of dialogue.

@AkkeeGamer - 17.06.2020 18:16

I feel like this applies to Guild Wars 2 and it makes me sad :(

@tomschut8893 - 16.06.2020 21:08

I started playing wow woth classic after 6 characters to 38 i kinda dropped out few months later i tried bfa and i am not even bothering to get good gear i can use lvl30 gear for lvl80 monsters. Until now every second it felt like i could not lose. So back so classic and now enjoying a lot

@wojciechpiosik302 - 14.06.2020 11:14

we have Sylvanas now

@bigdubyuh7901 - 09.06.2020 21:45

if the fries are fresh they are so fucking good at taco bell

@asddsa-kp5yn - 07.06.2020 07:28


@atom9393 - 05.06.2020 19:38

always take his mom as example, why? do you think regular gamers and your mom are the same type of players ? no offense but dude's cringy..

@kensanhan9059 - 01.06.2020 22:13

The only thing that could save wow is stop developing it and make WoW 2 in Unreal engine 5 and don't do the same mistakes they did .Easy

@user-gu6ev5wl6y - 31.05.2020 09:39

"35 year old boomers" Do you know what a boomer is?

@2Syndras1Cup - 29.05.2020 18:28

Breathing is a RPG feature too, I mean how is it not? Doesn't mean its great like hit cap and should exist but... you know where I'm heading with this, almost anything character related can be, blah blah.
I personally liked hit cap in every mmo that had it (and was ofc played by me, duh) but it was a needlessly big gate that had no impact in higher skill lvls of players.

@klausjackklaus - 29.05.2020 13:19

I am the same as Asmon's mom- I generally hate MMO games (I've tried out a lot like WoW, BDO, ESO, and Tera), but I love the community aspect of the game, the market economy where I can use my profession skills to help others, and to do questing with friends. I dabbled in a few expansions of WoW like Vanilla, TBC, Cata, Legion, and BfA and can tell you Legion royally f'd up professions and the game is way more solo/casual based now. There's no point to a market economy/ trading char-to-char anymore, with portals you rarely are on "public transport" anymore, and even on boats it automatically goes to the map screen so you can't even semi-RP with the people around you. As a "casual" person I feel hardly any joy when I see "you've earned __ achievement" because it means nothing, I spent 15-30min doing a mindless task that adds nothing into the game. Also I enjoyed when we had squished numbers- when I see that I am doing 33k dps with ilvl 425 gear, what is that supposed to tell me, and when did versatility give me damage as a caster- stupid af because intellect should always be damage for casters.

That said, I am very hyped for Shadowlands because it seems they are addressing the core community's concerns somewhat and with the level squish I think I'll enjoy it.

@Jasol100 - 29.05.2020 09:46

wtb clips of asmon getting carried in basketball

this is a joke btw :| i just think its funny D:

@matto2121 - 06.05.2020 08:36

wow players: the game has no content and blizzard just makes earnable cosmetics instead of real content!!

Destiny 2 players: you guys get cosmetics?!??!

@12deathguard - 15.12.2019 13:00

"Burgerking" has tacos now.

@wolflittlepsycho3437 - 04.12.2019 23:26

We were talking about this in guild many times, memories etc. Everyone remembers Grinding DBW from Saurfang in ICC... Everyone remember rolls for TOKENS to upgrade gear why? For looks, tiny bit better INTEL or AGI no ITEM LVL for gods sake... I need mastery and vers and what i got? Every item has CRIT! Can not choose, when we had not exactly matching item we places shit load of SOCKETS in it! Lvling felt hard, awarding, now it is just annoying, boring, short with no soul. LVLup as fast as you can, give every starting noob BOOST, then try to join LFR, nightmare...

@xxximyxxximerton1671 - 30.09.2019 04:26

My Taco Bell’s fries weren’t soggy wtf

@tylernimons8041 - 23.09.2019 10:11

whats crazy is that i've never seen a video about someone praising current wow about it being so good but you always see people dissing it, they even had to back track with bring back vanilla because they messed up so bad.

@pazu2934 - 07.08.2019 17:35

And people hate Eso is instance based 🙄 looks like Wow is heading into the same direction
