Magellanic Clouds (and Apollo 16) - Deep Sky Videos

Magellanic Clouds (and Apollo 16) - Deep Sky Videos


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@cemoguz2786 - 20.04.2023 18:23

Do you know what would be cool is ground base 30 meter telescope on the moon. If we combine all the military budgets and man power together we build it in 10 years.

@Adrian-yf1zg - 16.01.2020 23:12

Why are sephide star different in different galaxies, yet can be used as standard candles. For example the one hubble found in andromeda.

If it wasn't "standard" candle how could it be used to measure distance?

@kevinbrislawn5918 - 14.01.2020 04:19

I can see these clouds in Arizona.

@kidmohair8151 - 28.01.2019 04:28

living on a planet in the Magellanic clouds
what a night sky

@sinamehdizadeh1433 - 09.11.2018 14:56

I think he ment to say M32
M32 is Andromeda's satelite.

@Philrc - 01.04.2018 00:27

the explorer 's name is actually Magalhães

@wyldeman0O7 - 04.04.2017 23:38

lol i thought they were called that because they circled the galaxy 😂

@blitherbox7467 - 25.01.2015 22:58

Han, Chewy and Luke are all dead only R2-D2 remains at large.

@khandmo - 24.01.2015 03:31

Trust me, I believe in the moon landings ALOT but.. how did the camera pan up when the command module detached? I didn't think they had the technology to roboticly do that in 1972. Can anybody explain?

@coecovideo - 03.09.2014 00:12


@TheSymphonyOfScience - 22.06.2014 18:14

I somehow love more the science popularizers than the ''hard scientists'' ....I can't help it...:D...

@mikhailman - 04.02.2014 01:33

god damn clouds. sitting here with my Celestron EdgeHD 1100 not being able to look at the night sky... The urge is killing me.. oh well. at least I've got channels like this one to watch.. thanks DeepSkyVideos!

@abpccpba - 06.01.2014 00:29

Thank Great Video. You style of presentation is great.

@pepit00100 - 05.01.2014 17:14

Great video!
By the way, what happened to Messier series?

@djannias - 31.12.2013 12:03

Thank you for sharing, this is a beautiful video and great reflection on our galactic neighborhood :D

@Neueregel - 30.12.2013 01:54

M33 is not companion of Andromeda(M31) !! But small ones M32 and M110 are. M33 is huge and far away from Andromeda, almost as far away as Andromeda is to our galaxy.

@SwedebearSe67 - 25.12.2013 12:08

If I could somehow travel up from the Milkyway disk and see it from above, would I the see that bright, beautiful, swirling thing that I see in 3D-animations, or is that just an enhanced version to make it look better on screen?

@MrMartinhedin - 11.12.2013 20:24

If the clouds have elliptical orbits, and will be fused with the milky way in the future, how big orbits are we talking about? How many lightyears wide? How long does it take to complete one orbit? How many orbits will it take until they will fuse with the Milky Way? 10? 100? 1000?

@theonlyari - 10.12.2013 08:06

So, if hydrogen and helium are the primary fuels in a star... what makes one hotter than another? i can burn a sparkler and, although its small, it still burns at many thousands of degrees... why would a small star not burn at the same temperature as a larger star?

@KazimirQ7G - 08.12.2013 22:13

Nice video, Brady!
I understood that LMC and SMC are going to merge with Milky Way in a far future, but in the 'near' cosmological future, they will orbit in a eliptical pattern like a comet.
And how about the Andromeda galaxy? Is it coming directly toward us or we are in a dance around a common center-mass region?

@dawsonoo7 - 08.12.2013 15:18

Always great to see more deepskyvids ! - Brady, I was wondering if you could do a video at one point about the famous "wow signal" and what the profs can tell us about it and it's location, and personal thoughts, I'd love to see something like that! Cheers!

@mkirefu - 08.12.2013 02:49

was this shown because scishow missed up there intro??????

@completelymindfucked - 07.12.2013 21:36

in portuguese: Nuvens de Magalhães

@PhilAEG - 07.12.2013 20:58

BIS Spaceflight magazine January 2014 has an article on the First Telescope on the Moon (pages 18 & 19)

@chichangwu - 07.12.2013 18:32

the view of the night sky must be stunning if earth was in the LMC

@zhubajie6940 - 07.12.2013 14:59

Great Job. A very neglected part of astronomy books and documentaries today, or in the past for that matter. We hear a lot about exo-solar planets or the edge of the observable universe, even M31, but rarely the Magellanic Clouds and their kind. Learned they're light in metals (in the astronomical sense) today. That's great something new.
PS I don't remember if you had a comprehensive video specifically on the ladder of measuring the universe (from measuring the earth's diameter all the way to Hubble's constant or maybe there are more above and below if there is any). If not may be a good idea. I think you did one on Venus's transit and possibly on Cepheids but one comprehensive video from smallest to largest scales.

@jdgrahamo - 07.12.2013 13:07

The Apollo footage took me back. Such a shame we didn't carry on with lunar missions -- we could have a base set up there now.
I didn't know that the Magellanic Clouds were destined to join us, or that there was a telescope on the moon. Thanks, Brady.

@Dragon_88 - 07.12.2013 09:56

I think i have a question. I've noticed that things tend to orbit other things in our universe. I didn't know that smaller galaxies orbited larger galaxies. So if the Moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy, There are smaller Galaxies Orbiting our own and others.

So the question is could the Galaxies be orbiting a central point in the Universe rather than exploding away from a central point?

Could our Galaxy and others be drifting away from the central point which has sent everything at different velocities until we reach a point of orbit around it?

@onecanina - 07.12.2013 07:12

Another great video Brady!!!!

@AttemptingToBeBusy - 07.12.2013 05:46

What would the view of the Milky Way look like from the Magellanic Clouds?

@Kevy_G - 07.12.2013 03:55

Great video! ill be doing a bunch of awesome stuff with LMC data for my PhD :D

@SuperFinGuy - 07.12.2013 02:24

Not interstellar gas, it is interstellar plasma.

@yuriyolean8504 - 07.12.2013 02:08

Never knew about the telescope on the Apollo mission. Thanx

@davidsweeney111 - 07.12.2013 01:15

Paul is a Professor of Astrophysics in the astrophysics group and the Director of Teaching for the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Sheffield, UK.  His primary research interests involve studies of Massive Stars in the Milky Way and other star-forming galaxies,

@Duncan_Idaho_Potato - 07.12.2013 01:01

I never knew Yosemite Sam flew on Apollo 16. You learn all kinds of things from these videos.

@3m0rta1 - 07.12.2013 00:18

I am awaiting the day you look so far out there that you find ;  out how similar it is too zoom into the tiny space where the vibrations of atoms are In the here and now ; out how linear time can be in the past or future of science. But more importantly can we speak of the hear and now ^.^

@jancheck - 06.12.2013 23:25

Can someone please explain to me the last clip where the camera pans the launch from the lunar lander. How did we get the film from that camera when the entire Apollo crew was already flying home. Surely there was no digital media back then. And how come the camera was in such sync with the launch, looks like someone was rotating it. Great video btw! And i'm not a conspiracy-theorist, but i was totally confused when i saw that clip...

@MrRanderas - 06.12.2013 22:57

I dont know why but I always feel like playing KSP after watching DeepSkyVideos.....

@troyadams19 - 06.12.2013 22:35

Man, can only dream what our galaxy might look like from the Magellanic Clouds.

@dinosshanthiagarajah2196 - 06.12.2013 22:34

Numberphile really have to make more videos per week!!

@pjibbons - 06.12.2013 22:22

This is the first I've even heard of the Magellanic Stream... sweet!

@fritspas - 06.12.2013 22:13

