Ukraine and Russia: What Caused the War?

Ukraine and Russia: What Caused the War?


2 года назад

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Greg - 15.10.2023 05:24

Ukraine 2014 is not ukraine anymore. Is victoria nuland state 😂
She buy maidan rebellion with cookies 😂
Since then Putin not see ukraine as a nation, is rebellion hijack the nation is devide and other citizen want to join russia federation for asking protection from civil war by maidan rebellion

Chris Cosmos
Chris Cosmos - 14.10.2023 04:28

You're still not explaining the caused of the war. Bro you can do all that shit talk at another video.

Rico-没有理想的羊 - 12.10.2023 17:50

What you said is only the superficial reason. The deeper reason is that the United States does not want the European Union and Russia to get too close. As long as there is a war between Ukraine and Russia, Europe will be forced to impose sanctions on Russia. In this way, Russia will cut off its energy supply to Europe, and at the same time, Europe's economy will be further weakened. This achieves America's strategic goal of weakening both Europe and Russia while increasing its influence in Europe.

P DR - 11.10.2023 05:03

It seem just like Jews and Arab conflict… The only difference is that Jews did what Russia is trying to do…

Valeriia Kuriakova
Valeriia Kuriakova - 10.10.2023 00:45

Thanks for sharing this ❤

J.Charles R.
J.Charles R. - 08.10.2023 04:32

Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧

nicole kidman
nicole kidman - 07.10.2023 20:42

9 years ago, John Green made a Crush Course on Russian history. He stated that he speaks Russian and took course(s) on Russian history. In that video, he presented Russian history just as it presented in Russian history books and in the way that imperialistic Russia likes to think of itself.
Now, 9 years later, in light of full-scale war outbreak, John makes a video about Russia invading Ukraine. He states in the beginning of the video that Ukrainian history begins with World War I. How comes he does not start with Kyivan Rus as he did in the video about Russian history? Does not talk about Askold and Dir in Kyiv? Arrival of Oleh? Why doesn’t he do the same favor for Ukraine as he did for Russia and start talking of Ukrainian history at the appropriate time period? Maybe it would be beneficial to take a course in Ukrainian history before speaking out on the subject publicly?
My hometown Chernihiv in Ukraine is over 1300 years old. It went through time periods well before World War I. It was one of the 3 main cities of Kyivan Rus at one point, along with Kyiv and Novhorod Siverskyy. The bricks in our main square are still from those times.
Boholiubskyy went far to the east of Kyivan Rus, mingled with tatars, established Moscovia and later Moscovian Tzar Piotr I renamed Moscovia into “Russia” to facilitate the claim over Kyivan Rus lands. This was a strategic imperialistic move on Moscovia/Russia side, but it does not give them Kyivan Rus lands (P.S: yes, Russia started lying a long time ago). “Core” Kyivan Rus land is Ukraine today. Every church, every brick, and every archive confirms that when you visit Kyiv, Chernihiv, and other Ukrainian towns. Ukrainian language supports these facts as well. Ukrainians were striving for centuries to re-establish their independence. They finally (and permanently) did in 1991.
The history of Ukraine started with Kyivan Rus times - not with World War I. Please don’t disregard centuries of history when history is the subject you are publicly speaking of. Ukraine cannot afford such negligence of facts right now. We put down too many lives for it and keep losing more lives every day. Thank you.

Назарій - 07.10.2023 13:22

Ukrain doesn't means "border lands". It's russian theory. Ukraine means "cutted part of land". Cutted from whole Ruthenian lands, not from Russia, or Poland, or another country. And so medieval chroniclers used to call the inherited descendants of the Ruthenian lord.

Howard Ngamotu
Howard Ngamotu - 03.10.2023 22:22

A very simplistic view and maybe a bit biased

Chris - 03.10.2023 04:28

Thank you so much for saying this!!! It is always terrifying for me to listen to the takes of fellow progressives/common sense politics people on foreign policy bc so many take their cues from the bad faith alt left/alt right who think everything is a CIA. This is such an important cause and we cannot screw this up.

catherine blahyj
catherine blahyj - 02.10.2023 22:09

until Russia invaded Ukraine the majority of people I encountered in UK had never heard of Ukraine, never mind where it is on the map, and the ones who did automatically thought that it is a province in Russia. So I am so pleased that last the world is learning the true story of Ukraine.

Sixto Torres
Sixto Torres - 02.10.2023 22:01

Thank you for speaking out and teaching us about this awful conflict.

Inspector Quaalude
Inspector Quaalude - 29.09.2023 12:55

You're a good puppet and propagandist. I do agree Ukraine needs to be neutral stae and I ask you to find the beginning to to the is it 2022 or 2014 with the Nazis? Don't support Nazis it's gonna look bad

Sviatoslav - 28.09.2023 03:34

Thank you for this video! A concise, but insightful and pretty precise video about Ukraine's modern history and reasons behind this war. I really appreciate your work!

Michael Vasquez
Michael Vasquez - 27.09.2023 23:51

Something important to know, for all who are interested in history and/or support Ukraine:

Rus' ought not to be confused with modern “Russia”, which derives its name from the Rus' but historically is a completely different state, which almost all its existence was at war with the Rus'.

Just like the Holy Roman Empire was actually Germany, “Russia” is actually Muscovy, despite their best attempts to convince everybody otherwise.

Its name “Russia" received only in the 18th century, when Peter I simply changed Muscovy’s name into the “All Russian Empire” (Russia originates from Rosia, name used by the Greek Orthodox Clergy in regards to Rus')
Under the reign of Cathrine II Muscovites where even punished for continuing to identify as Muscovites, and were forced to call themselves Russian.

Lands that Russia (Muscovy) claims were part of the original Rus', but actually weren't, are Novgorod, Suzdal, and Ryazan, since in historical texts of XI-XII centuries they are mentioned as separate entities from Rus'. They can be considered parts of extended Rus', although their culture was distinct from main Rus'.

In 1493, Muscovite duke Ivan III appointed himself to be the Great Ruler of All Rus'. No other kings acknowledged that. From that point on Muscovy started to make false claims on Rus' ownership.

“Russia” is an offshoot of Ukraine and not the other way round, despite what Soviet and Russian (Muscovite) historians have been trying to say for years. A Slavicised Finnic, then later, Mongolized offshoot. Kyiv was a developed cultured capital when Moscow was just another swamp village.

Germany used to call itself the Holy Roman Empire, that didn’t mean they became the Romans, and all of a sudden had a right to claim whole of Italy and its history, but yet, that’s exactly what Russia (Muscovy) did in regards to Rus'–Ukraine, which is a horrible injustice!

Peter - 27.09.2023 15:51

I stand for peace and would like the war to stop for both side
I thought COVID was bad for misinformation but this video shows that the Ukrainian war is as bad if not worse. The stuff that didn't even get talked about a really biased problem.

Big Toni, The Great Jamboni
Big Toni, The Great Jamboni - 27.09.2023 06:53

Typical ukranian crybaby

Cape Buffalo
Cape Buffalo - 27.09.2023 03:32

History has proven otherwise. The country with the stronger military make the rules and there's no exceptions to it. There are no good guys

Jim Dale
Jim Dale - 24.09.2023 13:59

Thanks John .
Like normal you are right.

Jim Enigma
Jim Enigma - 23.09.2023 22:25

Total nonsense … talk about propaganda … lol total opposite

Tibbitts - 23.09.2023 01:58

You, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and so so many others are the reason I haven't gone completely insane. Please keep doing what you do.

Darth Mortus
Darth Mortus - 22.09.2023 16:22

BS, Russia is at fault for the war because they invaded, they had great reasons to be furious and concerned but they should have found another way to solve them than killing. That is not to say their actions are not motivated by some very understandable reasons. At least you recognize the role of NATO encroachment on all this, I give you props for that. But you also perpetuate two great falsehoods.

The major one is that his war is not about protecting the Russians and people who prefer Russia to the illegitimate government in Kiev. And maybe it isn't, I don't have a bug in Putin's office I don't know. But just as likely it is about this, and it should be about this. The rights of pro-Russians were attacked the moment the junta took power in 2014 by attacking their long established language rights. And then when people rose up against the coup government they were mercilessly attacked and shelled, both by government forces and literal fascist paramilitaries. Many were abused and killed for their supposed Russian sentiments. Even Western organizations like Amnesty International have decried these crimes but we hear nothing about this. Because it is never about actual victims, just who the US wants to support and highlight. Only they are reported on and worthy of sympathy.

The more minor one is this idea that Putin doesn't believe Ukraine is a legitimate nation or that Ukrainians are a real people. That is nonsense. People point to his article in the summer of 2021 (I think) as proof of this. But I urge anyone reading this to read said "incriminating" article and you will see he says he regrets that Ukrainians developed into a distinct people from Russians, BUT he accepts this reality. He knows you can't put that genie back in the bottle.

I do appreciate you have put in some objectivity into this, but you can always do better.

apache - 20.09.2023 19:54

Dont listen to this idiot. Just go on the UN news articles back before 2014 and there you can read the reports of ukrainians killing ukrainians(ethnic russians).. im surprised russia didnt go in sooner but its likely they had to prepare for thr economic sanctions they new were coming

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 17.09.2023 22:52

This war could of been avoided and all the bloodshed if only Ukraine said it will not join the EU and NATO so they brought this apon them selfs idiots.

ERSCTSA - 15.09.2023 20:57

What? The war 'Ukraine started'. Oh, of course, my memory fails me. I was there. At the border. I saw Ukrainian armor and forces cross the border into russia. The russians were caught by surprise - horrified and threatened. The russians resisted as much as they could with the resources they had, but, the superior forces of Ukrnaine overwhelmed the poor russian army/navy/airforce. Then! The russians fought back! Hard! Ukraine was surprised and angered by such insolence from a 'lesser' people than UKRAINIANS. Ukraine then used cluster and thermobaric munitions on the poor russians. Still the russians resisted, and continue to resist....................and then I woke up to reality.

Levchun Oleksandra
Levchun Oleksandra - 15.09.2023 00:51

Thank you very much from Ukraine 💙💛

Devil & angel
Devil & angel - 14.09.2023 18:23

Thank you from Ukraine!!❤

kvndreamteam - 13.09.2023 05:21

Zelensky is Jewish only because of his ancestors, but he was BORN in Ukraine; so, how come his presidency is questioned by some people?

Erik Alapää
Erik Alapää - 12.09.2023 15:20

You should have covered a lot of key issues, such as the roots of Russia and Ukraine in Kiev RUS, Stefan Bandera's atrocities as an SS officer, the Russophobic language law, the coup d'etat led by Victoria Nuland, the split of the Russian-Ukrainian church instigated by bishops from the US, and much more.

HB Bos
HB Bos - 11.09.2023 00:17

Glory to the heroes!

Scifi Streamio
Scifi Streamio - 10.09.2023 09:13

You very cunningly left out the reason why Russia went to war, how USA, I mean NATO started hoarding weapons near Russian borders. How Ukraine suddenly needed 35 billion dollars for petroleum and gas pipelines. Russia repeatedly vocalised concern since 2014. How USA repeatedly USA had abused UNO article 7 in the past. There's a lot more that can be said. But no, you here to spread the "truth".

Stars & Night Vision
Stars & Night Vision - 09.09.2023 10:14

NATO broke a promise by creeping up to Russia's border, it's literally in the city of Vyborg now. Ukraine's biolabs funded/run by the Bidens isn't helping either.

ragnorock cookie
ragnorock cookie - 09.09.2023 00:44

That's the problem when you have a person who has not been taken down from political power. Seriously he's been a leader for way too long and his ego is out of control And I'm pretty sure the memes about him during the 2011 made his ego go out of control. But I'm not sure that's just a theory. Seriously if you have a political leader that is been in power for way too long it's a pretty good idea to only have them on power for a short. Of time or limited time. Maybe about 12 years Max or 8 years. Because when people have political power they forget the problems of the world and disassociate themselves from humanity

Анна - 07.09.2023 21:51

“Ukraine” in Ukrainian means: u (in) kraina (country). Border country as was said is narrative that russians created. Don’t get confused

Dee Smith
Dee Smith - 05.09.2023 15:38

Historical references aside, if you were watching the shale gas/Hunter Biden fiasco and the Maidan Uprising, you probably know it was the USA NGO the National Endowment for Democracy that financed the overthrow of Victor Yanukovych with the five billion dollars funnelled to the dissidents. That was the starting point.

Eli's Cerebral Recycling Bin
Eli's Cerebral Recycling Bin - 05.09.2023 11:49

Cool thanks

Iryna Ірина
Iryna Ірина - 03.09.2023 14:34

thank you for your work. it is very important for Ukrainians and for the people of the world. since 02/24/2022, I am a woman who is an internally displaced person (IDP) who saved her child at the beginning of the war. your videos help foreigners understand the realities of our present and block russian propaganda. Thank you❤😊

Арсен Лавриненко
Арсен Лавриненко - 03.09.2023 14:14

As a Ukrainian, I would like to thank you for the fairly accurate information related to the coverage of Ukraine's history.

Фёдор Лосевский
Фёдор Лосевский - 02.09.2023 04:49


Josgha - 24.08.2023 01:34

A sad and pessimistic view of history is that if a country cannot defend itself, then the country won't exist, for better or for worse. The good news is that Ukraine is still standing and defending itself to this day despite tremendous loss and casualties

Vincent Sibanda
Vincent Sibanda - 19.08.2023 11:49

Your facts are full of propaganda

Jayeson Vance
Jayeson Vance - 15.08.2023 22:33

This is a brilliant and balanced message and I am highly grateful for your kind and intelligent words.

Robert Hernandez
Robert Hernandez - 12.08.2023 23:09

A very well done summary.
I had to play it at 1.5x because I expected the younger Mr. Green who taught me history and love the Huns.

WLK - 12.08.2023 19:27

Sure, Putin went to occupy Ukraine with only 200 000 soldiers. That must be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Hitler send over a million soldiers into Poland and Ukraine. You don't invade a country the size of Ukraine with 200 000 soldiers.

kad event
kad event - 11.08.2023 21:09


DEMIRO - 08.08.2023 17:42

In wars, there are no winners. Only stupid idea or mistaken belief prevails

Jad Rizkallah
Jad Rizkallah - 07.08.2023 19:55

I am from Ukraine, but i agree with Vladimir Putins stance against Ukraine. There is alot of corruption, and occupied land in Ukraine, mostly at our borders with Russia people are oppressed and forced out of their house even killed. But that doesnt make it to mainstream news. I think thats what putin is trying to fight. Right?

Hobi's Tiny Heart Bag
Hobi's Tiny Heart Bag - 02.08.2023 22:16

I haven't watch the video yet but ISTG John if it's tuberculosis I'm losing it.
